
LIF regulates CXCL9 in tumor-associated macrophages and prevents CD8+ T cell tumor-infiltration impairing anti-PD1 therapy.

Cancer response to immunotherapy depends on the infiltration of CD8+ T cells and the presence of tumor-associated macrophages within tumors. Still, little is known about the determinants of these factors.

Cancer, Cancer microenvironment. Cáncer, microambiente del cáncer

Enfermedades frecuentes del tiroides en la infancia.

Se ha observado que existen alteraciones tiroideas en edades tempranas, que si se hace un seguimiento de las hormonas tiroideas a lo largo de la infancia se pueden paliar posibles efectos dañinos, prevenir el desarrollo de alteraciones endocrinológicas y evitar posibles secuelas.

Tiroxina, Función tiroidea, Desarrollo psicomotor, Tiroiditis, Bocio. Thyroxine, Thyroid function, Psychomotor development, Thyroiditis, Goiter.

Grandes cantidades de ácido fólico demostrado para promover el crecimiento de cáncer de mama en ratas.

En una investigación reciente se ha observado que los suplementos de ácido fólico en niveles consumidos por pacientes con cáncer de mama y sobrevivientes en América del Norte promovieron el crecimiento del cáncer de mama existente en ratas. El papel del ácido fólico sobre el cáncer de mama es un tema muy controvertido ya que hay estudios que sugieren que grandes cantidades de ácido fólico pueden aumentar el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer de mama.

Ácido fólico, cáncer mama. Folic acid, breast cancer.

Una bacteria traicionera.

Nuestro interior está colonizado de bacterias, algunas inocuas, otras beneficiosas y otras causan enfermedades. Hoy en día se sabe que la Streptococcus pneumoniae, son bacterias oportunistas que pueden cambiar de bando con suma rapidez.

Sistema inmune, s.pneumoniae, bacteria, patología respiratoria. Immune system, s.pneumoniae, bacteria, respiratory pathology.

Células inmunes que mantienen los hongos intestinales identificados bajo control.

Las células inmunes que procesan los alimentos y los antígenos bacterianos en los intestinos controlan la población intestinal de hongos, según un nuevo estudio de científicos de Weill Cornell Medicine. Los defectos en las capacidades de lucha contra hongos de estas células pueden contribuir a algunos casos de la enfermedad de Crohn y otras formas de enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII).

Microbiota, enfermedad intestinal inflamatoria, hongos, enfermedad de Crohn, sistema inmune. Microbiota, inflammatory bowel disease, fungi, Crohn's disease, immune system.

La comida rápida hace que el sistema inmune sea más agresivo a largo plazo.

La reacción del sistema inmune ante una dieta alta en grasas y alta en calorías es similar en cuanto una infección bacteriana, ya que la comida no saludable genera una respuesta más agresiva del cuerpo a largo plazo.

Sistema inmune, infección bacteriana, comida saludable, grasas, calorías. Immune system, bacterial infection, healthy food, fats, calories.

Estrés y su influencia metabólica.

Cuando un paciente padece un stress fisiológico aumenta la norepinefrina cerebral y por esto aumenta el cortisol adrenal. Estas dos hormonas son glucogenolíticas y lipolíticas, por ellas aumenta la glucosa, los ácidos grasos (AGNE), el agua y la sal en el plasma. Como respuesta compensatoria, aumenta la insulina, gran protagonista de la “inflamación silenciosa”.

Estrés, metabolismo, leptina, hipotiroidismo subclínico, serotonina, insulinorresistencia. Stress, metabolism, leptin, subclinical hypothyroidism, serotonin, insulin resistance.

El impacto sobre la expresión de los genes de la alimentación materna durante la gestación.

En ratas la suplementación con aminoácidos en etapa perinatal provoca que las ratas machos sean más delgaditas de adultas y las ratas hembras mucho más gordas. Misma dieta, misma vida; sólo cambia suplementación de aminoácidos.

Alimentación materna, expresión de los genes, genoma, metilación. Maternal nutrition, gene expression, genome, methylation.

Revisión sistemática: disbiosis intestinal humana inducida por medicamentos recetados no antibióticos.

La microbiota del intestino, que juega un papel fundamental en el estado de salud, puede verse alterada por un desequilibrio en ella debido a distintos medicamentos. Los más conocidos son los antibióticos, pero otros como los antipsicóticos se han asociado con una disminución en la proporción de Bacteroidetes, y/o un aumento de bacterias de la familia de Gammaproteobacteria y Enterococcaceae.

Antibióticos, medicamentos, disbiosis intestinal, intestino. Antibiotics, drugs, intestinal dysbiosis, intestine.

Endotoxina y otros marcadores microbianos de la translocación en la sangre: una pista para entender el síndrome del intestino permeable.

La presencia de endotoxinas en plasma puede considerarse como un marcador de translocación microbiana (BT), donde existe el paso de bacterias desde la luz intestinal a través de los ganglios linfáticos mesentéricos y otros. La disbiosis intestinal y SIBO, pueden influir a la filtración del intestino y la BT.

Endotoxina; ADN bacteriano; Peptidoglicano; Flagelina; Ácido lipoteicoico; (1 → 3) -β-D-glucano; Translocación microbiana; Intestino permeable; Receptores tipo Toll. Endotoxin; Bacterial DNA; Peptidoglycan; Flagellin; Lipoteicoic acid; (1 → 3) -β-D-glucan; Microbial translocation; Leaky gut; Toll-like receivers.

Adherence to the Mediterranean diet is inversely associated with metabolic syndrome occurrence: a meta-analysis of observational studies.

Dieta mediterránea, síndrome metabólico, circunferencia de la cintura, presión arterial, triglicéridos séricos, metanálisis. Mediterranean diet, metabolic syndrome, waist circumference, blood pressure, serum triglycerides, meta-analyzes.

Nutrición y síndrome metabólico.

Tanto el SM como sus componentes individuales se asocian a un alto riesgo de desarrollar enfermedad cardiovascular. La modificación de los hábitos dietéticos, el estilo de vida y el ejercicio físico son las estrategias que han demostrado eficacia en la prevención y tratamiento de este síndrome tanto de forma general como en sus componentes aislados. La obesidad es el factor de riesgo independiente más importante para el desarrollo de DM, por lo tanto, hay que priorizar la disminución ponderal para el tratamiento y control de este síndrome.

Síndrome metabólico. Diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Resistencia insulínica. Dislipemia. Hipertrigliceridemia. Hipertensión. Obesidad. Dieta. Metabolic syndrome. Type 2 diabetes mellitus. Insulin resistance. Dyslipidemia. Hypertriglyceridemia. Hypertension. Obesity. Diet.

Efectos protectores de la dieta mediterránea sobre la diabetes tipo 2 y el síndrome metabólico.

Abundante evidencia epidemiológica y de ensayos clínicos respalda el papel de la dieta Mediterránea (Med Diet) en la prevención de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 (DM2) y el sindrome metabólico (SMet) . La abundancia de alimentos saludables y ricos en nutrientes que componen la MedDiet predice su bioactividad y su potencial para influir beneficiosamente en las vías metabólicas del SMet y la DM2, así como desórdenes cardiovasculares y otras enfermedades crónicas.

Dieta mediterránea, diabetes, síndrome metabólico, componentes del síndrome metabólico, enfermedad cardiovascular. Mediterranean diet, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, components of metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease.

Association Between Changes in Thyroid Hormones and Incident Type 2 Diabetes: A Seven-Year Longitudinal Study.

Durante mucho tiempo se ha reconocido que las hormonas tiroideas son importantes mediadores de la homeostasis de la glucosa. Las hormonas tiroideas pueden modificar los niveles de insulina circulante y controlar la absorción intestinal de glucosa, gluconeogénesis hepática y captación de glucosa periférica.

Diabetes, tiroides, hormonas, hiperglucemia, tipo 2, tiroideas. Diabetes, thyroid, hormones, hyperglycemia, type 2, thyroid.

Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin and the Metabolic Syndrome.

El síndrome metabólico incorpora un conjunto de signos y síntomas clínicos que incluyen glucosa en sangre elevada, obesidad central, aumento presión arterial y colesterol HDL anormal o niveles de triglicéridos que están asociados colectivamente con mayor riesgo de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 y enfermedad cardiovascular.

Testosterona, Estrógeno, Enfermedad cardiovascular, Diabetes tipo 2, Sexual globulina fijadora de hormonas, Síndrome metabólico, Factor nuclear hepatocito4α (HNF4α), Ovoalbúmina, Promotor-TF1 (COUP-TF1), Polimorfismo genético Biomarcador. Testosterone, Estrogen, Cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, Sexual hormone-binding globulin, Metabolic syndrome, Nuclear factor hepatocyte4α (HNF4α), Ovalbumin, Promoter-TF1 (COUP-TF1), Biomarker genetic polymorphism.

Permeabilidad intestinal como una señal de peligro para enfermedades autoinmunes.

El epitelio intestinal, junto con algunos otros factores como mucinas, moléculas antimicrobianas, inmunoglobulinas y citoquinas, forma una barrera protectora contra posibles huéspedes patógenos (antígenos exteriores, incluidos antígenos alimentarios, bacterias comensales, patógenos y toxinas). La permeabilidad intestinal, va a implicar que parte de estas sustancias patógenas puedan atravesar la barrera intestinal hacia el torrente sanguíneo provocando sintomatología diversa o incluso contribuyendo a desarrollar alguna enfermedad autoinmune (EII, celiaquía, hepatitis autoinmune, diabetes tipo 1, etc.), sobre todo en aquellas personas con mayor predisposición genética. A este fenómeno se le conoce como “intestino permeable”.

Enfermedad autoinmune, permeabilidad intestinal, microbiota intestinal, flora intestinal, sistema inmune, traslocación bacteriana. Autoimmune disease, intestinal permeability, intestinal microbiota, intestinal flora, immune system, bacterial translocation.

Dysbiosis Contributes to Arthritis Development via Activation of Autoreactive T Cells in the Intestine.

La artritis reumatoide es una enfermedad autoinmune común caracterizada por sinovitis crónica y progresiva destrucción de cartílago y hueso en múltiples articulaciones. En los últimos años, ha habido un rápido progreso en el tratamiento de esta patología, con avances en la comprensión de las vías moleculares involucradas. Sin embargo, la etiología no se entiende completamente.

Disbiosis, artritis, células T, intestino delgado. Dysbiosis, arthritis, T cells, small intestine.

Efecto de los polioles en la nutrición y sus aplicaciones en la industria alimentaria.

Los polioles son hidratos de carbono hidrogenados, utilizados como sustitutos de azúcar, debido a su sabor dulce y a su bajo poder calórico. El objetivo de esta revisión fue identificar y sintetizar los efectos que Maltitol, Isomaltitol, Sorbitol, Manitol, Lactitol,

Poliol, Sacarosa, Sustituto de sacarosa, Eritritol, Xilitol, Sorbitol, Manitol; Maltitol, Isomalt, Lactitol, Salud, Índice glucémico, Caries, Colon. Polyol, Sucrose, Sucrose Substitute, Erythritol, Xylitol, Sorbitol, Mannitol; Maltitol, Isomalt, Lactitol, Health, Glycemic Index, Caries, Colon.

Dime que comes : top ten de frases con las que increpar a un nutricionista.

Tenemos un top-ten de cosas para decir cuando hay un vegetariano en la sala. Hoy toca el top-ten de las frases de los personajes que suelen increparte en cualquier situación social en cuanto se enteran de que eres nutricionista (si eres nutricionista y vegetariano, ya te conviertes en la alegría de la fiesta).

Dime que comes : top ten de frases con las que increpar a un nutricionista.

Manifestaciones cutáneas de la giardiasis, sobredimensión de un problema de salud.

Demostrada la sobredimensión de la giardiasis como causa de lesiones dermatológicas, se hace necesario incursionar en la exploración de los conocimientos, percepciones y prácticas de los médicos relacionados con el diagnóstico, tratamiento y control de la giardiasis.

Giardiasis, Giardia lamblia, manifestaciones cutáneas, sobredimensión. Giardiasis, Giardia lamblia, cutaneous manifestations, oversize.

Riesgos reales de los ácidos grasos saturados provenientes de alimentos de origen vegetal: aceites de palma y de coco.

Me gustaría iniciar un nuevo debate desde otra perspectiva en cuanto a los aceites de palma y de coco, ya que si a nivel molecular vamos un paso más adelante, y no observamos sólo los ácidos grasos, sino que observamos su comportamiento en relación a la expresión genética (nutrigenómica), encontramos ciertas interacciones en salud que nos pueden beneficiar o perjudicar en función de la individualidad de la persona.

Aceite palma, coco, ácidos grasos saturados, polifenoles. Palm oil, coconut, saturated fatty acids, polyphenols

Influence of proton pump inhibitors and other commonly used medication on the gut microbiota.

El uso de Inhibidores de la Bomba de Protones (IBP), que se encuentran entre los medicamentos más usados en todo el mundo, se ha asociado con un mayor riesgo de infecciones entéricas causadas por Clostridium difficile, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp. y Campylobacter spp.

Microbiota intestinal, medicamentos, inhibidores de la bomba de protones. Gut microbiota, medications, proton pump inhibitors.

Nutrigenómica. Interacciones gen-dieta y sus implicaciones en la práctica clínica.

La nutrigenómica representa la unión de dos áreas de la ciencia esenciales para la salud: La genómica y la nutrición. Aunque cada una de ellas por separado ha tenido éxito en resolver problemas “singulares” (ej. las bases genéticas de las enfermedades monogénicas, las deficiencias vitamínicas), a la hora de abordar las enfermedades comunes que azotan a la sociedad, estas disciplinas deben apoyarse la una en la otra para conducirnos a la medicina preventiva personalizada que se anticipa como la medicina del futuro.

Alimentación, Nutrición y Dietética, Genómica. Food, Nutrition and Dietetics, Genomics.

Del edema de médula ósea a la osteonecrosis. Nuevos conceptos

El uso generalizado de la resonancia magnética (RM) en el diagnóstico de la enfermedad articular ha permitido conocer mejor una serie de trastornos que cursan con edema óseo epifisario como signo radiológico principal, caracterizado por una hiposeñal de la médula ósea en secuencias T1 e hiperseñal en STIR o saturación grasa T2.

Osteonecrosis, Necrosis avascular, Síndrome del edema óseo transitorio de médula ósea, Fracturas de insuficiencia, Síndrome del dolor regional complejo tipo I. Osteonecrosis, Avascular necrosis, Transient bone marrow edema syndrome, Failure fractures, Complex regional pain syndrome type I.

Interactions between Gut Microbiota, Host Genetics and Diet Modulate the Predisposition to Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome.

La obesidad, la diabetes y el síndrome metabólico son el resultado de interacciones complejas entre factores genéticos y ambientales, incluida la microbiota intestinal. Para diseccionar estas interacciones, utilizamos tres variedades endogámicas comúnmente utilizadas de ratones C57Bl / 6J propensos a la obesidad / diabetes, 129S1 / SvImJ resistente a la obesidad / diabetes del Laboratorio Jackson, y 129S6 / SvEvTac propensas a la obesidad pero resistentes a la diabetes.

Diabetes, hepatosteatosis, resistencia a la insulina, microbiota, genética del ratón. Diabetes, hepatosteatosis, insulin resistance, microbiota, mouse genetics.

Signos corporales (semiología médica).

A continuación presentaremos los signos corporales a los que hay que estar atento para valorar el estado de salud. Es importante aprender a “escuchar” lo que nuestro cuerpo nos dice y saber ponerle remedio antes de que sea demasiado difícil hacerlo. Sólo hay que observar y comparar nuestro organismo con el que sería un organismo óptimo: ningún dolor, nada de cansancio, estado anímico alegre, vitalidad, buena calidad del sueño, etc.

Signos corporales, lengua, cabeza, rostro, orejas, manos, ojos, estudio de las heces, salud. Body signs, tongue, head, face, ears, hands, eyes, stool study, health

Promoting Health and Longevity through Diet: From Model Organisms to Humans.

Reduced food intake, avoiding malnutrition, can ameliorate aging and aging-associated diseases in invertebrate model organisms, rodents, primates, and humans. Recent findings indicate that meal timing is crucial, with both intermittent fasting and adjusted diurnal rhythm of feeding improving health and function, in the absence of changes in overall intake.

Dieta, longevidad, envejecimiento, nutrientes, proteínas y aminoácidos, microbioma intestinal, salud. Diet, longevity, aging, nutrients, proteins and amino acids, intestinal microbiome, health.

Consumo de suplementos proteicos y proteinuria en usuarios de un Centro Deportivo.

Los usuarios de gimnasios y centros deportivos acompañan el ejercicio físico con modificaciones en la dieta y el consumo de suplementos nutricionales, destacando los suplementos de proteínas. El objetivo de este estudio es determinar el consumo de suplementos proteicos entre los usuarios de un centro deportivo y la presencia de proteinuria en estos consumidores.

Suplementos nutricionales, proteínas, proteinuria, centros deportivos. Nutritional supplements, proteins, proteinuria, sports centers.

Efectos de los suplementos de proteína y aminoácidos de cadena ramificada en entrenamiento de fuerza: revisión bibliográfica.

Los suplementos de proteína y aminoácidos de cadena ramificada (BCAAs) son consumidos por la población buscando una serie de efectos fisiológicos y metabólicos sobre el rendimiento y recuperación, entre otros. Objetivo: Revisar las publicaciones más recientes que estudien los efectos del consumo de suplementos de proteína y BCAAs en entrenamiento de fuerza en diferentes parámetros fisiológicos y metabólicos.

Aminoácidos, ramificados; Proteína de suero; Suplementos dietéticos, Entrenamiento de fuerza; Fatiga; Composición corporal. Branched chain amino acids; Whey protein; Dietary supplements, Training force; Fatigue; Body composition.

Artrosis de rodilla: factores modificables y no modificables.

La artrosis de rodilla es una patología degenerativa del cartílago articular, con posterior deterioro de las demás estructuras sinovio-articulares, que afecta aproximadamente al 9,6% de hombres y al 18% de mujeres mayores de 60 años. Su verdadera etiología no es del todo clara. Por este motivo, se expuso los factores de riesgo asociados a su desarrollo, siendo estos del tipo modificable o no modificable. Mediante búsqueda bibliográfica se determinó que dentro de los factores modificables influyentes se encuentran la obesidad y el trabajo mecánico, principalmente.

Artrosis de rodilla, cartílago articular, factores modificables, factores no modificables. Knee osteoarthritis, articular cartilage, modifiable factors, non-modifiable factors.

Hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, and kidney stones in long-term studies of vitamin D supplementation: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Los suplementos de vitamina D se usan cada vez más en dosis más altas en ensayos controlados aleatorios (ECA). Sin embargo, los eventos adversos de dosis anuales muy grandes de vitamina D se han demostrado en 2 ECA, mientras que en un tercer ECA, la dosis baja de vitamina D con suplementos de calcio ha demostrado aumentar el riesgo de cálculos renales.

Hipercalcemia, hipercalciuria, cálculos renales, ensayos controlados aleatorios, suplementos de vitamina D. Hypercalcemia, hypercalciuria, kidney stones, randomized controlled trials, vitamin D supplementation.

Regulation of uric acid metabolism and excretion.

Purines perform many important functions in the cell, being the formation of the monomeric precursors of nucleic acids DNA and RNA themost relevant one. Purineswhich also contribute to modulate energy metabolism and signal transduction, are structural components of some coenzymes and have been shown to play important roles in the physiology of platelets, muscles and neurotransmission.

Metabolismo de purina, Formación de ácido úrico, Xantina oxidasa. Purine metabolism, Uric acid formation, Xanthine oxidase.

Food-Based interventions to Modify Diet Quality and Diversity to Address Multiple Micronutrient Deficiency.

Los datos mundiales indican una alta prevalencia de hambre oculta entre la población. Las deficiencias de ciertos micronutrientes como el ácido fólico, el hierro, el yodo y la vitamina A tiene efectos duraderos en el crecimiento y en el desarrollo y, por lo tanto, han sido una prioridad nacional durante muchas décadas.

Diversidad dietética, micronutrientes, sinergia alimentaria, calidad de la dieta, países en desarrollo. Dietary diversity, micronutrients, food synergy, diet quality, countries in developing.

Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals and Endometrial Cancer: An Overview of Recent Laboratory Evidence and Epidemiological Studies.

Although exposure to endocrine disruptor compounds (EDCs) has been suggested as a contributing factor to a range of women’s health disorders including infertility, polycystic ovaries and the early onset of puberty, considerable challenges remain in attributing cause and effect on gynaecological cancer.

Disruptores endocrinos; cáncer endometrial; El bisfenol A; bifenilos policlorados; dioxina; cadmio. Endocrine disruptors; endometrial cancer; Bisphenol A; PCBs; dioxin; cadmium.

The etiopathogenesis of uterine fibromatosis.

Uterine fibroids or uterine leiomyomas are the most common benign tumors of the uterus among women of fertile age, while the etiology is still incompletely elucidated. The occurrence and development of the fibromatosis may be related to certain risk factors and genic mechanisms, although the exact causes are not yet fully known.

Fibromatosis uterina, fibromas uterinos, leiomiomas uterinos, tumores benignos. Uterine fibromatosis, uterine fibroids, uterine leiomyomas, benign tumors.

Estrogen receptor alpha (α) and beta (β) in health and disease.

Estrogen receptors alpha (ERα) and beta (ERβ) are transcription factors that are involved in the regulation of many complex physiological processes in humans. Abnormal ER signaling leads to development of a variety of diseases, such as cancer, metabolic and cardiovascular disease, neurodegeneration, inflammation, and osteoporosis.

Receptores de estrógeno, Enfermedad metabólica, cáncer. Estrogen receptors, metabolic disease, cancer.

Orthorexic Tendency in Polish Students: Exploring Association with Dietary Patterns, Body Satisfaction and Weight.

Body dissatisfaction is central to clinically diagnosed eating disorders (ED) and seems to be important in causing other non-clinical disorders, including orthorexia nervosa (ON). It can also affect eating behaviors.

Dietary patterns; body satisfaction; orthorexia nervosa; students. Patrones dietéticos; satisfacción corporal; ortorexia nerviosa; estudiantes.

The Influence of Meal Frequency and Timing on Health in Humans: The Role of Fasting.

The influence of meal frequency and timing on health and disease has been a topic of interest for many years. While epidemiological evidence indicates an association between higher meal frequencies and lower disease risk, experimental trials have shown conflicting results.

Time-restricted feeding, fasting meal frequency, meal timing; obesity, cardiovascular health, diabetes. Alimentación restringida en el tiempo, frecuencia de comida tiempo de comida, obesidad, cardiovascular salud, diabetes.

Dermatosis inflamatorias de la vulva (Liquen escleroso, liquen plano y liquen simple crónico) .

La vulva, como el resto de la piel, puede verse afectada por múltiples patologías dermatológicas (dermatosis inflamatorias, infecciones, lesiones tumorales, alteraciones de la pigmentación, síndromes como el dolor crónico, etc.)

Vulva, Liquen escleroso, liquen plano y liquen simple crónico. Vulva, Lichen Sclerosus, Lichen Planus and Chronic Lichen Simplex.

Diet and Inflammatory Bowel Disease.

Patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are increasingly becoming interested in nonpharmacologic approaches to managing their disease. One of the most frequently asked questions of IBD patients is what they should eat.

Low-FODMAP diet, specific carbohydrate diet, anti-inflammatory diet, Paleolithic diet, low-fat diet, high-fat diet, inflammatory bowel disease. Dieta baja en FODMAP, dieta específica en carbohidratos, dieta antiinflamatoria, dieta paleolítica, dieta baja en grasas, dieta alta en grasas, enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal.

The Role of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Reverse Cholesterol Transport: A Review.

The beneficial effects of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 PUFAs) on cardiovascular disease have been studied extensively. However, it remains unclear to what extent n-3 PUFAs may impact Reverse Cholesterol Transport (RCT)

Omega 3; PUFA; n3-PUFA; RCT; Reverse Cholesterol Transport. Omega 3; PUFA; n3-PUFA; ECA; Transporte inverso del colesterol.

Cuando el deporte deja de ser salud: dietas, suplementos y sustancias para aumentar el rendimiento y su relación con el riñón.

El culto por un «cuerpo perfecto» se ha instalado en nuestra sociedad. Entre el 6 y el 10% de los clientes de un gimnasio consumen fármacos y hormonas para elevar el rendimiento1, y en poblaciones seleccionadas, como levantadores de pesas y culturistas, la prevalencia del abuso de estas sustancias es mucho más alta, alcanzando hasta el 44%.

Dietas hiperproteicas, deporte, riñon. Hyperproteic diets, sport, kidney.

Low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet impairs anaerobic exercise performance in exercise-trained women and men: a randomized-sequence crossover trial.

Low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diets cause mild, subclinical systemic acidosis. Anaerobic exercise performance is limited by acidosis. Therefore, we evaluated the hypothesis that a low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet impairs anaerobic exercise performance, as compared to a high-carbohydrate diet.

Athletic performance - Sports nutritional physiological phenomena - Diet, carbohydrate-restricted - Anaerobiosis. Rendimiento deportivo - Fenómenos fisiológicos nutricionales deportivos - Dieta, restringida en carbohidratos - Anaerobiosis.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Skeletal Muscle Health.

Skeletal muscle is a plastic tissue capable of adapting and mal-adapting to physical activity and diet. The response of skeletal muscle to adaptive stimuli, such as exercise, can be modified by the prior nutritional status of the muscle.

Fish oil; omega-3 fatty acids; skeletal muscle; hypertrophy and diabetes. aceite de pescado; ácidos grasos omega-3; músculo esquelético; hipertrofia y diabetes.

Dietary Fructose Reduces Circulating Insulin and Leptin, Attenuates Postprandial Suppression of Ghrelin, and Increases Triglycerides in Women.

Previous studies indicate that leptin secretion is regulated by insulin-mediated glucose metabolism. Because fructose, unlike glucose, does not stimulate insulin secretion, we hypothesized that meals high in fructose would result in lower leptin concentrations than meals containing the same amount of glucose.

Obesity, triglycerides, glucose metabolism, calories, carbohydrates, glucose, diet, hormones, beverages, bodily secretions, energy intake, fructose, hunger, leptin, plasma, postprandial obesidad, triglicéridos, metabolismo de la glucosa, calorías, carbohidratos, glucosa, dieta, hormonas, bebidas, secreciones corporales, ingesta de energía, fructosa, hambre, leptina, plasma, posprandial.

Neurogenetic Impairments of Brain Reward Circuitry Links to Reward Deficiency Syndrome (RDS): Potential Nutrigenomic Induced Dopaminergic Activation.

Work from our laboratory in both in-patient and outpatient facilities utilizing the Comprehensive Analysis of Reported Drugs (CARD)™ found a significant lack of compliance to prescribed treatment medications and a lack of abstinence from drugs of abuse during active recovery.

Cerebro, neuronas, serotonina, neurotransmisores, hipodopaminérgica. Brain, neurons, serotonin, neurotransmitters, hypodopaminergic.

Comparison of the DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet and a higher-fat DASH diet on blood pressure and lipids and lipoproteins: a randomized controlled trial.

The DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) dietary pattern, which is high in fruit, vegetables, and low-fat dairy foods, significantly lowers blood pressure as well as low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol.

DASH diet, lipoproteins, saturated fat, triglyceride,blood pressure, dairy. Dieta DASH, lipoproteínas, grasas saturadas, triglicéridos, presión arterial, lácteos.

Lactase deficiency and intestinal microbiota of patients with asthma.

Intestinal dysbiosis, as a factor contributing to the development of sensitization to conditionally pathogenic flora of the intestines and aggrovates the clinical course of asthma, are paying a lot of attention. All new data suggest an association between food sensitivity and intestinal microflora.

Intestinal dysbiosis, asthma, lactase deficiency . Disbiosis intestinal, asma, deficiencia de lactasa

Interleukin-22 ameliorated renal injury and fibrosis in diabetic nephropathy through inhibition of NLRP3 inflammasome activation.

Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is one of the most lethal complications of diabetes mellitus with metabolic disorders and chronic inflammation. Although the cytokine IL-22 was initially implicated in the pathogenesis of chronic inflammatory diseases, recent studies suggested that IL-22 could suppress inflammatory responses and alleviate tissue injury.

Cell signalling, Diabetic nephropathy, Inflammasome,Interleukins. Señalización celular, Nefropatía diabética, Inflamasoma, Interleucinas.

Genome-wide association study of breakfast skipping links clock regulation with food timing.

Little is known about the contribution of genetic variation to food timing, and breakfast has been determined to exhibit the most heritable meal timing. As breakfast timing and skipping are not routinelymeasured in large cohort studies, alternative approaches include analyses of correlated traits.

Food timing, breakfast, GWAS, chronobiology, circadian clock. cronometraje de alimentos, desayuno, GWAS, cronobiología, circadiano, reloj.

Impact of breakfast skipping compared with dinner skipping on regulation of energy balance and metabolic risk.

We investigated whether the timing of meal skipping impacts these risks by affecting circadian regulation of energy balance, glucose metabolism, and postprandial inflammatory responses.

Energy balance, insulin sensitivity, macronutrient oxidation, meal skipping, meal frequency. Balance energético, sensibilidad a la insulina, macronutriente. oxidación, omisión de comida, frecuencia de comida.

The relationship between chronic kidney disease,

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the important illnesses that several risk factors have been suggested for its incident and progression, including lifestyle, obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, family history of illness, and age more than 60 years.

Chronic kidney disease, Uric acid, Type II diabetes mellitus, Obesity, Metabolic syndrome, Hypertension, Hyperuricemia, Chronic renal failure, Cardiovascular disease. Enfermedad renal crónica, ácido úrico, diabetes mellitus tipo II, obesidad, síndrome metabólico, hipertensión, hiperuricemia, Insuficiencia renal crónica, enfermedad cardiovascular

PFOA and PFOS promote diabetic renal injury in vitro by impairing the metabolisms of amino acids and purines.

Environmental pollutants, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), are common surfactants in various consumer products. Epidemiological studies have demonstrated the association of diabetic kidney diseases with PFOA and PFOS.

PFOA, PFOS, Fibrosis, diabetic kidney disease, Purine metabolism, Aminoacid metabolism. PFOA, PFOS, Fibrosis, enfermedad renal diabética, Metabolismo de la orina, Metabolismo del aminoácido.

Musculoskeletal pain and exercise—challenging existing paradigms and introducing new.

Chronic musculoskeletal pain remains a huge challenge for clinicians and researchers. Exercise interventions are the cornerstone of management for musculoskeletal pain conditions, with the benefits being well-established.1 2 Exact mechanisms underpinning this effect on musculoskeletal pain are currently unclear.

Dolor musculoesquelético crónico , ejercicios. Chronic musculoskeletal pain, exercises

Physiological functions and pathogenic potential of uric acid: A review.

An individual's dietary and supplement strategies can influence markedly their physical performance. Personalized nutrition in athletic populations aims to optimize health, body composition, and exercise performance by targeting dietary recommendations to an individual's genetic profile.

Uric acid,Type 2 cytokines, Arachidonic acid, Schistosomiasis vaccine, Gout Metabolic syndrome. Ácido úrico, citocinas tipo 2, ácido araquidónico, vacuna contra la esquistosomiasis, síndrome metabólico de gota.

Skipping Breakfast Before Exercise Creates a More Negative 24-hour Energy Balance: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Healthy Physically Active Young Men.

Obesity is an escalating global epidemic, and is a consequence of a chronic positive energy imbalance. In addition to reducing calorie intake, regular exercise is a commonly proposed strategy for facilitating weight loss or weight maintenance (1).

Breakfast, carbohydrate; exercise, energy balance; fasting; metabolism; physical activity; substrate metabolism. Desayuno, carbohidratos; ejercicio, balance energético; rápido; metabolismo; actividad física; sustrato metabolismo.

Effects of Diet on Sleep Quality.

There is much emerging information surrounding the impact of sleep duration and quality on food choice and consumption in both children and adults. However, less attention has been paid to the effects of dietary patterns and specific foods on nighttime sleep.

Diet, cherry, kiwi, dairy, carbohydrate, glycemic index, sleep, REM, carbohydrates diet, food, milk, sleep,sleep quality. Dieta, cereza, kiwi, productos lácteos, carbohidratos, índice glucémico, sueño, REM, carbohidratos dieta, alimentos, leche, sueño, calidad del sueño.

Changes in tryptophan and kynurenine pathway metabolites in the blood of children treated with ketogenic diet for refractory epilepsy.

There is growing evidence to support the role of the kynurenine pathway in the anticonvulsant efficacy of ketogenic diets (KDs) in refractory epilepsy. The aim of the present study was to measure blood levels of tryptophan (TRP) and its kynurenine derivatives and correlate them with seizure reduction after starting the KD in children with refractory epilepsy.

Ketogenic diet, Kynurenic acid, Kynurenine Tryptophan, Epilepsy, Neuroprotection. Dieta cetogénica, ácido kinurénico, kynurenina triptófano, epilepsia, neuroprotección.

The glycaemic benefits of a very‐low‐carbohydrate ketogenic diet in adults with Type 1 diabetes mellitus may be opposed by increased hypoglycaemia risk and dyslipidaemia.

This study provides the first evidence that, ketogenic diets in adults with Type 1 diabetes are associated with excellent HbA1c levels and little glycaemic variability, but may also be associated with dyslipidaemia and a high number of hypoglycaemic episodes.

Dieta cetogénica, dieta, carbohidratos, diabetes mellitus tipo 1. Ketogenic diet, diet, carbohydrates, type 1 diabetes mellitus.

The Effectiveness of Different Diet Strategies to Reduce Type 2 Diabetes Risk in Youth.

Type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents has become a prominent clinical issue in recent decades. Increasing numbers of young people have risk factors for type 2 diabetes, particularly obesity, indicating the need for effective type 2 diabetes prevention strategies.

Type 2 diabetes; obesity; prevention; child; adolescent; youth; carbohydrate; diet intervention. Diabetes tipo 2; obesidad; prevención; niño; adolescente; juventud; carbohidrato; intervención dietética.

Insulin resistance and Alzheimer’s disease.

Emerging data demonstrate pivotal roles for brain insulin resistance and insulin deficiency as mediators of cognitive impairment and neurodegeneration, particularly Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Insulin and insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) regulate neuronal survival, energy metabolism, and plasticity, which are required for learning and memory.

Diabetes tipo 2, Alzheimer (EA), insulina. Type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer (EA), insulin.

Clinical and virologic characteristics of chronic active Epstein-Barr virus infection.

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is ubiquitous in humans with most individuals being infected by early adulthood. Primary EBV infection is usually asymptomatic, but sometimes it results in infectious mononucleosis, which resolves spontaneously after the emergence of EBV-specific immunity.1,2 EBV causes chronic infections in apparently immunocompetent hosts.

Virus, Epstein-Barr, Mononucleosis infecciosa. Viruses, Epstein-Barr, Infectious mononucleosis.

The Role of Iodine and Selenium in Autoimmune Thyroiditis.

Chronic high iodine intake has been associated in various studies with increased frequency of autoimmune thyroiditis. In susceptible individuals, iodine excess increases intra-thyroid infiltrating Th17 cells and inhibits T regulatory (TREG) cells development, while it triggers an abnormal expression of tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL) in thyrocytes, thus inducing apoptosis and parenchymal destruction.

Iodine, selenium, autoimmune thyroiditis, TREG cells. Yodo, selenio, tiroiditis autoinmune, células TREG

A concise review of Hashimoto thyroiditis (HT) and the importance of iodine, selenium, vitamin D and gluten on the autoimmunity and dietary management of HT patients.Points that need more investigation.

Hashimoto's thyroiditis (HT) is a chronic autoimmune thyroid disease caused by an interaction between genetic factors and environmental conditions, both of which are yet to be fully understood. The management of HT depends on its clinical manifestations, commonly including di􀀻use or nodular goiter with euthyroidism, subclinical hypothyroidism and permanent hypothyroidism.

Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Diet, Iodine, Selenium, Vitamin-D, Gluten, Autoimmunity, Clinical course. Tiroiditis de Hashimoto, Dieta, Yodo, Selenio, Vitamina D, Gluten, Autoinmunidad, Curso clínico.

The Human Microbiota in Health and Disease.

Trillions of microbes have evolved with and continue to live on and within human beings. A variety of environmental factors can affect intestinal microbial imbalance, which has a close relationship with human health and disease.

Microbiome, Health, Infectious disease Liver diseases, Gastrointestinal malignancy, Metabolic disorder, Microbiota technology, Probiotics. Microbioma Salud, Enfermedad infecciosa, Enfermedades del hígado, Neoplasias gastrointestinales, Trastorno metabólico, Tecnología de microbiota.

Constipation and Incident CKD.

Constipation is one of the most prevalent conditions in primary care settings and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, potentially through processes mediated by altered gut microbiota. However, little is known about the association of constipation with CKD.

Chronic kidney disease, end-stage renal disease, glomerular filtration rate, Epidemiology and outcomes. Enfermedad renal crónica, enfermedad renal terminal, tasa de filtración glomerular, epidemiología y resultados.

Adherence to DASH-Style Dietary Pattern Impacts on Adiponectin and Clustered Metabolic Risk in Older Women.

While dietary patterns are related to the age-related progression of chronic diseases, to what extent different dietary patterns influence inflammatory and metabolic risk factors in older adults remains to be elucidated.

Diet, dietary inflammatory index, inflammation, CRP, moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, aging. Dieta, índice inflamatorio dietético, inflamación, CRP, actividad física moderada a vigorosa, envejecimiento.

Leaky Gut As a Danger Signal for Autoimmune Diseases.

The intestinal epithelial lining, together with factors secreted from it, forms a barrier that separates the host from the environment. In pathologic conditions, the permeability of the epithelial lining may be compromised allowing the passage of toxins, antigens, and bacteria in the lumen to enter the blood stream creating a “leaky gut.

Leaky gut; microbial translocation; Gut Microbiota; Probiotics; Autoimmunity. intestino permeable; translocación microbiana; Microbiota intestinal; Probióticos; Autoinmunidad.

Carcinogenicity of consumption of red and processed meat.

The Lancet Oncology’s Commission on future cancer research priorities in the USA provides key priorities for research and investment to deliver improvements in cancer control. Each priority area with specific measures and metrics, set out a roadmap to accelerate cancer research to achieve 10 years of progress in 5 years.

Carcinogenicidad, Cáncer, carne roja. Carcinogenicity, Cancer, red meat.

The association of sleep with metabolic pathways and metabolites: evidence from the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH)—sodium feeding study.

In October, 2015, 22 scientists from ten countries met at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon, France, to evaluate the carcinogenicity of the consumption of red meat and processed meat. These assessments will be published in volume 114 of the IARC Monographs.

Sleep Metabolites Lifestyle Diet , Metabolitos del sueño dieta de estilo de vida.

2015 Guidelines for the Management of Hypertension.

Secondary hypertension is present in 5–10% of all hypertensive patients. Appropriate investigations followed by therapy directed at the cause of secondary hypertension may lead to elimination of the underlying cause, resulting in improved control or normalization of BP values with cardiovascular risk reduction.

Hipertensión secundaria, riesgo cardiovascular. Secondary hypertension, cardiovascular risk.

Carotenemia and hepatomegaly in an atopic child on an exclusion diet for a food allergy.

Eczema is a frequent childhood manifestation and a few atopic children are allergic to certain foods or aeroallergens. Anxious parents of atopic children often have a fear of topical steroid‐related side‐effects, and some may try a range of elimination diets to avoid allergies.

Allergy, carotenemia, eczema, hepatomegaly. Alergia, carotenemia, eczema, hepatomegalia.

Flavonoids stimulate cholecystokinin peptide secretion from the enteroendocrine STC-1 cells.

Animal experiments showed that flavonoids might have the potential for an anti-obesity effect by reducing weight and food intake. However, the exact mechanisms that could be involved in these proposed effects are still under investigation.

Cholecystokinin, STC-1, cells, Flavonoids, food intake. Células, Flavonoides ingesta de alimentos.

Protein Supplements and Their Relation with Nutrition, Microbiota Composition and Health: Is More Protein Always Better for Sportspeople?.

Sports nutrition products are developed and targeted mainly for athletes to improve their nutrient intake, performance, and muscle growth.

High-protein diets; amino acid; sports nutrition; gut microbiota; protein metabolism; protein fermentation; dietary supplements market. Dietas altas en proteínas; aminoácidos; nutrición deportiva; microbiota intestinal; metabolismo proteico; fermentación de proteínas; mercado de suplementos dietéticos.

Dietary Factors Associated with Plasma Thyroid Peroxidase and Thyroglobulin Antibodies.

The knowledge about dietary habits and their influence in the development of autoimmune thyroid disease is insufficient. The aim of this study was to analyse the association of dietary factors and plasma thyroid peroxidase antibodies (TPO-Ab) and/or thyroglobulin antibodies (Tg-Ab). The study enrolled 1887 participants originating from the South Croatia.

Autoimmune thyroid diseases; thyroid peroxidase antibodies; thyroglobulin antibodies; dietary habits. Enfermedades autoinmunes de la tiroides; anticuerpos de peroxidasa tiroidea; anticuerpos de tiroglobulina; Hábitos dietéticos.

Total, Dietary, and Supplemental Vitamin C Intake and Risk of Incident Kidney Stones.

Previous studies of vitamin C and kidney stones were conducted mostly in men and either reported disparate results for supplemental and dietary vitamin C or did not examine dietary vitamin C.

Kidney disease, nutrition, diet, supplements, urolithiasis, vitamin C, ascorbic acid, kidney stone formation, incident kidney stone, calcium oxalate, urinary oxalate excretion, food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ), gender difference, risk factor. Nefropatía, nutrición, dieta, suplementos, urolitiasis, vitamina C, ácido ascórbico, formación de cálculos renales, cálculos renales incidentes, oxalato de calcio, excreción urinaria de oxalato, cuestionario de frecuencia alimentaria (FFQ), Diferencia de género, factor de riesgo.

La otra cara de la leche

La leche y sus derivados constituyen un polémico grupo de alimentos que ha sido (y es) autor de muchos debates. Mientras que sus defensores aseguran que son imprescindibles para aportar calcio y fortalecer nuestros huesos, otros, los culpabilizan de ser los responsables de la mayor parte de enfermedades de la civilización.

Leche, calcio, huesos. Milk, calcium, bones.

LThyroid function disruptors: from nature to chemicals.

The modern concept of thyroid disruptors includes synthetic chemicals and bioactive compounds from food that interfere with any aspect of the hypothalamus–pituitary–thyroid axis, thyroid hormone biosynthesis and secretion, blood and transmembrane transport, metabolism and local actions of thyroid hormones.

Disruptores, tiroides, eje hipotálamo-pituitaria-tiroides. Disruptors, thyroid, hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis

Cholestatic Jaundice (Cholestasis, Cholestatic Hepatitis).

Cholestasis is defined as stagnation, or at least a marked reduction, in bile secretion and flow. Cholestasis can be due to a functional impairment of the hepatocytes in the secretion of bile and/or due to an obstruction at any level of the excretory pathway of bile, from the level of the hepatic parenchymal cells at the basolateral (sinusoidal) membrane of the hepatocyte to the ampulla of Vater in the duodenum.

Hepatitis, bilis, hígado, hepatocitos, flujo biliar. Hepatitis, bile, liver, hepatocytes, bile flow.

Critical Care Aspects of Gallstone Disease.

Approximately twenty per cent of adults have gallstones making it one of the most prevalent gastrointestinal diseases in Western countries. About twenty per cent of gallstone patients requires medical, endoscopic, or surgical therapies such as cholecystectomy due to the onset of gallstone-related symptoms or gallstone-related complications.

Bile, biliary colic, biliary secretion, cholecystectomy, cholecystitis, choledocholithiasis, cholesterol crystallization, CT scan, ERCP, MRCP. Bilis, cólico biliar, secreción biliar, colecistectomía, colecistitis, coledocolitiasis, cristalización del colesterol, tomografía computarizada, CPRE, MRCP.

Vegetarian, Gluten-Free, and Energy Restricted Diets in Female Athletes.

Female athletes who follow a diet that fails to meet energy and nutrient needs are at risk for musculoskeletal injuries, menstrual disturbances, and poor sports performance.

Energy availability; bone health; amenorrhea; sports performance; disordered eating; active females. Disponibilidad de energía; la salud ósea; amenorrea rendimiento deportivo; comer desordenado; mujeres activas.

Figure 1 : Thyroid disrupting activity of individual chemicals assessed with XETA.

Screening of thyroid disrupting activity of molecules measured in humans with the Xenopus Embryonic Thyroid Assay (XETA), based on the quantification of fluorescence-using the transgenic TH/bZip-eGFP e.g. [(Tg(thibz:eGFP)] line. Fifteen compounds were tested at different concentrations in presence of T3 5 × 10−9 M for 72 h.

Actividad disruptiva, tiroides, Xenopus. Disruptive activity, thyroid, Xenopus.

Prehistoria, historia y arte de la Reumatología. Inicios de las palabras reuma, artritis reumatoide, artritis juvenil, gota y espondilitis anquilosante

Analizar con la perspectiva del siglo XXI la forma en que se iniciaron algunas de las enfermedades reumáticas, es una tarea difícil e imposible, pero en los siglos XIX y XX confluyeron una serie de investigadores motivados por la paleopatología, denominación que aplicó Sir Marc Armand Ruffer, al estudiar una serie de momias en Egipto de la era predinástica hasta el inicio de la era cristiana, analizando 6000 años aproximadamente de un material óseo bastante preservado.

Historia, prehistoria, arte, artritis, reumatoide, artritis juvenil. History, prehistory, art, arthritis, rheumatoid, juvenile arthritis.

Dysbiosis gut microbiota associated with inflammation and impaired mucosal immune function in intestine of humans with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has recently been considered to be under the influence of the gut microbiota, which might exert toxic effects on the human host after intestinal absorption and delivery to the liver via the portal vein. In this study, the composition of the gut microbiota in NAFLD patients and healthy subjects was determined via 16S ribosomal RNA Illumina next-generation sequencing.

Hígado graso no alcohólico, NAFLD, esteatosis simple SS esteatohepatitis no alcohólica NASH cirrosis1. Non-alcoholic fatty liver, NAFLD, simple steatosis SS non-alcoholic steatohepatitis NASH cirrhosis1.

IL-10 suppresses TNF-α-induced expression of human aromatase gene in mammary adipose tissue.

White adipose tissue inflammation is linked with increased aromatase gene expression and estrogen production, a major risk factor for breast cancer in obese postmenopausal women. TNF-α, a proinflammatory cytokine, is a key driver of aromatase promoter I.4-mediated expression in adipose tissue.

Tejido adiposo , estrógenos, cáncer de mama, obesidad, posmenopáusicas, TNF-α. Adipose tissue, estrogens, breast cancer, obesity, postmenopausal, TNF-α.

Testosterone Acts Directly on CD4+ T Lymphocytes to Increase IL-10 Production.

Males are less susceptible than females to experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and many other autoimmune diseases. Gender differences in cytokine production have been observed in splenocytes of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis mice stimulated with myelin proteins and may underlie gender differences in susceptibility.

Encefalomielitis , citoquinas, esplenocitos encefalomielitis mielina. Encephalomyelitis, cytokines, splenocytes, myelin encephalomyelitis.

Three-Year Chronic Consumption of Low-Carbohydrate Diet Impairs Exercise Performance and Has a Small Unfavorable Effect on Lipid Profile in Middle-Aged Men.

The objective of this research was to determine whether chronic (average 3.58 ± 1.56 years) deliberate adherence to low carbohydrate diets (LCDs) is associated with selected markers of metabolism, risk factors of cardiovascular disease (CVD), body mass and physical performance in apparently healthy middle-aged men (n = 12).

Diets; carbohydrate restriction; metabolism; men; cardiovascular disease. Dietas restricción de carbohidratos; metabolismo; hombres; enfermedad cardiovascular

The Ketogenic Diet and Sport: A Possible Marriage?.

The ketogenic diet (KD) is a nutritional approach consisting of high-fat and adequate protein content but insufficient levels of carbohydrates for metabolic needs (less than 20 g d-1 or 5% of total daily energy intake (28)), thus forcing the body primarily to use fat as a fuel source. The original KD was designed as a 4:1 lipid:nonlipid ratio, with 80% of daily energy intake from fat, 15% protein, and 5% carbohydrate.

Ketogenic diet, endurance, strength, weight loss, skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Dieta cetogénica, resistencia, fuerza, pérdida de peso, hipertrofia del músculo esquelético.

Controversies Surrounding High-Protein Diet Intake: Satiating Effect and Kidney and Bone Health.

Long-term consumption of a high-protein diet could be linked with metabolic and clinical problems, such as loss of bone mass and renal dysfunction. However, although it is well accepted that a high-protein diet may be detrimental to individuals with existing kidney dysfunction, there is little evidence that high protein intake is dangerous for healthy individuals.

Low-carbohydrate diets Low-fat diets Weight loss Cardiovascular risk factors carbohydrates diastolic blood pressure low CHO low fat randomised controlled trials systolic blood pressure total cholesterol weighted mean difference. Dietas bajas en carbohidratos Dietas bajas en grasas Pérdida de peso Factores de riesgo cardiovascular carbohidratos presión arterial diastólica bajo CHO bajo en grasa ensayos controlados aleatorios presión arterial sistólica colesterol total diferencia ponderada.

Effects of low-carbohydrate diets v. low-fat diets on body weight and cardiovascular risk factors: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials.

The effects of low-carbohydrate (LC) diets on body weight and cardiovascular risk are unclear, and previous studies have found varying results. Our aim was to conduct a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials (RCT), assessing the effects of LC diets v. low-fat (LF) diets on weight loss and risk factors of CVD. Studies were identified by searching MEDLINE, Embase and Cochrane Trials.

High-protein diet, weight loss, bone health, kidney dysfunction, satiety weight reduction food satiation brain kidney high-protein diet. Dieta rica en proteínas, pérdida de peso, salud ósea, disfunción renal, saciedad reducción de peso comida saciedad riñón cerebro dieta alta en proteínas.

Ketogenic diets: from cancer to mitochondrial diseases and beyond.

The employment of dietary strategies such as ketogenic diets, which force cells to alter their energy source, has shown efficacy in the treatment of several diseases. Ketogenic diets are composed of high fat, moderate protein and low carbohydrates, which favour mitochondrial respiration rather than glycolysis for energy metabolism.

Cancer high fat diet Ketogenic diet mitochondria neurological diseases. Cáncer Dieta alta en grasas Dieta cetogénica mitocondria enfermedades neurológicas.

Systematic review and meta-analysis reveals acutely elevated plasma cortisol following fasting but not less severe calorie restriction.

Elevated plasma cortisol has been reported following caloric restriction, and may contribute to adverse effects including stress-induced overeating, but results from published studies are inconsistent. To clarify the effects of caloric restriction on plasma cortisol, and to assess cortisol as an indicator of stress during caloric restriction, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of published studies in which cortisol was measured following caloric restriction without other manipulations in humans.

Caloric restriction, cortisol, diet, endocrinology, hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis, meta-analysis, stress, weight control. Restricción calórica, cortisol, dieta, endocrinología, eje hipotálamo-hipófisis-suprarrenal, meta-análisis, estrés, control de peso.

Exercise-induced rhabdomyolysis mechanisms and prevention: A literature review.

Exercise-induced rhabdomyolysis (exRML), a pathophysiological condition of skeletal muscle cell damage that may cause acute renal failure and in some cases death. Increased Ca2+ level in cells along with functional degradation of cell signaling system and cell matrix have been suggested as the major pathological mechanisms associated with exRML. The onset of exRML may be exhibited in athletes as well as in general population.

Insuficiencia renal aguda Calcio (Ca2+) Creatina quinasaMioglobina (Mb) Rabdomiolisis. Acute renal failureCalcium (Ca2+)Creatine kinaseMyoglobin (Mb)Rhabdomyolysis.

The interactive correlation of pain, negative emotion, insomnia and quality of life in Allergic Rhinitis patients.

Objective: To investigate the pain characteristics, physiological and psychological symptoms, as well as quality of life (QOL) in Allergic Rhinitis (AR) patients suffering from chronic pain and to analyze the influential factors on QOL.

Allergic Rhinitis (AR), pain, quality of life, depression, anxiety, insomnia. Rinitis alérgica (RA), dolor, calidad de vida, depresión, ansiedad, insomnio.

Cholelithiasis during pregnancy and postpartum: prevalence, presentation and consequences in a Referral Hospital in Baja California Sur.

Pregnancy and the postpartum period are risk factors for developing biliary sludge, gallstones, and any of their complications. Objective: To determine the prevalence, presentation, and consequences of cholestasis during pregnancy and postpartum in a referral hospital of Baja California Sur.

Acute cholecystitis, Chronic cholecystitis, Cholelithiasis, Choledocholithiasis, Pancreatitis, Pregnancy, Puerperium. Colecistitis aguda, Colecistitis crónica, Colelitiasis, Coledocolitiasis, Pancreatitis, Embarazo, Puerperio.

Uso de Probióticos para el Control de la Hipercolesterolemia.

La hipercolesterolemia es de las principales causas del desarrollo de las enfermedades cardiovasculares, por lo que es importante reducir los niveles de colesterol en sangre. Hay diversas estrategía para reducir la hipercolesterolemia, como son: modificar la conducta alimentaria, hacer ejercicio con regularidad o el tratamiento con fármacos, también se ha propuesto el consumo de los probióticos o bacterias que conforman la microbióta intestinal (MI).

Hipercolesterolemia; Microbiota intestinal; Bacterias probióticos. Hypercholesterolemia; Gut microbiota; Probiotic bacteria.

Glycine Improves Biochemical and Biomechanical Properties Following Inflammation of the Achilles Tendon.

Tendinopathy of the Achilles tendon is a clinical problem that motivates the scientific community to search for treatments that assist in restoring its functional properties. Glycine has broad biological effects, acting as a modulator of the inflammatory cascade, and is the predominant amino acid in collagen.

Tendinopatía, tendón de Aquiles, inflamación. Tendinopathy, Achilles tendon, inflammation.

Multifarious Beneficial Effect of Nonessential Amino Acid, Glycine: A Review.

Glycine is most important and simple, nonessential amino acid in humans, animals, and many mammals. Generally, glycine is synthesized from choline, serine, hydroxyproline, and threonine through interorgan metabolism in which kidneys and liver are the primarily involved. Generally in common feeding conditions, glycine is not sufficiently synthesized in humans, animals, and birds.

Glicina, aminoácido, colina, serina, hidroxiprolina, treonina, metabolismo interorgánico. Glycine, amino acid, choline, serine, hydroxyproline, threonine, interorganic metabolism.

Evaluation and treatment of peroneal neuropathy.

Peroneal nerve compromise results in the clinical complaint of weakness of the ankle dorsiflexors and evertors. This peripheral origin of foot drop has been reported due to numerous traumatic and insidious causes. Traumatic causes of nerve injury occur in association with musculoskeletal injury or with isolated nerve traction, compression, or laceration.

Peroneal nerve Ankle dorsiflexors Foot drop Sciatic nerve injury . Nervio peroneo Dorsiflexores de tobillo Caída del pie Lesión del nervio ciático

Going global by adapting local: A review of recent human adaptation.

The spread of modern humans across the globe has led to genetic adaptations to diverse local environments. Recent developments in genomic technologies, statistical analyses, and expanded sampled populations have led to improved identification and fine-mapping of genetic variants associated with adaptations to regional living conditions and dietary practices.

Adaptaciones genéticas, tecnologías genómicas, ADN, humanos modernos, ADNAD. Genetic adaptations, genomic technologies, DNA, modern humans, ADNAD.

Systematic review: isocaloric ketogenic dietary regimes for cancer patients.

The efficacy and benefits of ketogenic diets (KD) have recently been gaining worldwide and remain a controversial topic in oncology. This systematic review therefore presents and evaluates the clinical evidence on isocaloric KD dietary regimes and reveals that evidence supporting the effects of isocaloric ketogenic dietary regimes on tumor development and progression as well as reduction in side effects of cancer therapy is missing.

Cáncer, Dieta cetogénica, Nutrición, Cáncer, dieta, Dieta baja en carbohidratos Oncología. Cancer, Ketogenic Diet, Nutrition, Cancer, Diet, Low Carb Diet Oncology.

Infecciones por parásitos más frecuentes y su manejo.

Las enfermedades parasitarias constituyen un problema de salud pública por su alta frecuencia en países en vías de desarrollo y por la presencia en países desarrollados, debido a la migración de personas provenientes de países del Tercer Mundo y por su alta morbilidad.

Enfermedades parasitarias, Epidemiología, Aspectos clínicos, tratamiento antiprotozoos, antihelmínticos, antiartrópodos, fármacos. Parasitic disease, epidemiology, clinical aspects, treatment, antiprotozoa, antihelmintic, antiarthropods, drugs.

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity: All wheat attack is not celiac.

Currently, 1% of the United States population holds a diagnosis for celiac disease (CD), however, a more recently recognized and possibly related condition, “non-celiac gluten sensitivity” (NCGS) has been suggested to affect up to 6% of the United States public.

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity, Celiac disease, Gluten, Wheat, Gluten related disorder, Gluten free diet. Sensibilidad al gluten no celíaca, enfermedad celíaca, gluten, trigo, trastorno relacionado con el gluten, dieta sin gluten.

11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 regulates the suppression of inflammation, joint destruction and systemic bone loss in a model of chronic inflammation.

Inflammation, local joint destruction and systemic bone loss are common complications in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). We have identified that localised pre-receptor activation of glucocorticoids (GC) by the enzyme 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 (11β-HSD1) is increased within sites of inflammation and surrounding tissues, such as synovium and bone.

Inflammation hydroxysteroids oxidoreductase osteopenia chronic inflammation joint destruction. Inflamación hidroxiesteroides oxidorreductasa osteopenia inflamación crónica destrucción de articulaciones.

TNFα regulates cortisol metabolism in vivo in patients with inflammatory arthritis.

This study demonstrates, for the first time, that the increased 11β-HSD1 activity seen in patients with inflammatory arthritis is mediated through TNFα. Furthermore, the changes in related glucocorticoid metabolising enzymes suggest that there is a coordinated change in glucocorticoid metabolism which promotes higher tissue glucocorticoid levels.

Cortisol, artritis. Cortisol, arthritis.

Circadian clocks and insulin resistance.

Insulin resistance in liver, muscle and adipose tissue is a pivotal pathophysiological process in the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), which has been designated as one of the four priority noncommunicable diseases by the WHO1.

Circadian timing , hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus, Misalignment, insulin resistance, metabolic health. Sincronización circadiana, núcleo supraquiasmático hipotalámico, falta de alineación, resistencia a la insulina, salud metabólica.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Bone Edema at Enrollment Predicts Rapid Radiographic Progression in Patients with Early RA: Results from the Nagasaki University Early Arthritis Cohort.

Median disease duration at enrollment was 3 months. RRP was found in 12 of the 76 patients at 1 year. A univariate analysis revealed that matrix metalloprotease-3, RAMRIS bone edema score, and RAMRIS bone erosion score were associated with RRP.

Magnetic resonance imagingbone edemarapid radiographic progressionearly-stage rheumatoid arthritis. Resonancia magnética imagingbone edemarapid progresión radiográfica arteatismo reumático de etapa temprana

Nutrigenomics of Vitamin D.

Nutrigenomics studies how environmental factors, such as food intake and lifestyle, influence the expression of the genome. Vitamin D3 represents a master example of nutrigenomics, since via its metabolite 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3, which binds with high-affinity to the vitamin D receptor, the secosteroid directly affects the epigenome and transcriptome at thousands of loci within the human genome.

Vitamin D; VDR; nutritional epigenomics; transcriptome; immune system; evolution. Vitamina D; VDR; epigenómica nutricional; transcriptoma sistema inmune; evolución

Exosomes of pasteurized milk: potential pathogens of Western diseases.

Milk consumption is a hallmark of western diet. According to common believes, milk consumption has beneficial effects for human health. Pasteurization of cow’s milk protects thermolabile vitamins and other organic compounds including bioactive and bioavailable exosomes and extracellular vesicles in the range of 40–120 nm, which are pivotal mediators of cell communication via systemic transfer of specific micro-ribonucleic acids, mRNAs and regulatory proteins such as transforming growth factor-β.

B cell lymphoma, Breast cancer, Cow’s milk, Diabetes mellitus, Exosomes, Hepatocellular carcinoma, MicroRNA, Obesity, Osteoporosis, Parkinson’s disease, Prostate cancer. . Linfoma de células B, cáncer de mama, leche de vaca, diabetes mellitus, exosomas, carcinoma hepatocelular, microRNA, obesidad, osteoporosis, enfermedad de Parkinson, cáncer de próstata.

Helicobacter pylori in water sources and food products: a constant public health problem.

Helicobacter pylori is a curved, microaerophilic, multi-flaked, Gram-negative bacillus associated with different gastrointestinal disorders. It´s still a relevant issue in public health due to several scientific investigations that are being carried out in different subjects as, virulence factors, ecosystem interactions, immune response, eradication strategies and Pathogen Transmission Routes in food and water sources.

Helicobacter pylori, Biofilm, Foodborne Illness, Waterborne Illness, Pathogen Transmission Routes, Public health. Helicobacter pylori, Biofilm, Enfermedades transmitidas por los alimentos, Enfermedades transmitidas por el agua, Rutas de transmisión de patógenos, Salud pública.

Efficacy of a Gluten-Free Diet in Subjects With Irritable Bowel.Syndrome-Diarrhea Unaware of Their HLA-DQ2/8 Genotype.

A gluten-containing diet alters bowel barrier function in patients with irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea (IBS-D), particularly those who are positive for HLA allele DQ2/8.

Ensayo clínico; Síntomas gastrointestinales; Comida; Los hidratos de carbono. Clinical trial; Gastrointestinal symptoms; Food; The carbohydrates.

Sport Nutrigenomics: Personalized Nutrition for Athletic Performance.

An individual's dietary and supplement strategies can influence markedly their physical performance. Personalized nutrition in athletic populations aims to optimize health, body composition, and exercise performance by targeting dietary recommendations to an individual's genetic profile.

Nutrigenomics, nutrigenetics, personalized nutrition, athletic performance, genetic testing, sports nutrition, caffeine, ergogenic aids. Nutrigenómica, nutrigenética, nutrición personalizada, rendimiento deportivo, pruebas genéticas, nutrición deportiva, cafeína, ayudas ergogénicas.

The Small Intestine Converts Dietary Fructose into Glucose and Organic Acids.

Excessive consumption of sweets is a risk factor for metabolic syndrome. A major chemical feature of sweets is fructose. Despite strong ties between fructose and disease, the metabolic fate of fructose in mammals remains incompletely understood. Here we use isotope tracing and mass spectrometry to track the fate of glucose and fructose carbons in vivo, finding that dietary fructose is cleared by the small intestine.

Fructose, small intestine, metabolomics, isotope tracing, flux, microbiome gut, sugar, sucrose, metabolic disease. fructosa, intestino delgado, metabolómica rastreo de isótopos, flujo, microbioma intestino, azúcar, sacarosa Enfermedad metabólica.

Hypothyroidism and its Effect on Menstrual Pattern and Fertility.

Hypothyroidism is one of the most common endocrine disorders encountered in clinical practice. Thyroid disorder is very common among the female. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of hypothyroidism on menstrual pattern and sub-fertility.

Hipotiroidismo, patrón menstrual, fertilidad, embarazo. Hypothyroidism, menstrual pattern, fertility, pregnancy.

Comparison of Coronary Artery Calcium Presence, Carotid Plaque Presence, and Carotid Intima-Media Thickness for Cardiovascular Disease Prediction in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis.

Presence of coronary artery calcium (CAC), carotid plaque, and increased carotid intima-media thickness (IMT) may indicate elevated cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk; however, no large studies have compared them directly.

Calcio, arteria coronaria, placa carotídea, carótida, enfermedades cardiovasculares, aterosclerosis. calcium, coronary artery, carotid plaque, carotid, cardiovascular disease, atherosclerosis.

Total, dietary, and supplemental calcium intake and mortality from all-causes, cardiovascular disease, and cancer: A meta-analysis of observational studies.

This systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies was conducted to summarize the evidence on the association between calcium intake and mortality.

Calcium, Mortality, Meta-analysis, Diet. Calcio, Mortalidad, Metanálisis, Dieta

Chronic pain as a symptom or a disease the IASP Classification of Chronic Pain for the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11).

Pain is one of the most frequent causes for patients to seek medical care.28 Although mortality rates are highest for cardiac infarction and stroke, infectious diseases, cancers, and diabetes, chronic pain is a leading source of human suffering and disability.

Chronic pain, IASP Classification, (ICD-11). Dolor crónico, Clasificación IASP.


Chronic tendon injuries are a common cause of pain and of restriction of sports or daily life. Even though a number of published studies have focused on tendon injuries, healing and treatment, the pathogenesis still remains enigmatic. The pathogenesis of chronic tendon injuries is considered multifactorial, however the precise role of each predisposing factor remains incompletely understood.

Tendinopathy, Tendon injury, Tendon healing, Ruptures, Musculoskeletal rehabilitation, Physical medicine and rehabilitation. Tendinopatía, Lesión del tendón, Curación del tendón, Rupturas, Rehabilitación musculoesquelética, Medicina física y rehabilitación.

Advanced glycation end products-induced insulin resistance involves repression of skeletal muscle GLUT4 expression.

Little is known about advanced glycation end products (AGEs) participation in glucose homeostasis, a process in which skeletal muscle glucose transporter GLUT4 (Scl2a4 gene) plays a key role. This study investigated (1) the in vivo and in vitro effects of AGEs on Slc2a4/GLUT4 expression in skeletal muscle of healthy rats, and (2) the potential involvement of endoplasmic reticulum and inflammatory stress in the observed regulations.

Diabetes, glucosa, insulina, AGE, musculo esquelético. Diabetes, glucose, insulin, AGE, skeletal muscle

A correlation between intestinal microbiota dysbiosis and osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis (OA) is a degenerative disease of the articular cartilage, resulting in pain and total joint disability. Recent studies focused on the role of the metabolic syndrome in inducing or worsening joint damage suggest that chronic low-grade systemic inflammation may represent a possible linking factor. This finding supports the concept of a new phenotype of OA, a metabolic OA. The gut microbiome is fundamental for human physiology and immune system development, among the other important functions.

Internal medicine, Metabolism, Nutrition, Pathology, Physiology, Public health, Microbiology, Medicina interna, Metabolismo, Nutrición, Patología, Fisiología, Salud pública, Microbiología.

Candidiasis in women fitted with an intrauterine contraceptive device.

Vaginal colonization by Candida spp. was compared in 117 women fitted with an intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD users) and in 100 women not wearing an IUCD (control group). None of the subjects had factors currently assumed to predispose to yeast colonization or infection.

Candidiasis, dispositivo anticonceptivo intrauterino, DIU, IUCD. candidiasis, intrauterine contraceptive device.

Impact of Mediterranean diet on metabolic syndrome, cancer and longevity.

Obesity symbolizes a major public health problem. Overweight and obesity are associated to the occurrence of the metabolic syndrome and to adipose tissue dysfunction. The adipose tissue is metabolically active and an endocrine organ, whose dysregulation causes a low-grade inflammatory state and ectopic fat depositions. The Mediterranean Diet represents a possible therapy for metabolic syndrome, preventing adiposopathy or “sick fat” formation.

Dieta mediterránea, salud pública, obesidad, cáncer, antioxidante. Mediterranean diet, public health, obesity, cancer, antioxidant.

Ad libitum Mediterranean and Low Fat Diets both Significantly Reduce Hepatic Steatosis: a Randomized Controlled Trial.

Although diet induced weight loss is first‐line treatment for patients with non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), long‐term maintenance is difficult. The optimal diet for either improvement in NAFLD or associated cardio‐metabolic risk factors regardless of weight loss, is unknown.

Dieta mediterránea, grasa,ad libitum, esteatosis hepática. Mediterranean diet, fat, ad libitum, liver steatosis.

Low-carbohydrate diet induces metabolic depression: a possible mechanism to conserve glycogen.

Long-term studies have found that low-carbohydrate diets are more effective for weight loss than calorie-restricted diets in the short term but equally or only marginally more effective in the long term. Low-carbohydrate diets have been linked to reduced glycogen stores and increased feelings of fatigue.

Dieta, carbohidrato, glucógeno, adelgazar. Diet, carbohydrate, glycogen, lose weight

Vascular Biology of Glucagon Receptor Superfamily Peptides: Mechanistic and Clinical Relevance.

Regulatory peptides produced in islet and gut endocrine cells, including glucagon, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), GLP-2, and glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide, exert actions with considerable metabolic importance and translational relevance. Although the clinical development of GLP-1 receptor agonists and dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors has fostered research into how these hormones act on the normal and diseased heart, less is known about the actions of these peptides on blood vessels.

Productos biológicos, proglucagón, péptidos, islotes, intestino. Biologics, proglucagon, peptides, islets, intestine

Low carbohydrate–high protein diet and mortality in a cohort of Swedish women.

Reduced energy intake has long been known to increase longevity in animals and is likely to be beneficial for most persons in economically developed societies.

Hidratos de carbono, mortalidad cardiovascular, dieta, mortalidad, proteína, control de peso. Carbohydrates, cardiovascular mortality, diet, mortality, protein, weight control

La microbiota intestinal y su relación con la salud y la enfermedad.

La microbiota intestinal se adquiere en las primeras etapas de la vida y es muy heterogénea, de tal manera que está formada por muchos tipos de bacterias, además de virus y hongos. Hay que intentar conseguir una microbiota adecuada para poder tener un buen estado de salud. El objetivo del trabajo es dar a conocer la importancia que tiene la microbiota para el organismo.

Microbiota, disbiosis, composición, función. Microbiota, dysbiosis, composition, function.

Los alimentos que perjudican a la espalda y los que ayudan con el dolor.

España es uno de los países con mayor índice de personas con dolor de espalda. De hecho, forma parte de ese top 10 de Estados cuyos ciudadanos no cesan de quejarse por esta clase de dolencias, según se desprende del Barómetro del Dolor, el primer estudio de este tipo realizado en el mundo y promovido por la empresa Voltadol. Ello comporta en muchas ocasiones bajas y absentismo laboral.

Dietas, alimentos, pescado azul, espalda, dolor. Diets, food, blue fish, back, pain.

Tumor Necrosis Factor‐Alpha: Role in Development of Insulin Resistance and Pathogenesis of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.

Pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and development of insulin resistance are characterized by multi‐stimuli factors notably glucolipotoxicity, generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS), epigenetic factors, activation of various transcriptional mediated pathways along with the augmented levels of various pro‐inflammatory cytokines. Among the various pro‐inflammatory cytokines, tumor necrosis factor‐alpha (TNF‐α) is one the most important pro‐inflammatory mediator that is critically involved in the development of insulin resistance and pathogenesis of T2DM.

Diabetes mellitus tipo 2, insulina, glucolipotoxicidad, tumor, necrosis tumoral. type 2 diabetes mellitus, insulin, glycolipotoxicity, tumor, tumor necrosis

Quail egg homogenate alleviates food allergy induced eosinophilic esophagitis like disease through modulating PAR-2 transduction pathway in peanut sensitized mice.

The present pharmacotherapy for eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) fundamentally depend on inhaled corticosteroids. Despite the fact that oral intake of topical steroids can be successful in restricting EoE-related inflammation, there are concerns with respect to the long term utilization of steroids, especially in kids.

Huevos codorniz, esofagitis eosinofílica, corticosteroides, proteína catiónica eosinófila. Quail eggs, eosinophilic esophagitis, corticosteroids, cationic eosinophilic protein.

Factores clínicos de progresión tumoral y supervivencia en linfomas cutáneos de células T (Miosis Fungoide - Síndrome de Sézary)

La micosis fungoide (MF), junto con su variante leucémica y eritrodérmica, el síndrome de Sézary (SS) es el más frecuente de los linfomas cutáneos de células T (LCCT) y es sin duda uno de los procesos que más interés y controversias despierta entre los dermatólogos.

Tumor, linfomas cutáneos, células T. Tumor, cutaneous lymphomas, T cells.

Almidón resistente: Características tecnológicas e intereses fisiológicos.

El almidón resistente es una fracción del almidón que es capaz de resistir a la digestión y se mantiene íntegro a lo largo del tracto gastrointestinal. Una de las ventajas de este almidón es que permite ser utilizado como un ingrediente que refuerza las características tecnológicas de los alimentos, además de otorgar beneficios fisiológicos asociados a la salud.

Almidón resistente; Fibra; Prebiótico; Fermentación; Índice glicémico. Resistant starch; Fiber; Prebiotic; Fermentation; Glycemic index

Interleuquina-17: características, vías de diferenciación, señalización y funciones biológicas.

La Interleuquina 17 (IL-17) es una citoquina proinflamatoria con diversas funciones biológicas secretada por varios subtipos de células T activadas. Su receptor se encuentra en los distintos tipos celulares de un amplio rango de tejidos.

Citocinas, il-17, respuesta inmune, inflamación, tuberculosis micobacteriana. Cytokines, il-17, immune response, inflammation, mycobacterial tuberculosis

Cambios clínicos e inmunológicos inducidos por el tratamiento con inmunoterapia específica en pacientes alérgicos a polen de gramíneas y/o olivo.

La alergia se define por una respuesta exagerada del sistema inmune a sustancias ambientales inocuas llamadas alérgenos. La base de estas enfermedades alérgicas parece estar en una repuesta inapropiada de los linfocitos T helper tipo 2 (Th2) a los alérgenos.

Alergias, polen, células Th2, T helper, IL-4 (citoquina Th2), de INF-γ (citoquina Th1) y de IL-10, TGFβ y Foxp3 (marcadores de Treg). tipo 1 (Th1) y células T reguladoras (Treg). Allergies, pollen, Th2 cells, T helper, IL-4 (Th2 cytokine), de INF-γ (Th1 cytokine) and IL-10, TGFβ and Foxp3 (Treg markers). type 1 (Th1) and regulatory T cells (Treg).

Estrogen Receptor-β, Estrogen Receptor-α, and Progesterone Resistance in Endometriosis.

La pérdida de la señalización de la progesterona en el endometrio puede ser un factor causal en el desarrollo de la endometriosis, y la resistencia a la progesterona se observa comúnmente en mujeres con esta enfermedad. En las células del estroma endometriósicas, los niveles de receptor de progesterona (PR), particularmente la isoforma de PR-B, se reducen significativamente, lo que conduce a una pérdida de señalización paracrina.

ER-β, ER-α, PR, resistencia a la progesterona, metilación del ADN, epigenético, promotor, regulación génica, transcripción. ER-β, ER-α, PR, progesterone resistance, DNA methylation, epigenetic, promoter, gene regulation, transcription

Current management of myomas: the place of medical therapy with the advent of selective progesterone receptor modulators.

Uterine fibroids (also known as myomas or leiomyomas) are the most common benign uterine tumors in women of reproductive age, occurring in 20–25% of women. Depending on localization, the symptoms vary in frequency and severity, and include pelvic pain, pressure, dysmenorrhea, anemia caused by heavy bleeding, reduced quality of life, and infertility.

Terapia médica, miomas, moduladores selectivos del receptor de progesterona, acetato de ulipristal. Medical therapy, fibroids, selective progesterone receptor modulators, ulipristal acetate

Chondroprotective Effects of a Standardized Extract (KBH-JP-040) from Kalopanax pictus, Hericium erinaceus, and Astragalus membranaceus in Experimentally Induced In Vitro and In Vivo Osteoarthritis Models.

The aim of this study was to investigate the chondroprotective effect of a standardized extract (KBH-JP-040) of the Korean traditional herbs Kalopanax pictus Castor-Aralia, Hericium erinaceus (Bull.) Persoon, and Astragalus membranaceus Schischkin on in vivo and in vitro osteoarthritis (OA) models. Cultured rat chondrocytes were pre-treated with KBH-JP-040 (50, 100 and 200 μg/mL) for 1 h, then recombinant human IL-1α (rhIL-1α) for 24 h.

Kalopanax pictus; Hericium erinaceus; Astragalus membranaceus; condrocitos; artritis. Kalopanax pictus; Hericium erinaceus; Astrágalo membranoso; condrocitos; artritis

Arginina y cáncer: implicaciones en la regulación de la respuesta antitumoral.

Los informes de la literatura apoyan el papel de la arginina como mecanismo regulador de la respuesta inmune. Se ha descrito la correlación entre disminución de la arginina y reducción de la proliferación y la activación d>e los linfocitos T en trasplante hepático, trauma grave, sepsis y cáncer.

Arginasa, Arginina, Linfocitos T, Óxido Nítrico Sintetasa, Respuesta Antitumoral. Arginase, Arginine, T Lymphocytes, Nitric Oxide Synthetase, Antitumor Response

Ácido fólico: económico modulador de la estabilidad genómica, epigenética y el cáncer; deficiencias, fuentes, efectos adversos por exceso y recomendaciones gubernamentales.

Los mamíferos no sintetizan el folato; por ello, lo deben tomar de la dieta o como suplemento. Sin embargo, este cumple muchas funciones a nivel celular, entre ellas, como cito- y genoprotector, es modulador del cáncer y la epigenética; participa en la síntesis, mantenimiento, estabilidad, reparación y expresión del ácido desoxirribonucleico (DNA).

Ácido fólico, epigenética, estabilidad genómica, anticancerígeno, requerimientos, costos, efectos adversos. Folic acid, epigenetics, genomic stability, anticancer, requirements, costs, Adverse effects.

In Vitro and in Vivo Interactions of Bisphenol A and Its Metabolite, Bisphenol A Glucuronide, with Estrogen Receptors r and β.

Accumulating evidence suggests that exposure to natural and synthetic chemicals that mimic the activity of 17â-estradiol (E2) may adversely affect wildlife and human health.

Ácido fólico, epigenética, estabilidad genómica, anticancerígeno, requerimientos, costos, efectos adversos. Folic acid, epigenetics, genomic stability, anticancer, requirements, costs, adverse effects

Suplementos en gestación: últimas recomendaciones.

El embarazo representa un desafío desde el punto de vista nutricional, debido a que las necesidades de nutrientes están aumentadas y una alteración en su ingesta puede afectar la salud materno-fetal. Estados deficitarios en micronutrientes están relacionados con preeclampsia, retraso del crecimiento intrauterino, aborto y anomalías congénitas.

Suplementos. Gestación. Micronutrientes. Salud materno-fetal. Supplements. Gestation. Micronutrients. Maternal-fetal health.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, Metabolic Syndrome and Non‐Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Is Metaflammation the Link?.

The prevalence of prostatic inflammation (PI) is very frequent in patients affected by benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). To investigate the relationship between prostatic inflammation (PI) and the presence of MetS and non‐alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in a cohort of patients affected by BPH/LUTS.

Hiperplasia prostática benigna, enfermedad del hígado graso no alcólico, LUTS, síndrome metabólico, inflamación, próstata. Benign prostatic hyperplasia, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease,, LUTS, metabolic syndrome, inflammation, prostate.

Nutrition, dietary interventions and prostate cancer: the latest evidence.

Prostate cancer (PCa) remains a leading cause of mortality in US men and the prevalence continues to rise world-wide especially in countries where men consume a ‘Western-style’ diet. Epidemiologic, preclinical and clinical studies suggest a potential role for dietary intake on the incidence and progression of PCa. 'This minireview provides an overview of recent published literature with regard to nutrients, dietary factors, dietary patterns and PCa incidence and progression.

Dieta, Cáncer de próstata, Nutrientes, Patrón de la alimentación, Estilo de vida, Prevención, Tratamiento, Nutrición, Intervención nutricional. Diet, Prostate cancer, Nutrients, Eating pattern, Lifestyle, Prevention, Treatment, Nutrition, Nutritional intervention

Vagus Nerve as Modulator of the Brain–Gut Axis in Psychiatric and Inflammatory Disorders.

The vagus nerve represents the main component of the parasympathetic nervous system, which oversees a vast array of crucial bodily functions, including control of mood, immune response, digestion, and heart rate. It establishes one of the connections between the brain and the gastrointestinal tract and sends information about the state of the inner organs to the brain via afferent fibers. In this review article, we discuss various functions of the vagus nerve which make it an attractive target in treating psychiatric and gastrointestinal disorders.

Depresión, trastorno de estrés postraumático, estimulación del nervio vago, nutrición, probióticos, yoga, meditación, enfermedad inflamatoria del intestino. Depression, post traumatic stress disorder, vagus nerve stimulation, nutrition, probiotics, yoga, meditation, inflammatory bowel disease.

Una poderosa herramienta en la medicina preventiva del cáncer: los antioxidantes.

El cáncer es un conjunto de enfermedades que se caracteriza por la proliferación anormal de células que se dividen sin control y poseen alta capacidad para invadir órganos y tejidos, y diseminarse por el sistema sanguíneo y linfático.

Cáncer, antioxidantes, carotenoides, flavonoides, vitaminas. Cancer, antioxidants, carotenoids, flavonoids, vitamins.

Menstrual Disorders: Causes and Natural Remedies.

Menstruation often bring about a wide variety of uncomfortable symptoms Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) encompasses the most common issues, such as mild cramping and fatigue, but the symptoms usually go away when your period begins. However, other, more serious menstrual problems may also arise.

Menstruación; dismenorrea; amenorrea; plantas medicinales. Menstruation; dysmenorrhea; amenorrhea; medicinal plants.

Herbal Medicine for Women's Health.

The treatments used by most doctors are considered conventional medicine. Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) consists of a group of health care practices and products that are considered out of the mainstream. An “out-of-the-mainstream” treatment is considered complementary if you use it along with conventional medicine.

Medicina Herbal, Menopausia, PMS, Mujeres. Herbal Medicine, Menopause, PMS, Women.

Absorción y digestión.

ABSORCIÓN: Proceso mediante el cuál las sustancias resultantes de la digestión ingresan a la sangre mediante a través de membranas permeables (sust. de bajo PM) o por medio de transporte selectivo. DIGESTIÓN: Proceso mediante el cuál las sustancias resultantes de la digestión ingresan a la sangre mediante a través de membranas permeables (sust. de bajo PM) o por medio de transporte selectivo.

Digestión, nutrientes absorción, intestino, Enzimas, Hidrolasas. Digestion, absorption nutrients, intestine, Enzymes, Hydrolases.

Intersection of Inflammation and Herbal Medicine in the Treatment of Osteoarthritis.

Herbal remedies and dietary supplements have become an important area of research and clinical practice in orthopaedics and rheumatology. Understanding the risks and benefits of using herbal medicines in the treatment of arthritis, rheumatic diseases, and musculoskeletal complaints is a key priority of physicians and their patients.

Osteoartritis, enfermedades reumáticas, dolencias musculoesqueléticas, inflamación, medicina herbal, etnofarmacología, medicina ayurvédica, nutrigenómica, ensayos clínicos, cartílago articular, sinovia, células madre mesenquimales, fitoquímicos, flavonoides, catequinas, tratamiento. Osteoarthritis, rheumatic diseases, musculoskeletal conditions, inflammation, herbal medicine, ethnopharmacology, Ayurvedic medicine, nutrigenomics, clinical trials, articular cartilage, synovium, mesenchymal stem cells, phytochemicals, flavonoids, catechins, treatment.

Recomendaciones del Grupo Español de Trabajo enEnfermedad de Crohn y Colitis Ulcerosa (GETECCU)sobre el tratamiento de pacientes con espondiloartritisasociada a enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal

Las manifestaciones extraintestinales en general y, de entre ellas, las articulares enparticular, suponen un problema frecuente en los pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intes-tinal. De hecho, la relación entre ambas entidades parece estrecha y cada vez hay más datos.

Enfermedad de Crohn. Crohn's disease.

Mecanismos de inducción de la matriz extracelular en la nefropatía diabética.

La nefropatía diabética es una complicación grave en la diabetes mellitus. Sus principales cambios morfológicos típicos se deben al aumento de la cantidad de proteínas de la matriz extracelular. Los productos finales de glicación avanzada, resultado de la hiperglucemia, estimulan la producción de proteínas de la matriz extracelular en las células mesangiales, lo que resulta en la glomeruloesclerosis.

Diabetes mellitus, diabetic nephropathy, extracellulary matrix, metalloproteinases. Diabetes mellitus, nefropatía diabética, matriz extracelular, metaloproteinasas.

Alzheimer's Disease Is Type 3 Diabetes–Evidence Reviewed.

Alzheimer's disease (AD) has characteristic histopathological, molecular, and biochemical abnormalities, including cell loss; abundant neurofibrillary tangles; dystrophic neurites; amyloid precursor protein, amyloid-β (APP-Aβ) deposits; increased activation of prodeath genes and signaling pathways; impaired energy metabolism; mitochondrial dysfunction; chronic oxidative stress; and DNA damage. Gaining a better understanding of AD pathogenesis will require a framework that mechanistically interlinks all these phenomena.

Enfermedad de Alzheimer, sistema nervioso central, diabetes, expresión génica de insulina, señalización de insulina. Alzheimer's disease, central nervous system, diabetes, insulin gene expression, insulin signaling.

Informe del Comité Científico de la Agencia Española de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutrición (AESAN) sobre el papel de la nutrición en las enfermedades autoinmunes.

El sistema inmune está formado por una red compleja de células y órganos que protegen al cuerpo de agentes extraños. El sistema inmune tiene varias líneas de defensa. Una vez que las barreras naturales han fracasado se ponen en marcha la inmunidad innata y la adquirida.

Sistema inmune, enfermedades autoinmunes, nutrición, nutrientes, probióticos. Immune system, autoimmune diseases, nutrition, nutrients, probiotics.

Shark derivatives (Alkylglycerols, Squalene, Cartilage) as putative nutraceuticals in oncology.

The capability of sharks to resist infection and the low incidence of tumors found in different species of sharks (e.g. spiny dogfish shark, tiger shark) suggested the presence into their tissues of active compounds, provided of anticancer activities, such as Alkylglycerols (from the shark liver), Squalene (from the shark mesenchyme and skin), and Cartilage (from the shark skeleton).

Alkylglycerols, shark liver oil, squalene, shark cartilage, urea, anti-squalene antibodies, cancer, lipids, anti-tumoral activity, oncology. Alquilgliceroles, aceite de hígado de tiburón, escualeno, cartílago de tiburón, urea, anticuerpos anti-escualeno, cáncer, lípidos, actividad antitumoral, oncología.

IL-6 in Inflammation, Immunity, and Disease.

Interleukin 6 (IL-6), promptly and transiently produced in response to infections and tissue injuries, contributes to host defense through the stimulation of acute phase responses, hematopoiesis, and immune reactions.

Interleucina 6 (IL-6), autoinmunidad, enfermedad crónica, inflamación, hematopoyesis. Interleukin 6 (IL-6), autoimmunity, chronic disease, inflammation, hematopoiesis.

Circadian rhythms and exercise — re-setting the clock in metabolic disease

Perturbed diurnal rhythms are becoming increasingly evident as deleterious events in the pathology of metabolic diseases. Exercise is well characterized as a crucial intervention in the prevention and treatment of individuals with metabolic diseases.

Skeletal muscle, clock-controlled genes, dysregulation, Physical strength, exercise. Músculo esquelético, genes controlados por reloj, desregulación, fuerza física, ejercicio

Modulation of Metabolic Detoxification Pathways Using Foods and Food-Derived Components: A Scientific Review with Clinical Application.

Food-based nutrients have been and continue to be investigated for their role in the modulation of metabolic pathways involved in detoxification processes. Several publications to date have leveraged cell, animal, and clinical studies to demonstrate that food-derived components and nutrients canmodulate processes of conversion and eventual excretion of toxins from the body.

Desintoxicación, nutrientes, toxinas. Detoxification, nutrients, toxins.

Myoma Risk Factors (A Review).

Diagnosticados en mujeres de 40 pricipalmente. Los daños celulares o inflamaciones creadas como resultado de de infección o hipoxia se consideran como los mecanismos para el inicio de la formación del mioma. Más Riesgo si: menarquia antes 10 años, obesidad (+conversión de andrógenos adrenales a estrógenos), consumo de carne de vaca, cerdo y otras carnes rojas.

Factores riesgo mioma. Myoma risk factors.

Histamine, histamine intoxication and intolerance.

En condiciones normales hay una barrera enzimática por DAO y HNMT en células del epitelio intestinal de gente sana que protegen de la reabsorción de histamina (no dejan q la histamina de la comida pase a la sangre). Si hay pocas enzimas de éstas o están inhibidas podrá darse el HIT por aumento de los niveles de histamina.

Histamina, intolerancia, Envenenamiento escombroide, Diamina oxidasa. Histamine, intolerance, Scombroid poisoning, Diamine oxidase.

A Case-control Study to Evaluate the Prevalence of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Among Patients with Moderate-to-severe Psoriasis.

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common cause of elevated liver enzymes and is predicted to be the leading cause of liver transplantation by 2020.1,2 The prevalence of NAFLD in the United States is estimated to range from 10 to 35 percent.3 The condition is characterized by the presence of hepatic pathology resembling alcoholic fatty liver disease in individuals who do not consume excessive amounts of alcohol.

Enfermedad del hígado graso no alcohólico, psoriasis, síndrome metabólico, comorbilidad, enfermedad hepática. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, psoriasis, metabolic syndrome, comorbidity, liver disease.

Immune recognition of somatic mutations leading to complete durable regression in metastatic breast cancer.

La inmunoterapia con bloqueo de punto de control o transferencia adoptiva de linfocitos antitumorales ha demostrado su eficacia en el tratamiento de cánceres con altos niveles de mutaciones somáticas, como melanoma, cáncer de pulmón inducido por el tabaquismo y cáncer de vejiga, con poco efecto en otros cánceres epiteliales comunes que tienen una mutación menor tasas, como las que surgen en el tracto gastrointestinal, mama y ovario.

Inmunitario, mutaciones somáticas, metastásico, metástasis, cáncer de mama. Immune, somatic mutations, metastatic, metastases, breast cancer.

Variant of TYR and Autoimmunity Susceptibility Loci in Generalized Vitiligo

We observed associations between generalized vitiligo and markers implicating multiple genes, some associated with other autoimmune diseases and one (TYR) that may mediate target-cell specificity and indicate a mutually exclusive relationship between susceptibility to vitiligo and susceptibility to melanoma.

TYR, loci, autoinmunidad, vitiligo generalizado, melanocitos, despigmentación. TYR, loki, autoimmunity, generalized vitiligo, melanocytes, depigmentation.

Manifestaciones retinianas de las enfermedades infecciosas.

La retina y la coroides son estructuras ricamente vascularizadas por lo que pueden ser colonizadas por gérmenes a través de la vía hematógena en el curso de una enfermedad infecciosas sistémica. Los gérmenes responsables de este tipo de infección pueden ser hongos, virus, bacterias y parásitos.

Retinitis Systemic infections. Toxoplasm. Herpes. Candidiasis. Retinitis Infecciones sistémicas. Toxoplasma Herpes. Candidiasis.

Oral NaHCO3 Activates a Splenic Anti-Inflammatory Pathway: Evidence That Cholinergic Signals Are Transmitted via Mesothelial Cells

We tested the hypothesis that oral NaHCO3 intake stimulates splenic anti-inflammatory pathways. Following oral NaHCO3 loading, macrophage polarization was shifted from predominantly M1 (inflammatory) to M2 (regulatory) phenotypes, and FOXP3+CD4+ T-lymphocytes increased in the spleen, blood, and kidneys of rats.

Bicarbonato, vías antiinflamatorias esplénicas, oral, señales colinérgicas, células mesoteliales. Bicarbonate, splenic anti-inflammatory pathways, oral, cholinergic signals, mesothelial cells

Sensibilidad al gluten no celíaca y enfermedades reumatológicas.

La enfermedad celíaca es una enfermedad autoinmune sistémica que tiene entre sus manifestaciones clínicas síntomas frecuentes en las enfermedades reumatológicas, como dolor musculoesquelético crónico, astenia y fatiga mental. Se asocia a otras enfermedades autoinmunes, como la enfermedad de Sjögren. Es una enfermedad bien caracterizada con pruebas diagnósticas específicas.

Enfermedad celíaca, Sensibilidad al gluten no celíaca, Fibromialgia, Espondiloartritis, Autoinmunidad.Celiac disease, Non-celiac gluten sensitivity, Fibromyalgia, Spondyloarthritis, Autoimmunity.


Colorectal cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in both men and women in the United States.1 Inflammation plays an important role in cancer development, including colorectal cancer.2,3 Though epidemiological studies have not consistently reported significant associations between prediagnosis levels of widely used inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF), and colorectal cancer risk,4 there is plausible evidence that inflammation plays an important role in colorectal cancer development.

Cáncer colorrectal, iperinsulinemia, obesidad, inflamación. Colorectal cancer, iperinsulinemia, obesity, inflammation

Immune Modulation From Five Major Mushrooms: Application to Integrative Oncologyses.

This review discusses the immunological roles of 5 major mushrooms in oncology: Agaricus blazei, Cordyceps sinensis, Grifola frondosa, Ganoderma lucidum, and Trametes versicolor. These mushrooms were selected based on the body of research performed on mushroom immunology in an oncology model. First, this article focuses on how mushrooms modify cytokines within specific cancer models and on how those cytokines affect the disease process.

Cáncer, oncología, hongos, citocinas. Cancer, oncology, fungi, cytokines.

N-Acetilcisteína en neuroprotección y lesión traumática cerebral: revisión de la literatura.

La lesión traumática cerebral es considerada un problema de salud pública, con altas tasas de morbi-mortalidad a nivel mundial. El conocimiento de su fisiopatología ha permitido determinar que no sólo los procesos primarios o directos generan daño neuronal, sino también los procesos secundarios caracterizados por una cascada de mecanismos moleculares que inician al momento del trauma y evolucionan posterior a este. Dentro de ellos se destaca el estrés oxidativo y el agotamiento de antioxidantes.

N-Acetylcysteine, Neuroprotection, Antioxidants, oxidative stress, Craniocerebral Trauma. N-Acetilcisteína, Neuroprotección, Antioxidantes, estrés oxidativo, Traumatismos Craneocerebrales.

The influence of diet on anti-cancer immune responsiveness.

Immunotherapy has matured into standard treatment for several cancers, but much remains to be done to extend the reach of its effectiveness particularly to cancers that are resistant within each indication. This review proposes that nutrition can affect and potentially enhance the immune response against cancer.

Inmunoterapia, Dieta saludable, Cáncer, Microbioma, Suplementos funcionales. Immunotherapy, Healthy diet, Cancer, Microbiome, Functional supplements.

El alto nivel de adherencia a una dieta mediterránea afecta de manera beneficiosa la microbiota intestinal y el metaboloma asociado.

La dieta juega un papel importante en la composición de la microbiota intestinal y determina el repertorio de metabolitos microbianos que pueden influir en el huésped. Se recuperó la información dietética de 153 individuos con dietas omnívoras (dieta occidental típica), vegetarianas o veganas, la mayoría de los sujetos veganos y vegetarianos así como el 30% de los omnívoros tenían una alta adherencia a la dieta mediterránea, la cual incluye un alto consumo de cereales, frutas, verduras y legumbres.

Dieta mediterranea, microbiota intestinal, metabolismo asociado, alimentos vegatales, dieta occidental. Mediterranean diet, intestinal microbiota, associated metabolism, vegetable foods, western diet.

Gastrointestinal disorders associated with migraine: A comprehensive review.

A pesar de que la relación entre el desarrollo de la migraña y los trastornos gastrointestinales no está del todo esclarecida, existe una relación clara entre algunos desordenes gastrointestinales y la prevalencia de migrañas. La principal relación se encuentra en la población con diagnóstico de Enfermedad Celiaca (EC) confirmada con biopsia, ya que existe gran evidencia de que la migraña desaparece tras la aplicación de una dieta libre de gluten en casi la totalidad de la población con este diagnóstico.

Enfermedades gastrointestinales, Dolor de cabeza, Microbiota, Migraña. Gastrointestinal diseases, Headache, Microbiota, Migraine.

From the gut to the joint

El artículo demuestra que la microbiota juega un papel fundamental en el desarrollo de Artritis Reumatoide (AR) dado que en ratones criados en condiciones libres de gérmenes se ven reducidos los niveles séricos de autoanticuerpos artritogénicos, y tras la introducción de un solo comensal, comienza a desarrollarse una respuesta autoinmune. Por ello, un estado de disbiosis, nos acerca hacia el desarrollo de AR.

Enfermedades reumatoides, intestino, articulación, articulaciones. Rheumatoid diseases, intestine, joint, joints.

Ocurrencia de patologías tendinosas en trastornos metabólicos.

En estas líneas se revisa la importancia del papel que tiene el sistema endocrino sobre la patología tendinosa. En los pacientes con diabetes son muy frecuentes las enfermedades reumatológicas, que principalmente se deben a los efectos nocivos de los productos finales de la glicación avanzada que deterioran las funciones biológicas y mecánicas de los tendones y ligamentos.

Tendinopatía, diabetes mellitus, hipercolesterolemia, hiperuricemia, obesidad. Tendinopathy, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, hyperuricemia, obesity.

La fructosa, peor para el metabolismo y el sistema vascular que la glucosa.

El tipo de azúcar que se consume –y no solo la cantidad ingerida– puede determinar el riesgo de padecer enfermedades metabólicas y vasculares, según un estudio realizado en animales de laboratorio y dirigido por la Universidad de Barcelona.

Fructosa, azúcar, síndrome metabólico, enfermedad vascular, metabolismo, glucosa. Fructose, sugar, metabolic syndrome, vascular disease, metabolism, glucose.

La neuroestimulación eléctrica percutánea del dermatoma t7 mejora el perfil glucémico en pacientes obesos y diabéticos tipo 2. Estudio clínico aleatorizado.

La secreción endocrina pancreática está regulada por el sistema nervioso autónomo. El sistema parasimpático estimula la producción de insulina por las células beta e inhibe la liberación adrenérgica por el sistema nervioso simpático. El objetivo del presente estudio es evaluar el efecto de la neuroestimulación percutánea (PENS) del dermatoma T7, creándose un reflejo somato-autonómico, cuya vía eferente serán las ramas del nervio vago que estimulan específicamente el páncreas.

Neuroestimulación percutánea, Dermatoma T7, Diabetes mellitus, Insulina, Homeostasis Model Assessment. Percutaneous neurostimulation, T7 dermatitis, Diabetes mellitus, Insulin.

Testosterone: Why the Incidence of Multiple Sclerosis is Lower in Men .

Los investigadores han descubierto por qué los hombres son mucho menos propensos a desarrollar esclerosis múltiple (EM): por los altos niveles de testosterona. Al parecer la testosterona desencadena la producción de la citocina IL-33 protegiéndolas de la enfermedad. Los hallazgos del equipo se publicaron en las Actas de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias.

Testosterona, sistema inmune, esclerosis múltiple, hormonas. Testosterone, immune system, multiple sclerosis, hormones.

Los corredores deberían ingerir menos líquidos en las pruebas.

La hiponatremia es un trastorno debido a la caída del nivel de sodio en la sangre que se presenta cuando el deportista bebe más líquido del que sus riñones pueden eliminar. Este exceso de agua, que termina afectando al cerebro, es responsable del aumento de peso, las náuseas, la confusión mental, los espasmos musculares y la debilidad característicos de esta patología que, en casos muy severos, puede desembocar en el coma y la muerte del paciente.

Deportista, hiponatremia, bebidas isotónicas, hidratación, maratoniano. Athlete, hyponatremia, isotonic drinks, hydration, marathoner

Alkylglycerol apertura de la barrera hematoencefálica a marcadores de fluorescencia pequeños y grandes en ratas normales y con glioma c6 y capilares de cerebro de rata aislados.

La barrera hematoencefálica (BHE) representa el mayor impedimento para el éxito de suministro de agentes terapéuticos al tejido diana dentro del sistema nervioso central. Los alkilgliceroles vía intracarotídea han demostrado que aumentan la transferencia de quimioterapéuticos a través de la BHE. Uno de los objetivos del presente estudio fue evaluar el alcance y la distribución de grandes compuestos al cerebro mediada por alkilglicerol.

Barrera hematoencefálica, alkilgliceroles, inmunonutrición, permeabilidad. Blood-brain barrier, alkylglycerols, immunonutrition, patency.

Convergencia monosináptica de aferentes somáticos y viscerales de fibra c en proyección y neuronas de circuito local en lámina i: un sustrato para dolor referido.

El dolor referido es un fenómeno de sentir dolor en un sitio que no sea el sitio del origen del estímulo doloroso. Surge de una mezcla patológica de las vías de procesamiento nociceptivas para las entradas viscerales y somáticas. No se conoce el mecanismo exacto y el sitio de esta mezcla dentro del sistema nervioso central.

Convergencia, integración, dolor referido, formación de imágenes, cuerno dorsal, potencial de acción. Convergence, integration, referred pain, imaging, dorsal horn, action potential

La disbiosis microbiana está asociada con el cáncer de mama humano.

El cáncer de seno afecta a una de cada ocho mujeres en su vida. Aunque hay factores de riesgo estudiados como la dieta, la edad y la predisposición genética, muchos de ellos se consideran etiología desconocida. El desequilibrio en la microbiota intestinal o disbiosis microbiana se sabe hoy en día que está implicada en patologías varias como la obesidad, la diabetes y el cáncer de colon.

Microbiota intestinal, cáncer de mama, ADN microbiano. Gut microbiota, breast cancer, microbial DNA.

Asma y permeabilidad intestinal.

Los últimos estudios relacionan la mucosa intestinal con el asma y otras patologías respiratorias. Se han hallado signos inflamatorios en la mucosa intestinal de niños asmáticos que imitan los observados en la mucosa bronquial. Lo que se conoce con Sistema Mucoso Común Inmune sugiere que células inmunitarias pueden migrar a otras zonas mucosas a través del tejido linfático asociado a las mucosas.

Asma, sistema inmune, microbiota intestinal, permeabilidad intestinal. Asthma, immune system, gut microbiota, gut permeability.

Productos finales de la glicación y de la lipoxidación como amplificadores de la inflamación: papel de los alimentos.

Las concentraciones elevadas intracelulares y extracelulares de los hidratos de carbono reactivos tales como la glucosa, pero aún más la altamente reactiva fructosa, son importantes desencadenantes de la glicosidación aumentada y de la formación de glioxal, metilglioxal y 3-desoxiglucosano, los cuales glicosilan a las proteínas y tarde o temprano forman compuestos AGEs y ALEs que se acumulan de manera intracelular y extracelular.

Hidrato de carbono, AGE, ALE, glucosa, fructosa. Carbohydrate, AGE, ALE, glucose, fructose.

Efecto terapéutico de la dieta macrobiótica MA-PI 2 en 25 adultos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2.

En un ensayo clínico con 25 adultos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2, tratados con antihiperglicemiantes, se estudió el impacto que tendría sobre su salud una dieta macrobiótica vegetariana Ma-Pi 2. En este ensayo se valoró la evolución clínica, estado nutricional, indicadores bioquímicos de rutina y del metabolismo glucídico y lipídico, consumo de medicamentos y eventos adversos.

Diabetes tipo 2, adultos, tratamiento, dieta, macrobiótica. Type 2 diabetes, adults, treatment, diet, macrobiotic.

La existencia de enzimas capaces de revertir procesos degenerativos.

Siempre me pareció curioso que para tratar una patología a priori estrógenica, como un mioma (1) o un quiste, el tratamiento de elección fueran anticoncepticvos hormonales, es decir, estrógenos (2). No se sabe mucho acerca de cómo actúa el tratamiento y pienso si puede ser por alguna inhibición competitiva enzimática en los receptores alpha y/o beta (3).

MIoma, estrógenos, anticonceptivos orales, cáncer mama.Myoma, estrogens, oral contraceptives, breast cancer.

Investigation of some pharmacological effects of Caffeine and Taurine in food supplements.

In modern times in all age groups energy supplements containing different amounts of Caffeine and Taurine are applied. Caffeine is purine alkaloid, which stimulates central nervous system action, enhances the strength and frequency of the cardiac contractions and increases the excretion of urine.

Cafeína, taurina, suplementos alimenticios, efectos farmacológicos. Caffeine, taurine, food supplements, pharmacological effects.

Interleukin-17 family cytokines in protective immunity against infections: role of hematopoietic cell-derived and non-hematopoietic cell-derived interleukin-17s.

Interleukin-17 family cytokines, consisting of six members, participate in immune response in infections and autoimmune and inflammatory diseases. The prototype cytokine of the family, IL-17A, was originally identified from CD4þ T cells which are now termed Th17 cells. Later, IL-17Aproducing cells were expanded to include various hematopoietic cells, namely CD8þ T cells (Tc17), invariant NKT cells, gd T cells, non-T non-B lymphocytes (termed type 3 innate lymphoid cells) and neutrophils.

Interleuquina-17, receptor de interleucina-17, infección. Interleukin-17, interleukin-17 receptor, infection.

Los bioquímicos asociados con el dolor y la inflamación se elevan en sitios cercanos y alejados de los puntos gatillo miofasciales activos.

Estudio comparativo en el que se miden sustancias químicas asociadas a dolor e inflamación (bradiquidina, sustancia P, interleuquinas, CGRP, TNF α, serotonina y norepinefrina) así como el Ph del medio de lugares próximos y remotos a puntos gatillos miofasciales (MTP ). Se escogieron 9 sujetos, tres con dolor de cuello y MTP activo en trapecio, tres sin dolor de cuello y MTP latente y otros tres sin dolor ni MTP.

Sustancias químicas asociadas a dolor, inflamación, bradiquidina, sustancia P. Chemicals associated with pain, inflammation, bradychidine, substance P.

Fibromialgia y sensibilidad al gluten no celíaca: una descripción con remisión de la fibromialgia

Estudio que muestra la remarcable mejoría de 20 pacientes con diagnóstico de fibromialgia (FM) al someterse durante una media de 16 meses a una dieta estricta sin gluten. Los autores deciden describir estos 20 casos de forma exhaustiva tras observar respuesta clínica en 90 casos en consulta de reumatología. Las personas del estudio, mujeres mayores de 46 años, estaban diagnosticadas de FM y no de celiaquía.

Fibromialgia, Enfermedad celiaca, Sensibilidad del gluten, Linfocitosis intraepitelial. Fibromyalgia, Celiac disease, Gluten sensitivity, Intraepithelial lymphocytosis.

Neurobiología del dolor visceral

Descripción neurobiológica del dolor visceral. Definido como: dolor de localización difusa referido dentro de otros tejidos, frecuentemente no relacionado con trauma visceral, preferentemente acompañado de reflejos autónomos y somato motores y asociados con fuertes sentimientos negativo afectivos.

Dolor visceral, neurobiología. Visceral pain, neurobiology.

Disbiosis inducida por la dieta de la microbiota intestinal y los efectos sobre la inmunidad y la enfermedad

La microbiota gastrointestinal (GI) es la colección de microbios que residen en el tracto GI y representa la mayor fuente de antígenos no propios en el cuerpo humano. El tracto gastrointestinal funciona como un importante órgano inmunológico, ya que debe mantener la tolerancia a los antígenos comensales y dietéticos a la vez que responde a los estímulos patógenos.

Microbiota intestinal, inflamación, susceptibilidad a enfermedades, nutrición. Gut microbiota, inflammation, disease susceptibility, nutrition.

Dolor visceral como un factor desencadenante de los síntomas de la fibromialgia en pacientes comórbidos.

Después de comparar el dolor y la hiperalgesia en síndrome de fibromialgia en pacientes comórbidos (pacientes que además de fibromialgia presentaban alguna patología visceral: síndrome de intestino irritable, dismenorrea primaria, dismenorrea secundaria a endometriosis, o diverticulosis de colon), con pacientes que solamente tenían fibromialgia, se concluyó que los pacientes comórbidos tenían mayor dolor e hiperalgesia que los que sólo tenían fibromialgia, asociándose el dolor visceral directamente con todos los parámetros del dolor del síndrome de fibromialgia.

Dolor viceral, fibromialgia, pacientes comórbidos. Viceral pain, fibromyalgia, comorbid patients.

La inmunología del apéndice vermiforme: una revisión de la literatura.

El apéndice vermiforme es una parte importante del sistema inmune, interaccionando con las bacterias intestinales. La biopelícula del apéndice tiene un efecto beneficioso para todo el intestino, estimula el desarrollo del tejido linfoide asociado con el intestino, y ayuda a la recuperación después de una enfermedad diarreica, recolonizando el colon con flora comensal.

Apéndice, biofilm, inmunología, enfermedad inflamatoria del intestino. Appendix, biofilm, immunology, inflammatory bowel disease

Sweetening of the global diet, particulary beverages: patterns, trends, and policy responses

Muchos países consumen una gran cantidad de bebidas azucaradas y otros que antes consumían pocas, están aumentando el consumo. Por otra parte se muestra que el consumo de estas bebidas está decayendo en países que aplican impuestos a estas bebidas, como Méjico, Hungría, Finlandia o Francia.

Azucar, dieta, bebidas azucaradas. Sugar, diet, sugary drinks

Virus en patología pulpar y periapical. Revisión de la literatura.

Las infecciones de origen endodóncico son infecciones polimicrobianas que pueden tener diversas manifestaciones clínicas y radiológicas. La presencia de virus en diferentes patologías pulpares y periapicales está en investigación con el fi n de asociar su presencia con las lesiones radiolúcidas apicales y sus sintomatología.

Herpes virus; Papilomavirus; Citomegalovirus; Virus de Epstein-Barr; Periodontitis apical; Infección endodóncica; Lesión periapical. Herpes virus; Papillomavirus; Cytomegalovirus; Epstein-Barr virus; Apical periodontitis; Endodontic infection; Periapical injury.

Adherencia a una dieta mediterránea y riesgo de diabetes: una revisión sistemática y metaanálisis.

La revisión sistemática actual y el metaanálisis, (se incluyeron para el metaanálisis: un ensayo controlado aleatorizado y ocho estudios prospectivos de cohortes -122 810 sujetos- publicados entre 2007 y 2014) muestra que la adherencia a una dieta mediterránea se asocia con un menor riesgo de convertirse en diabético (19%, evidencia de calidad moderada).

Dieta mediterránea, Metanálisis, Riesgo de diabetes, Revisión sistemática. Mediterranean diet, Meta-analysis, Diabetes risk, Systematic review.

El papel metabólico de la microbiota intestinal en la salud y la enfermedad reumática: mecanismo e intervenciones.

En esta revisión, se proporciona una descripción actualizada sobre como los cambios en la composición de microbios intestinales(causados por la dieta, ingesta probióticos, etc.) podría tener un importante papel en la salud y en la patogenia reumática. Incluye también los avances en farmacomicrobiomics y su uso potencial en el diagnóstico, terapéutica y medicina personalizada.

Metabolismo, microbiota instestinal, intestino, reuma. Metabolism, gut microbiota, intestine, rheumatism.

Saturated fatty acids activate TLR-mediated proinflammatory signaling pathways.

Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) y TLR2 mostraron activadarse por los ácidos grasos saturados (SFA) pero inhibirse por el ácido docosahexaenoico (DHA). Sin embargo, un estudio sugirió que la activación de TLR inducida por SFA en sistemas de cultivo celular se debe a contaminantes en BSA utilizados para solubilizar ácidos grasos. Este estudio generó dudas sobre los efectos proinflamatorios de los SFA.

Ácido docosahexaenoico, receptores Toll-like, especies de oxígeno reactivo. Docosahexaenoic acid, Toll-like receptors, reactive oxygen species

¿La interdependencia entre el estrés oxidativo y la inflamación explica la paradoja antioxidante?

El estrés oxidativo se ha relacionado con muchas enfermedades crónicas. Sin embargo, los ensayos con antioxidantes hasta ahora no han tenido éxito como medida preventiva o curativa. El proceso inflamatorio crónico de bajo grado, por otro lado, juega un papel central en la patogénesis de varias enfermedades crónicas.

Stress, estrés, oxidativo, inflamación, antioxidante. Stress, stress, oxidative, inflammation, antioxidant

Ácidos grasos, mediadores de lípidos y función de células T.

El mundo occidental experimenta una epidemia de obesidad debido al consumo excesivo de alimentos. Entre los muchos nutrientes adquiridos en exceso, los ácidos grasos libres tienen un impacto importante en varias funciones corporales, como lo han aclarado investigaciones recientes. En esta revisión, proporcionamos una visión general del conocimiento actual sobre los efectos de los ácidos grasos y sus derivados sobre las células T.

Células T, ácidos grasos, mediadores lipídicos, obesidad, inflamación. T cells, fatty acids, lipid mediators, obesity, inflammation.

Inflamación de bajo grado, composición de la dieta y salud: evidencia de investigación actual y su traducción

La inflamación es un componente normal de la defensa del huésped; sin embargo, la inflamación crónica no resuelta elevada es una perturbación central en una variedad de enfermedades crónicas y es un determinante importante del impacto patológico del exceso de adiposidad.

Inflamación de bajo grado, biomarcadores, enfermedades crónicas, declaraciones de propiedades saludables. Low-grade inflammation, biomarkers, chronic diseases, health claims.

Alimentación sana

Llevar una dieta sana a lo largo de la vida ayuda a prevenir la malnutrición en todas sus formas, así como distintas enfermedades no transmisibles como la diabetes y la obesidad, enfermedades por las que la OMS elaboró nuevas metas mundiales en 2013 para intentar reducirlas en la población.

Dieta , alimentación sana. Diet, healthy eating.

Beneficios de la dieta mediterránea: ideas del estudio PREDIMED.

El PREDIMED (PREEDA con DIETA MEDITERRANEA) multicéntrico, aleatorizado, primario ensayo de prevención evaluó los efectos a largo plazo de la dieta mediterránea (MeDiet) en la clínica eventos de enfermedad cardiovascular (CVD).

Dieta mediterránea, intervención dietética, ensayos aleatorizados, prevención primaria, fibrilación auricular, arteriopatía periférica, accidente cerebrovascular, diabetes tipo 2. Mediterranean diet, dietary intervention, randomized trials, primary prevention, atrial fibrillation, peripheral artery disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes.

La inflamación inducida por Arachidonate 12/15-Lipoxygenase y el estrés oxidativo están involucrados en el desarrollo de la miocardiopatía diabética

Hay bastante evidencia del papel importante que juega el araquidonato 12-15 lipooxigenasa (12/15LOX) en el desarrollo de la aterosclerosis, nefropatia y neuropatía en la diabetes.

Dieta mediterránea, diabetes tipo 2, miocardiopatía diabética. Mediterranean diet, type 2 diabetes, diabetic cardiomyopathy

Mis Recetas Anticáncer: Tengo cáncer, ¿qué puedo comer? ¿qué alimentos debo disminuir o eliminar?

Cada vez más personas se hacen esta pregunta en la consulta del médico cuando padecen un cáncer y la respuesta suele ser la misma: coma usted lo que quiera y todo lo que le apetezca. Esa fue la misma respuesta que yo encontré por parte de mis colegas cuando hace 5 años me diagnosticaron un cáncer de ovario con metástasis.

Alimentación, cáncer, recetas. Food, cancer, recipes.

Esclerosis múltiple: Esperanza en la investigación.

El material de NINDS relacionado con la salud está proporcionado solamente para fines informativos y no representa necesariamente el respaldo o la posición oficial del National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke o de cualquier otro organismo Federal. El consejo para el tratamiento o la atención de un paciente en particular debe obtenerse por medio de la consulta con un médico que haya examinado al paciente o que esté familiarizado con la historia clínica de ese paciente.

Esclerosis múltiple. Multiple sclerosis.

Manifestaciones psiquiátricas secundarias a las principales enfermedades endocrinológicas .

Variaciones en los niveles hormonales pueden cursar con diversos grados de alteración neuropsiquiátrica, expresándose de muy diversas maneras.

Hipopituitarismos, acromegalia, hipertiroidismo, hipotiroidismo, hipoparatiroidismo, hiperparatiroidismo, insuficiencia suprarrenal primaria (enf. De addison), síndrome de exceso de glucocorticoides. Síndrome de cushing, hiperglucemia. Diabetes mellitus, hipoglucemia. Hypopituitarisms, acromegaly, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, hypoparathyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, primary adrenal insufficiency (Addison's disease), glucocorticoid excess syndrome. Cushing's syndrome, hyperglycemia. Diabetes mellitus, hypoglycemia.

Encuentran ADN masculino en Cerebro de Mujeres

Se ha encontrado comúnmente ADN masculino en los cerebros de las mujeres, probablemente derivada de un embarazo previo con un feto de sexo masculino, de acuerdo con una investigación la primera de su tipo, realizada en el Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. Mientras que las implicaciones médicas del ADN masculino y células masculinas en el cerebro son desconocidos, los estudios de otros tipos de microquimerismo (albergar el material genético de las células y que se intercambian entre el feto y la madre durante el embarazo) han relacionado el fenómeno de las enfermedades autoinmunes y cáncer, a veces para bien y otras veces para mal.

ADN, microquimerismo. DNA, microchimerism.

La neuroinflamación mediada por células Th17 está implicada en la neurodegeneración del modelo de la enfermedad de Alzheimer inducida por Aβ1-42.

La enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA), un trastorno neurodegenerativo con la forma más común de demencia, se caracteriza patológicamente por ovillos neurofibrilares intracelulares en neuronas y deposición de amiloide-β (Aβ) extracelular en una estructura compacta entre neuronas.

Alzheimer, fisiogenómica, geriatría, individualidad, inflamación, Inmunonutrición, neocortex, patología, SISTEMA INMUNE, Th17. Alzheimer, physiogenomics, geriatrics, individuality, inflammation, Immunonutrition, neocortex, pathology, SISTEMA INMUNE, Th17.

Parámetros bioquímicos básicos, hematológicos y hormonales para el control de la salud y el estado nutricional en los deportistas.

Las competiciones deportivas cada vez más tienen una mayor exigencia en cuanto a la intensidad del esfuerzo, precisando controlar minuciosamente todos los aspectos que afectan al rendimiento deportivo.

Estado nutricional; Estado de salud; Deportistas; Valoración nutricional; Marcadores biológicos. Nutritional condition; Health condition; Athletes; Nutritional assessment; Biological markers.

Enfermedad autoinmune e infección: una relación bidireccional.

Las enfermedades autoinmunes son procesos patológicos en los cuales el sistema inmune ataca componentes del propio individuo. Su espectro abarca desde las enfermedades órgano-específicas, como la tiroiditis de Hashimoto, la enfermedad de Addison, la diabetes mellitus tipo 1, la cirrosis biliar primaria o la anemia hemolítica autoinmune, entre otras, hasta las enfermedades sistémicas, como el lupus eritematoso sistémico (LES), el síndrome de Sjögren, la esclerosis sistémica, las miopatías inflamatorias idiopáticas o las vasculitis sistémicas.

Enfermedades autoinmune. Autoimmune diseases.

Las saponinas en la alimentación funcionan como un antinutriente.

Las saponinas son un grupo de glucósidos oleosos, los cuales son solubles en agua produciendo espumosidad cuando las soluciones son agitadas. Las contienen plantas muy diversas, entre ellas el abrojo, la saponaria o jabonera, el castaño de Indias, las legumbres, la yuca, el yingseng.

Legumbres, Hortalizas, Recetas cocina, Productos agrarios, Nutrición, Cuidado corporal, Agricultura, Medicina, Bienestar, Agroalimentación, Alimentos, Gastronomía, Estilo vida, Salud, Alimentación, Cultura, Industria. Legumes, Vegetables, Cooking recipes, Agricultural products, Nutrition, Body care, Agriculture, Medicine, Well-being, Agri-food, Food, Gastronomy, Lifestyle, Health, Food, Culture, Industry.

Preferential induction of Th17 cells in vitro and in vivo by Fucogalactan from Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi).

El Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) se lleva utilizando durante años en la medicina herbal para mejorar el funcionamiento del sistema inmune. Aunque aún no se entiende muy bien su funcionamiento, se ha visto en un estudio realizado que el Reishi y su principal ingrediente, el B-glucano, tiene una acción de activación sobre las células dentríticas, produciendo de este modo grandes cantidades de IL-23, lo que induce la diferenciación de Th17 tanto in vitro como in vivo.

Reishi, sistema inmune, B-glucano, Th17. Reishi, immune system, B-glucan, Th17.

Effects of the menstrual cycle on lower-limb biomechanics, neuromuscular control, and anterior cruciate ligament injury risk: a systematic review. - pubmed – ncbi.

Las tasas de ruptura del LCA son significativamente mayores en las mujeres que en los hombres durante los mismos deportes. En esta revisión se evalúan los mecanismos hormonales y como puede afectar el ciclo menstrual en relación a la biomecánica del miembro inferior, el control neuromuscular y el riesgo de lesión del LCA.

Biomecánica; cruzado; ligamento; menstrual; neuromuscular. Biomechanics; crossed; ligament; menstrual; neuromuscular.

¿El vegetarianismo es saludable para los niños?

Según la influyente declaración de posición de la Academia de Nutrición y Dietética sobre el vegetarianismo, la carne y los mariscos pueden reemplazarse por leche, soja / legumbres y huevos sin ningún efecto negativo en los niños. El Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos respalda una opinión similar.

Vegetarianismo en niños, veganismo en niños, crecimiento, desarrollo cognitivo, fitoestrógenos en el embarazo, proporción de nacimientos. Vegetarianism in children, veganism in children, growth, cognitive development, phytoestrogens in pregnancy, proportion of births.

La carga de ácido dependiente de la dieta y la diabetes tipo 2: resultados combinados de tres estudios prospectivos de cohorte.

Los estudios sugieren un posible vínculo entre la acidosis metabólica de bajo grado y la diabetes tipo 2. Un patrón dietético occidental aumenta la carga diaria de ácido, pero la asociación entre la carga de ácido dependiente de la dieta y la diabetes tipo 2 aún no está clara.

Equilibrio ácido-base, Carga de ácido en la dieta, Intolerante a la glucosa, Resistencia a la insulina. Acid-base balance, Acid load in the diet, Intolerant to glucose, Insulin resistance.

Una intervención de nutrición y acondicionamiento para la preparación de un concurso natural de culturismo: observaciones y sugerencias.

El culturismo está lleno de mitos y prácticas que son contrarios a la literatura científica, lo que puede conducir a problemas de salud. Adoptar un enfoque científicamente diseñado es muy importante, ya que puede ayudar a los culturistas a lograr mejores resultados preservando su salud.

Culturista, Entrenamiento de resistencia, Entrenamiento de intervalo de alta intensidad, Ingesta de proteína, Ingestión de carbohidratos. Bodybuilder, Endurance Training, High Intensity Interval Training, Protein Intake, Carbohydrate Ingestion.

Hipotiroidismo e Hipertiroidismo: Aprende sus diferencias, signos, síntomas desencadenantes y tratamientos.

Hay muchas preguntas acerca de la salud de la tiroides. ¿Qué hace la tiroides? ¿Qué significa cuando tu doctor te dice que tienes hipertiroidismo, o inclusive el más común, hipotiroidismo? ¿Cuál es la diferencia? Aquí respondemos todas esas preguntas de la salud de la tiroides.

Endocrinologia , hipertiroidismo , hipotiroidismo , medicina , salud , tiroides , yodo. Endocrinology, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, medicine, health, thyroid, iodine.

Ejercicio Inducido Adipokine Cambios y el Síndrome Metabólico

La falta de actividad física adecuada y la obesidad crearon una pandemia mundial. La obesidad se caracteriza por la deposición de tejido adiposo en diversas partes del cuerpo; ahora es evidente que el tejido adiposo también actúa como un órgano endocrino capaz de secretar muchas citocinas que están implicadas en la fisiopatología de la obesidad, la resistencia a la insulina y el síndrome metabólico.

Actividad física, obesidad, adipocinas, síndrome metabólico, Adipokine. Physical activity, obesity, adipokines, metabolic syndrome, Adipokine.

En la génesis: El intestino en la patogenia de las espondiloartritis.

El intestino se ha relacionado con las enfermedades inflamatorias articulares desde hace mucho tiempo, esta relación surgida de la observación clínica se ha ido confirmando con evidencias epidemiológicas que han demostrado afectación intestinal aguda y crónica en pacientes con diferentes formas clínicas de artritis y, por otro lado, afectación articular axial y periférica en pacientes con enfermedades intestinales inflamatorias crónicas (EIIC), sobre todo con enfermedad de Crohn (EC) y con colitis ulcerosa (CU).

Intestino, patogenia, espondiloartritis . Intestine, pathogenesis, spondyloarthritis.

Papel del estrés oxidativo y la inflamación en la retinosis pigmentaria. Efecto de la inhibición del tnfα en la progresión de la degeneración retiniana.

Las degeneraciones retinianas son la principal causa de ceguera hereditaria debida, principalmente, a la pérdida de los fotorreceptores, los conos y los bastones.

Estrés oxidativo, retina, retinosis pigmentaria, degeneración retiniana. Oxidative stress, retina, retinitis pigmentosa, retinal degeneration.

El papel de los antioxidantes en la química del stress oxidativo.

El estrés Oxidativo también se define como la perturbación de la señal redox. La acción de los compuestos oxigenados nitrogenados alteran la función y modulación molecular dañando la membrana lipidica celular y el adn proteinico celular.

Estrés Oxidativo, aumento de los compuestos oxigenados reactivos, perturbación del equilibrio redox. Oxidative stress, increase in reactive oxygenates, disturbance of the redox balance.

Alimentos funcionales Nutrición enteral: pasado y futuro.

Durante el último siglo la nutrición perioperatoria ha pasado de ser un mero instrumento para proporcionar calorías y soporte nitrogenado a una herramienta reforzadora del sistema inmunológico aumentando la resistencia a las complicaciones. A pesar de todo el progreso que ha experimentado la medicina y la cirugía, la morbilidad perioperatoria, tasa

Nutrición enteral perioperatoria. Perioperative enteral nutrition.

Gestión de la carga en las tendinopatías: progresión clínica para tendinopatías de Aquiles y rotuliana.

Las tendinopatías de Aquiles y rotuliana son muy frecuentes. Las lesiones en estos tendones pueden afectar severamente a las actividades deportivas, recreativas y cotidianas. En las últimas 2 décadas, los ejercicios excéntricos se han convertido en la principal intervención conservadora para tratar las tendinopatías de Aquiles y rotuliana.

Tendinopatía, Aquiles, Rotuliana, Ejercicio, Carga, Terapia física. Tendinopathy, Achilles, Patella, Exercise, Load , Physical therapy.

Manual práctico de Nutrición en Pediatría.

La nutrición en la infancia y adolescencia constituye una de las tareas primordiales de los pediatras. Tanto es así, que dentro del ámbito de sus responsabilidades en la Atención Primaria o Especializada, son ellos quienes deben promover la lactancia materna, vigilar y fomentar la obtención de fórmulas de alimentación artificial adecuadas y, finalmente, establecer las técnicas de nutrición y alimentación más apropiadas para contribuir a mejorar la calidad de vida del niño y del adolescente.

Nutrición infantil, pediatría. Child nutrition, pediatrics.

Acidosis inducida por dieta: ¿es verdadero y clínicamente relevante?

El concepto de "acidosis" inducida por la dieta como causa de enfermedad ha sido un tema de interés durante más de un siglo. El presente artículo revisa la historia de nuestra comprensión en evolución del pH fisiológico, el soporte fisiológico para el concepto de 'acidosis', las causas de la acidosis, cómo se reconoce, sus efectos a corto plazo y la relevancia clínica a largo plazo de la acidosis.

Dieta, acidosis. Diet, acidosis.

Impacto de la nutrición en la evolución de la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal.

La enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal es una entidad de etiopatogenia aún no bien conocida, con importantes implicaciones nutricionales y metabólicas, por la alta prevalencia de malnutrición que conlleva; por la posible implicación de factores dietéticos en su patogenia; y por la hipótesis de que la intervención nutricional pudiera ser un tratamiento primario de la enfermedad.

Enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal. La enfermedad de Chron. Colitis ulcerosa. Probióticos. Nutrición enteral. Inflammatory bowel disease. Chron's disease. Ulcerative colitis. Probiotics Enteral nutrition.

El papel del microbioma humano en las enfermedades autoinmunes.

En los últimos años y gracias a nuevas técnicas diagnósticas de identificación microbiológica, ha cobrado importancia el estudio de la asociación de la composición bacteriana intestinal y el desarrollo posterior de enfermedades inflamatorias, del sistema inmunológico y otras.

Microbiota intestinal, microbioma humano, disbiosis, enfermedades autoinmunes, trasplante fecal. Gut microbiota, human microbiome, dysbiosis, autoimmune diseases, fecal transplant.

Una actualización sobre el rol terapéutico de los alquilgliceroles

La medicina popular escandinava usó aceite de hígado de tiburón para el tratamiento de cánceres y otras dolencias basadas en la rareza de los tumores en los tiburones y su capacidad para resistir las infecciones. El aceite de hígado de tiburón es una fuente de alquilgliceroles que se han estudiado como agentes anticancerígenos en varios ensayos clínicos.

Alkylglycerols, alkoxyglycerols, bathyl, selachyl, chimyl, éter lípidos. Alkylglycerols, alkoxyglycerols, bathyl, selachyl, chimyl, ether lipids.

Tobramicina en aerosol una vez al día en pacientes adultos con fibrosis quística en el tratamiento de la infección crónica por Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Se estima que alrededor del 60-70% de los pacientes con Fibrosis Quística desarrollan infección crónica por Pseudomonas aeruginosa, con pérdida progresiva de la función pulmonar, así como un aumento de la resistencia a los antibióticos y la mortalidad.

Infección crónica por P. aeruginosa bramycin Terapia con antibióticos aerosolizados Fibrosis quística. Chronic P. aeruginosa bramycin infection Therapy with aerosolized antibiotics Cystic fibrosis.

Las dos caras de la inmunidad: respuesta th.

Las citokinas poseen una acción pleiotrópica que intervienen tanto en la salud como en la enfermedad, que es mediado por la respuesta linfocitaria T helper. Existe una interacción no excluyente entre la respuesta Th efectora/reguladora, de la cual depende el éxito de procesos fisiológicos y fisiopatológicos en su disregulación.

Citokinas,Th, Preeclampsia, Transplante, Cáncer, Asma. Cytokines, Th, Preeclampsia, Transplant, Cancer, Asthma.

Ácidos grasos poliinsaturados dietéticos y producción de mediadores inflamatorios.

En la inflamación aguda aparecen altas concentraciones de postaglandinas proinflamatorias eicosinoides como la PGE2 y leucotrienos como la LTB4, ambas derivadas el ácido araquidonico. Muchos antiinflamatorios farmacéuticos intentan inhibir la producción de estas postaglandinas y leucotrienos.

Inflamación, aceite de pescado, semillas de lino, ácido eicosapentaenoico, citocina, prostaglandina, eicosanoide, ácido graso n-3, ácido graso poliinsaturado. Inflammation, fish oil, flaxseeds, eicosapentaenoic acid, cytokine, prostaglandin, eicosanoid, n-3 fatty acid, polyunsaturated fatty acid.

Los nuevos criterios de Roma (IV) de los trastornos funcionales digestivos en la práctica clínica.

Para un digestólogo, Roma, además de ser la Ciudad Eterna y la capital del Imperio Romano en la antigüedad, es la ciudad donde se han ido reuniendo periódicamente, desde el a˜no 1992, un grupo de expertos en trastornos funcionales digestivos (TFD) —la última vez en el mes de mayo de este a˜no— para discutir y revisar los criterios diagnósticos de los mismos, que son muchos más que los más conocidos por todos, la dispepsia funcional (DF) y el síndrome del intestino irritable (SII).

Trastornos digestivos, aparato digestivo. Digestive disorders, digestive system.

Síndrome de ovario poliquístico, resistencia a la insulina y obesidad: Navegando el laberinto fisiopatológico.

El síndrome de ovario poliquístico (SOP) es un trastorno endocrino-metabólico altamente prevalente que implica varias consecuencias graves a la salud femenina, incluidas las tasas alarmantes de infertilidad.

Insulina; resistencia a la insulina, sindrome de Ovario poliquistico, hiperandrogenemia, infertilidad, trastornos hormonales. Insulin, insulin resistance, Polycystic ovary syndrome, hyperandrogenemia, infertility, hormonal disorders.

La Microbiota humana: Nutrigenómica de las Interacciones del Microbioma Huésped.

El concepto de “Gutoma Humano,” (del inglés “Human Gutome”) como termino unificador para las interacciones de un sistema multinivel entre el microbioma y el tracto digestivo humano, fue establecido en 2011 (Dimitrov, 2011). En los esfuerzos por superar la deficiente capacidad de transferencia de las investigaciones bench-to-bedside (desde los laboratorios hasta los usuarios), dos enfoques principales han acaparado últimamente la atención, a saber, el modelo computacional del metabolismo humano (Aurich y Thiele, 2016), y órganos en chips, incluyendo herramientas de elementos del intestino en chips. (Shah et al., 2016).

Microbita, Microbiota, digestión, obesidad, osteoporosis, vitamina B, obseidad, diabetes tipo 2. Microbite, Microbiota, digestion, obesity, osteoporosis, vitamin B, obesity, type 2 diabetes.

Infección de la piel de hongos Candida.

Candida es una cepa de hongos que puede causar una infección en la piel, entre otros lugares. En condiciones normales, su piel puede albergar pequeñas cantidades de este hongo. Los problemas surgen cuando comienza a multiplicarse y crea un crecimiento excesivo. Existen más de 150 especies de candida, de acuerdo con los Centros para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CCP). Sin embargo, la mayoría de las infecciones son causadas por una especie llamada Candida albicans.

Candida, hongos, infección, piel. Candida, fungus, infection, skin.

Células colaboradoras (TH1, TH2, TH17) y reguladoras (Treg, TH3, NKT) en la artritis reumatoide

La respuesta inmune frente a antígenos extraños requiere una coordinación perfecta de todas las células que participan en las diferentes fases de esa respuesta.

Células reguladoras, Linfocitos T helper 1,2,3,17, Linfocitos T citolíticos naturales, Linfocitos T reguladores, Linfocitos B reguladores. Regulatory cells, T helper lymphocytes 1,2,3,17, Natural cytolytic T lymphocytes, Regulatory T lymphocytes, Regulatory B lymphocytes.

Tendencias temporales de las concentraciones de citocinas Th1 y Th2 en esputo inducido de pacientes asmáticos durante infecciones víricas agudas de las vías respiratorias superiores

Muchas de las exacerbaciones del asma se deben a infecciones víricas de las vías respiratorias que inducen una interacción de respuestas inmunitarias entre Th1 y Th2. Sin embargo, las tendencias temporales de estas respuestas durante estos fenómenos no se han estudiado con detalle.

Infección vírica de las vías respiratorias superiores, Exacerbación del asma, Interleucina 4, Interleucina 5, Interferón-γ, Equilibrio Th1/Th2, Esputo inducido. Viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, Exacerbation of asthma, Interleukin 4, Interleukin 5, Interferon-γ, Th1 / Th2 balance, induced sputum.

La sal dietética promueve el desarrollo neurovascular y la disfuncióncognitivo a través de una respuesta TH17 iniciada en el intestino.

Una dieta rica en sal está vinculada a un mayor riesgo de enfermedades cerebrovasculares y demencia, pero aún no está claro cómo la sal en la dieta daña el cerebro Divulgamos que, en ratones, el exceso de sal alimentaria suprime el flujo sanguíneo cerebral en reposo y la función endotelial, que conduce a un deterioro cognitivo.

Dieta, sal, enfermedades cerebrovasculares, demencia, TH17. Diet, salt, cerebrovascular diseases, dementia, TH17.

Alteración de la actividad inflamatoria regulada por T H1-T H2 en asma.

Se debe conocer de antemano que aquellas personas en las que predomina el Th2 tienden a tener dolor osteomuscular con mucha facilidad en trapecio derecho, sacroiliacas de manera habitual aunque lo pueden tener en otras zonas, en función del órgano que esté más "sobrecargado".

Asma, citoquinas, CD4+, inflamación, inmunología, T H,T H1,T H2. Asthma, cytokines, CD4 +, inflammation, immunology, T H, T H1, T H2.

Association of Dietary Inflammatory Potential With Colorectal Cancer Risk in Men and Women.

¿Los patrones dietéticos proinflamatorios aumentan el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer colorrectal?. En este estudio que siguió 121050 adultos durante 26 años, la ingesta de dietas proinflamatorias como lo evidencian las puntuaciones más altas en un puntaje de patrón inflamatorio dietético empírico se asoció con un riesgo significativamente mayor de desarrollar cáncer colorrectal en hombres y mujeres.

Dieta inflamatoria, cáncer colorrectal. Inflammatory diet, colorectal cancer.

Moléculas de adhesión. Importancia en la respuesta inmune e inflamatoria.

Las moléculas de adhesión son receptores funcionales que se expresan en la membrana celular y participan activamente en múltiples fenómenos fisiológicos y patológicos, como son: la organización de las células animales durante el desarrollo embrionario mediante su diferenciación, migración y localización en órganos y tejidos;

moléculas, adhesión, receptores. molecules, adhesion, receptors.

Endometriosis.Tratamiento basado en la evidencia.

La endometriosis es una enfermedad benigna que afecta a las mujeres durante su vida reproductiva. Si el endometrio, que se sitúa dentro del útero, se desarrolla incorrectamente, puede asentarse en cualquier lugar del abdomen. Puede provocar implantes (placas pequeñas), nódulos (placas grandes) y endometriomas (quistes en los ovarios).

Fisiogenómica, endometriosis, quistes ovarios. Physiogenomics, endometriosis, ovarian cysts.

Antimicrobial and Antiparasitic Activity of Lectins.

La resistencia a los antibióticos es un problema importante en la medicina contemporánea actual y se ha convertido una gran preocupación del siglo XXI. Nuevos mecanismos de resistencia desarrollados por microorganismos diseminados en gran medida, amenazando la capacidad de tratar numerosas enfermedades infecciosas, y aumentando el número de infecciones nosocomiales infecciones.

Actividad antimicrobiana, interacción huésped-patógeno, lecitinas, parásitos. Antimicrobial activity, host-pathogen interaction, lecithins, parasites.

Cómo la nutrición y microbiota maternal forman el sistema inmunológico neonatal.

Las superficies mucosas de los mamíferos están densamente colonizadas con microorganismos que son comúnmente conocida como la microbiota comensal. Se cree que el feto en el útero es estéril y que la colonización con microorganismos comienza solo después del nacimiento.

Nutrición, microbiota, inmunología, neonato. Nutrition, microbiota, immunology, neonate.

Factores antinutricionales en alimentos vegetales: posibles beneficios para la salud y efectos adversos.

Los factores antinutricionales son compuestos que reducen la utilización de nutrientes y / o la ingesta de alimentos de plantas o productos vegetales utilizados como alimentos para humanos y juegan un papel vital en la determinación del uso de plantas para humanos. Este documento tiene como objetivo revisar la información científica actualizada sobre los posibles beneficios para la salud y los efectos adversos asociados con los principales factores antinutricionales que se encuentran en los alimentos vegetales.

Factores antinutricionales, beneficios potenciales para la salud, efectos adversos para la salud, alimentos vegetales. Anti-nutritional factors, potential health benefits, adverse health effects, plant foods.

Consejos contra el cáncer.

En este texto se dan una serie de consejoa para ayudar en la batalla contra el cancer. Como reforzar el sistema inmune y cómo evitar aquellos alimentos que son favorables para las células cancerígenas.

Consejos, cáncer, sistema inmune. Tips, cancer, immune system.

La revolución de los microarrays en la investigación biosanitaria: tipos de plataformas, usos y perspectivas en oncología.

Estudiar la relación gen-enfermedad no está basado en analizar un gen único y sus efectos sino en analizar el comportamiento de miles de genes de forma simultánea. Estos sistemas, denominados genéricamente como matrices, arrays, microarrays o biochips, están cambiando nuestra forma de plantear problemas y extraer conclusiones.

Microarrays, gen, matrices, arrays, microarrays, boichips, cáncer. Microarrays, gene, matrices, arrays, microarrays, boichips, cancer.

Reloj circadiano y cáncer.

La alteración de estos ciclos de sueño y vigilia está asociada con problemas de salud en los seres humanos. Si nos fijamos en el cáncer, sabemos que sus células no respetan estos ciclos circadianos y están siempre activas, es decir, “despiertas”.

Reloj circadiano, cáncer, sueño, insomnia. Circadian clock, cancer, sleep, insomnia.

Se confirma que la aspirina previene cáncer de mama, pulmón y próstata. Podríamos conseguir lo mismo con infusiones de saúce blanco...salix alba, o con ulmaria...ergydren.

En los últimos años un goteo de investigaciones han apuntado al ácido acetilsalicílico como una fórmula para prevenir la aparición de tumores.

Aspirina, cáncer mama, pulmón, próstata, saúce blanco, ulmaria, ergydren. Aspirin, breast, lung, prostate cancer, white willow, ulmaria, ergydren.

Vitamina E y cáncer de próstata.

En septiembre de 2008, los investigadores de SELECT encontraron que el selenio y la vitamina E, tomados solos o juntos por un promedio de 5,5 años no pudieron prevenir el cáncer de próstata. En 2011, datos actualizados del estudio mostraron que los hombres que tomaron vitamina E tuvieron un riesgo 17% mayor de cáncer de próstata en comparación con los hombres que tomaron el placebo .

Vitamina E, cáncer próstata. Vitamin E, prostate cancer.

Estudios sobre Wifi. Mejores prácticas con niños y radiación inalámbrica: una revisión de la ciencia y los avisos globales.

El WiFi tiene un impacto muy negativo en la salud, sobre todo en la salud de los niños y no interesa que la población lo sepa.

Wifi, cáncer, alteraciones neuronales, patología degenerativa. Wifi, cancer, neuronal disorders, degenerative pathology.

Could low grade bacterial infection contribute to low back pain? A systematic review | BMC Medicine.

El dolor crónico lumbar en ocasiones puede ser debido a bacterias que infectan las vértebras, produciendo una infección crónica, rebelde al tratamiento con antibióticos, y puede producir destrucción paulatina de los discos intervertebrales. Un tratamiento que mejore la salud intestinal y potencie el sistema inmune, añadiendo alimentos antibacterianos podría solucionar este problema.

Dolor crónico lumbar, bacterías, sistema inmune, alimentos antibacteriano, dolor referido. Chronic low back pain, bacteria, immune system, antibacterial food, referred pain.

Beneficios de la dieta mediterránea.

En las últimas décadas, los hábitos alimentarios de la mayoría de países bañados por el mediterráneo han evolucionado desde un patrón dietético tradicional, hacia patrones de ingesta más propios de las sociedades del norte de Europa, con una contribución más alta de grasa animal al consumo energético total, en perjuicio de los hidratos de carbono complejos y de la fibra vegetal.

Dieta mediterranea, beneficios, inmunonutrición. Mediterranean diet, benefits, immunonutrition.

Comida basura y falta de sueño.

El sueño insuficiente puede conducir al desarrollo / mantenimiento de la obesidad a través de la disminución de la actividad en las regiones de evaluación cortical de orden superior, combinado con un exceso de capacidad de respuesta límbica subcortical que resulta en la selección de los alimentos más capaces de desencadenar la ganancia de peso.

Comida basura, insomnio, sueño, alcohol, inmunonutrición. Junk food, insomnia, sleep, alcohol, immunonutrition.

Nutrición en intestino inflamado.

El uso de nutrientes inmunomoduladores tales como glutamina, omega, ácidos grasos de cadena corta, probióticos, prebióticos abren nuevas perspectivas, pero requieren un mayor numero de estudios para establecer su rol en esta enfermedad, que permitan mejorar la salud y calidad de vida de estos pacientes.

Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal, Nutrición Enteral, Estado Nutricional, crohn, nutrigenómica, inmunonutrición. Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Enteral Nutrition, Nutritional Status, Crohn's, Nutrigenomics, Immunonutrition.

Relación entre Sjogren, Celiaquia y linfoma (Art. 1)

En Sjogren y Linfoma hay un crecimiento de linfocitos T, que son histaminérgicos. Los enfermos pueden tener picor, alteraciones en piel, broncoespasmo, etc por la histamina y mucosas secas por la reacción autoinmune, con lo cual su calidad de vida empeora.

Sjogren, Celiaquía, Sistema Inmune, nutrigenómica, inmunonutrición. Sjogren, Celiac Disease, Immune System, Nutrigenomics, Immunonutrition.

Relación entre Sjogren, Celiaquia y linfoma (Art. 2).

En Sjogren y Linfoma hay un crecimiento de linfocitos T, que son histaminérgicos. Los enfermos pueden tener picor, alteraciones en piel, broncoespasmo, etc por la histamina y mucosas secas por la reacción autoinmune, con lo cual su calidad de vida empeora.

Sjogren, Celiaquía, Sistema Inmune, nutrigenómica, inmunonutrición. Sjogren, Celiac Disease, Immune System, Nutrigenomics, Immunonutrition.

Revista chilena de pediatría - Nueva nomenclatura de las enfermedades alérgicas: Su aplicación a la práctica pediátrica.

El objetivo del presente artículo es exponer la opinión de comités de expertos internacionales en el área de alergia, quienes han propuesto una nueva nomenclatura para estas enfermedades, según la reacción de hipersensibilidad involucre o no un mecanismo inmune, y esté o no mediada por IgE.

Alergía, pediatría, inmune, hipersensibilidad. Allergy, pediatrics, immune, hypersensitivity.

Enfermedad celíaca en niños.

Esta revisión pretende agrupar el conocimiento más significativo que actualmente se tiene sobre esta enteropatía autoinmune desencadenada por la ingesta de fracciones de gliadina presente en el gluten y proteínas similares del centeno y la cebada, en individuos predispuestos genéticamente.

Celíaquía, celiaco, celiaca, niños, pediatría. Celiac disease, celiac, celiac, children, pediatrics.

Intoxicación por plomo en pediatría.

La exposición al plomo produce trastornos metabólicos en relación directa a su concentración. Las alteraciones pueden llevar a la muerte y en grados variables a deterioro de la capacidad intelectual, cambios en el comportamiento, bloqueo de la hematopoyesis, toxicidad renal y neuropatía periférica. Dichas alteraciones son más perjudiciales en los niños ya que afectan a organismos en pleno desarrollo neuropsíquico.

Intoxicacíon, plomo, pediatría. Intoxication, lead, pediatrics.

Tratamiento del síndrome metabólico.

Una dieta baja en carbohidratos y con ejercicio de alta intensidad es la mejor solución para prevenir y/o tratar las enfermedades cardiovasculares secundarias al Síndrome Metabólico.

Enfermedades cardiovasculares, síndrome metabólico, dieta sana, tratamiento del colesterol, nutrigenómica . Cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, healthy diet, cholesterol treatment, nutrigenomics.

Ni normal ni zero: El consumo de edulcorantes se asocia a un mayor riesgo metabólico.

El consumo de bebidas azucaradas se ha disparado. Es más, actualmente es más común ver a una persona bebiendo un refresco durante la comida que agua, y los zumos o batidos se han instaurado como pilar fundamental en la merienda de cualquier niño.

Edulcorantes, riesgo metabólico, síndrome metabólico. Sweeteners, metabolic risk, metabolic syndrome.

Los AINES empeoran la musculatura.

El uso de AINES en la reparación muscular se debía a su capacidad de inhibir la síntesis de postaglandinas y así controlar la inflamación, pero a largo plazo es mucho peor su respuesta, ya q estas son imprescindibles para la activación celular y de factores de crecimiento, proliferación y fusión mioblástica y la síntesis de proteína muscular.

Dolor muscular, mialgias. Muscle pain, myalgias.

Dolor osteomuscular y reumatológico .

Dentro del dolor osteomuscular y reumatológico encontramos varias entidades y hay que saber hacer un diagnóstico sintomatológico para que el tratamiento fisiogenómico sea más eficiente.

Dolor osteomuscular. Dolor reumatológico. Enfermedades inflamatorias. Aparato locomotor. Síndromes dolorosos musculotendinosos. Musculoskeletal pain. Rheumatological pain. Inflammatory diseases. Locomotor system. Musculotendinous pain syndromes.

Biología del Mieloma Múltiple.

Por la agresividad del Mieloma Múltiple (enfermedad producida por una serie de mutaciones -mala suerte o mala vida), se activan una serie de factores de crecimiento que son difíciles de tratar con la alimentación pero merece la pena intentarlo.

Cáncer, nutrigenómica, mieloma múltiple, enfermedades mieloproliferativas. Cancer, nutrigenomics, multiple myeloma, myeloproliferative diseases.

La fiebre de la comida rápida: revisión de los impactos de la Dieta occidental sobre el sistema inmune.

La dieta actual está produciendo un incremento de todo tipo de problemas de salud: cáncer, enfermedades autoinmunes, dolores crónicos e idiopáticos y en general mala calidad de vida. Se podría solucionar volviendo a las costumbres de la Dieta Mediterránea y huyendo de la globalización.

Fast food, cancer, nutrigenómica, salud. Fast food, cancer, nutrigenomics, health.

Intolerancia al maíz de los celiacos.

Las personas con sensibilidad al gluten suelen también tener problemas de tolerancia con el maíz. Es importante porque la mayoría de productos para celiacos se elaboran precisamente con maíz, y les pueden estar causando problemas inmunes.

Celiaquía; inmunonutrición; nutrigenómica; intolerncia. Celiac disease; immunonutrition; nutrigenomics; intolerance.

Acné rebelde.

Los granos están causados siempre por hábitos de vida que no son saludables para la persona que los sufre. Cambiando los hábitos de vida que tienen influencia directa negativa con la piel, podemos eliminarlos.

Acné, rosácea, dermatitis, nutrigenómica, inmunonutrición. Acne, rosacea, dermatitis, nutrigenomics, immunonutrition.

Edad de la menarquia y su relación con el nivel socioeconómico e índice de masa corporal.

En este estudio se observa un leve adelanto de la edad de la menarquia en las niñas de colegios públicos, pero que éste ha sido de mucho menor magnitud que el adelantamiento de la telarquia. El aumento del peso es un factor determinante en la presencia de menarquia temprana en algunas niñas. Por otra parte el nivel socioeconómico no sería un factor importante por sí mismo, sino que más bien influiría en las diferencias de peso que se observan entre los distintos colegios.

Edad, menaquía, telarquíaacné, rosácea. Age, menache, telarchy acne, rosacea.

Anemia y enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal

La anemia es una de las complicaciones más comunes de la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal. La alta frecuencia de valores bajos de hemoglobina en estos enfermos provoca en muchas ocasiones una infravaloración por parte del médico de esta circunstancia, lo que se traduce en la falta de un tratamiento eficaz.

Anemia. Enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal. Déficit de hierro. Anemia. Inflammatory bowel disease. Iron deficiency. Anemia. Inflammatory bowel disease. Iron deficiency.


Los nutrientes de la dieta de cada persona influye directamente en el estado y función de su sistema inmune. Comer poco o mal hace más susceptibles a las personas a las infecciones. Pero siempre hay que tener cuidado con el exceso de los nutrientes o suplementos, que pueden ser peligrosos.

Inmunonutrición, nutrigenómica. Immunonutrition, nutrigenomics.

Nutrición molecular, papel del sistema PPAR en el metabolismo lipídico y su importancia en obesidad y diabetes mellitus.

La mantención del balance energético, el equilibrio entre ingesta y gasto, es un "desafío fisiológico" para todo ser vivo, que implica ajustar el metabolismo oxidativo y la reserva de energía a los cambios en los requerimientos energéticos y a la disponibilidad de fuentes calóricas.

Nutrición molecular, PPRA, lípidos, obesidad, diabetes mellitus. Molecular nutrition, PPRA, lipids, obesity, diabetes mellitus.

Nutrigenómica: revelando los aspectos moleculares de una nutrición personalizada

La ciencia de la nutrición moderna se ha ayudado con una serie de disciplinas de índole molecular entre las que destacan la nutrigenómica, transcriptómica, pro-teómica y metabolómica. Estas disciplinas en conjunto permitirán encontrar la huella nutricional más adecuada para una población determinada, grupo étnico, raza o más específicamente para generar una dieta personalizada, de acuerdo a la genética y/o el fenotipo de los individuos.

Nutrigenómica, nutrientes, expresión de genes. Nutrigenomics, nutrients, gene expression.

Avances en nutrición molecular: nutrigenómica y/o nutrigenética.

La aplicación de las técnicas de la biología molecular y el éxito del Proyecto Genoma Humano ha abierto una nueva era tanto en Medicina como en Nutrición. Hasta la fecha, al menos, 1.000 genes humanos causantes de enfermedades han sido identificados y parcialmente caracterizados, el 97% de los cuales sabemos ahora que son causantes de enfermedades monogénicas.

Polimorfismo o SNP. Nutrición. Expresión génica. Enfermedad. Polymorphism or SNP. Nutrition. Gene expression. Disease.

Riesgo de los Fármacos Utilizados para la Enfermedad Inflamatoria Intestinal durante el Embarazo y la Lactancia.

En esta revisión se resume la última información disponible sobre la seguridad durante el embarazo y la lactancia de los medicamentos utilizados para el tratamiento de la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, así como sus efectos sobre la fertilidad.

Enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, embarazo, lactancia, fertilidad. Inflammatory bowel disease, pregnancy, lactation, fertility.

Revisión de la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal durante el embarazo y la lactancia.

La enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII) tiene un pico de incidencia entre los 15 y 35 años. Consecuentemente la enfermedad afecta a las mujeres durante sus años de vida reproductiva y por lo tanto el embarazo y la lactancia generan un tema de vital importancia médica.

Enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, embarazo, lactancia, colitis ulcerosa, enfermedad de Crohn. Inflammatory bowel disease, pregnancy, lactation, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease.

Reacción Intestinal : Efecto de la dieta, los estrógenos sobre microbiota intestinal.

Resultados del estudio de la Texas A & M University y la Universidad de la Escuela de Medicina de los científicos sobre el efecto de la complejidad dieta y receptores hormonales de estrógenos en la microbiota intestinal de Carolina del Norte ha sido publicado en la edición de septiembre de Applied and Environmental Microbiology.

intestino, dieta, estrógenos. intestine, diet, estrogens.

La matriz extracelular: morfología, función y biotensegridad (parte I)

La matriz extracelular (MEC) representa una red tridimensional que engloba todos los órganos, tejidos y células del organismo. Constituye un filtro biofísico de protección, nutrición e inervación celular y el terreno para la respuesta inmune, angiogénesis, fibrosis y regeneración tisular.

Matriz extracelular, sistema básico de Pischinger, tensegridad, mecanotransducción, moléculas de adhesión celular, integrinas, bioelectromagnetismo

Infección por virus, inmunidad antiviral y autoinmunidad.

Como grupo de trastornos, la autoinmunidad se clasifica como la tercera causa más frecuente de morbilidad y mortalidad en el mundo occidental.

Enfermedad autoinmune, mimetismo molecular, propagación de epítopos, activación espectadora, afinidad por el receptor de células T, superantígenos microbianos. Autoimmune disease, molecular mimicry, epitope spread, spectator activation, affinity for T-cell receptor, microbial superantigens.

Consumo de Micronutrimentosy Mortalidad por Cáncer Mamario en Mujeres Premenopáusicas Mexicanas.

En México, eL cáncer de mama (CaMa) presenta una distribución geográfica caracterizada por altas tasas de mortalidad en el Norte del país en comparación con el Sur, las cuales podrían estar relacionadas con los diferentes patrones alimenticios que contrastan en dichas regiones.

Micronutrimentos, mortalidad por cáncer mamario, mujeres premenopáusicas, México. Micronutrients, cancer mortality breast, premenopausal women, Mexico

Científicos Teorizan que la Enfermedad de Alzheimer Puede Ser Transmisible Por Cirugía, Procedimientos Médicos.

Otra vez, los científicos levantan sospechas del Alzheimer como una enfermedad infecciosa, teorizándolo podría ser transmitido por algunos procedimientos médicos y cirugías. Aunque esta posibilidad sea puramente teórica, " pruebas circunstanciales para tal transmisión " crecen, dicen investigadores suizos y austriacos.

Alzheimer, contagio, cirujía, esterilización. Alzheimer, contagion, surgery, sterilization.

Hechos menos conocidos sobre los efectos secundarios del triptófano.

Los efectos secundarios del triptófano, contrariamente a lo que afirman muchos expertos influyentes, son bastante serios. Muchos fabricantes y promotores de suplementos nutricionales publicitan y comercializan la sustancia como un producto de salud natural extremadamente seguro, con énfasis preferencial en numerosos beneficios alegados (por ejemplo, lucha contra la depresión, ansiedad, trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad (TDAH), síndrome premenstrual (SPM) y es una ayuda natural para dormir).

Efectos secundarios, triptófano. Side effects, tryptophan.

Colecistopatias no litiasicas ni tumorales.

Las colecistopatías alitiásicas y no tumorales es un grupo heterogéneo de enfermedades de la vesícula biliar, que pueden ser asintomáticas o presentar una sintomatología similar a de la colelitiasis, pero tienen etiología, evolución y aspectos clínicos y terapéuticosdiferentes.

Colecistopatías alitiásicas, vesícula biliar, colelitiasis. Allithic cholecystopathies, gallbladder, cholelithiasis.

Insulina y el síndrome de ovario poliquístico.

El síndrome de ovario poliquístico (SOP) se considera la endocrinopatía más común en mujeres en edad reproductiva. Las mujeres con SOP se caracterizan por hiperandrogenemia, hiperinsulinemia, disfunción del eje hipotálamo-hipófisis-ovario y adipocinas trastornadas secreción del tejido adiposo.

Insulina; resistencia a la insulina; sindrome de Ovario poliquistico; andrógenos; metformina. Insulin; insulin resistance; polycystic ovary syndrome; androgens; metformin.

Skeletal muscle metabolic gene response to carbohydrate feeding during exercise in the heat

Heat stress down-regulates mitochondrial function, while carbohydrate supplementation attenuates the exercise induced stimulation of mitochondrial biogenesis in humans.

Mitochondrial biogenesis, PGC-1α, UCP3, Carbohydrate supplementation, Substrate utilization. Biogénesis mitocondrial, PGC-1α, UCP3, suplementos de carbohidratos, utilización de sustrato.

Nutritional interventions and the IL-6 response to exercise.

IL-6 is a pleiotropic cytokine with a wide range of biologic effects. In response to prolonged exercise, IL-6 is synthesized by contracting skeletal muscle and released into circulation. Circulating IL-6 is thought to maintain energy status during exercise by acting as an energy sensor for contracting muscle and stimulating glucose production.

Adaptation,muscle,myokine,inflammation,hepcidin. Adaptación, músculo, mioquina, inflamación, hepcidina.

Association Between Major Dietary Patterns and Grades of Knee Osteoarthritis in Women.

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common progressive joint disease considered as an inflammatory disease in the elderly and one of the main causes of physical disabilities. Limited studies have assessed the relationship between dietary patterns and knee OA.

Major dietary pattern,knee osteoarthritis,semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire,menopausal status,Tehranian women. Patrón dietético principal, osteoartritis de rodilla, cuestionario semicuantitativo de frecuencia de alimentos, estado menopáusico, mujeres de Teherán.

Knee osteoarthritis: pathophysiology and current treatment modalities

For decades, multiple attempts to fully understand knee osteoarthritis pathophysiology and natural history have been attempted. Despite the extensive amount of research regarding this topic, there are still marked controversies.

knee osteoarthritis, cartilage degeneration, non-inflammatory arthritis, intra-articular injections, corticosteroids. artrosis de rodilla, degeneración del cartílago, artritis no inflamatoria, inyecciones intraarticulares, corticosteroides.

Alimentos con efecto anti-inflamatorio.

Peru is considered as one of the 12 countries in the world with great biological diversity in plants and animals, making it one of the world centers for agriculture and livestock. According to the local Ministry of Agriculture, Peruvian exotic flora consists of more than 25,000 species, equivalent to 10% of the world total, and more of 4,000 of them are edible and medicinal plants .

Alimentos; Antiinflamatorios; Fitoquímicos; Productos naturales. Foods; Anti-inflammatory drugs; Phytochemicals; Natural products.

Breakfast consumption and the risk of depressive symptoms: The Furukawa Nutrition and Health Study.

Breakfast consumption has been suggested to influence mood, but prospective evidence on this issue is limited. We prospectively investigated the association between the frequency of breakfast consumption and the risk of depressive symptoms in Japanese employees.

Breakfast; Depression risk; Japanese; Prospective studies. Desayuno; Riesgo de depresión; Japonés; Estudios prospectivos.

Female breakfast skippers display a disrupted cortisol rhythm and elevated blood pressure.

Chronic stress and over-activity in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis may link breakfast skipping and poor cardiometabolic health. Missing the first major meal of the day in rodents prolongs elevated circulating corticosterone at a time when it's normally decreasing.

Blood pressure; Breakfast skipping; Cardiometabolic health; Cortisol. Presión sanguínea; Desayuno omitiendo; Salud cardiometabólica; Cortisol.

Egg consumption and risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

This case-control study was conducted on individuals who were referred to two hepatology clinics in Tehran, Iran in 2015. The study included 169 patients with NAFLD and 782 controls. Egg consumption was estimated using a validated food frequency questionnaire.

Egg, Diet, Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, Dietary cholesterol. Huevo, Dieta, Enfermedad del hígado graso no alcohólico, Colesterol dietético

Egg consumption, cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes.

Eggs are rich in nutrients and a source of essential fatty- and amino acids, and the food item with highest cholesterol content. Since the 1970s dietary recommendations have advised limiting egg intake to 2–4 a week for the healthy population, and in those diagnosed with cardiovascular disease (CVD) and type 2 diabetes (T2D) an even more restricted consumption.

Egg, Cardiovascular diseases,Risk factors, type 2 diabetes. Huevo, enfermedades cardiovasculares, factores de riesgo, diabetes tipo 2.

microRNA-146a inhibits cancer metastasis by downregulating VEGF through dual pathways in hepatocellular carcinoma.

Growing evidence indicates that miR-146a is involved in carcinogenesis and tumor progression in several human malignancies. However, the molecular details underlying miR-146a mediated regulation of its target genes and its precise biological function in cancer, especially in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) remains unclear.

Hepatocellular carcinoma, MicroRNA-146a, VEGF, HAb18G/CD147, Invasion, Metastasis. Carcinoma hepatocelular, MicroARN-146a, VEGF, HAb18G / CD147, Invasión, Metástasis.

VEGF-B promotes cancer metastasis through a VEGF-A–independent mechanism and serves as a marker of poor prognosis for cancer patients.

Cancer metastasis is responsible for a majority of the mortality in cancer patients and involves complex interactions, modulated by various factors and cytokines, between malignant and host cells. Vascular structures in solid tumors are crucial for cancer cell intravasation into the circulation.

VEGF-B, metastasis, VEGFR1, VEGF-A, angiogenesis. VEGF-B, metástasis, VEGFR1, VEGF-A, angiogénesis.

Autophagy promotes MSC-mediated vascularization in cutaneous wound healing via regulation of VEGF secretion.

Vascularization deficiency caused a lot of diseases, such as diabetes ulcer and myocardial infarction. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), with the self-renewal and multipotent differentiation capacities, have been used for many diseases treatment through regulation microenvironment.

VEGF-B, metastasis, VEGFR1, VEGF-A, angiogenesis. VEGF-B, metástasis, VEGFR1, VEGF-A, angiogénesis.

Hoffa’s fat pad abnormalities, knee pain and magnetic resonance imaging in daily practice.

Hoffa’s (infrapatellar) fat pad (HFP) is one of the knee fat pads interposed between the joint capsule and the synovium. Located posterior to patellar tendon and anterior to the capsule, the HFP is richly innervated and, therefore, one of the sources of anterior knee pain.

Fat pad Knee Regional anatomy Pathology Magnetic resonance imaging . Almohadilla adiposa Rodilla Anatomía regional Patología Imagen por resonancia magnética.

IL-6 release from muscles during exercise is stimulated by lactate-dependent protease activity.

IL-6 is secreted from muscles to the circulation during high-intensity and long-duration exercise, where muscle-derived IL-6 works as an energy sensor to increase release of energy substrates from liver and adipose tissues.

Interleukin-6, metalloproteinase, muscle-derived factors, myokines, physical activity. interleucina-6, metaloproteinasa, factores derivados del músculo, mioquinas, actividad física.

Nutrition, inflammation and cancer.

Quantitative and qualitative aspects of nutrition have a profound effect on leukocytes and thereby affect proinflammatory carcinogenic effects or anticancer immune responses. As a result, nutrition affects the incidence, natural progression and therapeutic response of malignant diseases, both in humans and in preclinical animal models.

Nutrición, inflamación y cáncer.

Frequency and immunological consequences of Helicobacter pylori and intestinal parasite co-infections: A brief review.

Helicobacter pylori is a Gram-negative, spiral bacterium capable of colonizing the gastric mucosa. Infections caused by this microorganism often lead to the development of various gastrointestinal complaints. Simultaneous human colonization by H. pylori and intestinal parasites is a common phenomenon.

Co-infection, Helicobacter pylori, helminths, protozoa. Coinfección, Helicobacter pylori, helmintos, protozoos

Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity and Iron Deficiency Anemia Reversal through Nutrition: A Case Report.

Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS) is becoming more clearly defined and accepted in the medical literature. Indirect evidence suggests that NCGS is more common than Celiac Disease, the latter affecting around 1% of the general population.

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity reversal, Iron deficiency anemia reversal, Nutrition intervention, Functional medicine, Gluten-free diet, Low-glycemic index diet. Reversión de la sensibilidad al gluten no celíaca, reversión de la anemia por deficiencia de hierro, intervención nutricional, medicina funcional, Dieta sin gluten, dieta de bajo índice glucémico.

Angiogenic and wound healing potency of fermented virgin coconut oil: in vitro and in vivo studies.

The process of wound healing involves activation of keratinocytes, fibroblasts, endothelial cells, etc. Angiogenesis is crucial during the process of wound healing. Virgin coconut oil is widely utilized in South Asia for various purposes including food, medicinal and industrial applications.

Virgin coconut oil, angiogenesis, wound healing, cell proliferation, VEGF. Aceite de coco virgen, angiogénesis, cicatrización de heridas, proliferación celular, VEGF.

Effect of Cocoa and Its Flavonoids on Biomarkers of Inflammation: Studies of Cell Culture, Animals and Humans.

Chronic inflammation has been identified as a necessary step to mediate atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease and as a relevant stage in the onset and progression of several types of cancer. Considerable attention has recently been focused on the identification of dietary bioactive compounds with anti-inflammatory activities as an alternative natural source for prevention of inflammation-associated diseases

FLavanols; chocolate; cardiovascular disease; colon cancer; colon inflammation; anti-inflammatory flavonoids; anti-inflammatory-polyphenols. flavanoles; chocolate; enfermedad cardiovascular; cáncer de colon; inflamación del colon; flavonoides antiinflamatorios; polifenoles antiinflamatorios

The Effects of the Herbal Enzyme Bromelain Against Breast Cancer Cell Line GI-101A.

Bromelain is a proteinase derived from the stem of pineapple and has been studied for its anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, and antimetastatic properties. Bromelain has also been known to significantly reduce local tumor growth and to raise the impaired cytotoxicity of monocytes in the immune system against tumor cells.

Herbal Enzyme Bromelain, Breast Cancer Cell Line GI-101A. Bromelina a base de hierbas, línea celular de cáncer de mama GI-101A.

Diet as a Trigger or Therapy for Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.

The most common question asked by patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is, "Doctor, what should I eat?" Findings from epidemiology studies have indicated that diets high in animal fat and low in fruits and vegetables are the most common pattern associated with an increased risk of IBD.

Diet; Inflammatory Bowel Disease; Microbiome; Short-Chain Fatty Acids. Dieta; Enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal; Microbioma; Ácidos grasos de cadena corta.

Why do we suffer more ACL injuries in the cold? A pilot study into potential risk factors.

This study aimed to investigate temperature-related changes in different neuro-muscular parameters, to elucidate the reasons for the increased likeliness of injuries of the anterior cruciate ligament under cold environmental conditions.

Knee laxity; Peripheral cooling; Proprioception; Rate of force development. Laxitud de la rodilla; Enfriamiento periférico; Propiocepción; Tasa de desarrollo de la fuerza.

Status of Epstein-Barr Virus Coinfection with Helicobacter pylori in Gastric Cancer.

Epstein-Barr virus is a ubiquitous human herpesvirus whose primary infection causes mononucleosis, Burkett's lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, autoimmune diseases, and gastric cancer (GC). The persistent infection causes malignancies in lymph and epithelial cells. Helicobacter pylori causes gastritis in human with chronic inflammation.

Epstein-Barr virus human,herpesvirus infection, mononucleosis, Burkett's lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, autoimmune diseases, and gastric cancer. Virus de Epstein-Barr humano, infección por herpesvirus, mononucleosis, linfoma de Burkett, carcinoma nasofaríngeo, enfermedades autoinmunes y cáncer gástrico.

Morphology, pathology, and the vertebral posture of the La Chapelle-aux-Saints Neandertal.

Although the early postural reconstructions of the Neandertals as incompletely erect were rejected half a century ago, recent studies of Neandertal vertebral remains have inferred a hypolordotic, flat lower back and spinal imbalance for them, including the La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1 skeleton.

Late Pleistocene Homo; human evolution; lumbar lordosis; paleopathology; spino-pelvic morphology. Homo del Pleistoceno tardío; evolución humana; lordosis lumbar; paleopatología; morfología espino-pélvica.

Continuous Knee Cooling Affects Functional Hop Performance – A Randomized Controlled Trial.

Cryotherapy is widely used in sports and rehabilitation to aid recovery and injury management. The purpose was to examine if a low temperature computer controlled continuous knee cooling protocol (10°C) for one hour and a moderate continuous knee cooling protocol (18°C) for one hour affected neuromuscular activity and functional performance tests

Cryotherapy, neuromuscular activity, electromyography, functional performance, hop test. Crioterapia, actividad neuromuscular, electromiografía, rendimiento funcional, prueba de salto.

Association of Gluten Intake During the First 5 Years of Life With Incidence of Celiac Disease Autoimmunity and Celiac Disease Among Children at Increased Risk.

Question Is the amount of gluten intake during the first 5 years of life associated with the risk of celiac disease autoimmunity and celiac disease in at-risk children?

Celiac disease, autoimmunity, child, gluten, posttreatment followup. enfermedad celíaca, autoinmunidad, niños, gluten, seguimiento postratamiento.

Response of oxidative stress and inflammatory biomarkers to a 12-week aerobic exercise training in women with metabolic syndrome.

Evidences have been highlighted the relationship among metabolic syndrome, chronic low-grade inflammation, oxidative stress and several diseases. In this sense, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of aerobic exercise training on oxidative stress and inflammatory parameters on women with metabolic syndrome (MS).

Metabolic Syndrome, Exercise Training, Aerobic Exercise Training, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Advanced Oxidation Protein Product.Síndrome metabólico, Entrenamiento físico, Entrenamiento aeróbico, Aptitud cardiorrespiratoria, Producto de proteína de oxidación avanzada.

Regular exercise participation improves genomic stability in diabetic patients: an exploratory study to analyse telomere length and DNA damage.

Physical activity has been demonstrated to be effective in the prevention and treatment of different chronic conditions, including type 2 diabetes (T2D). In particular, several studies highlighted how the beneficial effects of physical activity may be related to the stability of the DNA molecule, such as longer telomeric ends.

Genomic instability, Lifestyle modification. Inestabilidad genómica, modificación del estilo de vida.

Visión y método de diagnóstico ortomolecular de la obesidad.

Las causas de la obesidad son genéticas en un 25% y ambientales en un 75%. La medicina ortomolecular estudia y trata esta patología a partir de sus causas ambientales, considerando al stress psicofisico como la principal. Los métodos de diagnóstico.

Obesidad, stress psicofisico, diagnóstico ortomolecular, AGNE, GLUT 4, grasa viceral, tejido adiposo. Obesity, psychophysical stress, orthomolecular diagnosis, AGNE, GLUT 4, viceral fat, adipose tissue.

The possible role of female sex hormones in milk from pregnant cows in the development of breast, ovarian and corpus uteri cancers.

The continued increase in incidence of some hormone-related cancers worldwide is of great concern. Although estrogen-like substances in the environment were blamed for this increase, the possible role of endogenous estrogens from food has not been widely discussed. We are particularly concerned about cows' milk, which contains a considerable quantity of estrogens.

Administration, Oral;Animals;Breast Neoplasms;Cattle;Comorbidity;Dairy Products;Estrogens;Female;Food Contamination;Gonadal Steroid Hormones;Internationality;Milk;Ovarian Neoplasms;Pregnancy;Pregnancy, Animal;Prevalence;Risk Assessment;Risk Factors;Uterine Neoplasms. Administración, oral; Animales; Neoplasias mamarias; Ganado; Comorbilidad; Productos lácteos; Estrógenos; Femenino; Contaminación alimentaria; Hormonas esteroides gonadales; Internacionalidad; Leche; Neoplasias ováricas; Embarazo; Embarazo, Animal; Prevalencia; Evaluación de riesgos; Factores de riesgo; Neoplasias uterinas.

Nutrigenómica: Aliméntate según tus genes.

Conocer las partes nos ayuda a entender el conjunto. Así como el átomo es la unidad irreducible de la materia, el gen es la unidad básica de la información biológica, de nuestra herencia. Los átomos nos ayudan a entender la materia y el universo. Los genes nos ayudan a entender nuestra evolución, identidad y patrón de enfermedad.

Genes, nutrigenetica, nutrigenomica alimentación. Genes, nutrigenetics, nutrigenomics feeding.

Milk as a food for growth? The insulin-like growth factors link.

The mechanisms underlying the association of insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and leg length (a marker of prepubertal growth) with cancer risk are uncertain. One hypothesis is that diet in early childhood might provide the link. The aim of the present study was to examine the association between early diet - in particular, the intakes of cows' milk and dairy products - and height, leg length and IGF-I levels at age 7-8 years.

Genes, nutrigenetica, nutrigenomica alimentación. Genes, nutrigenetics, nutrigenomics feeding

Quantitative measurement of endogenous estrogens and estrogen metabolites in human serum by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.

Endogenous estrogen plays a key role in the development of human breast cancer, yet the contribution of specific estrogen metabolites and patterns of estrogen metabolism remains unclear. To determine their individual and joint roles in breast carcinogenesis, it is necessary to be able to measure quantitatively each estrogen metabolite in epidemiologic and clinical biospecimens.

Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid;Estrogens;Humans;Hydrolysis;Ions;Spectrometry, Mass, Electrospray Ionization;Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Cromatografía, líquido a alta presión; Estrógenos; Humanos; Hidrólisis; Iones; Espectrometría, Masa, Ionización por electroaspersión; Espectrometría de masas en tándem.

Expression of betacellulin, heparin-binding epidermal growth factor and epiregulin in human malignant fibrous histiocytoma.

Heparin-binding epidermal growth factor (HB-EGF), betacellulin (BTC) and epiregulin (EPR) are members of the EGF system and involved in the cell growth of various epithelial malignancies. There have been no reports on the HB-EGF, BTC and EPR expression in mesenchymal malignancies of fibrohistiocytic origin including malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH).

Adolescent; Adult; Aged; Aged, 80 and over; Betacellulin; Epidermal Growth Factor; Epiregulin; ErbB Receptors; Female; Heparin-binding EGF-like Growth Factor; Histiocytoma, Benign Fibrous; Humans; Immunohistochemistry; Intercellular Signaling Peptides and Proteins; Male; Middle Aged. Adolescente; Adulto; Envejecido; Envejecido, 80 años o más; Betacelulina; Factor de crecimiento epidérmico; Epiregulina; Receptores ErbB; Femenino; Factor de crecimiento similar a EGF de unión a heparina; Histiocitoma, Fibroso benigno; Humanos; Inmunohistoquímica; Péptidos y proteínas de señalización intercelular; Masculino ;De edad mediana.

Age-Associated Microbial Dysbiosis Promotes Intestinal Permeability, Systemic Inflammation, and Macrophage Dysfunction.

Levels of inflammatory mediators in circulation are known to increase with age, but the underlying cause of this age-associated inflammation is debated. We find that, when maintained under germ-free conditions, mice do not display an age-related increase in circulating pro-inflammatory cytokine levels.

Macrophage, immunosenescence, microbiota, microbiome, inflammation, inflamm-aging, Streptococcus, pneumoniae, host defense, elderly. macrófagos inmunosenescencia, microbiota microbioma inflamación, envejecimiento inflamatorio, Estreptococo, pneumoniae Defensa del huésped, mayor.

MicroRNAs 29b, 133b, and 211 Regulate Vascular Smooth Muscle Calcification Mediated by High Phosphorus.

Vascular calcification is a frequent cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with CKD and the general population. The common association between vascular calcification and osteoporosis suggests a link between bone and vascular disorders.

MicroRNAs, vascular calcification, nephrectomy, uremia, primary cell culture, cell differentiation. microARN, calcificación vascular, nefrectomía, uremia, cultivo celular primario, diferenciación celular.

Increased hyperpolarized [1‐13C] lactate production in a model of joint inflammation is not accompanied by tissue acidosis as assessed using hyperpolarized 13C‐labelled bicarbonate.

Arthritic conditions are a major source of chronic pain. Furthering our understanding of disease mechanisms creates the opportunity to develop more targeted therapeutics. In rheumatoid arthritis (RA), measurements of pH in human synovial fluid suggest that acidosis occurs, but that this is highly variable between individuals.

Acidosis, arthritis, inflammation, lactate, MRI, pain. acidosis, artritis, inflamación, lactato, resonancia magnética, dolor

Serum levels of phosphorus, parathyroid hormone, and calcium and risks of death and cardiovascular disease in individuals with chronic kidney disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Clinical practice guidelines on the management of mineral and bone disorders due to chronic kidney disease recommend specific treatment target levels for serum phosphorus, parathyroid hormone, and calcium.

Biomarkers; Calcium; Cardiovascular Diseases;Humans; Kidney Failure, Chronic; Metabolic Diseases; Mortality; Parathyroid Hormone; Phosphorus; Practice Guidelines as Topic; Predictive Value of Tests; Prognosis; Risk Factors;. Biomarcadores; Calcio; Enfermedades cardiovasculares; Humanos; Insuficiencia renal crónica; Enfermedades metabólicas; Mortalidad; Hormona paratiroidea; Fósforo; Guías de práctica como tema; Valor predictivo de las pruebas; Pronóstico; Factores de riesgo;

Expression of mucin genes, TLR-4 and TNF-α in intestine and lungs of rat after to exposure to β-casomorphin-7.

The study included 5-6 weeks old rats (n=70) to detec the expression of mucin genes (MUC5AC, MUC5B, MUC3 and MUC2), TLR-4, and TNF-α in intestine and lungs following exposure to BCM-7 with and without LPS.

MUC, TLR-4, and TNF-α,intestine, lungs, BCM-7.intestino, pulmones.

Mucus Enhances Gut Homeostasis and Oral Tolerance by Delivering Immunoregulatory Signals.

A dense mucus layer in the large intestine prevents inflammation by shielding the underlying epithelium from luminal bacteria and food antigens. This mucus barrier is organized around the hyperglycosylated mucin MUC2.

MUC2, intestine, inmune, intestino. MUC2, intestino, inmune, intestino.


El fósforo es un componente estructural esencial de las membranas celulares y ácidos nucleicos pero también está relacionado en varios procesos biológicos, incluyendo la mineralización ósea, la producción de energía, la señalización celular a través de las reacciones de fosforilación, y la regulación de la homeostasis acido-básica.

Fósforo. Phosphorus.

Enthesitis: from pathophysiology to treatment.

Entheses are the insertion sites of tendons and ligaments to the bone surface and are essential structures for locomotion. Inflammation of the entheses (enthesitis) is a key feature of psoriatic arthritis and spondyloarthritis.

Entesis, entesitis, tendones, ligamentos, biomecánica, artritis psoriásica, espondiloartritis . Entesis, entesitis, tendones, ligamentos, biomecánica, artritis psoriásica, espondiloartritis.

Inflammatory potential of diet and all-cause, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality in National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III Study.

Various dietary components have been studied in relation to overall mortality; however, little is known about the relationship between the inflammatory potential of overall diet and mortality.

Dietary inflammatory index , Mortality, NHANES III. Índice inflamatorio de la dieta, Mortalidad,

Sirtuin 6 suppresses hypoxia‐induced inflammatory response in human osteoblasts via inhibition of reactive oxygen species production and glycolysis—A therapeutic implication in inflammatory bone resorption.

Elevated glycolytic activity and redox imbalance induced by tissue hypoxia are common phenomena of chronic inflammation, including inflammatory bone diseases such as arthritis. However, relation between glycolysis and redox signaling in the inflammatory milieu is unclear.

Sirtuin 6, inflammation, osteoblasts, reactive oxygen species, glycolysis, bone resorption, arthritis.sirtuina 6, inflamación, osteoblastos, especies reactivas de oxígeno, glucólisis, Resorción ósea, artritis.

Chapter 24 - Curcumin and Inflammatory Brain Diseases.

Neuroinflammation is considered the root cause of various brain diseases. Inflammatory brain diseases can be classified into demyelinating diseases (multiple sclerosis, optic neuritis, neuromyelitis, and encephalomyelitis), granulomatous diseases, antibody-mediated diseases (receptor-mediated and limbic encephalitis), and T-cell mediated diseases.

Curcumin, neuroinflammation, receptors, brain diseases, CNS. Curcumina neuroinflamación, receptores, enfermedades del cerebro, cúrcuma.

The evidence base for efficacy of the low FODMAP diet inirritable bowel syndrome: is it ready for prime time as afirst-line therapy?.

Six randomized controlled trials comparing low FODMAP diet with placebo approacheshave all indicated efficacy in patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The studieshave provided all the food (n= 3) or utilized dietitian-led education (n= 3).

Abdominal pain, dietary therapy, hypnotherapy,placebo, randomized controlled trial. dolor abdominal, terapia dietética, hipnoterapia, placebo, ensayo controlado aleatorio.

The Diagnosis and Treatment of Pinworm Infection.

Symptomatic infection with pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis), a human pathogen, is clinically relevant in Germany, with an estimated prevalence in childhood of 2–20%. Enterobiasis can cause major mental distress. There is little systematically verified knowledge on the treatment of this condition, and there is no corresponding German guideline.

Enterobiasis,oxyuriasis, Enterobius vermicularis,pinworm, threadworm. enterobiasis, oxiuriasis, Enterobius vermicularis, lombriz intestinal, lombriz intestinal.

Estrogen induces two distinct cholesterol crystallization pathways by activating ERα and GPR30 in female mice.

To distinguish the lithogenic effect of the classical estrogen receptor α (ERα) from that of the G protein-coupled receptor 30 (GPR30), a new estrogen receptor, on estrogen-induced gallstones, we investigated the entire spectrum of cholesterol crystallization pathways and sequences during the early stage of gallstone formation in gallbladder bile of ovariectomized female wild-type, GPR30(−/−), ERα(−/−), and GPR30(−/−)/ERα(−/−) mice treated with 17β-estradiol (E2) at 6 µg/day and fed a lithogenic diet for 12 days.

Bile flow, bile salt, biliary secretion, Lith gene, micelle, vesicle, estrogen receptor subtype α, G protein-coupled receptor 30.flujo biliar, sal biliar, secreción biliar, gen Lith, micela, vesícula, receptor de estrógeno subtipo α, receptor acoplado a proteína G 30.

Chapter 40 - Prolactin and the Mosaic of Autoimmunity.

Nowadays, more than 80 autoimmune disorders are recognized, in which an aberrant immune response against different organs and tissues plays a crucial role. Hormonal homeostasis has great influence in attaining competent and healthy immune system function.

Autoimmune diseases, Cytokine, Hyperprolactinemia, Multiple sclerosis, Prolactin, Sex hormones, Systemic lupus erythematosus. Enfermedades autoinmunes, Citocina, Hiperprolactinemia, Esclerosis múltiple, Prolactina, Hormonas sexuales,Lupus eritematoso sistémico.

Prolactin, autoimmunity, and motherhood: when should women avoid breastfeeding?.

The sexual dimorphic prevalence of autoimmunity represents one of the most alluring observations among the mosaic of autoimmunity. Sex hormones are believed to be a mainstay of this asymmetry. The greater prevalence of autoimmunity among fertile women, disease onset/relapses during pregnancy, and postpartum are some of the points that support this theory.

Autoimmunity; Breastfeeding; Multiple sclerosis; Prolactin; Rheumatoid arthritis; Sex hormones; Systemic lupus erythematosus; Systemic sclerosis. Autoinmunidad; Amamantamiento; Esclerosis múltiple; Prolactina; Artritis Reumatoide; Hormonas sexuales; Lupus eritematoso sistémico; Esclerosis sistemica.

Exertional Rhabdomyolysis and Causes ofElevation of Creatine kinase.

Background: Rhabdomyolysis is a potentially fatal condition that can be triggered by a variety of inciting events, including excessive muscular exertion. The purpose of this study was to investigate the causes of creatine kinase elevation (CK≥1,000U/L) to determine what percentage result from exRML, the aetiology and kinetics of CK levels, as well as the complications of exRML and comorbidities that may predispose an individual to this condition.

Creatine,kinase,kidney,insufficiency,rhabdomyolysis,exertional,RML,CK. Creatina, quinasa, riñón, insuficiencia, rabdomiólisis, esfuerzo, RML, CK.

The Role of Glutamine in the Complex Interaction between Gut Microbiota and Health: A Narrative Review.

The scientific literature has demonstrated that glutamine is one of the main beneficial amino acids. It plays an important role in gut microbiota and immunity. This paper provides a critical overview of experimental studies (in vitro, in vivo, and clinical) investigating the efficacy of glutamine and its effect on gut microbiota.

Glutamine; glutamate; obesity; amino acids; gut; microbiome; microbiota; diet. glutamina; glutamato; obesidad; aminoácidos; intestino; microbioma microbiota; dieta.

Glutamine-Induced Secretion of Intestinal Secretory Immunoglobulin A: A Mechanistic Perspective.

Secretory immunoglobulin A (SIgA) is one important line of defense in the intestinal mucosal surface to protect the intestinal epithelium from enteric toxins and pathogenic microorganisms. Multiple factors, such as intestinal microbiota, intestinal cytokines, and nutrients are highly involved in production of SIgA in the intestine.

Glutamine, intestinal microbiota, secretory IgA, T cells. glutamina, microbiota intestinal, IgA secretora, células T.

Cancer and Mediterranean Diet: A Review.

The Mediterranean diet is considered one of the most worldwide healthy dietary patterns thanks to a combination of foods rich mainly in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory nutrients. Many studies have demonstrated a strong and inverse relationship between a high level of Mediterranean diet adherence and some chronic diseases (such as cardiovascular diseases,

Mediterranean diet; cancer incidence; cancer. Dieta mediterránea; incidencia de cáncer; cáncer.

The Mediterranean Diet and Cancer: What Do Human and Molecular Studies Have to Say about It? .

Mediterranean diet (MD) is a well-known healthy dietary pattern, linked to: (1) high intakes of olive oil as main the culinary fat, plant-based foods (fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, tree nuts, and seeds), and fish; and (2) a moderate consumption of white meat, eggs, dairy products such as yogurt and cheese, and wine always with meals

Mediterranean diet; cancer; meta-analysis; prospective human studies; molecular mechanisms. Dieta mediterránea; cáncer; metanálisis; estudios prospectivos en humanos; mecanismos moleculares.

Microbiota fúngica de piel normal.

La piel humana comprende una superficie corporal de 1.8 m2, está colonizada normalmente por bacterias (un millón por cm2), virus y hongos que viven una situación de simbiosis con el hospedero, formando casi una extensión del propio organismo; la respuesta inmunitaria adaptativa ha evolucionado a la par de la microbiota para mantener estas complejas interacciones y beneficios mutuos.

Microbiota fúngica, hongos, piel, microorganismos. Fungal microbiota, fungi, skin, microorganisms

Using Antimüllerian Hormone to Predict Fertility.

Antimüllerian hormone (AMH) is a transforming growth factor β superfamily peptide that is a product of the ovarian follicle. This hormone is present in small, growing follicles but not in primordial follicles, and its production decreases as follicles go through the terminal stages of maturation.

Fertility, mullerian-inhibiting hormone. fertilidad, hormona inhibidora de mulleriana.

Association Between Biomarkers of Ovarian Reserve and Infertility Among Older Women of Reproductive Age.

In this time-to-pregnancy cohort study of women aged 30 to 44 years without a history of infertility, women with a low AMH value had an 84% predicted cumulative probability of conception by 12 cycles of pregnancy attempt compared with 75% in women with a normal AMH value, a nonsignificant difference.

Fertility, mullerian-inhibiting hormone. fertilidad, hormona inhibidora de mulleriana.

Anti-Müllerian hormone and polycystic ovary syndrome.

Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is expressed by the granulosa cells of the pre-antral and small antral follicles in the ovary. It is significantly higher in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) due to an increased number of antral follicles and also a higher production per antral follicle.

Anti-Müllerian hormone, polycystic ovary syndrome. Hormona antimulleriana, sindrome de Ovario poliquistico

Effects of supervised aerobic training on the levels of anti-Mullerian hormoneand adiposity measures in women with normo-ovulatory and polycystic ovarysyndrome.

Many studies reported good reproductive functionsamong women with optimal body weight (BW) comparedto those with obesity who are more likely to experiencereproductive problems, including menstrual disorders,infertility, anovulation and maternal complications duringpregnancy.

Polycystic ovary syndrome, PCOS, Aerobic exercise, Anti-Mullerian hormone, AMH, Obesity. Síndrome de ovario poliquístico, PCOS, ejercicio aeróbico, hormona antimulleriana, AMH, obesidad.

Impact of diet and bariatric surgery on anti-Müllerian hormone levels .

Obesity is a major health problem globally, and affecting female fertility negatively (Brewer and Balen, 2010). In Sweden, 75% of patients seeking surgical treatment for obesity are women, half of those in reproductive age (18–40 years) (SOReg, 2012).

Bariatric surgery, anti-Müllerian hormone, gastric bypass, weight reduction, female fertility. cirugía bariátrica, hormona anti-Mülleriana, bypass gástrico, reducción de peso, fertilidad femenina

The effects of dietary approaches to stop hypertension diet on weight loss, anti-Müllerian hormone and metabolic profiles in women with polycystic ovary syndrome: A randomized clinical trial.

This study was designed to evaluate the effects of the dietary approaches to stop hypertension (DASH diet) on weight loss, anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) and metabolic profiles in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Adult; Anti-Mullerian Hormone; Dietary Approaches To Stop Hypertension; Female; Humans; Insulin; Malondialdehyde; Nitric Oxide; Polycystic Ovary Syndrome; Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin; Treatment Outcome; Young Adult. Adulto; Hormona antimulleriana; Enfoques dietéticos para detener la hipertensión; Femenina; Humanos; Insulina; Malondialdehído; Óxido nítrico; Síndrome de ovario poliquístico; Globulina de unión a hormonas sexuales; Resultado del tratamiento; Adulto joven.

Probiotics and sports: A new magic bullet?.

The use of probiotics in sports has been growing in the past years focusing on the attenuation of upper respiratory tract (URS) and gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms commonly present in endurance athletes. Researches shown different results and this may related to the probiotic strain, dose, period consumption or even the form of administration (capsules, sachets or fermented milk)

Probiotics, Athletes, Sports, Exercise, Immune response, Gastrointestinal tract. Probióticos, Atletas, Deportes, Ejercicio, Respuesta inmune, Tracto gastrointestinaL.

High dietary phosphorus intake is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes in the large prospective E3N cohort study.

Phosphorus is an essential nutrient; the adult recommended daily intake ranges from 550 to 700 mg/day, with a tolerated upper limit of 4000 mg/day. Phosphorus intake has increased in the general population in recent years, and simultaneously an alarming rise of type 2 diabetes incidences has been observed.

Type 2 diabetes, Phosphorus, Dietary intake, Risk, E3N cohort. Diabetes tipo 2, Fósforo, La ingesta dietética, Riesgo. E3N cohorte.

High dietary phosphorus density is a risk factor for incident chronic kidney disease development in diabetic subjects: a community-based prospective cohort study .

High serum phosphorus concentrations are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD). However, the relation between dietary phosphorus intake and CKD development has not been well evaluated.

Dietary phosphorus, chronic kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, risk factor, renal nutrition. fósforo en la dieta, enfermedad renal crónica, diabetes mellitus, factor de riesgo, nutrición renal.

High dietary phosphorus intake is associated with all-cause mortality: results from NHANES III .

The tolerable upper limit or the highest average phosphorus intake thought to be safe in a general population was extrapolated from studies that examined the effect of infusing a neutral phosphate solution intravenously to produce controlled hyperphosphatemia

Physical activity, calories, diet, hyperphosphatemia energy intake, phosphorus, dietary, mortality, phosphorus, national health and nutrition examination survey, cardiovascular death. actividad física, calorías, dieta, ingesta energética de hiperfosfatemia, fósforo, dieta, mortalidad, fósforo, encuesta nacional de salud y nutrición, muerte cardiovascular.

The Effect of Short-term Taurine Amino Acid Supplement on Neuromuscular Fatigue, Serum Lactate Level and Choice Reaction Time after Maximal Athletic Performance .

The purpose of this paper is to shed light on the relationship between short-term intakes of Taurine. Amino Acid with neuromuscular fatigue and athletic performance after maximal athletic activity. To serve the purpose of this research, 20 professional squash players (all male, mean age of 25.1 ± 12.24 years, height ratio of 63.4 ± 59.174 cm, weight of 97.8 ± 52.71 kg, BMI of 19.2 ± 40.23 kg per square meter and body fat percentage of 21.1 ± 81.11) volunteered and were divided to two random groups: supplement and placebo, experiencing maximalathletic activity before and after amino acid intake

Extraction, Non-extraction, Profile Attractiveness. Extracción, no extracción, atractivo del perfil.

Exploring the Link between Serum Phosphate Levels and Low Muscle Strength, Dynapenia, and Sarcopenia.

Emerging evidences addressed an association between phosphate and muscle function. Because little attention was focused on this issue, the objective of our study was to explore the relationship of phosphate with muscle strength, dynapenia, and sarcopenia. From the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, a total of 7421 participants aged 20 years or older were included in our study with comprehensive examinations included anthropometric parameters, strength of the quadriceps muscle, and appendicular lean masses.

Epidemiology, Nutrition. Epidemiología, Nutrición.

Manejo nutricional de la hiperfosfatemia en la enfermedad renal crónica.

Acciones en el metabolismo de los electrolitos, entre ellos el acúmulo de fósfor. La hiperfosfatemia se asocia con un mayor riesgo de mortalidad cardiovascular en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica(ERC), por lo que es necesario el inicio de diversas estrategias terapéuticas para disminuir las concentraciones séricas de dicho mineral.

Athlete, Fatigue, Element, Zinc, Lactate. Atleta, fatiga, elemento, zinc, lactato.

The effect of different doses of zinc supplementation on serum element and lactate levels in elite volleyball athletes.

The present study aims to examine the effect of different doses of zinc administration on serum element metabolism and fatigue. The study registered 20 female elite athletes. The subjects were divided into two groups in equal numbers. Group supplemented with 220 mg/day zinc sulfate. Group supplemented with 440 mg/day zinc sulfate.

Fósforo, Enfermedad Renal Crónica, Dieta, Fósforo Orgánico, Fósforo Inorgánico.

Two Cases of Rhabdomyolysis After Training With Electromyostimulation by 2 Young Male Professional Soccer Players.

We report 2 cases of enormously elevated creatine kinase (CK) activity after training with electromyostimulation (EMS) by 2 young male professional soccer players. In one of them, a single training session with EMS caused exercise-induced rhabdomyolysis with a maximal CK activity of 240 000 U/L. These cases illustrate that unaccustomed EMS exercise may be harmful and can cause rhabdomyolysis even in highly trained athletes and even after 1 single session.

Adolescent; Athletes; Creatine Kinase; Electric Stimulation; Humans; Male; Rhabdomyolysis; Treatment Outcome; Young Adult. Adolescente; Atletas; Creatina quinasa; Estimulación eléctrica; Humanos; Masculino; Rabdomiólisis; Resultado del tratamiento; Adulto joven

Sodium‐glucose co‐transporter‐2 (SGLT‐2) inhibitors and cancer: A meta‐analysis of randomized controlled trials.

The aim of this meta‐analysis of randomized trials was to assess the effects of SGLT‐2i on the overall incidence of malignancies and on different types of cancer, summerizing the results of trials with a duration of at least 1 year. This was done in light of the effect of SGLT‐2 inhibitors (SGLT‐2is) that has been highlighted by some studies, showing an increased incidence of bladder cancer, particularly with use of empagliflozin.

Malignancies, meta‐analysis, SGLT2 inhibitors, type 2 diabetes. tumores malignos, metanálisis, inhibidores de SGLT2, diabetes tipo 2.

Visceral Origin: An Underestimated Source of Neck Pain. A Systematic Scoping Review.

The diagnosis of neck pain is challenging. Many visceral disorders are known to cause it, and clinical practice guidelines recommend to rule them out during neck pain diagnosis. However, the absence of suspicion of any cause impedes one from establishing that specific aetiology as the final diagnosis. To investigate the degree of consideration given to visceral aetiology, a systematic search of trials about neck pain was carried out to evaluate their selection criteria

Referred pain; visceral pain; diagnosis; phrenic nerve; neck pain. dolor referido; dolor visceral; diagnóstico; Nervio frénico; dolor de cuello.

Listas de Intercambio de Alimentos para la Confección de Dietas y Planificación de Menús.

Lácteos,frutas frescas, desecadas y zumos, hortalizas y verduras, cereales y derivados, tubérculos y legumbres azúcares y dulces, alimentos proteicos, alimentos grasos. Dairy products, fresh and dried fruits and juices, vegetables and greens, cereals and derivatives, tubers and legumes sugars and sweets, protein foods, fatty foods.

Adverse events reported for Mirena levonorgestrel‐releasing intrauterine device in France and impact of media coverage.

In 2017, concerns regarding adverse events (AEs) associated with the Mirena levonorgestrel intrauterine device were largely echoed in the media in France. This resulted in a tremendous reporting of AEs to pharmacovigilance centres. The aim of this study was to describe the reporting of AEs regarding Mirena in France and to study the impact of media coverage on this reporting.

Drug safety, gynaecology/obstetrics, pharmacovigilance. seguridad farmacológica, ginecología / obstetricia, farmacovigilancia.

The Origin and Pathogenesis of Endometriosis.

Recent molecular genetic findings on endometriosis and normal endometrium suggest a modified model in which circulating epithelial progenitor or stem cells intended to regenerate uterine endometrium after menstruation may become overreactive and trapped outside the uterus. These trapped epithelium-committed progenitor cells form nascent glands through clonal expansion and recruit polyclonal stromal cells, leading to the establishment of deep infiltrating endometriosis.

Endometriosis, ovarian cancer, stem cell, genetic and epigenetic alterations, chronic inflammation, immune dysregulation, endocrine dysregulation. endometriosis, cáncer de ovario, células madre, alteraciones genéticas y epigenéticas, inflamación crónica, desregulación inmune, desregulación endocrina.

A Comprehensive Review on Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Effects of Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica).

Urtica dioica (stinging nettle), a member of the Urticaceae family, has been used in various traditional systems of medicines since ancient times especially for joint pain, arthritis and prostate problems. Its roots and leaves contain a wide variety of bioactive constituents like sterols, fatty acids, lectins terpenes, phenylpropanes, lignans and coumarins.

5 alpha reductase inhibitor; Alopecia; BPH; analgesic; anti-arthritic; anti-inflammatory; antihypertensive; herbal remedy; nettle; urtica. 5 inhibidor de alfa reductasa; Alopecia; HBP; analgésico; antiartrítico; antiinflamatorio; antihipertensivo; remedio de hierbas; ortiga; urtica.

Optimizing a recombinant estrogen receptor binding assay for analysis of herbal extracts

Phytoestrogens may directly or indirectly affect the function of estrogen receptors. A method using human recombinant estrogen receptors alpha and beta (ERα and ERβ) was adapted for pure isoflavone compounds: glycitein, glycitin, biochanin A and formononetin; and extracts from chaste tree, Queen-Anne’s lace, Cyperus rhizome, dong quai, flaxseed, black cohosh, Siberian ginseng, saw palmetto, hops, licorice, red clover and alfalfa.

Estrogen receptor,Assay,Herbal extracts,Phytoestrogen. Receptor de estrógeno, Ensayo, Extractos de hierbas, Fitoestrógeno

Estrogenic Activity of Coffee Constituents.

Here, the constituents of coffee with estrogenic activity are summarized by a comprehensive literature search, and their mechanisms of action for their physiological effects are discussed at the molecular and cellular levels. The estrogenic activity of coffee constituents, such as acids, caramelized products, carbohydrates, lignin, minerals, nitrogenous compounds, oil (lipids), and others, such as volatile compounds, was first evaluated by activity assays, such as animal tests, cell assay, ligand-binding assay, protein assay, reporter-gene assay, transcription assay, and yeast two-hybrid assay.

Coffee constituents; phytoestrogens; estrogenicity; signal transduction pathway; estrogen assay. constituyentes del café; fitoestrógenos; estrogenicidad; vía de transducción de señales; ensayo de estrógenos.

Multiple sclerosis and mixed microbial infections. Direct identification of fungi and bacteria in nervous tissue.

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the prototypical inflammatory disease of the central nervous system (CNS), leading to multifocal demyelination and neurodegeneration. The etiology of this incurable disease is unknown and remains a matter of intensive research. The possibility that microbial infections, such as viruses or bacteria, can trigger an autoimmune reaction in CNS tissue has been suggested.

Polymicrobial infection, Multiple sclerosis, Fungal infection, Next generation sequencing, Bacteria and fungal co-infections. Infección polimicrobiana, Esclerosis múltiple, Infección micótica, Secuenciación de próxima generación, Bacterias y coinfecciones micóticas.

Supporting Evidence, Potential Adverse Effects, and known Drug Interactions of the Complementary Alternative Medicines which are Frequently used by Prostate Cancer Patients.

A significant number of prostate cancer patients use com-plementary alternative medicines (CAMs) as an adjunct to their conventional treatment. Examples of CAMs that are frequently used by prostate cancer patients include green tea extract, lycopene, and pomegranate fruit extract. In many cases there is little if any clinical study-based evi-dence to support the efficacy of CAMs in this setting, and, importantly, some CAMs can cause serious adverse effects when taken a high doses and/or have significant drug in-teractions.

Prostate cancer, Complementary alternative medicines, Ef-ficacy, Drug interactions, Adverse effects. Cáncer de próstata, Medicamentos alternativos complementarios, Eficacia, Interacciones farmacológicas, Efectos adversos.

Non-hormonal treatment for male infertility: the potential role of Serenoa repens, selenium and lycopene.

Male infertility is a wide spread disease among couple of childbear-ing age. Spermatozoa are highly susceptible to oxidative stress. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are capable of damaging the sperm membrane and DNA, inducing lipid peroxidation and sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF). Antioxidant supple-mentation is currently suggested after a com-plete diagnostic work-up, as recognized by the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medi-cine (SIAMS).

Serenoa repens, Lycopene, Selenium, Oxidative stress, Male infertility, Sperm parameters. Serenoa repens, licopeno, selenio, estrés oxidativo, infertilidad masculina, parámetros espermáticos.

Effect of Soy in Men With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Subclinical Hypogonadism: A Randomized Controlled Study.

Isoflavones found in soy products have a chemical structure similar to estrogen, leading to concerns of an adverse estrogenic effect in men, particularly in those with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) who have low testosterone levels due to hypogonadism.

Aged; Anthropometry; Cardiovascular Diseases; Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2; Dietary Proteins; Double-Blind Method;Humans;Hyperglycemia;Hypogonadism;Isoflavones;Male;Middle Aged;Phytoestrogens;Soybean Proteins;Testosterone. Envejecido; Antropometría; Enfermedades cardiovasculares; Diabetes mellitus, tipo 2; Proteínas dietéticas; Método de doble ciego; Humanos; Hiperglucemia; Hipogonadismo; Isoflavonas; Masculino; Edad media; Fitoestrógenos; Proteínas de soja; Testosterona.

Screening of pharmacological uses of Urtica dioica and others benefits.

Natural products, whether pure compounds or standardized plant extracts, offer unlimited opportunities for other drug sources due to the unequaled availability of chemical diversity. Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) is a unique herbaceous perennial flowering plant with stinging hairs. The leaf extract of nettle was one of the herbal remedies which the experimental, clinical and trials have complemented each other.

Antioxidant; Cancer; Cardiovascular; Pharmacological effects; Urtica dioica; nettle. Antioxidante Cáncer; Cardiovascular; Efectos farmacológicos; Urtica dioica; ortiga.

Decreased Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Antigen 4 Expression on Regulatory T Cells and Th17 Cells in Sarcoidosis: Double Trouble?.

Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4 (CTLA4) is an important suppressor of T-cell–mediated immune responses and has become a major target in tumor therapy (1). Intriguingly, various case reports on initiation or exacerbation of sarcoidosis during anti-CTLA4 treatment of metastatic melanoma have recently emerged.

Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen 4, T-cell, tumor therapy, anti-CTLA4 treatment, metastatic melanoma. Antígeno 4 de linfocitos T citotóxicos, células T, terapia tumoral, tratamiento anti-CTLA4, melanoma metastásico.

Stress and the brain-gut axis in functional and chronic-inflammatorygastrointestinal diseases: A transdisciplinary challenge.

The broad role of stress in the brain-gut axis is widely acknowledged, with implications for multiple prevalenthealth conditions that are characterized by chronic gastrointestinal symptoms. These include the functionalgastrointestinal disorders (FGID), such as irritable bowel syndrome and functional dyspepsia, as well as in-flammatory bowel diseases (IBD) like ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.

Stress, Brain-gut axis, Psychoneuroendocrinology, Psychoneuroimmunology, Functional gastrointestinal disorders, Chronic-inflammatory bowel diseases, Memory, Microbiota, Visceral pain. Estrés, eje cerebro-intestino, psiconeuroendocrinología, psiconeuroinmunología, trastornos funcionales gastrointestinales, enfermedades intestinales inflamatorias crónicas, memoria, microbiota, dolor visceral.

Altered gut microbiota and endocannabinoid system tone in vitamin D deficiency-mediated chronic pain.

Recent evidence points to the gut microbiota as a regulator of brain and behavior, although it remains to bedetermined if gut bacteria play a role in chronic pain. The endocannabinoid system is implicated in in-flammation and chronic pain processing at both the gut and central nervous system (CNS) levels. In the presentstudy, we used low Vitamin D dietary intake in mice and evaluated possible changes in gut microbiota, painprocessing and endocannabinoid system signaling.

Vitamin D deficiencyPainGut microbiotaEndocannabinoids. Deficiencia de vitamina D Dolor Microbiota intestinal Endocannabinoides.

Effect of Alternate-Day Fasting onWeight Loss, Weight Maintenance, and Cardioprotection Among Metabolically Healthy Obese Adults, A Randomized Clinical Trial.

Among the 100 participants (86 women and 14 men; mean [SD] age, 44 [11] years), the dropout rate was highest in the alternate-day fasting group (13 of 34 [38%]), vs the daily calorie restriction group (10 of 35 [29%]) and control group (8 of 31 [26%]). Mean weight loss was similar for participants in the alternate-day fasting group and those in the daily calorie restriction group at month 6 (–6.8%[95%CI, –9.1%to –4.5%] vs –6.8%[95%CI, –9.1%to –4.6%]) and month 12 (–6.0%[95%CI, –8.5%to –3.6%] vs –5.3%[95%CI, –7.6%to –3.0%]) relative to those in the control group.

Fasting, weight loss, daily calorie restriction, healthy obese adults. fasting, weight loss, daily calorie restriction, healthy obese adults,

Effect of the vaginal microbiome on thepregnancy rate in women receiving assistedreproductive treatment.

Thirty-one patients undergoing assisted reproductive treatment (ART) with own or donated gametes and withcryotransfer of a single euploid blastocyst were recruited for this cohort study. Two vaginal samples were taken during theembryo transfer procedure, just before transferring the embryo. The V3 V4 region of 16S rRNAwas used to analyze the vaginalmicrobiome, and the bioinformatic analysis was performed using QIIME2, Bioconductor Phyloseq, and MicrobiomeAnalystpackages. Alpha diversity was compared between groups according to the result of the pregnancy test.

Infertility.Assisted reproductive techniques, Embryo transfer.pregnancy.Microbiota.Microbiome. Infertilidad, técnicas de reproducción asistida, transferencia de embriones, embarazo, microbiota, microbioma.

Dietas alcalinas, aclarando conceptos.

Toda disolución acuosa tiene un grado de acidez o alcalinidad según su concentración en iones H+ (protones). Esta característica se mide según una escala de pH que va de 0 a 14 en una relación inversa: a mayor presencia de iones H+ en un medio, menor valor de pH (ácido); y a menor presencia de iones H+, mayor valor de pH (alcalino o básico).

PH urinario, Alcalino , ácido, Cálculos renales de oxalato cálcico, Ayuda ergogénica.

Physical Activity and Weight Gain Prevention.

The prevalence of over-weight and obesity in theUnited States has increaseddramatically over the past 2 de-cades, with 1 in 3 adults currentlyobese.1These numbers present a tre-mendous health care challenge in treat-ment and cost relating to the many ad-verse health conditions associated withexcess body weight

Obesity, physical activity, diet, weight. obesidad, actividad física, dieta, peso.

Exercise Effect on Weight and Body Fat in Men and Women.

Research Methods and Procedures: This was a 12‐month randomized, controlled clinical trial testing exercise effect on weight and body composition in men (N = 102) and women (N = 100). Sedentary/unfit persons, 40 to 75 years old, were recruited through physician practices and media. The intervention was facility‐ and home‐based moderate‐to‐vigorous intensity aerobic activity, 60 min/d, 6 days/wk vs. controls (no intervention).

Physical activity, fitness, weight loss, exercise. actividad física, aptitud pérdida de peso ejercicio .

Predictors of response to a low-FODMAP diet in patients withfunctional gastrointestinal disorders and lactose or fructoseintolerance.

Fructose and lactose breath tests were performed in FGID patients to determine intoler-ance (positive symptom score) and malabsorption (increased hydrogen or methaneconcentrations). Patients with fructose or lactose intolerance consumed a low-FOD-MAP diet and global adequate symptom relief was assessed after 6–8 weeks and corre-lated with pre-diet clinical symptoms and breath test results.

Fructose and lactose breath tests, FGID, low-FOD-MAP diet. Pruebas de aliento de fructosa y lactosa, FGID, dieta baja en FOD-MAP.

Acid balance, dietary acid load, and bone effects-a controversial subject.

Modern Western diets, with higher contents of animal compared to fruits and vegetable products, have a greater content of acid precursors vs. base precursors, which results in a net acid load to the body. To prevent inexorable accumulation of acid in the body and progressively increasing degrees of metabolic acidosis, the body has multiple systems to buffer and titrate acid, including bone which contains large quantities of alkaline salts of calcium.

Aging, Alkali, Kidney, Osteoporosis. Envejecimiento, Álcali, Riñón, Osteoporosis.

Sleep and Nutrition Interactions: Implicationsfor Athletes

This narrative review explores the relationship between sleep and nutrition. Variousnutritional interventions have been shown to improve sleep including high carbohydrate,high glycaemic index evening meals, melatonin, tryptophan rich protein, tart cherry juice, kiwifruitand micronutrients. Sleep disturbances and short sleep duration are behavioural risk factors forinflammation, associated with increased risk of illness and disease, which can be modified to promotesleep health.

sleep; athletes; chrononutrition. dormir; Atletas; crononutrición.

Planificación dietético-nutricional para un ultra-trail de 115 km: estudio de un caso.

El ultra-trail es un deporte de resistencia que involucra caminar y correr un recorrido con cambios extremos de elevación por pistas y caminos no asfaltados, senderos, barrancos, etc. La importancia de la planificación dietético-nutricional radica en la prevenciónde problemas nutricionales como la deshidratación o hiponatremia, problemas gastrointestinales, fatiga e hipoglucemia. El objetivo es planificar e intervenir a nivel dietético-nutricional en un deportista para afrontar un ultra-trail de 115km.

Carrera; Nutrición, Alimentación y Dieta; Deportes; Resistencia Física; Sustancias para Mejorar el Rendimiento; Suplementos Dietéticos.

Problemas gastrointestinales en deportes de resistencia en mujeres: revisión de literatura.

Los problemas gastrointestinales en los deportes de resistencia y ultra-resistencia se encuentran entre los factores limitantes del rendimiento deportivo. Se han estudiado las posibles causantes de estas afecciones y se plantea una situación multifactorial. Es cada vez más habitual el número de personas que practican deportes de resistencia, y se estima que entre el 30 y 90 % de ellos presentan problemas GI de diversa gravedad. Esto implica una limitación del rendimiento y también condiciona la recuperación posterior al esfuerzo.

Resistencia física. Enfermedades gastrointestinales. Enfermedad intestinal inflamatoria. Estrés gastrointestinal. Physical endurance. Gastrointestinal diseases. Inflammatory boweldiseases. Gastrointestinal distress.

Dieta vegetariana y rendimiento deportivo .

El vegetarianismo es considerado como un estilo de alimentación basado principalmente en el consumo de alimentos de origen vegetal. Hoy día son cada vez más las personas que deciden comenzar con un cambio en su alimentación. Existen diversas razones por las cuales una persona decide ser vegetariana, siendo la más destacada los beneficios en la salud.

Dieta vegetariana; vegetarianismo; rendimiento; deporte; suplementación. Vegetarian diet; vegetarianism; performance; sport; supplementation.

Dietas bajas en hidratos de carbono y rendimiento deportivo: Revisión Sistemática.

Realizar una revisión de la literatura científica más reciente que trata sobre el uso de las dietas bajas en hidratos de carbono en el manejo de la composición corporal de los deportistas así como en la mejora del rendimiento deportivo en diversas disciplinas deportivas.

Dieta baja en hidratos de carbono, fuerza, resistencia, rendimiento. Low carbohydrate diet, strength, endurance, performance

La Dieta Paleolítica en el Deporte.

La dieta paleolítica consiste enreproducir el patrón alimenticio que el ser humano ha llevado durante su evolución como especie.Esta corriente propone la dieta paleolítica como medio para tratar determinadas enfermedades como la diabetes mellitus (DM) tipo 2.El objetivo de esta revisión es analizar la evidencia existente sobre la dieta paleolítica y su aplicación en el deporte y la diabetes.

Dieta paleolítica, diabetes mellitus (DM) tipo 2, Actividad Física y el Deporte. Paleolithic diet, diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2, Physical Activity and Sports.

COVID-19 y Brécol

A veces la vida nos sorprende con las situaciones menos inesperadas. En un mundo donde el ser humano es capaz de crear armas nucleares y móviles de última generación, de repente un día se expande un virus que nos “obliga” a echar el freno y pensar más allá del ritmo frenético del día a día. Más allá de lo que el propio virus causa en nuestro organismo, y de lo que indirectamente causará a nivel económico en el mundo, para much@s también será un cambio de paradigma y de comportamiento.

Alimentación consciente, brécol, brócoli, covid-19, Fisiogenómica, garbanzos, toogoodtobefood. Conscious feeding, broccoli, broccoli, covid-19, Physiogenomics, chickpeas.

Covid-19 y alimentación.

Los virus en general, son agentes perturbadores en el sentido de que, ni están vivos ni muertos. No se les reconoce como agentes vivos porque no pueden reproducirse por sí mismos, sin embargo, pueden entrar en una célula, secuestrar su material genético y reproducirse. Esta capacidad les hace ser efectivos y versátiles, ya que llevan miles de años desarrollando formas diferentes de engañar y desafiar a nuestro Sistema Inmune.

Condimentos, covid-19, dieta normoglucémica, Fisiogenómica, pescado, pimienta negra, vegetales. Condiments, covid-19, normoglycemic diet, Physiogenomics, fish, black pepper, toogoodtobefood, vegetables.

Effect of a Ketogenic Diet on Submaximal Exercise Capacity and Efficiency in Runners.

We investigated the effect of a 31-d ketogenic diet (KD) on submaximal exercise capacity and efficiency. METHODS:A randomized, repeated-measures, crossover study was conducted in eight trained male endurance athletes (V˙O2max, 59.4 ± 5.2 mL⋅kg⋅min). Participants ingested their habitual diet (HD) (13.1 MJ, 43% [4.6 g⋅kg⋅d] carbohydrate and 38% [1.8 g⋅kg⋅d] fat) or an isoenergetic KD (13.7 MJ, 4% [0.5 g·kg⋅d] carbohydrate and 78% [4 g⋅kg⋅d] fat) from days 0 to 31 (P less than 0.001).

Enfermedad renal crónica, Hiperfosfatemia, Fitato, Ácido fítico, Calcificaciones vasculares, Calcifilaxis. Chronic kidney disease, Hyperphosphatemia, Phytate, Phytic acid, Vascular calcifications, Calciphylaxis.

Fosfatos de origen vegetal, fitato y calcificaciones patológicas en la enfermedad renal crónica.

El fitato o myo-inositol-1,2,3,4,5,6-hexakis dihidrogenofostato (InsP6) es un compuesto fosforado de origen natural que está presente en numerosos alimentos, principalmente en legumbres, cereales integrales y frutos secos. Los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) experimentan una mortalidad por enfermedad cardiovascular hasta 30veces mayor que la población en general. Las calcificaciones vasculares (CV) contribuyen directamente en la morbimortalidad general, y de forma especial en la ERC.

Ketogenic Diet, submaximal exercise, athletes, runner. Dieta cetogénica, ejercicio submáximo, atletas, corredor.

Fat-soluble vitamin intestinal absorption: Absorption sites in the intestine and interactions for absorption.

The interactions occurring at the intestinal level between the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K (FSVs) are poorly documented. We first determined each FSV absorption profile along the duodenal–colonic axis of mouse intestine to clarify their respective absorption sites. We then investigated the interactions between FSVs during their uptake by Caco-2 cells.

Retinol,Cholecalciferol, Tocopherol, Phylloquinone, Digestion, Enterocyte, Retinol, Colecalciferol, Tocoferol, Filoquinona, Digestión, Enterocito.

Food inmune reaction and autoimmunity.

Health care practitioners have a variety of choices available for reactivity testing to detect food intolerance (ie, immunoglobulin E [IgE] or immunoglobulin G [IgG], in saliva or in blood, in vitro or in vivo, and a few or hundreds of antigens).

Immune Reactivity Testing, food, Immunoglobulin G, Immunoglobulin, Antibody. Pruebas de reactividad inmune, alimentos, inmunoglobulina G, inmunoglobulina, anticuerpo.

Mechanisms of Molecular Mimicry Involving the Microbiota in Neurodegeneration .

The concept of molecular mimicry was established to explain commonalities of structure which developed in response to evolutionary pressures. Most examples of molecular mimicry in medicine have involved homologies of primary protein structure which cause disease. Molecular mimicry can be expanded beyond amino acid sequence to include microRNA and proteomic effects which are either pathogenic or salutogenic (beneficial) in regard to Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease, and related disorders.

Alzheimer's disease, amyloid, bacterial amyloid, metagenome, microbiota, neurodegenerative diseases, neuroinflammation, oxidative stress, Parkinson's disease. Enfermedad de Alzheimer, amiloide, amiloide bacteriano, metagenoma, microbiota, enfermedades neurodegenerativas, neuroinflamación, estrés oxidativo, enfermedad de Parkinson.

Molecular mimicry and autoimmunity.

Molecular mimicry is one of the leading mechanisms by which infectious or chemical agents may induce autoimmunity. It occurs when similarities between foreign and self-peptides favor an activation of autoreactive T or B cells by a foreign-derived antigen in a susceptible individual.

Autoimmune diseases, Autoimmunity, Molecular mimicry, Cross-reactivity, Cross reactions. Enfermedades autoinmunes, Autoinmunidad, Mimetismo molecular, Reactividad cruzada, Reacciones cruzadas.

Friends in Low Places: Intestinal Commensals Limit Colitis through Molecular Mimicry.

Inflammatory bowel disease is thought to arise from inappropriate inflammation to gut bacteria, yet mechanisms preventing these responses remain elusive. In this issue of Cell, Nanjundappa et al. report that Bacteroides share an epitope with a pancreas-specific peptide that induces protective CD8+ T cells, identifying molecular mimicry as a mechanism to enforce tolerance in the gut.

Inflammatory bowel disease, gut bacteria, molecular mimicry. Enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, bacterias intestinales, mimetismo molecular.

The Antidepressant-like Effects of Estrogen-mediated Ghrelin .

Ghrelin, one of the brain-gut peptides, stimulates food-intake. Recently, ghrelin has also shown to play an important role in depression treatment. However, the mechanism of ghrelin’s antidepressant-like actions is unknown. On the other hand, sex differences in depression, and the fluctuation of estrogens secretion have been proved to play a key role in depression.

Depression, estrogen, ghrelin, mechanism. Depresión, estrógeno, grelina, mecanismo.

Insulin resistance and low folate levels are associated with hyperthyroidism in Graves' disease .

We recorded thyroid function tests, BMI, insulin resistance markers, lipid profile, homocysteine, CRP, folic acid, and vitamin B12 levels, in 104 subjects with GD in the first cycle of treatment with methimazole, 94% of whom were female. The subjects were classified into two groups: 49 patients were included in the hyperthyroid group (fT3 >3.71 pg/ml and/or fT4 more than 1.48 ng/dl, and TSH less than 0.35 UI/ml) and 55 in the euthyroid group.

Thyroid function, insulin resistance, lipid profile, homocysteine, C-reactive protein (CRP), folic acid, and vitamin B12 levels, in Graves’ disease (GD). función tiroidea, resistencia a la insulina, perfil lipídico, homocisteína, proteína C reactiva (PCR), ácido fólico y niveles de vitamina B12, en la enfermedad de Graves (GD).

High-Protein Diets and Renal Health .

High-protein diets (i.e., protein content of more than 25% of energy or more than 2 g/kg body weight per day) based on meat and dairy products are repeatedly promoted for weight reduction and better health, but the evidence supporting these notions is quite dubious. As described in the present review, there is a reason to be concerned about adverse effects of such diets, including glomerular hyperfiltration, hypertensive effects of a concomitant increase in dietary sodium, and an increased risk of nephrolithiasis.

High-protein diets , nephrolithiasis, sodium, Renal Health. Dietas ricas en proteínas, nefrolitiasis, sodio, salud renal.

Diet and fertility: a review.

The literature on the relationship between diet and human fertility has greatly expanded over the last decade, resulting in the identification of a few clear patterns. Intake of supplemental folic acid, particularly at doses higher than those recommended for the prevention of neural tube defects, has been consistently related to lower frequency of infertility, lower risk of pregnancy loss, and greater success in infertility treatment.

Assisted reproduction, diet, fecundity, fertility, in vitro fertilization, miscarriage, nutrition, pregnancy loss, reproductive health, spontaneous abortion. reproducción asistida, dieta, fecundidad, fertilidad, fertilización in vitro, aborto espontáneo, nutrición, pérdida del embarazo, salud reproductiva, aborto espontáneo.

Immunological Reactivity Using Monoclonal and Polyclonal Antibodies of Autoimmune Thyroid Target Sites with Dietary Proteins

Immunologic cross-reactivity occurs when adaptive immune response against one antigen also occurs to another antigen with amino acid structural similarity. Immunological crossreactivity was first identified in 1942 when it was found that individuals sensitized to pollen allergens developed immune reactivity to specific fruits. Further study found that crossreactivity with pollen could also occur to human tissue target proteins.

Pollen allergens, thyroid tissue , thyroid autoimmunity, Immunological Reactivity, Dietary Proteins. alérgenos de polen, tejido tiroideo, autoinmunidad tiroidea, reactividad inmunológica, proteínas dietéticas.

Assessment of Bidirectional Relationships Between Physical Activity and Depression Among Adults A 2-Sample Mendelian Randomization Study.

Increasing evidence shows that physical activity is associated with reduced risk for depression, pointing to a potential modifiable target for prevention. However, the causality and direction of this association are not clear; physical activity may protect against depression, and/or depression may result in decreased physical activity.

Physical activity, depressive disorder, major, genome-wide association study, mendelian randomization analysis. actividad física, trastorno depresivo, estudio principal de asociación de todo el genoma, análisis de aleatorización mendeliana

The effects of osteopathic treatment on psychosocial factors in people with persistent pain: A systematic review

Persistent pain is considered a complex biopsychosocial phenomenon whose understanding and management is yet to be improved. More research is needed to determine the common paths that lead to developing persistent pain, to identify the populations most at risk and to develop and evaluate interventions. The last decades have seen a shift in pain management, from the biomedical model to a biopsychosocial model.

Persistent pain, Osteopathy, Psychosocial factors, Depression, Anxiety, Avoidance. Dolor persistente, Osteopatía, Factores psicosociales, Depresión, Ansiedad, Orientación.

Biomarcadores de la actividad física y del deporte.

Tradicionalmente, los biomarcadores han sido de interésen las ciencias del deporte para medir el rendimiento, el pro-greso en el entrenamiento y para identificar el sobreentrena-miento. Durante los últimos años, cada vez hay mayor inte-rés en evaluar los efectos relacionados con la salud que seproducen en el organismo debidos a una actividad físicaregular y al deporte.

Condición física. Salud. Rendimiento. Biomar-cador. Physical fitness. Health. Performance. Biomarker.

Laboratory Determined Sugar Content and Composition of Commercial Infant Formulas, Baby Foods and Common Grocery Items Targeted to Children.

Excess added sugar consumption is tied to poor health outcomes in children. The sugar content of beverages and foods children are exposed to is mostly unknown, yet this information is imperative for understanding potential risks from overconsumption of sugars in early life. We determined actual sugar content by conducting a blinded laboratory analysis in infant formulas, breakfast cereals, packaged baked goods and yogurts.

Sugar; formula; high fructose corn syrup; HFCS; obesity; fructose; breastfeeding, azúcar; fórmula; jarabe de maíz con alta fructuosa; JMAF; obesidad; fructosa; amamantamiento.

Risk assessment related to biogenic amines occurrence in ready-to-eat baby foods

Potential adverse reactions among infants and young children could appear after consumption of food containing small amounts of bioactive amines. This study presents the first assessment of biogenic amines occurrence in ready-to-eat vegetable without/with fish, meat and fruit baby products intended for the youngest consumers.

Biogenic amines, Risk assessment, Baby food, Fish, Vegetable, Fruit. Aminas biogénicas , Evaluación de riesgos, Alimentos para bebés, Peces Vegetales, Frutas.

Protein digestion of baby foods: study approaches and implications for infant health

Protein digestion is critical for infants. Dissimilarities between infants and adults in food intake and digestive physiology lead to distinct patterns of proteolysis between individuals. However, such differences are not well represented in many studies on protein digestion of baby foods. The complex biological structures of baby foods and the physiology of the infant digestive system are key factors affecting proteolysis during the first two years of life

Digestion model, Food breakdown, Infant, Nutrition, Proteolysis. Modelo de digestión, desglose de alimentos, infantil, nutrición, proteólisis.

Timing of regular egg intake for prevention of egg allergy.

We read with great interest the articles titled ‘‘Randomizedplacebo-controlled trial of hen’s egg consumption for primaryprevention in infants’’ by Bellach et al1and ‘‘Randomizedcontrolled trial of early regular egg intake to prevent egg allergy’’by Palmer et al.

Egg allergy, egg protein, allergic diseaseshall, infants. alergia al huevo, proteína del huevo, enfermedades alérgicas, bebés.

Sodium bicarbonate intake improves high-intensity intermittent exercise performance in trained young men.

Sodium bicarbonate intake has been shown to improve exercise tolerance, but the effects on high-intensity intermittent exercise are less clear. Thus, the aim of the present study was to determine the effect of sodium bicarbonate intake on Yo-Yo intermittent recovery test level 2 performance in trained young men.

Fatigue, Yo-Yo IR2 performance, Blood pH and lactate, Plasma potassium, Buffer capacity, Fatiga, rendimiento de Yo-Yo IR2, PH y lactato en sangre, potasio en plasma.

Macronutrient Intake in Soccer Players—A Meta-Analysis.

The nutrition of soccer players is an important topic and its knowledge may help to increase the quality of this popular game and prevent possible health problems and injuries in players. This meta-analysis aims to estimate the current dietary trends of three basic macronutrients in junior and senior soccer players during the first two decades of the 21st century.

Nutrition; protein; carbohydrates; lipids; association football. nutrición; proteína; carbohidratos lípidos Asociación de Fútbol.

Maternal Fructose Intake Affects Transcriptome Changes and Programmed Hypertension in Offspring in Later Life.

Hypertension originates from early-life insults by so-called “developmental origins of health and disease” (DOHaD). Studies performed in the previous few decades indicate that fructose consumption is associated with an increase in hypertension rate. It is emerging field that tends to unfold the nutrient–gene interactions of maternal high-fructose (HF) intake on the offspring which links renal programming to programmed hypertension.

Developmental programming; developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD); fructose; hypertension; kidney; next-generation sequencing; reprogramming; transcriptome. programación de desarrollo; orígenes del desarrollo de la salud y la enfermedad (DOHaD); fructosa; hipertensión; riñón; secuenciación de próxima generación; reprogramación; transcriptoma.

Nutrigenomics as a Strategy for Neuronal Health.

Nutrigenomics through gene expression and epigenetic remodeling can program adult health. Diet during pregnancy and lactation (the first 1000 days of life) can modulate offspring’s epigenome leading to tissue specific variations during cell differentiation processes, and may define epigenetic marks associated with long-term effects on offspring neuronal health.

Epigenetic programming Brain plasticity Nutrigenomics Neuronal resilience Adult health Anti-inflammatory diet . Programación epigenética Plasticidad cerebral Nutrigenómica Resistencia neuronal Salud del adulto Dieta antiinflamatoria.

Early-Life Nutritional Programming of Type 2 Diabetes: Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Evidence.

Consistent evidence from both experimental and human studies suggest that inadequate nutrition in early life can contribute to risk of developing metabolic disorders including type 2 diabetes (T2D) in adult life. In human populations, most findings supporting a causative relationship between early-life malnutrition and subsequent risk of T2D were obtained from quasi-experimental studies (‘natural experiments’).

Type 2 diabetes; famine; natural experiment; quasi-experimental design; epigenetics. diabetes tipo 2; hambruna; experimento natural; diseño cuasiexperimental; epigenética.

Long-Term Health Impact of Early Nutrition: The Power of Programming.

The Power of Programming conference 2016 at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich brought together about 600 researchers and other stakeholders from around the world who reviewed the recent evidence on the lasting health impact of environment and nutrition during early life, from pre-pregnancy to early childhood. The conference was hosted by the Early Nutrition Project, a multidisciplinary research collaboration funded by the European Commission with collaborating researchers from 35 institutions in 15 countries in Europe, the United States and Australia.

Early nutrition, Pregnancy, Infant nutrition, Metabolic programming, Developmental origins of health and disease, Obesity, Adiposity. Nutrición temprana, embarazo, nutrición infantil, programación metabólica, orígenes del desarrollo de la salud y la enfermedad, obesidad, adiposidad.

Adverse effects of plant food supplements and botanical preparations: a systematic review with critical evaluation of causality.

The objective of this review was to collect available data on the following: (i) adverse effects observed in humans from the intake of plant food supplements or botanical preparations; (ii) the misidentification of poisonous plants; and (iii) interactions between plant food supplements/botanicals and conventional drugs or nutrients.

Adverse effects, biomarkers,botanicals, interactions, misidentification, poison centres. efectos adversos, biomarcadores, ingredientes botánicos, interacciones, identificación errónea, centros de envenenamiento.

Endometrial cancer and oral contraceptives: an individual participant meta-analysis of 27 276 women with endometrial cancer from 36 epidemiological studies.

Oral contraceptives are known to reduce the incidence rate of endometrial cancer, but it is uncertain how long this effect lasts after use ceases, or whether it is modified by other factors.

Oral contraceptives, endometrial cancer, women. Anticonceptivos orales, cáncer de endometrio, mujeres,

Endometrial cancer with progestagen and oestrogen oral contraceptives.

The Collaborative Group's meta-analysis of 36 epidemiological studies published from 1987 to 2014 claims that oral contraceptives prevent endometrial cancer.1 The median age of 27 276 women developing endometrial cancer was 63 years when most oral contraceptive use is long past but recent use of hormones for menopause or breast cancer therapy is more likely.

Oral contraceptives, endometrial cancer, women, cervical cancer, menstrual disorders, fibroids, anaemia. Anticonceptivos orales, cáncer de endometrio, mujeres, cáncer cervical, trastornos menstruales, fibromas, anemia .

Influences of Breakfast on Clock Gene Expression and Postprandial Glycemia in Healthy Individuals and Individuals With Diabetes: A Randomized Clinical Trial.

The circadian clock regulates glucose metabolism by mediating the activity of metabolic enzymes, hormones, and transport systems. Breakfast skipping and night eating have been associated with high HbA1c and postprandial hyperglycemia after lunch and dinner. Our aim was to explore the acute effect of breakfast consumption or omission on glucose homeostasis and clock gene expression in healthy individuals and individuals with type 2 diabetes.

Breakfast, Clock Gene Expression, Postprandial, Glycemia, type 2 Diabetes, glucose. Desayuno, Expresión génica del reloj, posprandial, glucemia, diabetes tipo 2, glucosa.

Necesidades proteicas en el deportista de resistencia.

Las proteínas son compuestos que tienen una función energética, de construcción y de reparación del organismo; pero, fundamentalmente se caracterizan por actuar como enzimas, catalizando casi todas las reacciones químicas del organismo. Por tanto, en el deportista, al encontrar-se todos estos procesos acelerados, no es de extrañar que haya que aportar una cantidad suficiente, pero, sobre todo, una proteína de calidad que, aporte un gran número de aminoácidos esenciales.

Requerimientos nutricionales, proteínas, hábitos nutricionales, ejercicio, hábitos saludables. nutritional requirements, protein, dietary habits, exercise, healthy habits.

International Society of Sports Nutrition Position Stand: protein and exercise.

In 2007, the International Society of Sports Nutrition (ISSN) published its first position stand devoted to the science and application of dietary protein intake. Subsequently, this paper has been accessed more than 200,000 times and continues to serve as a key reference on the topic.

Sports Nutrition , protein, exercise, dietary. Nutrición deportiva, proteínas, ejercicio, dietética.

Therapeutic effects of D-aspartate in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis.

Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an animal model of multiple sclerosis. EAE is mainly mediated by adaptive and innate immune responses that leads to an inflammatory demyelization and axonal damage. The aim of the present research was to examine the therapeutic efficacy of D-aspartic acid (D-Asp) on a mouse EAE model.

Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, multiple sclerosis, antioxidant, D-aspartic acid, D-aspartate. encefalomielitis autoinmune experimental, esclerosis múltiple, antioxidante, Ácido D-aspártico, D-aspartato.

AMPK activation attenuates inflammatory pain through inhibiting NF-κB activation and IL-1β expression.

Chronic pain is a major clinical problem with limited treatment options. Previous studies have demonstrated that activation of adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) can attenuate neuropathic pain. Inflammation/immune response at the site of complete Freund’s adjuvant (CFA) injection is known to be a critical trigger of the pathological changes that produce inflammatory pain.

Inflammatory pain, AMPK,IL-1β, NF-κB, dolor inflamatorio.

Review of Fat and Fatty Acid Requirements and Criteria for Developing Dietary Guidelines.

In 1993 the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) held an Expert Consultation meeting to review the scientific data on optimal consumption of dietary fats and fatty acids and to provide internationally valid recom-mendations.

Fat, Fatty Acid, dietary, Grasa, ácido graso, dietético,

Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

The US Departments of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and Agriculture (USDA) have released the eighth edition (2015-2020) of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.1 The Dietary Guidelines are an important part of a complex and multifaceted solution to promoting health and preventing diet-related chronic diseases including cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, some cancers, and obesity.

Diet-related chronic diseases, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, Calories From Added Sugars, Cholesterol, Sodium. enfermedades crónicas relacionadas con la dieta, enfermedades cardiovasculares, diabetes tipo 2, Calorías de azúcares añadidos, colesterol, sodio.

Intestinal Permeability Regulation by Tight Junction: Implication on Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.

Epithelial tight junctions (TJs) are the key structures regulating paracellular trafficking of macromolecules. The TJ is multi-protein complex that forms a selective permeable seal between adjacent epithelial cells and demarcates the boundary between apical and basolateral membrane domains.

Intestinal permeability, Tight junctions, Inflammatory bowel diseases, Intestinal barrier function, Paracellular permeability. Permeabilidad intestinal, Uniones estrechas, Enfermedades inflamatorias intestinales, Función de barrera intestinal, Permeabilidad paracelular.

Regulation of Tight-Junction Integrity by Insulin in an In Vitro Model of Human Blood–Brain Barrier.

Although insulin receptor is expressed at the human blood–brain barrier (BBB), the physiological and pathologic roles of insulin signaling in biologic responses at the BBB remain unclear. Here, we investigate insulin signaling at the human BBB using human cerebral microvascular endothelial cell line (hCMEC/D3) as a well-established in vitro model.

Blood–brain barrier,hyperglycemia,hyperinsulinemia,insulin,insulin receptor,tight junction,hCMEC/D3, cell line. barrera hematoencefálica, hiperglucemia, hiperinsulinemia, insulina, receptor de insulina, unión estrecha, hCMEC / D3, línea celular.

Aproximaciones farmacológicas para el tratamiento de la obesidad.

La obesidad es uno de los más serios problemas del siglo XXI y se piensa que afecta a cerca de 300 millones de personas en todo el mundo. Según la Organización para la Cooperación y el Desarrollo Económico (OCDE), el 18% de la población adulta es obesa.

Obesidad, sistema gastrointestinal, obesidad infantil, leptina, dieta. Obesity, gastrointestinal system, childhood obesity, leptin, diet.

Skeletal growth and bone mineral acquisition in type 1 diabetic children;abnormalities of the GH/IGF-1 axis.

Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) is one of the most common chronic diseases diagnosed in childhood. Childhoodand adolescent years are also the most important period for growth in height and acquisition of skeletal bonemineral density (BMD)

Type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM)Bone mineral density (BMD)Growth velocityGrowth hormone (GH)Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1). Diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM1) Densidad mineral ósea (DMO) Velocidad de crecimiento Hormona del crecimiento (GH) Factor de crecimiento similar a la insulina-1 (IGF-1).

A Review of the Effects of Leucine Metabolite (β-Hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate) Supplementation and Resistance Training on Inflammatory Markers: A New Approach to Oxidative Stress and Cardiovascular Risk Factors.

β-hydroxy β-methylbutyrate (HMB) is a bioactive metabolite formed from the breakdown of the branched-chain amino acid, leucine. Given the popularity of HMB supplements among different athletes, specifically, those who participate in regular resistance training, this review was performed to summarize current literature on some aspects of HMB supplementation that have received less attention.

HMB; branched-chain amino acid; strength training; sports nutrition; inflammation. aminoácido de cadena ramificada; entrenamiento de fuerza; nutrición deportiva; inflamación

El uso de lipidos estructurados en la nutricion: una tecnologia que abre nuevas perspectivas en el desarrollo de productos innovadores.

Los lípidos, junto con las proteínas y los carbohidratos, son macronutrientes necesarios en la nutrición humana. Los lípidos representan la principal fuente de energía, son fundamentales en la formación de estructuras celulares como las membranas; proveen de ácidos grasos esenciales necesarios para la síntesis de los eicosanoides y de otros derivados bioactivos;

Lipid digestion; digestive enzymes; enzyme streoespecificity; structured lipids; infant nutrition. Digestión de lípidos; Enzimas digestivas; enzima estereoespecificidad; lípidos estructurados; nutrición infantil.

Bioactive Nutrients and Nutrigenomics in Age-Related Diseases.

The increased life expectancy and the expansion of the elderly population are stimulating research into aging. Aging may be viewed as a multifactorial process that results from the interaction of genetic and environmental factors, which include lifestyle. Human molecular processes are influenced by physiological pathways as well as exogenous factors, which include the diet.

Aging; bioactive nutrients; dietary; nutrigenomics; oxi-inflamm-aging; molecular pathological epidemiology. envejecimiento; nutrientes bioactivos; dietético; nutrigenómica; envejecimiento oxiinflamatorio; epidemiología patológica molecular

Consumption of a healthy dietary pattern results in significant reductions in C-reactive protein levels in adults: a meta-analysis.

Consumption of healthy dietary patterns has been associated with reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome. Dietary intervention targets disease prevention, so studies increasingly use biomarkers of underlying inflammation and metabolic syndrome progression to examine the diet-health relationship.

Meta-analysis, Mediterranean diet, Biomarkers, C-reactive protein, Adiponectin. Metaanálisis, dieta mediterránea, biomarcadores, proteína C reactiva, adiponectina.

Autophagy as a Therapeutic Target to Enhance Aged Muscle Regeneration.

Skeletal muscle has remarkable regenerative capacity, relying on precise coordination between resident muscle stem cells (satellite cells) and the immune system. The age-related decline in skeletal muscle regenerative capacity contributes to the onset of sarcopenia, prolonged hospitalization, and loss of autonomy

Muscle regeneration; aging; stem cell; immune; macrophage; senescence; exercise; caloric restriction. regeneración muscular; envejecimiento; célula madre; inmune; macrófago senectud; ejercicio; restricción calórica.

Chapter 5 - Constipation: A Symptom of Chronic Food Intolerance?.

Chronic constipation in children is occasionally organic, but in most cases no organic cause has been found. Using gastrointestinal scintigraphy, we have shown that children with intractable constipation have slow transit in the colon, but some have rapid transit in the proximal colon with anorectal retention.

Breath hydrogen test, Children, Chronic constipation, FODMAP diet, Fructose, Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Lactose, Sugar malabsorption. Prueba de aliento de hidrógeno, Niños, Constipación crónica, Dieta FODMAP, Fructosa, Síndrome del intestino irritable (SII), Lactosa, Malabsorción de azúcar.

P163 Performance of ASAS criteria for inflammatory back pain in patients with inflammatory bowel disease.

Axial spondyloarthritis (axSpA) is a common extraintestinal manifestation of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). It is recommended to be diagnosed in patients with IBD by association of clinical features, such as Inflammatory Back Pain (IBP), and imaging, such as MRI and X-ray. In axSpA patients without IBD, Ankylosing Spondylitis Assessment Society (ASAS) criteria are used for defining IBP.

Magnetic resonance imaging, diagnostic radiologic examination, roentgen rays, ankylosing spondylitis, back pain, crohn's disease, inflammatory bowel disease, ulcerative colitis, low back pain, lumbar vertebra,osteitis, sacroiliac joint, signs and symptoms, spondylarthritis, diagnosis, diagnostic imaging, patient prognosis,sacroiliitis, gold standard, grading system, bone marrow edema, consensus. resonancia magnética, examen radiológico de diagnóstico, rayos roentgen, espondilitis anquilosante, dolor de espalda, enfermedad de Crohn, enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, colitis ulcerosa, dolor lumbar, vértebra lumbar, osteitis, articulación sacroilíaca, signos y síntomas, espondiloartritis, diagnóstico, diagnóstico por imagen, pronóstico del paciente, sacroileítis, patrón oro, sistema de clasificación, edema de médula ósea, consenso

Carga ácida de la dieta; mecanismos y evidencia de sus repercusiones en la salud.

En la actualidad se ha evidenciado el rol de la composición dietética en el equilibrio ácido-base, al proveer precursores ácidos y álcalis. De manera general, los alimentos altos en proteína, como la carne, los quesos, huevo, entre otros, incrementan la producción de ácidos en el organismo, mientras que las frutas y los vegetales incrementan los álcalis.

Acidosis metabólica, Carga ácida potencial renal, Producción neta de ácido, Proteínas, Intervención nutricional. Metabolic acidosis, Acid potential renal load, Net acid production, Proteins,Nutritional intervention.

Diet-Induced Low-Grade Metabolic Acidosis and Clinical Outcomes: A Review.

Low-grade metabolic acidosis is a condition characterized by a slight decrease in blood pH, within the range considered normal, and feeding is one of the main factors that may influence the occurrence of such a condition. The excessive consumption of acid precursor foods (sources of phosphorus and proteins), to the detriment of those precursors of bases (sources of potassium, calcium, and magnesium), leads to acid-base balance volubility.

Acid-base equilibrium; acidosis; fruits; vegetables; proteins. equilibrio ácido-base; acidosis; frutas vegetales; proteínas.

Cause and effect of microenvironmental acidosis on bone metastases.

Skeletal involvement is a frequent and troublesome complication in advanced cancers. In the process of tumor cells homing to the skeleton to form bone metastases (BM), different mechanisms allow tumor cells to interact with cells of the bone microenvironment and seed in the bone tissue

Bone metastases Acidosis, Osteoclast,Tumor microenvironment, Bone resorption, Pain. Metástasis óseas Acidosis, osteoclastos, microambiente tumoral, resorción ósea, dolor.

Role of proton receptor OGR1 in bone response to metabolic acidosis?.

Chronic metabolic acidosis stimulates bone resorption, resulting in loss of calcium and bicarbonate from bone. Both osteoblasts and osteoclasts sense extracellular H+ by the G-protein coupled receptor, OGR1, whose activation leads to increased bone resorption as well as decreased bone formation.

Chronic metabolic acidosis, bone, osteoblasts, osteoclasts. Acidosis metabólica crónica, hueso, osteoblastos, osteoclastos.

Association of Urinary Citrate With Acid-Base Status,Bone Resorption, and Calcium Excretion in OlderMen and Women.

Slight fluctuations in acid-base balance toward a lowerpH, known as mild or subclinical metabolic acidosis,have been associated with increased bone turnover andbone loss. In healthy individuals, diet can contributeto metabolic acidosis. Typical western diets, whichare high in protein and cereal grains (acid-producing foods)and low in fruits and vegetables (alkali-producing foods),promote mild metabolic acidosis.

Parathyroid, Bone, and Mineral Metabolism. Metabolismo paratiroideo, óseo y mineral.

Metabolic Acidosis Effects on Bone and Its Metabolism.

Chronic acid challenges to systemic acid–base status might cause bone injury in the absence of chronic metabolic acidosis. Ongoing bone injury is better documented in individuals with chronic metabolic acidosis, particularly in association with chronic kidney disease (CKD).

Calcium, Magnesium, Osteoblasts, Osteoclasts, Parathyroid hormone, Phosphorous, Vitamin D. Calcio, Magnesio, Osteoblastos, Osteoclastos, Hormona paratiroidea, Fósforo, Vitamina D.

Vitaminas y rendimiento deportivo: una revisión bibliográfica.

Las vitaminas son esenciales para la formación de energía, la formación de tejido y la regulación metabólica (Wilmore y Costil, 2004). Pueden clasificarse en dos grandes categoría: las liposolubles y las hidrosolubles. Las vitaminas liposolubles, A, D, E y K, son absorbidas unidas a las grasas en el tracto digestivo. Se caracterizan porque se pueden almacenar en el cuerpo y, por tanto, una ingesta excesiva puede producir acumulaciones tóxicas.

Vitaminas. Rendimiento deportivo. Dieta. Vitamins. Sports performance. Diet.

Revisiones BJSM: A–Z de los Suplementos Nutricionales: Suplementos Dietarios, Alimentos para la Nutrición Deportiva y Ayudas Ergogénicas para la Salud y el Rendimiento: Parte 15.

Los suplementos dietéticos que se utilizan mas comúnmente son los micronutrientes. Las propiedades antioxidantes de varios micronutrientes dietarios son de particular interés para los atletas debido a que fortalecen los sistemas de defensa antioxidantes endógenos del cuerpo que neutralizan los radicales libres y disminuyen el daño oxidativo.

Suplementos dietéticos, micronutrientes, flavonoides, Ejercicio. Dietary supplements, micronutrients, flavonoids, Exercise.

Ayudas ergogénicas nutricionales en el deporte. Necesidades fisiológicas y cómo cubrirlas. Parte tercera.

En el deporte de élite, las diferencias en el rendimiento físico habitualmente son mínimas, pero pueden jugar un papel importantísimo en el resultado de la competición, y pequeños factores pueden ser determinantes enel desarrollo de la misma. No todos los deportistas tienen los conocimientos adecuados en materia de nutrición y, por este motivo, la opción de utilizar suplementos dietéticos puede parecer muy atractiva

Suplementos, deportivos, ayudas, ergogénicas, rendimiento deportivo. supplements, sports aids, ergogenic, sports performance

Phytochemicals Targeting Estrogen Receptors: Beneficial Rather Than Adverse Effects?.

In mammals, the effects of estrogen are mainly mediated by two different estrogen receptors, ERα and ERβ. These proteins are members of the nuclear receptor family, characterized by distinct structural and functional domains, and participate in the regulation of different biological processes, including cell growth, survival and differentiation.

Estrogen receptor; ligand; xenoestrogens; selective estrogen receptor modulators; transcription; epigenetic regulation; cell signaling; cancer. receptor de estrógeno; ligando; xenoestrógenos; moduladores selectivos del receptor de estrógenos; transcripción; regulación epigenética; señal telefónica; cáncer.

Beyond the Antioxidant Activity of Dietary Polyphenols in Cancer: the Modulation of Estrogen Receptors (ERs) Signaling.

The potential “health benefits” of dietary polyphenols have been ascribed to their direct antioxidant activity and their impact on the regulation of cell and tissue redox balance. However, because of the relative poor bioavailability of many of these compounds, their effects could not be easily explained by the antioxidant action, which may occur only at high circulating and tissue concentrations.

Polyphenols; cancer; estrogen receptors. polifenoles; cáncer; receptores de estrógenos.

Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Health, Aging, and Disease.

According to Weindruch and Sohal in a 1997 article in the Journal, reducing food availability over a lifetime (caloric restriction) has remark-able effects on aging and the life span in animals. The authors proposed that the health benefits of caloric restriction result from a passive reduction in the production of damaging oxygen free radicals.

Caloric restriction, intermittent fasting , ketogenesis, obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancers, and neurodegenerative brain diseases. restricción calórica, ayuno intermitente, cetogénesis, obesidad, diabetes, enfermedades cardiovasculares, cánceres y enfermedades cerebrales neurodegenerativas.

Targeting autophagy in cancer.

Macroautophagy (known as autophagy) is a highly regulated multi-step process that is involved in the bulk degradation of cellular proteins and organelles to provide macromolecular precursors that are recycled or that are used to fuel metabolic pathways.

Macroautophagy,autophagy, cancer, glioblastoma, pancreatic cancer, melanoma, sarcoma and multiple myeloma, lysosomes. Macroautofagia, autofagia, cáncer, glioblastoma, cáncer de páncreas, melanoma, sarcoma y mieloma múltiple, lisosomas

Gastric digestion of whey proteins in the simgi. Correlation with the static consensus model.

Los métodos de evaluación de la digestión in vivo, tanto en animales como en humanos, son los que aportan los resultados fisiológicamente más relevantes pero conllevan importantes implicaciones éticas y son costosos, lo que ha llevado al desarrollo de los modelos de digestión in vitro. Estos modelos han demostrado una adecuada reproducibilidad y consistencia en ensayos inter-laboratorio.

Péptidos, Digestión in vitro dinámica, Proteínas de suero, Espectrometría de masas. Peptides, Dynamic in vitro digestion, Whey proteins, Mass spectrometry.

Efecto del horario de alimentación en el ritmo circadiano, obesidad y alteraciones metabólicas relacionadas. Revisión sistemática.

La obesidad y otros desórdenes metabólicos relacionados vienen incrementándose a lo largo de los años. Debido a que aún no se observan programas exitosos a largo plazo. Se ha puesto gran interés enuna nueva perspectiva de tratamiento, que sería incluir los estudios en cronobiología y cómo las alteraciones en el ritmo circadiano conllevarían al desarrollo de resistenciaa la insulina, y con ello la obesidad y alteraciones relacionadas.

Food Timing, Meal Timing, Meal Scheduled, Scheduled Feeding, Time-restricted feeding , Obesity, Metabolic disorders, Lipid disorders, Circadian disruption. Tiempo de alimentación, tiempo de comida, comida programada, alimentación programada, alimentación restringida en el tiempo, obesidad, trastornos metabólicos, trastornos lipídicos, disrupción circadiana.

Strain-specific probiotic properties of lactic acid bacteria and their interference with human intestinal pathogens invasion.

The infectious diseases caused by food-borne pathogens are a serious public health threat as reported by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Foodborne Diseases Active Surveillance Network (FoodNet).

Lactic acid bacteria, Probiotic properties,Interference, Gut pathogens. Bacterias del ácido láctico, propiedades probióticas, interferencia, patógenos intestinales.

Síntesis y utilización de los ácidos biliares.

Los productos finales de la utilización del colesterol son los ácidos biliares. En efecto, la síntesis de los efectos biliares es la principal vía de catabolismo de colesterol en los mamíferos. Aunque varias de las enzimas implicadas en la síntesis de ácidos biliares se activa en muchos tipos de células, el hígado es el único órgano donde su completa biosíntesis puede ocurrir.

Síntesis ácidos biliares, hígado, colesterol, reguladores metabólicos. bile acid synthesis, liver, cholesterol, metabolic regulators.

Circadian clock genes and the transcriptional architecture of the clock mechanism

The mammalian circadian clock has evolved as an adaptation to the 24-h light/darkness cycle on earth. Maintaining cellular activities in synchrony with the activities of the organism (such as eating and sleeping) helps different tissue and organ systems coordinate and optimize their performance.

Mammalian, circadian clock, transcription, clock genes. mamíferos, reloj circadiano, transcripción, genes de reloj.

El hepatocito como un ejemplo de interacción entre la biología celular y las rutas metabólicas.

Encontrar a un representante celular que reúna la estructura y las funciones que se revisan en los cursos de biología celular no es tarea fácil, pero el hepatocito reúne esas características. Además de él, en el hígado hay otras células de interés que vale la pena revisar como un complemento para contar con una visión más general de las múltiples funciones que ocurren en esta glándula.

Hepatocito; colangiocito; glucógeno. hepatocyte; cholangiocyte; glycogen

Influencia de la co-ingesta de alimentos sobre la digestibilidad de lípidos, carbohidratos y proteinas.

La insuficiencia pancreática exocrina (IPE) es un trastorno consistente en una secreción enzimática deficiente del páncreas al intestino conllevando una maldigestión de los macronutrientes, en especial de las grasas. Además, la IPE puede ir acompañada de una concentración biliar y pH intestinal inferiores a los de un adulto sano.

Digestión in vitro, insuficiencia pancreática exocrina, lipólisis, glucólisis, proteólisis. in vitro digestion, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, lipolysis, glycolysis, proteolysis.

Concentraciones de glutamina en pacientes tratados con cisplatino predicen el desarrollo de insuficiencia renal.

La glutamina es un aminoácido encargado del transporte sanguíneo de nitrógeno. En pacientes que desarrollan insuficiencia renal se ha detectado alteración de los niveles plasmáticos de aminoácidos (AA) y alteración en su excreción urinaria.

Aminoácidos, Glutamina, Insuficiencia renal, Cisplatino. Amino acids, Glutamine, Renal insufficiency, Cisplatin

Metabolic Trifecta After Pancreatitis: Exocrine Pancreatic Dysfunction, Altered Gut Microbiota, and New-Onset Diabetes.

Abstract: Pancreatitis, a complex disease influenced by both genetic and environmental factors, often leads to metabolic sequelae (such as exocrine pancreatic dysfunction and new-onset diabetes). Several trillion micro-organisms inhabit the gastrointestinal tract, and this community plays an important role in the regulation of functions of not only the gut but also the pancreas

Pancreatitis, exocrine pancreatic dysfunction and new-onset diabetes, microbiota. Pancreatitis, disfunción pancreática exocrina y diabetes de nueva aparición, microbiota.

Chronic pancreatitis.

Chronic pancreatitis is defined as a pathological fibro-inflammatory syndrome of the pancreas in individuals with genetic, environmental and/or other risk factors who develop persistent pathological responses to parenchymal injury or stress.

Chronic pancreatitis, pathological fibro-inflammatory syndrome, parenchymal injury, stress, pancreas Pancreatitis crónica, síndrome fibroinflamatorio patológico, lesión parenquimatosa, estrés, páncreas.

I Consenso argentino de diagnóstico y tratamiento de la insuficiencia pancreática exocrina.

La insuficiencia pancreática exocrina (IPE) es un trastorno producido por numerosas patologías pancreáticas y extrapancreáticas, muchas de las cuales son habituales en la práctica cotidiana de los gastroenterólogos, oncólogos y cirujanos.

Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency, diagnosis, treatment, consensus. Insuficiencia pancreática exocrina, diagnóstico, tratamiento, consenso.

Implicaciones de la presencia de sobrecrecimiento bacteriano e insuficiencia pancreática exocrina en pacientes sometidos a gastrectomía.

El sobrecrecimiento bacteriano (SIBO) y la insuficiencia pancreática exocrina (IPE), son dos entidades frecuentes en los pacientes gastrectomizados, describiéndose una prevalencia de SIBO tras la gastrectomía de hasta un 77.6% y una prevalencia de IPE que varía desde un 63% a un 100% de los casos.

Insuficiencia pancreática exocrina, gastrectomía,sobrecrecimiento bacteriano, SIBO, IPE. exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, gastrectomy, bacterial overgrowth.

Distensión abdominal.

La distensión abdominal (DA) es una alteración clínica frecuente, que puede presentarse como principal y único síntoma de una patología funcional llamada distensión abdominal funcional o como acompañante en otros trastornos digestivos funcionales.

Distensión abdominal, síndrome de intestino irritable, trastornos digestivos funcionales. bloating, irritable bowel syndrome, functional digestive disorders.

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth in Patients With Chronic Pancreatitis.

SIBO is to be considered a factor that worsens symptoms and nutritional status in patients with CP. However, the few studies evaluating the rate of SIBO in CP patients used nonuniform and nonstandardized procedures, and reported a wide range of positivity (0% to 92%).

Bacterial overgrowth; chronic pancreatitis; pancreatic insufficiency; vitamin D. sobrecrecimiento bacteriano; Pancreatitis crónica; insuficiencia pancreática; vitamina D.

Repercusiones nutricionales y manejo de la pancreatitis crónica.

El páncreas es un órgano retroperitoneal que segrega agua, bicarbonato y enzimas digestivos a través del conducto pancreático principal (CPP) al duodeno. La pancreatitis crónica (PC) está causada típicamente en el adulto por abuso crónico de alcohol, y, con menor frecuencia, hipertrigliceridemia, hiperparatiroidismo primario o fibrosis quística.

Páncreas. Pancreatitis crónica. Malabsorción grasa. Pancreas. Chronic pancreatitis. Fat malabsorption.

Endocrine Hormone Beta-estradiol and Anti-estrogen Letrozole Modulate 20:3 Isomer Production from 20:2n-6 in Human Cancer Cells (P08-119-19).

The product of linoleic acid elongation, 20:2n-6, is the only known substrate for both FADS1 and FADS2. FADS1 catalyzes 20:2n-6 à 5Z,11Z,14Z-20:3 (sciadonic acid, SA), whereas FADS2 action yields 8Z,11Z,14Z-20:3 (DGLA). In certain cancer cell types, non-functional FADS2 activity unmasks 18:2n-6 elongation to 20:2n-6 and Δ5 desaturation by FADS1 to yield SA.

Anti-inflammatory agents, linoleic acid, fatty acids, exertion, alprostadil, estrogen, estradiol, hormones, arachidonic acid, esters, estrogen antagonists, estrogen receptor modulators, isomerism, united states national institutes of health, letrozole, ionization, desaturation of blood, tandem mass spectrometry, tumor cells, malignant, fingolimod-associated macular edema, mcf-7 cells. agentes antiinflamatorios, ácido linoleico, ácidos grasos, esfuerzo, alprostadil, estrógenos, estradiol, hormonas, ácido araquidónico, ésteres, antagonistas de estrógenos, moduladores de receptores de estrógenos, isomerismo, institutos nacionales de salud de los estados unidos, letrozol, ionización, desaturación de sangre, espectrometría de masas en tándem, células tumorales, malignas, edema macular asociado a fingolimod, células mcf-7.

Potentiation of 17β-estradiol synthesis in the brain and elongation of seizure latency through dietary supplementation with docosahexaenoic acid.

Several studies have shown that docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) attenuates epileptic seizures; however, the molecular mechanism by which it achieves this effect is still largely unknown. DHA stimulates the retinoid X receptor, which reportedly regulates the expression of cytochrome P450 aromatase (P450arom).

Endocrinology, Hormones. Endocrinología, Hormonas

Revisión de las intervenciones dietéticas en la terapia de la enfermedad intestinal inflamatoria (IBD) y el síndrome del intestino irritable (IBS).

Entre los Disturbios Gastrointestinales Funcionales (DGIF) crónicos se destacan la enfermedad intestinal inflamatoria (IBD) y el síndrome del intestino irritable (IBS, tanto por su prevalencia incremental como por su impacto en la calidad de vida y por la similitud de síntomas y de mecanismos biológicos.

Síndrome del intestino irritable , enfermedad intestinal inflamatoria. inflammatory bowel disease (IBS) , irritable bowel syndrome (IBD)

Análisis de los efectos de distintas intervenciones dietéticas en el síndrome del ovario poliquístico: trabajo de revisión bibliográfica.

El síndrome del ovario poliquístico (SOP) es un trastorno endocrino de complejo diagnóstico, cuya importancia radica tanto en su elevada prevalencia como en las comorbilidades asociadas

Síndrome del ovario poliquístico (SOP), Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS),

An anti-inflammatory diet as treatment for inflammatory bowel disease: a case series report.

The Anti-Inflammatory Diet (IBD-AID) is a nutritional regimen for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that restricts the intake of certain carbohydrates, includes the ingestion of pre- and probiotic foods, and modifies dietary fatty acids to demonstrate the potential of an adjunct dietary therapy for the treatment of IBD.

Diet, Inflammatory bowel disease, Nutrition. Dieta, Enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, Nutrición.

¿ Qués es la disbiosis intestinal? ¿ Tiene relación con las enfermedades hormonales?

Dentro de la fisiología humana, y en condiciones normales de salud, los seres humanos albergamos cantidades elevadas de diversos tipos de microorganismos que constituyen un importante ecosistema.Existen alrededor de 100 millones de bacterias de más de 300 especies distintas, que llevan a cabo diferentes funciones indispensables para el buen funcionamiento de nuestro organismo.

Agua, alimentación alcalina, alimentación ácida, antioxidantes, bacterias, Batido detox, betacarotenos, brocoli, candidiasis, celulitis, colon irritable, comer sano, costipación, cáncer de colon, cándida albicans, disbiosis, diverticulitis, divertículos, estreñimiento, flora bacteriana Flora intestinal, gases, gazpacho, gluten, hidroterapia, intolerancia lactosa, limpieza intestinal, lácteos, microbiota, no puedo ir al baño wc, obesidad, probióticos, recetas, regularidad intestinal, retención de líquidos, sal, salud, sin azúcar, sin gluten, sobrepeso, transgénicos. water, alkaline food, acidic food, antioxidants, bacteria, Milkshake detox, beta carotene, broccoli, candidiasis, cellulite, irritable bowel, healthy eating, costipation, colon cancer, candida albicans, dysbiosis, diverticulitis, diverticula, constipation, bacterial flora Intestinal flora , gases, gazpacho, gluten, hydrotherapy, lactose intolerance, intestinal cleansing, dairy, microbiota, I can not go to the toilet, obesity, probiotics, recipes, intestinal regularity, fluid retention, salt, health, sugar free, gluten free, overweight , transgenic.

Actualización de la Fisiología Gástrica.

La fisiología gástrica constituye una compleja y dinámica interacción entre estructuras anatómicas, sus secreciones, el ambiente circundante y los factores exógenos aportados por el individuo. Este trabajo pretende hacer una breve revisión actualizada sobre la fisiología de la secreción y la motilidad gástricas.

Ghrelina, neurotensina. Ghrelin, neurotensin.

Tablas de ratio fósforo/proteína de alimentos para población española. Utilidad en la enfermedad renal crónica.

Las guías K/DOQI recomiendan el uso del ratio fósforo/proteína de los alimentos para un buen control del fósforo de la dieta. Existe evidencia de tablas con el ratio fósforo/proteína. No existe hasta el momento una tabla de alimentos habituales en la población española con la estimación del ratio.

Fósforo dietético, Enfermedad renal crónica, Ratio fósforo/proteína. Dietary phosphorus, Chronic kidney disease, Phosphorus / protein ratio.

Hipometilación del gen de la PTH por elevado fósforo de la dieta: un posible agravante epigenético de la severidad del hiperparatiroidismo secundario en la enfermedad renal crónica.

En pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica (ERC), la hiperfosfatemia agrava tanto la hiperplasia paratiroidea como la síntesis y secreción de PTH. La mayor hiperplasia se asocia a descensos en la expresión génica de los receptores de calcio (CaSR), vitamina D (VDR) y también de α-Klotho, induciendoresistencia de la glándula paratiroides para responder tanto al tratamiento como a los aumentos de FGF23.

Metilación del ADN, PTH, enfermedad renal crónica, glándulas paratiroides, hiperfosfatemia. DNA methylation, PTH, chronic kidney disease, parathyroid glands, hiperphosphataemia.

Long-Term Effects of High-Protein Diets on Renal Function.

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) has a prevalence of approximately 13% and is most frequently caused by diabetes and hypertension. In population studies, CKD etiology is often uncertain. Some experimental and observational human studies have suggested that high-protein intake may increase CKD progression and even cause CKD in healthy people.

Chronic kidney disease, protein intake. enfermedad renal crónica, ingesta de proteínas

Salivary Glucose: A Metabolic Disease Marker and a Risk Factor for Oral Disease Development.

The existence of glucose in saliva as a step in development of metabolic disease including diabetes has not received adequate recognition as an oral disease risk factor. Hyperglycemia, the driving function for appearance of salivary glucose is rare in children and appears mainly in adulthood. The presence of salivary glucose modifies salivary microbial composition and affects both dental caries and gingivitis. Data on salivary pH as a surrogate measure is reviewed to suggest that pH indicator paper could serve as a surrogate chairside diagnostic of hyperglycemia.

Glucose, Saliva; Hyperglycemia; Dental caries, Gingivitis. Glucosa, saliva; Hiperglucemia; Caries dental, Gingivitis.

Hipercalciuria, hipocitraturia y dieta cetogénica: ¿tropezando con la misma piedra?

Cada vez es más frecuente que en Atención Primaria (AP) se atiendan casos de pacientes crónicos complejos. Presentamos el caso de un paciente con hipercalciuria, afecto de síndrome de West, que empeoró al instaurar tratamiento con dieta cetogénica para el control de su epilepsia. La hipercalciuria (idiopática o secundaria) es una entidad frecuente en Pediatría. En este artículo se hace una revisión del manejo práctico de la misma.

Fármacos antiepilépticos; Dieta cetogénica; Hipercalciuria. Antiepileptic drugs; Ketogenic diet; Hypercalciuria.

Alteraciones en el mecanismo de reconocimiento del sistema inmune: inmundeficiencias, autoinmunidad e hipersensibilidad.

El sistema inmune y sus elementos funcionales: biomoléculas y células
Cómo es capaz de actuar de manera tan específica contra antígenos?
Cómo distingue lo "propio" de lo "extraño"?
Qué ocurre cuando no funciona o se pierde el control… (reacciones de hipersensibilidad y reacciones autoinmunes).

Sistema inmune, inmundeficiencias, autoinmunidad e hipersensibilidad, linfocitos TH, infecciones virales y bacterianas, tumor. immune system, immunodeficiencies, autoimmunity and hypersensitivity, TH lymphocytes, viral and bacterial infections, tumor.

Health relevance of the modification of low grade inflammation in ageing (inflammageing) and the role of nutrition.

Ageing of the global population has become a public health concern with an important socio-economic dimension. Ageing is characterized by an increase in the concentration of inflammatory markers in the bloodstream, a phenomenon that has been termed “inflammageing”.

Brain, Gut, Adipose, Obesity, Degeneration Cytokine, Microbiota, Probiotic, Prebiotic, Antioxidant, Omega-3, Ageing, Elderly, Inflammation, Inflammageing, inflammaging, Health and wellbeing. Cerebro, Intestino, Adiposo, Obesidad, Degeneración Citocina Microbiota, Probiótico, Prebiótico Antioxidante Omega 3, Envejecimiento, Mayor, Inflamación, Inflamante inflamatorio Salud y Bienestar.

A double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial of Ganoderma lucidum for the treatment of cardiovascular risk factors of metabolic syndrome.

This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Ganoderma lucidum for the treatment of hyperglycaemia and other cardiovascular risk components of metabolic syndrome using a prospective, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial.

Metabolic syndrome, Randomized controlled trials, Type 2 diabetes. Síndrome metabólico, ensayos controlados aleatorios,vDiabetes tipo 2.

Thirteen weeks of supplementation of vitamin D and leucine-enriched whey protein nutritional supplement attenuates chronic low-grade inflammation in sarcopenic older adults: the PROVIDE study.

Ageing is accompanied with a chronic low-grade inflammatory profile (CLIP) reflected by subtle increases in circulating cytokines. CLIP has been associated with frailty in older adults, increasing vulnerability to poor health outcomes such as disability, hospital admission and mortality.

Vitamin D, Leucine, Whey proteins, Dietary supplements, Cytokines, Aged. Vitamina D, leucina, proteínas de suero, suplementos dietéticos, citocinas, envejecido.

Gastroenterología y Hepatología.

Estructura del páncreas exocrino. El páncreas es una glándula mixta compuesta por 2 tipos de tejido, endocrino y exocrino, que se agrupan formando lóbulos macroscópicamente visibles y separados entre sí por septos de tejido conjuntivo que contienen vasos sanguíneos, linfáticos y nervios.

Páncreas , jugo pancreático, Secreción hidroelectrolítica, Secreción enzimática, procesos digestivos. pancreas, pancreatic juice, hydroelectrolytic secretion, enzymatic secretion, digestive processes.

Association of Animal and Plant Protein Intake With All-Cause and Cause-Specific Mortality.

Defining what represents a macronutritionally balanced diet remains an open question and a high priority in nutrition research. Although the amount of protein may have specific effects, from a broader dietary perspective, the choice of protein sources will inevitably influence other components of diet and may be a critical determinant for the health outcome.

Meat, plant proteins, risk factors, proteins, cardiovascular death, diet, posttreatment followup. carne, proteínas vegetales, factores de riesgo, proteínas, muerte cardiovascular, dieta, seguimiento posterior al tratamiento.

Immunology in the liver — from homeostasis to disease.

The liver is a central immunological organ with a high exposure to circulating antigens and endotoxins from the gut microbiota, particularly enriched for innate immune cells (macrophages, innate lymphoid cells, mucosal-associated invariant T (MAIT) cells).

Adaptive immunity, Innate immune cells, Liver, Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, Viral hepatitis. Inmunidad adaptativa, células inmunes innatas, hígado, enfermedad del hígado graso no alcohólico, hepatitis viral.

Síntomas neurológicos de las enfermedades reumáticas.

Una de las más importantes pero la menos común de las manifestaciones de enfermedad autoinmune la constituye la vasculitis, la cual modifica la historia de la enfermedad, dependiendo del órgano afectado. Esta revisión incluye las más importantes manifestaciones y complicaciones de los sistemas nerviosos central y periférico que se desarrollan por vasculitis en las enfermedades reumáticas

Vasculitis, sistema nervioso central, artritis reumatoide, lupus eritematoso sistémico, enfermedades del tejido conectivo, complicaciones neurológicas, neuroglia, sistema inmune. vasculitis, nervous system central, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, connective tissue diseases, complications Neurological, neuroglia, immune system.

Microbiota intestinal: rol en obesidad.

La obesidad es una patología metabólica altamente prevalente en nuestro país y constituye un gran problema de salud pública. Según lo han demostrado recientes estudios, la obesidad y su asociación con la diabetes no son únicamente el resultado de la contribución genética, los hábitos alimentarios o la falta de actividad física, sino que también se ha comprobado que la microbiota intestinal constituye un factor ambiental determinante en el desarrollo de estas patologías.

Obesidad, diabetes, microbiota intestinal, probióticos. obesity, diabetes, gut microbiota, probiotics.


El yodo es un componente clave de las hormonas tiroideas, las cuales son requeridas a lo largo de la vida para el crecimiento, desarrollo neurológico, y el metabolismo normal.

Yodo, glándula tiroides, Embarazo y lactancia, Deficiencia yodo, Biomarcadores del estatus, Trastornos por deficiencia de yodo,Interacciones con nutrientes, Goitrógenos, La IDR, Prevención de Enfermedades, Cáncer. iodine, thyroid gland, pregnancy and lactation, iodine deficiency, status biomarkers, iodine deficiency disorders, nutrient interactions, goitrogens, IDR, disease prevention, cancer.

Inflammaging: a new immune–metabolic viewpoint for age-related diseases.

Ageing and age- related diseases share some basic mechanistic pillars that largely converge on inflammation. During ageing, chronic, sterile, low- grade inflammation — called inflammaging — develops, which contributes to the pathogenesis of age- related diseases. From an evolutionary perspective, a variety of stimuli sustain inflammaging, including pathogens (non- self), endogenous cell debris and misplaced molecules (self) and nutrients and gut microbiota (quasi- self).

Inflammation, ageing, metabolic diseases, innate immune system, metaflammation, gut microbiota, DNA, methylation, glycomics, metabolomics, lipidomics. inflamación, envejecimiento, enfermedades metabólicas, sistema inmune innato, metaflamación, microbiota intestinal, ADN, metilación, glicómica, metabolómica, lipidómica.

Sterile inflammation and pregnancy complications: a review.

Inflammation is essential for successful embryo implantation, pregnancy maintenance and delivery. In the last decade, important advances have been made in regard to endogenous, and therefore non-infectious, initiators of inflammation, which can act through the same receptors as pathogens

Inflammation sterile , Early pregnancy, Infection, HMGB1, Uric acid, Interleukin-1, Preeclampsia. Inflamación estéril, embarazo precoz, infección, HMGB1, ácido úrico, interleucina-1, preeclampsia.

Adverse Effects of Nutraceuticals and Dietary Supplements.

Over 70% of Americans take some form of dietary supplement every day, and the supplement industry is currently big business, with a gross of over $28 billion. However, unlike either foods or drugs, supplements do not need to be registered or approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) prior to production or sales.

Toxicity, multivitamin, multimineral, soy protein isolate, isoflavones, bodybuilding supplements, herb-drug interaction. toxicidad, multivitamínico, multimineral, aislado de proteína de soja, isoflavonas, suplementos de culturismo, interacción hierba-droga

High-protein diets for weight management: Interactions with the intestinal microbiota and consequences for gut health. A position Q5 paper by the my new gut study group.

This review examines to what extent high-protein diets (HPD), which may favor body weight loss and improve metabolic outcomes in overweight and obese individuals, may also impact the gut environment, shaping the microbiota and the host-microbe (co)metabolic pathways and products, possibly affecting large intestine mucosa homeostasis.

High-protein diet, Microbiota, Bacterial metabolites and co-metabolites, Large intestine mucosa. dieta rica en proteínas Microbiota. Metabolitos bacterianos y co-metabolitos, Mucosa del intestino grueso.

The role of T and B cells in human atherosclerosis and atherothrombosis.

Far from being merely a passive cholesterol accumulation within the arterial wall, the development of atherosclerosis is currently known to imply both inflammation and immune effector mechanisms. Adaptive immunity has been implicated in the process of disease initiation and progression interwined with traditional cardiovascular risk factors.

Atherosclerosis, B cells, coronary artery disease, effector memory T cells, T cells. aterosclerosis, células B, enfermedad de las arterias coronarias, células T efectoras de memoria, células T.

ALIMENTOS: Composición y Propiedades.

Los alimentos son aquellas sustancias o productos de cualquier naturaleza que, por sus características, aplicaciones, componentes, preparación y estado de conservación, son susceptibles de ser habitual e idóneamente utilizados para la normal nutrición humana, como fruitivos o como productos dietéticos en casos especiales de nutrición humana

Alimentos, carne, pescado, huevo, leche y derivados, grasas comestibles, cereales, leguminosas, hortalizas y verduras, frutos secos, fruta, edulcorantes, azucar, estimulantes, condimentos, especias, agua, bebidas alcohólicas, no alcohólicas, alimentos cocinados, alimentos ecológicos. food, meat, fish, egg, milk and derivatives, edible fats, cereals, legumes, vegetables and nuts, nuts, fruit, sweeteners, sugar, stimulants, condiments, spices, water, alcoholic, non-alcoholic beverages, cooked foods, foods ecological.

Protein Supplements and Their Relation with Nutrition, Microbiota Composition and Health: Is More Protein Always Better for Sportspeople?.

Sports nutrition products are developed and targeted mainly for athletes to improve their nutrient intake, performance, and muscle growth. The fastest growing consumer groups for these products are recreational sportspeople and lifestyle users.

High-protein diets; amino acid; sports nutrition; gut microbiota; protein metabolism; protein fermentation; dietary supplements market. dietas altas en proteínas; aminoácidos; nutrición deportiva; microbiota intestinal; metabolismo proteico; fermentación proteica; mercado de suplementos dietéticos.

Effect of a Protein Supplement on the Gut Microbiota of Endurance Athletes: A Randomized, Controlled, Double-Blind Pilot Study.

Nutritional supplements are popular among athletes to improve performance and physical recovery. Protein supplements fulfill this function by improving performance and increasing muscle mass; however, their effect on other organs or systems is less well known. Diet alterations can induce gut microbiota imbalance, with beneficial or deleterious consequences for the host.

Sport supplements; fecal ammonia; Bifidobacterium longum; fecal pH; branched short-chain fatty acids. suplementos deportivos; amoníaco fecal; Bifidobacterium longum; pH fecal; cadena corta ramificada ácidos grasos.

A vicious circle between insulin resistance and inflammation in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) comprises a spectrum of diseases, including simple steatosis, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Lipotoxicity, insulin resistance (IR) and inflammation are involved in the disease process. Lipotoxicity promotes inflammation and IR, which in turn, increase adipocyte lipolysis and exacerbates lipotoxicity.

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, simple steatosis, nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), liver cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma, Lipotoxicity, insulin resistance (IR), inflammation. Enfermedad del hígado graso no alcohólico, esteatosis simple, esteatohepatitis no alcohólica (NASH), cirrosis hepática, carcinoma hepatocelular, lipotoxicidad, resistencia a la insulina (IR), inflamación.

Liver Disease and Chronic Kidney Disease.

The association of liver disease with immunologically mediated glomerular disease and tubulointerstitial renal injury has long been recognized (Table 53.1). However, more recently, attention has focused on the existence of bidirectional cross talk between the liver and the kidneys.

Hepatorenal syndrome, Systemic Circulatory Dysfunction, HRS-CKD, Hepatitis C virus infection, Hepatitis B virus infection, Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, Mechanisms of kidney-liver. síndrome hepatorrenal, disfunción circulatoria sistémica, HRS-CKD, infección por el virus de la hepatitis C, infección por el virus de la hepatitis B, enfermedad del hígado graso no alcohólico, mecanismos del hígado-riñón.

The balance between the serum levels of IL-6 and IL-10 cytokines discriminates mild and severe acute pneumonia.

Community acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a serious illness of the lower respiratory tract, responsible for high morbidity in children, especially those younger than five years old [1–3]. The World Health Organization (WHO) uses clinical manifestations as a parameter for definition of severity ratings (pneumonia and severe pneumonia).

Pneumonia,Inflammation, Cytokines, Immune response. Neumonía, Inflamación, Citoquinas, Respuesta inmune.

Relationships between oral MUC1 expression and salivary hormones in burning mouth syndrome.

To investigate possible relationships among oral mucosal epithelial MUC1 expression, salivary female gonadal hormones and stress markers, and clinical characteristics in patients with burning mouth syndrome (BMS).

MUC1, Stress,Gonadal hormone, Saliva, Burning mouth syndrome. MUC1, Estrés, Hormona gonadal, Saliva, Síndrome de boca ardiente.

Natural Estrogenic Substances, Origins, and Effects.

Some natural substances havebeenscientificallyidentified asestrogenic since the late 1930s when they were found to be deleterious at high doses for cattle reproduction. Several compounds belonging to different chemical families are considered here: isoflavonoids, coumestans, lignans, and resorcylic acid lactones. This list is not exhaustive. The vegetable sources of these compounds are probably not all identified yet, but all the compounds presented here were shown to act as endocrine disruptors, i.e., modifying the hormonal natural balance, at dietary doses either in human, in cattle, or in other vertebrates.

Natural estrogens, Food sources, Modern exposure, Bioavailability, Mechanism of actions, Breast cancer, Bone health, Thyroid, Reproductive disruption. Estrógenos naturales, Fuentes alimenticias, Exposición moderna, Biodisponibilidad, Mecanismo de acción, Cáncer de mama, Salud ósea, Tiroides, Interrupción reproductiva.

Estrogen as an Environmental Pollutant.

The paper “Estrogen as an Environmental Pollutant” appeared in the Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology in 1993 (Shore et al. 1993). At the time it was one of the first papers to suggest that hormones excreted into the environment by humans and animals were present in sufficient quantities to disrupt the environment.

Estrogen, environment, Phytoestrogens. estrógeno, ambiente, fitoestrógenos

The Colonic Microbiome and Epithelial Transcriptome Are Altered in Rats Fed a High-Protein Diet Compared with a Normal-Protein Diet

High-protein diets (HPDs)6 have been related to an increased risk of colon disease (1). Both colonic microbiota and gene expression are involved in regulating colonic health (2, 3). However, their response to HPDs remains unclear. Clinical trials have shown that an HPD affects the fecal bacteria composition and increases the concentration of the harmful N-nitroso compounds (NOCs), while decreasing the concentration of the beneficial compound butyrate in human feces.

Microbial community, bacterial metabolites, epithelial response, colonic disease risk, colonic microbiome, epithelial transcriptome, high-protein diet. comunidad microbiana, metabolitos bacterianos, respuesta epitelial, riesgo de enfermedad colónica, microbioma colónico, transcriptoma epitelial, dieta alta en proteínas.

High Levels of Glutaminase II Pathway Enzymes in Normal and Cancerous Prostate Suggest a Role in ‘Glutamine Addiction’.

Many tumors readily convert l-glutamine to α-ketoglutarate. This conversion is almost invariably described as involving deamidation of l-glutamine to l-glutamate followed by a transaminase (or dehydrogenase) reaction. However, mammalian tissues possess another pathway for conversion of l-glutamine to α-ketoglutarate, namely the glutaminase II pathway: l-Glutamine is transaminated to α-ketoglutaramate, which is then deamidated to α-ketoglutarate by ω-amidase.

ω-amidase; glutaminase I; glutaminase II pathway; glutamine transaminase K; α-ketoglutaramate; glutamine addiction. ω-amidasa; glutaminasa I; vía glutaminasa II; glutamina transaminasa K; α-cetoglutaramato; adicción a la glutamina

Endometrial Carcinoma and Bisphenol A: A Pilot Case-Control Study.

Female cancers represent one of the major causes of morbi-dity and mortality in the adult population. Scientific research has allowed a significative increase in the early diagnosis for some of them (e.g. cervical cancer) but not for all, as for the endometrial neoplasia. Endometrial cancer is the fifth most common malignant tumor of the female reproductive tract in developed countries.

Endometrial Cancer; Bisphenol A; Endocrine Disruptors; Hyperestrogenism. Cáncer endometrial; El bisfenol A; Disruptores endocrinos; Hiperestrogenismo.

Immunomodulators Inspired by Nature: A Review on Curcumin and Echinacea.

In everyday life, humans are exposed to harmful pathogens and environmental pollutants that can affect the health status and homeostasis of the organism. The immune system (IS) is a complex integrated network of cells, tissues, organs and soluble mediators, evolved to defend the organism against any foreign insult that threatens the integrity of the organism. One of the key features of the IS is its capability to distinguish between the self (own cells and tissues) and the non-self (foreign molecules and microbes of the environment).

Immune system; immunomodulators; curcumin; curcumin analogues; Echinacea; signal transduction pathways. sistema inmune; inmunomoduladores; curcumina análogos de curcumina; Equinácea; vías de transducción de señales, cúrcuma.

Neuroprotective and Anti-Inflammatory Activities of Allyl Isothiocyanate through Attenuation of JNK/NF-κB/TNF-α Signaling.

Allyl isothiocyanate (AITC), present in Wasabia japonica (wasabi), is an aliphatic isothiocyanate derived from the precursor sinigrin, which is a glucosinolate present in vegetables of the Brassica family. Traditionally, it has been used to treat rheumatic arthralgia, blood circulation, and pain. This study focuses on its anti-apoptotic activity through the regulation of lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced neuroinflammation

Allyl isothiocyanate; microglia; neuron; astrocyte; neuroinflammation; neuroprotection. isotiocianato de alilo; microglia; neurona; astrocito neuroinflamación; neuroprotección.

Maca (Lepidium meyenii Walp), una revisión sobre sus propiedades biológicas.

La maca (Lepidium meyenii) es una planta que crece sobre los 4000 metros de altitud en los Andes Centrales del Perú, presenta diferentes variedades de acuerdo al color de su hipocótilo. La presente revisión resume los resultados de estudios sobre los efectos de la maca en la función sexual, la espermatogénesis, la función reproductiva femenina, la memoria, la depresión y la ansiedad, como energizante y contra la hiperplasia benigna de próstata, osteoporosis y síndrome metabólico.

Espermatogénesis; Hiperplasia benigna prostática; Osteoporosis; Fatiga; Toxicidad (fuente: DeCS BIREME). Spermatogenesis; Prostatic hyperplasia; Osteoporosis; Fatigue; Toxicity (source: MeSH NLM).

Next-Generation Beneficial Microbes: The Case of Akkermansia muciniphila.

Metabolic disorders associated with obesity and cardiometabolic disorders are worldwide epidemic. Among the different environmental factors, the gut microbiota is now considered as a key player interfering with energy metabolism and host susceptibility to several non-communicable diseases. Among the next-generation beneficial microbes that have been identified, Akkermansia muciniphila is a promising candidate.

Akkermansia muciniphila, obesity, diabetes mellitus, type 2, probiotics and prebiotics, gut barrier function. Akkermansia muciniphila, obesidad, diabetes mellitus, tipo 2, probióticos y prebióticos, función de barrera intestinal.

Impact of isocaloric exchanges of carbohydrate for fat on postprandial glucose, insulin, triglycerides, and free fatty acid responses—a systematic review and meta-analysis

Varying the macronutrient composition of meals alters acute postprandial responses, but the effect sizes for specific macronutrient exchanges have not been quantified by systematic reviews. Therefore the aim is to quantify the effect size of exchanging fat for carbohydrates in mixed meals on postprandial glucose (PPG), insulin (PPI), triglycerides (PPTG), and free fatty acids (PPFFA) responses by performing a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

Dietary carbohydrates, Fats, Fatty acids, Glycerides, Nutrition. Carbohidratos dietéticos, Grasas, Ácidos grasos, Glicéridos, Nutrición.

Ejercicio físico y alteraciones analíticas.

Los cambios acaecidos en los últimos 25 años han influido en gran manera en la medicina. Estas transformaciones no solo han afectado a los contenidos, sino a los marcos de referencia de la Medicina clínica.Esto ha llevado a un cambio de mentalidad en el diagnóstico pasando del determinismo, a la nueva teoría de la decisión racional dentro de la incertidumbre. Uno de los factores que más ha influido ha sido el cambio en la relación médico-paciente.

Ejercicio físico y alteraciones analíticas, Physical exercise and analytical alterations.

Leuconiquia adquirida idiopática.

La leuconiquia es la decoloración blanca de la uña que puede ser heredada o ad-quirida. Se comunica el caso de un paciente de 17 años, sin antecedentes médicos relevantes y coloración blanquecina de las uñas de las manos de aproximadamente tres años de evolución de causa idiopática. Con los datos clínicos y de laboratorio llegamos al diagnóstico de leuconiquia adquirida idiopática. No existe un tratamiento adecuado de esta afección y siempre es importante investigar y excluir enfermedades subyacentes.

Leuconiquia; decoloración blanca de la uña. Leukonychia; White nail discoloration.

Los efectos carcinogénicos del acetaldehído. Una visión actual.

El acetaldehído asociado con el consumo crónico de bebidas alcohólicas y el tabaco ha sido recientemente clasificado como un carcinógeno del grupo 1 para los seres humanos. Los microbios se consideran responsables de la mayor parte de la producción de acetaldehído derivado del etanol, tanto en la saliva como en el jugo gástrico de pacientes con aclorhidria o infectados por Helicobacter pylori.

Acetaldehído, Cáncer, L-cisteína, Gastritis, Atrofia.Acetaldehyde, Cancer, L-cysteine, Gastritis, Atrophic.

Cafeína, Variación Genética y Riesgo Cardiovascular.

El conocimiento de la constitución genética de un individuo podría permitir la elaboración de planes alimenticios a la medida para incluir el consumo de bebidas que contienen cafeína, arrojando un ejemplo del potencial de la traducción práctica de información nutrigenética. Esta investigación revisa la base de posibles recomendaciones nutrigenéticas, sobre el consumo de cafeína, discutiendo las lagunas actuales de conocimiento pero también proponiendo un modo de acción en esta área de investigación, el cual podría ser trasladado a otro tipo de recomendaciones similares.

Cafeína, Variación Genética, Riesgo Cardiovascular.Caffeine, Genetic Variation and Cardiovascular Risk.

Molecular Mechanisms of Action of BPA .

Bisphenol A (BPA) exposure has been associated with serious endocrine-disrupting effects in humans and wildlife. Toxicological and epidemiological studies evidenced that BPA increases body mass index and disrupts normal cardiovascular physiology by interfering with endogenous hormones in rodents, nonhuman primates, and cell culture test systems.

Bisphenol A, endocrine disruptors, low doses, nuclear receptors, signal transduction pathways. Bisfenol A, disruptores endocrinos, dosis bajas, receptores nucleares, vías de transducción de señales.

Abstract 16538: Plasma Vitamin C And D Concentration, Oxidative Stress, Anti-inflammation, And Cardiac Event-free Survival In Patients With Heart Failure.

Vitamin C and D is known to increase the anti-oxidant capacity and anti-inflammatory activity, which may contribute to better health outcomes of patients with heart failure (HF). However, there is limited evidence on the relationships among vitamin C and D concentration, oxidative stress, anti-inflammation, and health outcomes in HF patients.

Inflammation and inflammatory markers, Antioxidant, Oxidative stress, Heart failure, adult Vitamins. Inflamación y marcadores inflamatorios, Antioxidante, Estrés oxidativo, Insuficiencia cardíaca en adultos, Vitaminas.

Vitamin C and Immune Function.

Vitamin C is an essential micronutrient for humans, with pleiotropic functions related to its ability to donate electrons. It is a potent antioxidant and a cofactor for a family of biosynthetic and gene regulatory enzymes. Vitamin C contributes to immune defense by supporting various cellular functions of both the innate and adaptive immune system.

Ascorbate; ascorbic acid; immunity; immune system; neutrophil function; microbial killing; lymphocytes; infection; vitamin C. Ascorbato ácido ascórbico; inmunidad; sistema inmunitario; función de neutrófilos; matanza microbiana; linfocitos; infección; vitamina C.

Human amniotic fluid contaminants alter thyroid hormone signalling and early brain development in Xenopus embryos

Thyroid hormones are essential for normal brain development in vertebrates. In humans, abnormal maternal thyroid hormone levels during early pregnancy are associated with decreased offspring IQ and modified brain structure.

Developmental neurogenesis, Environmental impact, Thyroid diseases. Neurogénesis del desarrollo, Impacto ambiental, enfermedades de la tiroides.

Autophagy promotes ferroptosis by degradation of ferritin

Macroautophagy/autophagy is an evolutionarily conserved degradation pathway that maintains homeostasis. Ferroptosis, a novel form of regulated cell death, is characterized by a production of reactive oxygen species from accumulated iron and lipid peroxidation.

Autophagy, ferroptosis, ferritinophagy, ferritin, iron, lipid, NCOA4, pancreatic cancer. Autofagia, ferroptosis, ferritinofagia, ferritina, hierro, lípidos, NCOA4, cáncer pancreático.

Association of Tramadol With All-Cause Mortality Among Patients With Osteoarthritis.

An American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons guideline recommends tramadol for patients with knee osteoarthritis, and an American College of Rheumatology guideline conditionally recommends tramadol as first-line therapy for patients with knee osteoarthritis, along with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Anti-inflammatory agents, nonsteroidal, codeine, diclofenac, naproxen, osteoarthritis, tramadol, celecoxib, etoricoxib, pain. Agentes antiinflamatorios no esteroideos, codeína, diclofenaco, naproxeno, osteoartritis, tramadol, celecoxib, etoricoxib, dolor.

The ketogenic diet is dangerous.

The ketogenic diet (KD) is an effective treatment against drug-resistant epilepsy in children. The KD is a diet rich in fats that produces anticonvulsant and neuroprotective effects that reduces seizures and improves the cognitive state. Nevertheless, it can produce side effects that sometimes can be serious. Further, the effect on growth is quite controversial when used for an extended period of time.

Ketogenic diet; drug-resistant epilepsy; GLUT-1; growth. Dieta cetogénica; epilepsia farmacorresistente; GLUT-1; crecimiento.

The relationship between complement C3 expression and the MUC5B genotype in pulmonary fibrosis.

The common gain-of-function MUC5B promoter variant (rs35705950) is the strongest risk factor for the development of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). While the role of complement in IPF is controversial, both MUC5B and the complement system play a role in lung host defense.

Complement component 3, host defense, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, MUC5B. Complemento componente 3, defensa del huésped, fibrosis pulmonar idiopática, MUC5B.

Anti-Inflammatory Constituents of Plants:A Review.

Inflammation is seen as a protective response of tissues to harmful stimuli and inflammatory disorders are synonymous to man’s existence owing to lifestyle changes, environmental hazards and genealogical influences. In many folk medicines, crude drugs are the first line treatment in these conditions.

Anti-inflammatory; Constituents; Plants. Antiinflamatorio; Constituyentes; Plantas.

Changes in Dietary Intake of Animal and Vegetable Protein and Unhealthy Aging.

The report on aging and health published by the WorldHealth Organization (WHO) in 2015 defines healthy agingas “the process of developing and maintaining the func-tional ability that enables wellbeing in older age” andemphasizes the benefits of maintaining healthy behaviorsthrough life, particularly engaging in physical activity andkeeping an adequate nutrition, especially in older age.

Animal protein; Cohort study; Unhealthy aging; Vegetable protein. Proteína animal; Estudio de cohorte; Envejecimiento no saludable; Proteína vegetal.

Mucin Genes Expression in the Intestine of Crohn’s Disease Patients: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

The mucus layer of the intestinal tract is the main barrier between luminal microbes and the mucosa, and has an essential role in the body defense mechanisms. Previous research could not establish consistent results for mucin genes expression in Crohn‘s disease (CD) patients. In this meta-analysis we looked at the mucin expression in CD patients and compared it with healthy controls.

Mucin, MUC, gene expression, Crohn's disease. Mucina, MUC, expresión génica, enfermedad de Crohn.

High-Fat Diet-Induced Complement Activation Mediates Intestinal Inflammation and Neoplasia, Independent of Obesity.

Obesity and related metabolic disturbances are closely associated with pathologies that represent a significant burden to global health. Epidemiological and molecular evidence links obesity and metabolic status with inflammation and increased risk of cancer. Here, using a mouse model of intestinal neoplasia and strains that are susceptible or resistant to diet-induced obesity, it is demonstrated that high-fat diet-induced inflammation, rather than obesity or metabolic status, is associated with increased intestinal neoplasia.

Diet, cancer, cancer prevention, high fat diet, intestinal inflammation, malignancy, obesity. Dieta, cáncer, prevención del cáncer, dieta alta en grasas, inflamación intestinal, neoplasia, obesidad.

Faecalibacterium prausnitzii subspecies–level dysbiosis in the human gut microbiome underlying atopic dermatitis.

Although aberrant interactions between gut microbes and the intestinal immune system have been implicated in this skin disease, the nature of the microbiome dysfunction underlying the disease remains unclear.

Atopic dermatitis, gut microbiota, microbiome, dysbiosis, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii. Dermatitis atópica, microbiota intestinal, microbioma, disbiosis, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii.

Enterococcus durans EP1 a Promising Anti-inflammatory Probiotic Able to Stimulate sIgA and to Increase Faecalibacterium prausnitzii Abundance.

Enterococcus species, principally Enterococcus faecium are used as probiotics since a long time with preference in animal applications but safety considerations were updated and also new uses as probiotics can be envisaged. Fifteen Enterococcus strains isolated from different foods were identified and analyzed for virulence factors and antibiotic resistance.

Enterococcus durans, probiotic, IgA, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, anti-inflammatory. Enterococcus durans, probiótico, IgA, Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, antiinflamatorio.

Live Faecalibacterium prausnitzii Does Not Enhance Epithelial Barrier Integrity in an Apical Anaerobic Co-Culture Model of the Large Intestine.

Appropriate intestinal barrier maturation during infancy largely depends on colonization with commensal bacteria. Faecalibacterium prausnitzii is an abundant obligate anaerobe that colonizes during weaning and is thought to maintain colonic health throughout life. We previously showed that F. prausnitzii induced Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) activation, which is linked to enhanced tight junction formation. Therefore, we hypothesized that F. prausnitzii enhances barrier integrity, an important factor in appropriate intestinal barrier maturation.

Intestinal barrier maturation; intestinal microbiota; obligate anaerobic bacteria; tight junctions. Maduración de la barrera intestinal; microbiota intestinal; bacterias anaerobias obligatorias; juntas apretadas.

Faecalibacterium prausnitzii: from microbiology to diagnostics and prognostics.

There is an increasing interest in Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, one of the most abundant bacterial species found in the gut, given its potentially important role in promoting gut health. Although some studies have phenotypically characterized strains of this species, it remains a challenge to determine which factors have a key role in maintaining the abundance of this bacterium in the gut.

Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, Applied microbiology. Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, microbiología aplicada.

Human Gut Symbiont Roseburia hominis Promotes and Regulates Innate Immunity.

Roseburia hominis is a flagellated gut anaerobic bacterium belonging to the Lachnospiraceae family within the Firmicutes phylum. A significant decrease of R. hominis colonization in the gut of ulcerative colitis patients has recently been demonstrated. In this work, we have investigated the mechanisms of R. hominis–host cross talk using both murine and in vitro models.

Roseburia, T lymphocytes, immune tolerance, inflammatory bowel disease, flagellin, TLR5. Roseburia, linfocitos T, tolerancia inmune, enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, flagelina, TLR5.

High FODMAP diet induces LPS-derived intestinal inflammation and visceral hypersensitivity.

A diet high in fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyphenols (FODMAPs) can exacerbate symptoms of IBS, but the mechanism of action is unknown. Zhou et al. fed rats a high FODMAP diet (HFD) and observed increases in faecal Gram-negative bacteria and serum lipopolysaccharide (LPS) levels, accompanied by increased intestinal inflammation, barrier dysfunction and visceral hypersensitivity.

Irritable bowel syndrome, Large intestine, Nutrition therapy. Síndrome de intestino irritable, intestino grueso, terapia nutricional.

Microbiota intestinal en la salud y la enfermedad.

La microbiota intestinal es la comunidad de microorganismos vivos residentes en el tubo digestivo. Muchos grupos de investigadores a nivel mundial trabajan descifrando el genoma de la microbiota. Las técnicas modernas de estudio de la microbiota nos han acercado al conocimiento de un número importante de bacterias que no son cultivables, y de la relación entre los microorganismos que nos habitan y nuestra homeostasis.

Microbiota, Dysbiosis, Obesity, Microbiome, Intestine, Irritable bowel syndrome. Microbiota, Dysbiosis, Obesity, Microbiome, Bowel, Irritable bowel syndrome.

Supplementation with omega-3 fish oil has no effect on bone mineral density in adults with knee osteoarthritis: a 2-year randomized controlled trial.

This study aimed to determine the effect of fish oil on bone mineral density (BMD). There were no differences in the 2-year BMD measures between high and low dose groups after adjusting for baseline BMD. This randomized controlled trial did not demonstrate any efficacy of omega-3 fatty acids on bone loss in adults.

Bone mineral density,Docosahexaenoic acid, Eicosapentaenoic acid, Omega-3 fattyacids, Randomized controlled trial. Densidad mineral ósea, ácido docosahexaenoico, ácido eicosapentaenoico, ácidos grasos omega-3, Ensayo controlado aleatorizado.

Microbiome-Mediated Effects of the Mediterranean Diet on Inflammation.

The Mediterranean diet pattern is increasingly associated with improved metabolic health. Two mechanisms by which consuming a Mediterranean diet pattern may contribute to improved metabolic health are modulation of the gastrointestinal (GI) microbiota and reduction of metabolic endotoxemia.

fiber, fatty acids, intestinal microbiota, obesity, metabolic syndrome. fibra, ácidos grasos, microbiota intestinal, obesidad, síndrome metabólico.

Probióticos y prebióticos en la práctica clínica.

En este artículo se revisa el concepto de prebióticos, probióticos y simbióticos y su empleo en diferentes situaciones de la práctica clínica diaria. Con un grado de evidencia alto se concluye que el empleo de determinadas cepas de probióticos reduce significativamente, el riesgo de diarrea por antibióticos. Aunque son necesarios más estudios, el uso de prebióticos, probióticos y simbióticos en personas afectas de enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (especialmente en la colitis ulcerosa y en la pouchitis) podría mejorar las tasas de inducción y/o mantenimiento de la remisión.

Probióticos. Prebióticos. Simbióticos. Nutrición. Probiotics. Prebiotics. Symbiotics. Nutrition.

The Urinary Tract Microbiome in Health and Disease.

The urinary tract, previously considered a sterile body niche, has emerged as the host of an array of bacteria in healthy individuals, revolutionizing the urology research field.

16S rRNA sequencing, Probiotics, Prebiotics, Urinary microbiome, Urinary tract, Urine culture, Urologic disorders. 16S secuenciación de rRNA, Probióticos, Prebióticos, Microbioma urinario, Tracto urinario, Cultura Urina, Trastornos urológicos.

Gut microbiome–targeted therapies in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression.

Preclinical evidence suggests that modulation of the gut microbiome could represent a new therapeutic target in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The aim of this study was to evaluate the most current evidence for liver-specific and metabolic effects of microbiome-targeted therapies (MTTs) in persons with NAFLD.

Antibiotics,body mass index procedure, fatty liver, heterogeneity probiotics, liver, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, intestinal bacteria,weapons of mass destruction, fecal transplantantation, microbiome, molecular targeted therapy, synbiotics. Antibióticos, procedimiento de índice de masa corporal, hígado graso, heterogeneidad probióticos, hígado, enfermedad del hígado graso no alcohólico, bacterias intestinales, armas de destrucción masiva, trasplante fecal, microbioma, terapia dirigida molecular, simbióticos.

The Impact of Exclusive Enteral Nutrition (EEN) on the Gut Microbiome in Crohn’s Disease: A Review.

Crohn’s disease (CD), a form of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), is thought to arise from a complex interaction of genetics, the gut microbiome, and environmental factors, such as diet. There is clear evidence that dietary intervention is successful in the treatment of CD—exclusive enteral nutrition (EEN) is able to induce remission in up to 80% of CD patients. While the mechanism of action of EEN is not clear, EEN is known to cause profound changes in the gut microbiome.

Exclusive enteral nutrition; Crohn’s disease; microbiome. Nutrición enteral exclusiva; Enfermedad de Crohn; microbioma.

Regulation of Gut Microbiota and Metabolic Endotoxemia with Dietary Factors.

Metabolic endotoxemia is a condition in which blood lipopolysaccharide (LPS) levels are elevated, regardless of the presence of obvious infection. It has been suggested to lead to chronic inflammation-related diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), pancreatitis, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, it has attracted attention as a target for the prevention and treatment of these chronic diseases.

Metabolic endotoxemia; lipopolysaccharide; gut microbiota; dietary factors. Endotoxemia metabólica; lipopolisacárido; microbiota intestinal; Factores dietéticos.

The Gastrointestinal Microbiome: A Review.

The gastrointestinal microbiome is a diverse consortium of bacteria, archaea, fungi, protozoa, and viruses that inhabit the gut of all mammals. Studies in humans and other mammals have implicated the microbiome in a range of physiologic processes that are vital to host health including energy homeostasis, metabolism, gut epithelial health, immunologic activity, and neurobehavioral development.

Metagenomics, Microbiomics, Microbiota, Prebiotics, Probiotics.Metagenómica,Microbiomica, Microbiota, Prebióticos, Probióticos.

The gut microbiome in human neurological disease: A review.

Almost half the cells and 1% of the unique genes found in our bodies are human, the rest are from microbes, predominantly bacteria, archaea, fungi, and viruses. These microorganisms collectively form the human microbiota, with most colonizing the gut. Recent technological advances, open access data libraries, and application of high‐throughput sequencing have allowed these microbes to be identified and their contribution to neurological health to be examined.

Gut microbiome, human neurological disease. Microbioma intestinal, enfermedad neurológica humana.

The gut microbiome and epilepsy.

Recently, evidence from both animal studies and human cases has emerged that a dysbiosis in the gut may be associated with certain forms of epilepsy. The ketogenic diet is an alternative treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy, although its precise mechanism of action has been unclear. It has now been shown that the ketogenic diet changes the composition and function of the gut microbiome in epilepsy patients.

Microbiota, Epilepsy, Ketogenic diet, Metagenomics, FMTs. Microbiota, Epilepsia, Dieta cetogénica, Metagenómica, FMT.

Nutrition therapy for adverse reactions to histamine in food and beverages.

Adverse reactions to food are suspected in one third of the German population, but only 10% of these assumed hypersensitivity reactions can be clinically confirmed. While diagnosis of food allergies is fairly easy due to objective laboratory parameters, non-allergic hypersensitivity reactions are difficult to diagnose because these objective markers are lacking so far. Adverse reactions to histamine are often suspected to be the cause of a wide range of symptoms, especially when no allergic pathomechanism can be identified.

Adverse reactions to food, histamine, histamine-intolerance, diagnosis, diamine oxidase, nutrition therapy, quality of life. Reacciones adversas a los alimentos, histamina, intolerancia a la histamina, diagnóstico, diamina oxidasa, terapia nutricional, calidad de vida.

Histamine-reduced diet and increase of serum diamine oxidase correlating to diet compliance in histamine intolerance.

Diagnosis of histamine intolerance (HIT) has been based on low serum diamine oxidase (DAO) values, functional gastrointestinal disorders and improvement of symptoms with a histamine-reduced diet (HRD). In a retrospective analysis of outpatients’ charts we identified 101 patients with HIT. After a median of 13 months, a questionnaire was distributed to the patients so that they could be classified into four diet-compliance groups.

Clinical pharmacology, Digestive signs and symptoms. Farmacología Clínica, Signos y síntomas digestivos.

A Popular myth – low‐histamine diet improves chronic spontaneous urticaria – fact or fiction?

Chronic spontaneous urticaria (CsU) is a frequent dermatological disease that might last for months or years with high impact on quality of life. Known causes are autoreactive phenomena, infections or intolerances, rarely IgE‐mediated allergies. One‐third of CsU patients benefit from a low‐pseudoallergen diet.

Low‐histamine diet, chronic spontaneous urticaria, allergies. Dieta baja en histamina, urticaria espontánea crónica, alergias.

Circadian profiling reveals higher histamine plasma levels and lower diamine oxidase serum activities in 24% of patients with suspected histamine intolerance compared to food allergy and controls.

Histamine intolerance is thought to trigger manifold clinical symptoms after ingesting histamine‐rich food due to reduced activity of diamine oxidase (DAO ). No study has hitherto systematically assessed daily fluctuations of histamine levels and DAO activities in symptomatic patients.

Diamine oxidase activities, day profile, food allergy, histamine intolerance, histamine levels. Actividades de diamina oxidasa, perfil del día, alergia alimentaria, intolerancia a la histamina, niveles de histamina.

The Endobiota Study: Comparison of Vaginal, Cervical and Gut Microbiota Between Women with Stage 3/4 Endometriosis and Healthy Controls.

Dysbiosis in the genital tract or gut microbiome can be associated with endometriosis. We sampled vaginal, cervical and gut microbiota from 14 women with histology proven stage 3/4 endometriosis and 14 healthy controls. The V3 and V4 regions of the 16S rRNA gene were amplified following the 16S Metagenomic Sequencing Library Preparation.

Dysbiosis, genital tract, gut microbiome, endometriosis. vaginal, cervical gut microbiota. Endobiota. Disbiosis, tracto genital, microbioma intestinal, endometriosis. vaginal, microbiota intestinal cervical, endobiota.

Steatosis and gut microbiota dysbiosis induced by high-fat diet are reversed by 1-week chow diet administration.

Many studies have recently shown that diet and its impact on gut microbiota are closely related to obesity and metabolic diseases including nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Gut microbiota may be an important intermediate link, causing gastrointestinal and metabolic diseases under the influence of changes in diet and genetic predisposition.

Reversibility, Microbiome, Liver steatosis, NAFLD, High-fat diet, Diet switch. Reversibilidad, Microbioma, Esteatosis hepática NAFLD, Dieta alta en grasas, Cambio de dieta.

Interactions between resveratrol and gut microbiota affect the development of hepatic steatosis: A fecal microbiota transplantation study in high-fat diet mice.

To investigate whether resveratrol could ameliorate the hepatic steatosis in high-fat diet (HFD) fed mice by modulating gut microbiota composition, fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) was utilized in this study. Our results showed that resveratrol significantly ameliorated hepatic steatosis in HFD mice, increased the gene expression of fasting-induced adipose factor, and decreased the expression of lipogenesis-related genes and proteins (SREBP-1, FAS and ACC).

Resveratrol, Hepatic steatosis, Gut microbiota, Fecal microbiota transplantation. Resveratrol. Esteatosis hepática, Microbiota intestinal, Trasplante de microbiota fecal.

Gut microbiota and human NAFLD: disentangling microbial signatures from metabolic disorders.

Gut microbiota dysbiosis has been repeatedly observed in obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus, two metabolic diseases strongly intertwined with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). Animal studies have demonstrated a potential causal role of gut microbiota in NAFLD.

Microbiota, Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Microbiota, Enfermedad del hígado graso no alcohólico.

Microbial patterns in patients with histamine intolerance.

Histamine due to diamine oxidase (DAO) deficiency, a deranged gut flora may also contribute to elevated histamine levels.Our aim was to determine the intestinal bacterial composition in patients with proven histamine intolerance in comparisonto other food intolerances and healthy controls. A total of 64 participants were included in the study, encompassing 8 patientswith histamine intolerance (HIT), 25 with food.

Dysbiosis, food intolerance, gastrointestinal microbiome, histamine, intestinal barrier, diamine oxidase, lactic acid bacteria. Disbiosis, intolerancia alimentaria, microbioma gastrointestinal, histamina, barrera intestinal, diamina oxidasa, bacterias del ácido láctico.

Aqueous Extract of Pomegranate Alone or in Combination with Citalopram Produces Antidepressant-Like Effects in an Animal Model of Menopause: Participation of Estrogen Receptors.

It has been reported that the aqueous extract of pomegranate (AE-PG) has polyphenols with estrogenic-like activities. The present work determines if AE-PG alone or in combination with the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, citalopram, has antidepressant-like effects. It was also analyzed the participation of estrogen receptors (ER). AE-PG (0.1, 1.0, 10, or 100 mg/kg) was evaluated in ovariectomized female Wistar rats subjected to the forced swimming test.

Pomegranate fruit; citalopram; ovariectomy; antidepressant-like action; estrogen receptors; polyphenols. fruta de granada; citalopram; ovariectomía; acción antidepresiva; receptores de estrógenos; polifenoles.

Time since menopause and skeletal muscle estrogen receptors, PGC-1α, and AMPK.

Short-term administration of estradiol (E2) improves insulin-stimulated glucose disposal rate in early postmenopausal (EPM) women compared with a reduction in late postmenopausal (LPM) women. The underlying mechanisms by which E2 action on glucose disposal rate reversed from beneficial early to harmful late in menopause is unknown, but might include adverse changes in estrogen receptors (ERs) or other biomarkers of cellular energy metabolism with age or duration of estrogen deficiency.

AMPK, Estradiol, Estrogen receptors, Menopause, PGC-1α, Skeletal muscle. AMPK, estradiol, receptores de estrógenos, menopausia, PGC-1α, músculo esquelético.

Defensa innata frente a patógenos infecciosos.

Si un microorganismo atraviesa la barrera epitelial y comienza a crecer en los tejidos del huésped, en la mayoría de los casos, es reconocido por los macrófagos residentes en los tejidos. Los macrófagos se encuentran especialmente y en gran numero en el tejido conectivo, en asociación con el tracto gastrointestinal, en el pulmón, a lo largo de ciertos vasos en el hígado (células de Kupffer) y en el bazo.

Citocinas, Infección, Inflamación, TLRs, inmunidad innata, Fagocitosis, PAMPs, NOD, RLRs, NALPs, Inflamasoma. Cytokines, Infection, Inflammation, TLRs, innate immunity, Phagocytosis, PAMPs, NOD, RLRs, NALPs, Inflamasome.

P090 Influence of high-fat diet on colitis and liver health in inflammatory bowel disease: a study using murine model of DSS-induced colitis.

In recent, consumption of high-fat (HF) diet has been increasingly considered to be a significant aggravating factor of inflammatory bowel disease and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. The aim of this study was to investigate whether exacerbation of chronic DSS-induced colitis caused by HF diet could promote liver inflammation, using measurement of biomarkers.

Inflammatory markers inflammation interleukin-1 heart failure glucose inflammatory bowel disease diet biological markers colitis interleukin-17 mice, inbred c57bl rna, messenger colon liver mice steatohepatitis, non-alcoholic total cholesterol symptom aggravating factors diet, high-fat. Marcadores inflamatorios inflamación interleucina-1 insuficiencia cardíaca glucosa enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal dieta marcadores biológicos colitis ratones interleucina-17, endogámicos c57bl rna, ratones mensajeros del hígado del colon esteatohepatitis, síntomas de colesterol total no alcohólicos factores agravantes de la dieta dieta alta en grasas.

Protective Effects of Bifidobacterial Strains Against Toxigenic Clostridium difficile.

Probiotics might offer an attractive alternative to prevent and control Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) infection (CDI). Limited information is available on the ability of commercially used bifidobacterial strains to inhibit C. difficile. This study examined the anti-clostridial effects of Bifidobacterium longum JDM301, a widely used commercial probiotic strain in China, in vitro and in vivo.

Bifidobacterium, Clostridium difficile, probiotics, protective effect, Toxin A, Toxin B, degradation. Bifidobacteria, Clostridium difficile, probióticos, efecto protector, toxina A, toxina B, degradación.

Tiamina (B1).

Las vitaminas B neurotrópicas juegan papeles cruciales como coenzimas y más allá del sistema nervioso. Particularmente, la vitamina B1 (tiamina), B6 (piridoxina) y B12 (cobalamina) contribuyen esencialmente al mantenimiento de un sistema nervioso saludable. Su importancia se destaca por muchas enfermedades neurológicas relacionadas con deficiencias en una o más de estas vitaminas, pero pueden mejorar ciertas afeccionesneurológicas incluso sin una deficiencia (probada).

Vitamina B1; Tiamina, Vitamina B. Vitamin B1; Thiamine, Vitamin B.

Pharmacological and Therapeutic Effects of Vitex agnus‑castus L.: A Review.

Vitexagnus-castus L., known as the chaste tree, is a small deciduous tree which its fruits have been used for more than 2500 years in ancient Egypt, Greece, Iran, and Rome for a variety of gynecologic problems. It has also been used for its claimed activity in the reduction of libido.

Casticin, chaste tree, pharmacological effects, Vitexagnus-castus. Casticina, árbol casto, efectos farmacológicos, Vitexagnus-castus.

Nutraceuticals and Metastasis Development.

Nutrigenomics is a discipline that studies the effects of various dietary components on gene expression and molecular mechanisms via “omics” technologies. Many studies are focused on revealing the pathways of the anticancer properties of various nutraceuticals.

Nutrigenomics; metastases; small molecules; antioxidants; high-fat diet; phytoestrogens. Nutrigenómica; metástasis moléculas pequeñas antioxidantes dieta alta en grasas; fitoestrógenos.

Vitamin D Receptor Genetic Variation and Cancer Biomarkers among Breast Cancer Patients Supplemented with Vitamin D3: A Single-Arm Non-Randomized Before and After Trial.

We investigated whether vitamin D receptor (VDR) polymorphisms were associated with cancer biomarkers, i.e., E-cadherin, matrix metallopeptidase 9 (MMP9), interferon β (IFNβ), soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (s-ICAM-1), soluble vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (s-VCAM-1), tumor necrosis factorα (TNFα), interleukin 6 (IL6), plasminogen activator inhibitor-1(PAI-1), and human high sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), among breast cancer survivors who received vitamin D3 supplementation.

Vitamin D3; plasma 25(OH)D; breast cancer survivor; vitamin D receptor; nutrigenomics. Vitamina D3; plasma 25 (OH) D; sobreviviente de cáncer de mama; receptor de vitamina D; nutrigenómic.

Gut microbiome associations with breast cancer risk factors and tumor characteristics: a pilot study.

In the past decade numerous intriguing links between the gut microbiota and risk of obesity, metabolic diseases and inflammatory responses have been reported but less is known about the gut microbiota of breast cancer patients .

Microbiome · Tumor characteristics · HER2 status · Age at menarche. Microbioma · Características del tumor · Estado de HER2 · Edad en la menarquia.

Cadaverine, a metabolite of the microbiome, reduces breast cancer aggressiveness through trace amino acid receptors.

Recent studies showed that changes to the gut microbiome alters the microbiome-derived metabolome, potentially promoting carcinogenesis in organs that are distal to the gut. In this study, we assessed the relationship between breast cancer and cadaverine biosynthesis.

Breast cancer, Cancer metabolism, Cancer microenvironment, Cell invasion, Oncogenesis. Cáncer de mama, metabolismo del cáncer, microambiente del cáncer, invasión celular, Oncogénesis.

L-Ascorbic Acid Inhibits Breast Cancer Growth by Inducing IRE/JNK/CHOP-Related Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress-Mediated p62/SQSTM1 Accumulation in the Nucleus.

Anticancer effects of L-ascorbic acid (Vitamin C, L-AA) have been reported in various types of cancers. L-AA intake reduces breast cancer recurrence and mortality; however, the role of L-AA in the treatment of breast cancer remains poorly understood. In this study, we investigated the effect and mechanism action of L-AA on breast cancer growth.

L-ascorbic acid; breast cancer; autophagy; ER stress; p62/SQSTM1; IRE–JNK–CHOP signaling. Ácido L-ascórbico; cáncer de mama; autofagia Estrés ER; p62 / SQSTM1; Señalización IRE – JNK – CHOP.

Overweight and diabetes prevention: is a low-carbohydrate–high-fat diet recommendable?.

In the past, different types of diet with a generally low-carbohydrate content (less than  50– less than 20 g/day) have been promoted, for weight loss and diabetes, and the effectiveness of a very low dietary carbohydrate content has always been a matter of debate.

Low-carbohydrate diet, High-fat diet, Ketogenic diet, Type 2 diabetes, Obesity. Dieta baja en carbohidratos, Dieta alta en grasas, Dieta cetogénica, Diabetes tipo 2, Obesidad.

High Protein Diet and Metabolic Plasticity in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Myths and Truths.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is characterized by lipid accumulation within the liver affecting 1 in 4 people worldwide. As the new silent killer of the twenty-first century, NAFLD impacts on both the request and the availability of new liver donors. The liver is the first line of defense against endogenous and exogenous metabolites and toxins.

NAFLD; NASH; high protein diet; low carbohydrates; physical activity. NAFLD; NASH; dieta rica en proteínas; bajos en carbohidratos; actividad física.

Hemicránea continua: características y experiencia terapéutica en una serie de 36 pacientes.

La hemicránea continua se caracteriza por un dolor unilateral, continuo, con exacerbaciones frecuentemente asociadas a síntomas autonómicos. Es probablemente poco conocida e infradiagnosticada. Su diagnóstico requiere respuesta a la indometacina, no siempre bien tolerada.

Cefaleas, Hemicránea, Indometacina. Headaches, Hemicrania, Indomethacin.

Soy Isoflavone Improved Female Sexual Dysfunction of Mice Via Endothelial Nitric Oxide Synthase Pathway.

Female sexual dysfunction (FSD) is a common endocrine disease that impairs the quality of life for many women. The existing therapy strategies still have many disadvantages. It is necessary to explore new pharmacologic treatments that are effective and safe.

Soy isoflavone, Female sexual dysfunction, Hormone levels, Endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). Isoflavona de soja, Disfunción sexual femenina, Niveles de hormonas, Óxido nítrico sintetasa endotelial (eNOS).

Síndrome de ovario poliquístico. diagnóstico y manejo.

El síndrome de ovario poliquístico (SOP) es un trastorno endocrino metabólico altamente prevalente y se considera en la actualidad una patología familiar. Su presencia debe sospecharse en cualquier adolescente o mujer en edad reproductiva con hirsutismo u otras manifestaciones cutáneas de hiper-androgenismo, irregularidades menstruales y obesidad.

Síndrome de ovario poliquístico, hiperandrogenismo, oligo-ovulación. Polycystic ovary syndrome, hyperandrogenism, oligo-ovulation.

The microbiota continuum along the female reproductive tract and its relation to uterine-related diseases.

Reports on bacteria detected in maternalfluids during pregnancy are typically associated withadverse consequences, and whether the female reproductive tract harbours distinct microbialcommunities beyond the vagina has been a matter of debate. Here we systematically samplethe microbiota within the female reproductive tract in 110 women of reproductive age, andexamine the nature of colonisation by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing and cultivation.

Síndrome de ovario poliquístico, hiperandrogenismo, oligo-ovulación. Polycystic ovary syndrome, hyperandrogenism, oligo-ovulation.

El papel de las plaquetas en enfermedades autoinmunes*

Las plaquetas, son pequeñas células anucleadas, derivadas de los megacariocitos dentro de la médula ósea, juegan un papel vital en la respuesta hemostática normal al daño endotelial y son elementos clave en el Accidente Vascular Cerebral y el Infarto de miocardio. Las plaquetas tienen un papel importante en la modulación de la respuesta inmune innata ya que poseen actividad fagocítica y antibacteriana rudimentaria y en la respuesta inmune adaptativa, además de que contienen citocinas proinfamatorias como la IL-1, de esta manera modula la respuesta inmune e infamatoria.

Plaquetas, enfermedades autoinmunes. Platelets, diseases autoimmune.

High molecular weight of polysaccharides from Hericium erinaceus against amyloid beta-induced neurotoxicity

Hericium erinaceus (HE) is a well-known mushroom in traditional Chinese food and medicine. HE extracts from the fruiting body and mycelia not only exhibit immunomodulatory, antimutagenic and antitumor activity but also have neuroprotective properties.

Hericium erinaceus, Polysaccharides, Amyloid beta, Neuroprotection, PC12 cell. Hericium erinaceus Polisacáridos, Beta amiloide, Neuroprotección, Celda PC12.

Síndromes de resistencia a las hormonas tiroideas.

La resistencia a hormonas tiroideas es un grupo de síndromes de causa genética caracterizados por la disminución de la sensibilidad tisular a estas hormonas. En la actualidad se distinguen tres formas, en los que la resistencia a la acción hormonal se debe, respectivamente, a mutaciones del gen que codifica el receptor nuclear de T3 TRβ, a alteraciones en el transporte celular de T4 y T3, y a defectos en la conversión de T4 en T3 mediada por desyodasas.

Hipotiroidismo, Transportadores de membrana, Desyodasas, Déficit intelectual, Receptores nucleares, MCT8. Hypothyroidism, Membrane conveyors, Deyodasas, Intellectual deficit, Nuclear receptors, MCT8.

Age-Related Resistance to Thyroid Hormone Action

The age-related resistance to thyroid hormones (THs) explains the paucity of symptoms and signs of hyperthyroidism in older adults and may partly explain the myriad of symptoms and signs of hypothyroidism in biochemically euthyroid older people. This review considers the available data on the mechanisms underlying TH resistance with aging and compares these physiologic changes with the changes observed in congenital TH resistance syndromes.

The age-related resistance to thyroid hormones (THs), hypothyroidism in biochemically euthyroid older people, underlying TH. La resistencia relacionada con la edad a las hormonas tiroideas (TH), el hipotiroidismo en personas mayores bioquímicamente eutiroideas, TH subyacente.

Effects of Short-Term Fasting and Different Overfeeding Diets on Thyroid Hormones in Healthy Humans.

A greater decrease in 24-hour energy expenditure (EE) during fasting and a smaller increase in 24-hour EE during low-protein overfeeding (metabolic “thrifty” phenotype) predict weight gain. As thyroid hormones (TH) are implicated in energy intake and metabolism, we assessed whether: (i) TH concentrations are altered by 24-hour fasting or overfeeding diets with varying protein content and (ii) diet-related changes in TH correlate with concomitant changes in EE.

thyroid hormones, energy expenditure, substrate oxidation, fasting, FGF21, low-protein overfeeding, high-protein overfeeding. hormonas tiroideas, gasto energético, oxidación del sustrato, ayuno, FGF21, sobrealimentación baja en proteínas, sobrealimentación alta en proteínas.

A diagnosis reconsidered: the symptomatic gallbladder remnant.

Patients can present with symptomatic gallbladder disease after cholecystectomy due to a remnant gallbladder. This is a rare problem and challenging diagnosis with limited prior characterization; thus, we present a large series of patients with a gallbladder remnant.

Partial cholecystectomy, Remnant gallbladder, Retained gallbladder. Colecistectomía parcial, Vesícula biliar remanente, vesícula biliar retenida.

Omega-3 Versus Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in the Prevention and Treatment of Inflammatory Skin Diseases.

Omega-3 (ω-3) and omega-6 (ω-6) polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) are nowadays desirable components of oils with special dietary and functional properties. Their therapeutic and health-promoting effects have already been established in various chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases through various mechanisms, including modifications in cell membrane lipid composition, gene expression, cellular metabolism, and signal transduction.

nutraceuticals; polyunsaturated fatty acids; supplementation; eicosapentaenoic acid; docosahexaenoic acid; gamma-linolenic acid; inflammatory skin diseases; atopic dermatitis; acne; psoriasis. nutracéuticos; ácidos grasos poliinsaturados; suplementación; ácido eicosapentaenoico; Ácido docosahexaenoico; ácido gamma-linolénico; enfermedades inflamatorias de la piel; dermatitis atópica; acné; soriasis.

La flora bacteriana del tracto digestivo.

La microflora o microbiota es la colectividad de comunidades microbianas que pueblan las superficies mucosas de un individuo anfitrión, también llamado hospedador. Cada individuo humano alberga unos 100 billones de bacterias de unas 400 especies distintas1,2. En el jugo gástrico, el contenido de bacterias es relativamente bajo, alrededor de 1.000 bacterias por mililitro, y esto es debido a la acidez del medio.

Microflora, microbiota, flora bacteriana, sistema inmunológico, prebióticos, probióticos, intestino. Microflora, microbiota, bacterial flora, immune system, prebiotics, probiotics, intestine.

Microbiota autóctona, probióticos y prebióticos.

La microbiota autóctona está constituida por el conjunto de microorganismos que colonizan establemente la superficie epidérmica y la de las mucosas. En general, la relación es mutualista (beneficiosa para los dos socios de la simbiosis) pero puede llegar a ser parasitaria como consecuencia de disfunciones de la respuesta inmunitaria.

Microbiota autóctona, microbiota de la piel, aparato digestivo, aparato genitourinario, antagonismo microbiano, Organismos probióticos, Prebióticos, Simbióticos. Autochthonous microbiota, skin microbiota, digestive system, genitourinary system, microbial antagonism, Probiotic organisms, Prebiotics, Symbiotics.

Faecalibacterium prausnitzii: from microbiology to diagnostics and prognostics.

There is an increasing interest in Faecalibacterium prausnitzii, one of the most abundant bacterial species found in the gut, given its potentially important role in promoting gut health. Although some studies have phenotypically characterized strains of this species, it remains a challenge to determine which factors have a key role in maintaining the abundance of this bacterium in the gut.

Applied microbiology. Microbiología aplicada.

Dysbiosis of the Gut Microbiome in Lung Cancer.

ung cancer (LC) is one of the most serious malignant tumors, which has the fastest growing morbidity and mortality worldwide. A role of the lung microbiota in LC pathogenesis has been analyzed, but a comparable role of the gut microbiota has not yet been investigated. In this study, the gut microbiota of 30 LC patients and 30 healthy controls were examined via next-generation sequencing of 16S rRNA and analyzed for diversity and biomarkers.

lung cancer, gut microbiota, next generation sequencing, 16S rRNA, microbial diversity, biomarkers. cáncer de pulmón, microbiota intestinal, secuenciación de próxima generación, ARNr 16S, diversidad microbiana, biomarcadores.

Probiotics are a good choice in remission of inflammatory bowel diseases: A meta analysis and systematic review.

Altered gut bacteria and bacterial metabolic pathways are two important factors in initiation and progression of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However, efficacy of probiotics in remission of patients with IBD has not been characterized. This study was performed on the studies that specifically assessed the efficacy of probiotics in attaining clinical response on patients with various types of IBD.

Crohn's disease, IBD, probiotics, ulcerative colitis. Enfermedad de Crohn, EII, probióticos, colitis ulcerosa.

Role of Low FODMAP Diet and Probiotics on Gut Microbiome in Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS).

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a chronic disease prevalent in today’s society and diet remains the most common aggravator of IBS symptoms. Existing literature suggest that IBS patients are dysbiotic as evidence indicates decreased levels of Bifidobacteria, Bacteroidetes and Faecalibacterium prausnitzii and increased levels of Firmicutes in comparison to healthy individuals.

FODMAP; gut microbiome; probiotics; irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). FODMAP; microbioma intestinal; probióticos; Intestino irritables, síndrome (SII).

Hepatobiliary and pancreatic ascariasis.

Hepatobiliary and pancreatic ascariasis (HPA) was described as a clinical entity from Kashmir, India in 1985. HPA is caused by invasion and migration of nematode, Ascaris lumbricoides, in to the biliary tract and pancreatic duct. Patients present with biliary colic, cholangitis, cholecystitis, hepatic abscesses and acute pancreatitis.

Ascaris lumbricoides, Cholecystitis, Biliary calculi, Cholangitis, Pancreatitis, Recurrent pyogenic cholangitis. Ascaris lumbricoides, colecistitis, cálculos biliares, colangitis, pancreatitis, colangitis piógena recurrente.

Endometriosis and the microbiome: a systematic review.

Hepatobiliary and pancreatic ascariasis (HPA) was described as a clinical entity from Kashmir, India in 1985. HPA is caused by invasion and migration of nematode, Ascaris lumbricoides, in to the biliary tract and pancreatic duct. Patients present with biliary colic, cholangitis, cholecystitis, hepatic abscesses and acute pancreatitis.

16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing, dysbiosis, endometriosis, microbiota systematic review. Secuenciación de genes de ARN ribosómico 16S, disbiosis, endometriosis, revisión sistemática de microbiota.

Profile of the gut microbiota of adults with obesity: a systematic review

Recently, relationship between gut microbiota composition and development of obesity has been pointed. However, the gut microbiota composition of individual with obesity is not known yet. Therefore, this systematic review aimed to evaluate differences in profile of gut microbiota between individuals with obesity and individuals with normal weight.

Bacteria, Obesity. Bacterias, Obesidad.

Consumption of non-nutritive sweeteners during pregnancy.

In an effort to reduce sugar consumption to prevent diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases, "sugar-free" or "no added sugar" products that substitute sugar with non-nutritive sweeteners (NNSs) (eg, Splenda, Sweet'N Low, and Stevia) have become increasingly popular. The use of these products during pregnancy has also increased, with approximately 30% of pregnant women reporting intentional NNS consumption.

acesulfame K; aspartame; non-nutritive sweeteners; pregnancy; saccharin; stevia; sucralose. acesulfamo K; aspartamo; edulcorantes no nutritivos; el embarazo; sacarina; stevia; sucralosa.

Revisión de la evidencia científica y opinión técnica sobre el consumo de edulcorantes no calóricos en enfermedades gastrointestinales.

Esta revisión de la Asociación Mexicana de Gastroenterología sobre edulcorantes no calóricos (ENC) se realizó con el fin de analizar y responder a través de una amplia revisión bibliográfica, algunas de las preguntas y preocupaciones más frecuentes sobre la ingestión de ENC en pacientes con alteraciones gastrointestinales. Un grupo de gastroenterólogos, expertos en nutrición, toxicología, microbiología y endocrinología, revisó y analizó la literatura publicada en este tópico.

Edulcorantes no calóricos; Inflamación; Microbiota; Síntomas gastrointestinales; Cirrosis. Sweeteners no caloric; Inflammation; Microbiota; Symptoms gastrointestinal; Cirrhosis

A Ketogenic Diet Extends Longevity and Healthspan in Adult Mice.

Calorie restriction, without malnutrition, has been shown to increase lifespan and is associated with a shift away from glycolysis toward beta-oxidation. The objective of this study was to mimic this metabolic shift using low-carbohydrate diets and to determine the influence of these diets on longevity and healthspan in mice.

ketogenic diet, longevity, healthspan, low-carbohydrate diet, aging, lifespan, ketones, ketone bodies, beta-hydroxybutyrate, memory. dieta cetogénica, longevidad, vida útil, dieta baja en carbohidratos, envejecimiento, esperanza de vida, cetonas, cuerpos cetónicos, beta-hidroxibutirato, memoria.

Impact of Coffee and Cacao Purine Metabolites on Neuroplasticity and Neurodegenerative Disease .

Increasing evidence suggests that regular consumption of coffee, tea and dark chocolate (cacao) can promote brain health and may reduce the risk of age-related neurodegenerative disorders. However, the complex array of phytochemicals in coffee and cacao beans and tea leaves has hindered a clear understanding of the component(s) that affect neuronal plasticity and resilience.

Animals, Cacao, chemistry, metabolism, Coffe, Humans, Neurodegenerative Diseases, drug therapy, Neuronal Plasticity, drug effects, Neuronal Plasticity physiology, Plant Extracts, pharmacology, therapeutic use, Purines. Animales, Cacao, química, metabolismo, café, Seres humanos, Enfermedades neurodegenerativas, farmacoterapia, Plasticidad neuronal, efectos farmacológicos, Fisiología de la plasticidad neuronal, Extractos vegetales, farmacología, uso terapéutico, Purinas.

Brain energy rescue: an emerging therapeutic concept for neurodegenerative disorders of ageing.

The brain requires a continuous supply of energy in the form of ATP, most of which is produced from glucose by oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria, complemented by aerobic glycolysis in the cytoplasm. When glucose levels are limited, ketone bodies generated in the liver and lactate derived from exercising skeletal muscle can also become important energy substrates for the brain.

Alzheimer's disease, Drug development, Outcomes research.

The Effects of High-Protein Diets on Kidney Health and Longevity .

Although high-protein diets continue to be popular for weight loss and type 2 diabetes, evidence suggests that worsening renal function may occur in individuals with-and perhaps without-impaired kidney function. High dietary protein intake can cause intraglomerular hypertension, which may result in kidney hyperfiltration, glomerular injury, and proteinuria.

chronic kidney disease; glomerular hyperfiltration; high protein diet; nutrition; proteinuria. enfermedad renal crónica; hiperfiltración glomerular; dieta rica en proteínas; nutrición; proteinuria.

Endometrial receptivity is affected in women with high circulating progesterone levels at the end of the follicular phase: a functional genomics analysis.

Elevated serum progesterone levels at the end of the follicular phase in controlled ovarian stimulation (COS) leads to a poorer ongoing pregnancy rate in IVF cycles due to reduced endometrial receptivity. The objective of this study was to use microarray technology to compare endometrial gene expression profiles at the window of implantation according to the levels of circulating progesterone.

Implantación de embriones, Genética, Endometrio, metabolismo, patología, fisiología, Fase folicular, Regulación de la expresión genética, Genómica, Análisis de secuencia de matriz de oligonucleótidos, Inducción de la ovulación, embarazo, Progesterona. Embryo implantation, Genetics, Endometrium, metabolism, pathology, physiology, Follicular phase, Regulation of gene expression, Genomics, Oligonucleotide matrix sequence analysis, Induction of ovulation, pregnancy, Progesterone.

MiRNAs Regulating Insulin Sensitivity Are Dysregulated in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Ovaries and Are Associated With Markers of Inflammation and Insulin Sensitivity.

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are gene expression regulators. Altered miRNA levels are associated with diabetes, insulin resistance, and inflammation. Insulin resistance and inflammation are both features of Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The aim of this study was first to assess differences in selected miRNAs (miR-146a, miR-155, miR-320, miR-370, miR-486), involved in insulin sensitivity regulation and inflammation, in women with or without PCOS.

miRNA, PCOS, inflammation, HMGB1, insulin resistance, estradiol. miARN, SOP, inflamación, HMGB1, resistencia a la insulina, estradiol.

The synthetic gestagen levonorgestrel directly affects gene expression in thyroid and pituitary glands of Xenopus laevis tadpoles.

The synthetic gestagen levonorgestrel (LNG) was previously shown to perturb thyroid hormone-dependent metamorphosis in Xenopus laevis. However, so far the mechanisms underlying the anti-metamorphic effects of LNG remained unknown.

Progestin, Pituitary-thyroid axis, Ex vivo organ culture, TSH, NIS, Deiodinase, Xenopus laevis. Progestina, Eje hipofisario-tiroideo, Cultivo de órganos ex vivo, TSH, NIS, Desiodasa, Xenopus laevis.

Global chemical effects of the microbiome include new bile-acid conjugations.

A mosaic of cross-phylum chemical interactions occurs between all metazoans and their microbiomes. A number of molecular families that are known to be produced by the microbiome have a marked effect on the balance between health and disease. Considering the diversity of the human microbiome (which numbers over 40,000 operational taxonomic units10), the effect of the microbiome on the chemistry of an entire animal remains underexplored.

Metabolomics, Microbiome. Metabolómica, Microbioma.

Milk intake and risk of mortality and fractures in women and men: cohort studies.

A diet rich in milk products is promoted to reduce the likelihood of osteoporotic fractures. Milk contains 18 of 22 essential nutrients, including calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D of especial importance for the skeleton. Intestinal uptake of these nutrients is enhanced by the enzymatic capacity to digest lactose into D-glucose and D-galactose by mutation in the lactase gene, a variant common in those with northern European ancestry.

Milk, higher mortality, fractures in women and men. Leche, mayor mortalidad, fracturas en mujeres y hombres.

The Role of Cytokines including Interleukin-6 in COVID-19 induced Pneumonia and Macrophage Activation Syndrome-Like Disease.

Severe COVID-19 associated pneumonia patients may exhibit features of systemic hyper-inflammation designated under the umbrella term of macrophage activation syndrome (MAS) or cytokine storm, also known as secondary haemophagocytic lymphohistocytosis (sHLH). This is distinct from HLH associated with immunodeficiency states termed primary HLH -with radically different therapy strategies in both situations.

Cytokines, Interleukin-6 , COVID-19, Pneumonia and Macrophage Activation Syndrome-Like. Citocinas, interleucina-6, COVID-19, neumonía y síndrome de activación de macrófagos similar.

Synbiotic effects of β-glucans from cauliflower mushroom and Lactobacillus fermentum on metabolic changes and gut microbiome in estrogen-deficient rats.

We investigated whether the long-term consumption of a symbiotic formulation with Lactobacillus fermentum (probiotic) and β-glucan from cauliflower mushroom (prebiotic) would delay the progression of post-menopausal symptoms in ovariectomized (OVX) rats and explored their mechanisms of action, including changes in gut microbiota.

Cauliflower, mushroom, β-Glucan, Lactobacillus fermentum, Gut microbiota, Ovariectomy, Synbiotics. Coliflor, hongos, β-glucano, Lactobacillus fermentum, Microbiota intestinal, Ovariectomía, Simbióticos.

Ovarian progesterone suppresses depression and anxiety-like behaviors by increasing the Lactobacillus population of gut microbiota in ovariectomized mice.

Depression and anxiety, which are severe symptoms during menopause, are caused by ceased ovarian activity and declined serum progesterone levels. Studies have demonstrated that gut microbiota can regulate brain function and change the microbiota composition during the perimenopause period.

Lactobacillus reuteri, Depression and anxiety, Gut microbiota, Progesterone, Progesterone. Lactobacillus reuteri, Depresión y ansiedad, Microbiota intestinal, Progesterona, Progesterona.

Transformation of plant isoflavones into bioactive isoflavones by lactic acid bacteria and bifidobacteria.

Isoflavones are usually found in nature in their glycosilated or methylated forms, and should be hydrolysed to become bioavailable and physiologically active. The deglycosylation of isoflavone C-glycosides and O-glycosides and the demethylase activity were studied in a selection of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and bifidobacteria by assessing the degree of transformation of the pure precursor compounds, daidzin, genistin, puerarin, formononetin and biochanin A into daidzein or genistein.

Isoflavones, O-demethylase, Deglycosylation, Glucuronidase, Lactic acid bacteria, Bifidobacteria. Isoflavonas, O-desmetilasa, Desglicosilación, Glucuronidasa, Bacterias de ácido láctico, Bifidobacterias.

Duodenal and Rectal Mucosa Inflammation in Patients With Non-celiac Wheat Sensitivity.

Studies of non-celiac gluten or wheat sensitivity (NCGWS) have increased but there are no biomarkers of this disorder. We aimed to evaluate histologic features of colon and rectal tissues from patients with NCGWS.

Bread; Food Allergy; Histology; Irritable Bowel Syndrome; Nonceliac Wheat Sensitivity. Un pan; Alergia a la comida; Histología; Síndrome del intestino irritable; Sensibilidad al trigo no celíaco.

The clinical toxicology of sodium hypochlorite.

Sodium hypochlorite is used as a bleaching and disinfecting agent and is commonly found in household bleach. The objective is to review critically the epidemiology, mechanisms of toxicity, clinical features, diagnosis, and management of hypochlorite poisoning.

Bleach; chlorine bleach; hypochlorite; hypochlorous acid; sodium hypochlorite. Blanqueador; blanqueador de cloro; hipoclorito; ácido hipocloroso; hipoclorito de sodio.

Uterine Immunity and Microbiota: A Shifting Paradigm.

The female reproductive tract harbors distinct microbial communities, as in the vagina, cervical canal, uterus, and fallopian tubes. The nature of the vaginal microbiota is well-known; in contrast, the upper reproductive tract remains largely unexplored. Alteration in the uterine microbiota, which is dependent on the nutrients and hormones available to the uterus, is likely to play an important role in uterine-related diseases such as hysteromyoma, adenomyosis, and endometriosis.

Uterus, pregnancy, immune cells, cellular immunity, microbiota, menstruation. útero, embarazo, células inmunes, inmunidad celular, microbiota, menstruación.

Association between whole grain intake and stroke risk: evidence from a meta-analysis.

Researches of the relationships between dietary whole grains intake and risk of stroke have produced inconsistent results. We therefore conducted a meta-analysis to summarize the evidence from observed studies regarding the association between whole grain intake and stroke risk.

Whole grain, stroke, meta-analysis. Grano entero, accidente cerebrovascular, metanálisis.

Polyphenols Inhibit Candida albicans and Streptococcus mutans Biofilm Formation.

Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans) and Candida albicans (C. albicans) are two major contributors to dental caries. They have a symbiotic relationship, allowing them to create an enhanced biofilm. Our goal was to examine whether two natural polyphenols (Padma hepaten (PH) and a polyphenol extraction from green tea (PPFGT)) could inhibit the caries-inducing properties of S. mutans and C. albicans.

Candida albicans; Padma hepaten; Streptococcus mutans; caries; polyphenols; polyphenon from green tea. Candida albicans; Padma hepaten; Streptococcus mutans; caries; polifenoles; polifenón del té verde.

Colonization, Infection, and the Accessory Genome of Klebsiella pneumoniae.

Klebsiella pneumoniae is a Gram-negative pathogen that has a large accessory genome of plasmids and chromosomal gene loci. This accessory genome divides K. pneumoniae strains into opportunistic, hypervirulent, and multidrug-resistant groups and separates K. pneumoniae from two closely related species, Klebsiella variicola and Klebsiella quasipneumoniae.

Klebsiella pneumoniae, antibiotic resistance, carbapenem resistance, hypervirulent, colonization, hospital-acquired infection, CRE. Klebsiella pneumoniae, resistencia a antibióticos, resistencia a carbapenémicos, hipervirulenta, colonización, infección hospitalaria, CRE.

Production, purification, characterization, immobilization, and application of Serrapeptase: a review

Serrapeptase is a proteolytic enzyme with many favorable biological properties like anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-bacterial, fibrinolytic properties and hence, is widely used in clinical practice for the treatment of many diseases. Although Serrapeptase is widely used, there are very few published papers and the information available about the enzyme is very meagre.

Serrapeptase, proteolytic enzyme, anti-inflammatory, fibrinolytic. Serrapeptasa, enzima proteolítica, antiinflamatorio, fibrinolítico.

Genome-wide CRISPR screen identifies host dependency factors for influenza A virus infection.

Host dependency factors that are required for influenza A virus infection may serve as therapeutic targets as the virus is less likely to bypass them under drug-mediated selection pressure. Previous attempts to identify host factors have produced largely divergent results, with few overlapping hits across different studies.

CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing, Influenza virus. Edición del genoma CRISPR-Cas9, Virus de la gripe.

Gastritis y gastropatías.

Se hace una revisión de los diferentes tipos de gastritis, incluyendo cuadros en los que el edema y eritema puede semejar el cuadro, pero sin la típica reacción inflamatoria que denominamos gastropatías. Se hace una descripción de diversos aspectos epidemiológicos, etiológicos, etiopatogénicos; se desarrolla diversas clasificaciones propuestas y se describe los métodos diagnósticos, tratamientos recomendados y el pronóstico de esta molestia tan común.

Gastritis, Gastropatía, Tratamiento. Gastritis, Gastropathy, Therapy.

Nutrition and Psoriasis.

Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disease characterized by accelerated tumor necrosis factor-α/interleukin-23/interleukin-17 axis, hyperproliferation and abnormal differentiation of epidermal keratinocytes. Psoriasis patients are frequently associated with obesity, diabetes, dyslipidemia, cardiovascular diseases, or inflammatory bowel diseases.

Psoriasis; nutrition; interleukin-17; vitamin D; n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid; saturated fatty acid; short chain fatty acid; regulatory T cell; dysbiosis. Soriasis; nutrición; interleucina-17; vitamina D; ácido graso poliinsaturado n-3; ácido graso saturado; ácido graso de cadena corta; célula T reguladora; disbiosis

Degradation of food-derived opioid peptides by bifidobacteria.

Some food-derived opioid peptides have been reported to cause diseases, such as gastrointestinal inflammation, celiac disease, and mental disorders. Bifidobacterium is a major member of the dominant human gut microbiota, particularly in the gut of infants. In this study, we evaluated the potential of Bifidobacterium in the degradation of food-derived opioid peptides.

Bifidobacterium; casomorphin; food-derived opioid peptides; gliadorphin. Bifidobacterium; casomorfina; péptidos opioides derivados de alimentos; gliadorfina.

Stimulation of LUVA Mast Cells by Beta-casomorphin 7 and Gliadorphin.

Milk and wheat have been implicated in numerous non-IgE mediated diseases, including eosinophilic esophagitis, gastrointestinal intolerance, and autism spectrum disorder, but the underlying mechanism is unknown. Beta-casomorphin 7 (BCM7) is an opioid receptor agonist peptide generated from milk of “A1” cattle, and gliadorphin (G7) is the gluten homologue.

LUVA Mast Cells, Beta-casomorphin 7, Gliadorphin, milk, BCM7, wheat. Mastocitos LUVA, Beta-casomorfina 7, Gliadorfina, leche, BCM7, trigo.

Diagnostic Imaging and Management of Common Intra-articular and Peri-articular Soft Tissue Tumors and Tumorlike Conditions of the Knee.

Intra-articular (IA) and peri-articular (PA) tumors of the knee are frequently encountered by orthopaedic surgeons. Nonetheless, due to the possibility of great morbidity and potential mortality, it is important to recognize and differentiate between benign and malignant lesions in a timely manner.

Musculoskeletal oncology, intra-articular, tumor, review, orthopaedics. Oncología musculoesquelética, intraarticular, tumoral, revisión, ortopedia

Bacillus cereus non-haemolytic enterotoxin activates the NLRP3 inflammasome.

Inflammasomes are important for host defence against pathogens and homeostasis with commensal microbes. Here, we show non-haemolytic enterotoxin (NHE) from the neglected human foodborne pathogen Bacillus cereus is an activator of the NLRP3 inflammasome and pyroptosis.

Bacillus cereus non-haemolytic enterotoxin, NLRP3 inflammasom. Enterotoxina no hemolítica de Bacillus cereus, inflamasoma NLRP3.

Association between Neu5Gc carbohydrate and serum antibodies against it provides the molecular link to cancer: French NutriNet-Santé study.

High consumption of red and processed meat is commonly associated with increased cancer risk, particularly colorectal cancer. Antibodies against the red meat-derived carbohydrate N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc) exacerbate cancer in "human-like" mice. Human anti-Neu5Gc IgG and red meat are both independently proposed to increase cancer risk, yet how diet affects these antibodies is largely unknown.

Antibodies; Cancer; Red meat; Sialic acid. Anticuerpos; Cáncer; Carne roja; Ácido siálico.

Plasma Inflammation Markers of the Tumor Necrosis Factor Pathway but Not C-Reactive Protein Are Associated with Processed Meat and Unprocessed Red Meat Consumption in Bavarian Adults.

High consumption of red and processed meats has been linked to higher chronic disease risk. It has been hypothesized that inflammation markers may mediate part of this association. Most previous studies on the association of red meat intake with circulating inflammation markers used C-reactive protein (CRP) but rarely other markers, and not all differentiated between processed meat and unprocessed red meat.

C-reactive protein; IL-6; TNF-α; inflammation; processed meat; soluble TNF receptor; unprocessed red meat. Proteína C-reactiva; IL-6; TNF-α; inflamación; carne procesada; receptor de TNF soluble; carnes rojas sin procesar.

Diseases of Civilization - Cancer, Diabetes, Obesity and Acne - the Implication of Milk, IGF-1 and mTORC1.

Nutrition and food are one of the most complex aspects of human lives, being influenced by biochemical, psychological, social and cultural factors. The Western diet is the prototype of modern dietary pattern and is mainly characterized by the intake of large amounts of red meat, dairy products, refined grains and sugar.

Cancer, Diabetes, Obesity, Acne, Milk, IGF-1, mTORC1. Cáncer, diabetes, obesidad, acné, leche, IGF-1, mTORC1.

Nutrigenomic point of view on effects and mechanisms of action of ruminant trans fatty acids on insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

vidence from observational studies suggests beneficial effects of ruminant trans fatty acids (rTFA) on insulin resistance (IR) and type 2 diabetes (T2D). However, beneficial effects of rTFA are not always observed in cell, animal, and human studies. This narrative review presents potential mechanisms of action of rTFA using nutrigenomics and microRNA results in an integrative model.

Insulin resistance, microRNA, nutrigenomics, ruminant trans fatty acids, type 2 diabetes. Resistencia a la insulina, microARN, nutrigenómica, ácidos grasos trans de rumiantes, diabetes tipo 2.

Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Diet and Blood Pressure Reduction in Adults with and without Hypertension: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials

The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet is recognized as an effective dietary intervention to reduce blood pressure (BP). However, among randomized controlled trials (RCTs) investigating the DASH diet-mediated BP reduction, there are significant methodological and clinical differences. The purpose of this study was to comprehensively assess the DASH diet effect on BP in adults with and without hypertension, accounting for underlying methodological and clinical confounders.

DASH; Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension; blood pressure; diet; hypertension; meta-analysis; randomized controlled trials; systematic review. Enfoques Alimenticios para Detener la Hipertensión; presión sanguínea; dieta; hipertensión; metaanálisis; ensayos controlados aleatorios; revisión sistemática.

Trans fatty acids and lipid profile: A serious risk factor to cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes.

Trans Fatty acids (TFAs) have long been used in food manufacturing due in part to their melting point at room temperature between saturated and unsaturated fats. However, increasing epidemiologic and biochemical evidence suggests that excessive trans fats in the diet are a significant risk factor for cardiovascular events as well as a risk factor for cancer and diabetes.

Trans fatty acid, Atherosclerosis, Diabetes. Ácidos grasos trans, Aterosclerosis, Diabetes.

Some biochemical studies on trans fatty acid-containing diet.

trans fatty acids (TFA's) are unsaturated fatty acid which have one or more double bond, they are present naturally and most of it is artificial, fried, baked food and margarine are major sources of TFA, there are several biological effects of TFAs on body health, various study showed that dietary TFA associated with various health disorders such as Diabetes, cardiovascular disease (CVD), Obesity, breast cancer, prostatic cancer infertility, and coronary artery disease (CAD).

Trans fatty acid, Hydrogenation, Cancer. Ácidos grasos trans, Hidrogenación Cáncer.

Classification of Human Milks Based on Their Trans 18:1 Fatty Acid Profile and Effect of Maternal Diet .

The diet of breastfeeding women influences the trans fatty acid (TFA) composition of the milk excreted. However, the effects associated to TFA are isomer-dependent and diverse TFA profiles may have different nutritional implications.

Fatty acid; human milk; trans 18:1. Ácido graso; leche materna; trans 18: 1.

CLA-supplemented diet accelerates experimental colorectal cancer by inducing TGF-β-producing macrophages and T cells.

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) has been shown to activate the nuclear receptor PPAR-γ and modulate metabolic and immune functions. Despite the worldwide use of CLA dietary supplementation, strong scientific evidence for its proposed beneficial actions are missing. We found that CLA-supplemented diet reduced mucosal damage and inflammatory infiltrate in the dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)-induced colitis model.

CLA-supplemented diet, colorectal cancer, TGF-β. Dieta suplementada con CLA, cáncer colorrectal, TGF-β.

Platelet‐to‐lymphocyte ratio is associated with prognosis in patients with coronavirus disease‐19.

Since December 2019, novel coronavirus infected pneumonia emerged in Wuhan city and rapidly spread throughout China. In severe novel coronavirus pneumonia cases, the number of platelets, their dynamic changes during the treatment, platelet‐to‐lymphocyte ratio (PLR) were a concern. We sought to describe the platelet feature of these cases.

coronavirus disease, cytokine storm, platelet value, platelet‐to‐lymphocyte ratio, risk factor. enfermedad por coronavirus, tormenta de citocinas, valor de plaquetas, proporción de plaquetas a linfocitos, factor de riesgo.

Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Curcumin on Insulin Resistance Index, Levels of Interleukin-6, C-Reactive Protein, and Liver Histology in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome-Induced Rats.

Curcumin protects the liver against injury and fibrosis through suppressing hepatic inflammation, attenuating hepatic oxidative stress (OS), and inhibiting hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) activation. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are considered as common metabolic disorders.

PCOS, Liver, Curcumin, Insulin Resistance. SOP, hígado, curcumina, resistencia a la insulina, cúrcuma.

Oxidative Stress Is Increased in Combined Oral Contraceptives Users and Is Positively Associated with High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein.

Information concerning the mechanisms underlying oxidative stress and low-grade inflammation in young healthy women predisposing eventually to future diseases is scarce. We investigated the relationship of oxidative stress and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) in fertile-age women by oral combined contraceptive (OC) use.

Lipid peroxidation, free radicals, inflammation, contraceptive pill, thromboembolism, hormonal contraception, estrogen, progestin, third generation pill, alimentary habits. Peroxidación lipídica, radicales libres, inflamación, píldora anticonceptiva, tromboembolismo, anticoncepción hormonal, estrógeno, progestina, píldora de tercera generación, hábitos alimentarios.

Estrogen-related receptor alpha is involved in Alzheimer's disease-like pathology.

Estrogen-related receptor alpha (ERRα) is a transcriptional factor associated with mitochondrial biogenesis and energy metabolism. However, little is known about the role of ERRα in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Here, we report that in APP/PS1 mice, an animal model of AD, ERRα protein and mRNA were decreased in a region- and age-dependent manner.

APP/PS1 mice; Amyloidogenesis; Estrogen-related receptor α; Tau phosphorylation. Ratones APP / PS1; Amiloidogénesis; Receptor α relacionado con el estrógeno; Fosforilación de Tau.

Association between subclinical hypothyroidism and depression: an updated systematic review and meta-analysis.

Although depression is associated with changes in the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis, its relationship with subclinical hypothyroidism (SCH) is controversial. To date, there is a lack of data on the improvement of depressive symptoms with levothyroxine therapy among individuals with coexistent SCH.

Subclinical hypothyroidism, Depression, Thyroid stimulating hormone, Levothyroxine. Hipotiroidismo subclínico, depresión, estimulante de la tiroides hormona, levotiroxina.

Curcumin alleviates lumbar radiculopathy by reducing neuroinflammation, oxidative stress and nociceptive factors.

Current non-surgical treatments for lumbar radiculopathy [e.g. epidural steroids and Tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) antagonists] are neither effective nor safe. As a non-toxic natural product, curcumin possesses an exceptional anti-inflammatory profile. We hypothesised that curcumin alleviates lumbar radiculopathy by attenuating neuroinflammation, oxidative stress and nociceptive factors.

Curcumin, lumbar radiculopathy, neuroinflammation, oxidative stress, nociceptive factors. Curcumina, radiculopatía lumbar, neuroinflamación, estrés oxidativo, factores nociceptivos, cúrcuma.

Dolor abdominal crónico (1ª parte).

El dolor abdominal crónico es uno de los síntomas más comunes que pueden aparecer en la mayoría de los trastornos intraabdominales y es la causa más frecuente de consulta con el gastroenterólogo. Sin embargo también puede ser la primera manifestación de enfermedades localizadas fuera de la cavidad abdominal. Se considera crónico el dolor que persiste más de tres meses.

Dolor abdominal crónico. Chronic abdominal pain.

The proinflammatory effects of chronic excessive exercise.

Chronic moderate-intensity exercise is an efficient non-pharmacological strategy to prevent and treat several diseases such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, cancers, and Parkinson's disease.

Endoplasmic reticulum stress; Hepatic fat accumulation; Inflammation; Insulin signaling pathway; Overtraining; Pathological cardiac hypertrophy. Estrés del retículo endoplásmico; Acumulación de grasa hepática; Inflamación; Vía de señalización de insulina; Sobreentrenamiento; Hipertrofia cardíaca patológica.

High intensity resistance training causes muscle damage and increases biomarkers of acute kidney injury in healthy individuals.

High-intensity interval resistance training (HIIRT) is an increasingly popular exercise program that provides positive results with short sessions. This study aimed to evaluate whether an HIIRT session causes muscle and kidney damage.

HIIRT, CK, myoglobin, SCr, microalbuminuria, urinary biomarkers indicative, kidney tubular, muscle and kidney damage. HIIRT, CK, mioglobina, SCr, microalbuminuria, biomarcadores urinarios indicativos, daño tubular renal, muscular y renal.

Impact of liver fat on the differential partitioning of hepatic triacylglycerol into VLDL subclasses on high and low sugar diets.

Dietary sugars are linked to the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and dyslipidaemia, but it is unknown if NAFLD itself influences the effects of sugars on plasma lipoproteins. To study this further, men with NAFLD (n = 11) and low liver fat 'controls' (n = 14) were fed two iso-energetic diets, high or low in sugars (26% or 6% total energy) for 12 weeks, in a randomised, cross-over design.

Sugar; non alcoholic fatty liver disease; plasma lipoproteins; triglycerides. Azúcar; enfermedad del hígado graso no alcohólico; lipoproteínas plasmáticas; triglicéridos.

Back/joint pain, illness perceptions and coping are important predictors of quality of life and work productivity in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: a 12-month longitudinal study.

Back and joint pain are the most common extraintestinal symptoms reported by patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). We assessed the impact of back/joint pain, illness perceptions, and coping on quality of life (QOL) and work productivity in patients with IBD.

Arthralgia; Common Sense Model; coping; illness perceptions; inflammatory bowel disease; quality of life; work productivity. Artralgia; Modelo de sentido común; albardilla; percepciones de la enfermedad; Enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal; calidad de vida; productividad laboral.

Evidence Based Targeting of Cytokines for Conventional and the Potential Phytotherapies in Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a debilitating autoimmune disorder characterized by destruction of organs and joint tissues, including the synovium, cartilage and the underlying bone [1-5]. Нe mechanism of disease is still unclear. However, studies on the pathology and physiology of RA are widely studied. RA is aوٴect three major parts of the body. Нe synovial lining is one part that is aوٴected

Cytokine, Neutralization of cytokines, Rheumatoid arthritis, Herbal extracts, Cytokine based therapies, Anti-inflammatory cytokines. Citocina, neutralización de citocinas, reumatoide artritis, Extractos de hierbas, Terapias basadas en citocinas, Antiinflamatorio citocinas.

Are IL1B, IL6 and IL6R Gene Variants Associated with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture Susceptibility?.

Cytokines, such as interleukins, are crucial in regulating critical cell signaling pathways as well as being major contributors to inflammatory response and are upregulated during ligament and tendon injuries. The genes encoding key interleukins, such as IL1B and IL6 as well as interleukin receptor IL6R, were chosen as candidate genes for association with soft tissue injuries.

Soft tissue injuries, ACL rupture, IL1B, IL6, IL6R. Lesiones de tejidos blandos, rotura de LCA, IL1B, IL6, IL6R.

Chronic Diarrhea: Diagnosis and Management .

Chronic diarrhea is a common problem affecting up to 5% of the population at a given time. Patients vary in their definition of diarrhea, citing loose stool consistency, increased frequency, urgency of bowel movements, or incontinence as key symptoms. Physicians have used increased frequency of defecation or increased stool weight as major criteria and distinguish acute diarrhea, often due to self-limited, acute infections, from chronic diarrhea,

Classification; Definitions; Diagnostic Testing; Diarrhea; Diet; Therapy. Clasificación; Definiciones; Pruebas de diagnóstico; Diarrea; Dieta; Terapia.

Physiologic and pathologic effects of dietary free fatty acids on cells of the joint.

Fatty acids (FAs) are potent organic compounds that not only can be used as an energy source during nutrient deprivation but are also involved in several essential signaling cascades in cells. Therefore, a balanced intake of different dietary FAs is critical for the maintenance of cellular functions and tissue homeostasis.

Arthritis; bone; cartilage; diabetes; obesity; synovium. Artritis; hueso; cartílago; diabetes; obesidad; sinovio.

Consumption of red meat and whole-grain bread in relation to biomarkers of obesity, inflammation, glucose metabolism and oxidative stress.

To examine the association of red meat and whole-grain bread consumption with plasma levels of biomarkers related to glucose metabolism, oxidative stress, inflammation and obesity.

Red meat, Whole grain, Biomarkers, Glucose metabolism. Carnes rojas, Integrales, Biomarcadores, Metabolismo de la glucosa.

Taurine administration prevents the intestine from the damage induced by beta-lactoglobulin sensitization in a murine model of food allergy.

Allergy to cow's milk proteins has often been associated with dysfunction of the intestinal mucosa caused by chronic inflammation in infants. This study evaluated the protective effect of taurine on intestinal damage induced by beta-lactoglobulin (β-Lg) in Balb/c mice used as an animal model of allergy to cow's milk proteins.

Epithelial permeability; Intestinal damage; Pro-inflammatory cytokines; Taurine; Ussing chamber; β-Lactoglobulin. Permeabilidad epitelial; Daño intestinal; Citoquinas proinflamatorias; Taurina; Cámara de uso; β-Lactoglobulina.

A classification of chronic pain for ICD-11.

Chronic pain has been recognized as pain that persists past normal healing time5 and hence lacks the acute warning function of physiological nociception. Usually pain is regarded as chronic when it lasts or recurs for more than 3 to 6 months. Chronic pain is a frequent condition, affecting an estimated 20% of people worldwide and accounting for 15% to 20% of physician visits. Chronic pain should receive greater attention as a global health priority because adequate pain treatment is a human right, and it is the duty of any health care system to provide it.

Dolor crónico, lesión, ICD-11. Chronic pain, injury.

A red meat-derived glycan promotes inflammation and cancer progression.

A well known, epidemiologically reproducible risk factor for human carcinomas is the long-term consumption of "red meat" of mammalian origin. Although multiple theories have attempted to explain this human-specific association, none have been conclusively proven. We used an improved method to survey common foods for free and glycosidically bound forms of the nonhuman sialic acid N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc), showing that it is highly and selectively enriched in red meat.

N-glycolylneuraminic acid; red meat and cancer; tumor-associated carbohydrate antigen; tumor-associated inflammation; xenosialitis. Ácido N-glicolilneuramínico; carnes rojas y cáncer; antígeno de carbohidrato asociado a tumor; inflamación asociada a tumores; xenosialitis.

Green Alternatives to Nitrates and Nitrites in Meat-based Products-A Review.

Several food additives are added in food for their preservation to maintain the freshness of food (antioxidants) or to slow down or stop the growth of microorganisms (preservative agents). Nitrites and nitrates are used as preservative agents in meat. Nitrites give a smoked taste, a pinkish color in the meat and protect the consumers against the risk of bacterial deterioration.

Green alternatives nitrates; meat products; nitrites. Nitratos alternativos verdes; productos de carne; nitritos.

Rabdomiólisis por hipopotasemia severa.

La rabdomiólisis (RM) se caracteriza por la necrosis del miocito con salida al espacio extracelular de creatinquinasa (CK), lactato deshidrogenasa (LDH), alanina-aminotransferasa (ALAT) y aspartato-aminotransferasa (ASAT), entre otros. Las manifestaciones clínicas habituales son fatiga muscular, calambres, mialgias y orina hipercoloreada. Son causa de RM el trauma muscular, ejercicio físico extenuante, hipoxia muscular, infecciones, cambios en la temperatura corporal, drogas y toxinas, defectos genéticos y desórdenes metabólicos e hidroelectrolíticos.

Creatina quinasa; Síndrome de Gitelman; Rabdomiólisis. Creatine kinase; Gitelman syndrome; Rhabdomyolysis.

Survival after profound acidosis and rhabdomyolysis due to dietary supplement use.

Severe acidosis below a pH of 6.7 is rarely compatible with life. We describe a case of a 40-year-old man who presented to the emergency department with altered mental status and syncope. His initial arterial blood gas demonstrated a pH of 6.6 and a lactate of more than 20 mmol/L.

Profound acidosis; rhabdomyolysis; dietary supplement. Acidosis profunda; rabdomiólisis; suplemento dietético.

Systemic immune response in whiplash injury and ankle sprain: elevated IL-6 and IL-10.

Whiplash injury and whiplash-associated disorders (WAD) are significant problems of modern society. Numerous attempts have been made to characterize the nature of whiplash injury. Whether the immune system is involved during the disease process is not known. In a prospective study, using enzyme-linked immunospot (ELISPOT) assays, we examined numbers of blood mononuclear cells (MNC) secreting pro- (IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, IL-6) and anti-inflammatory (IL-10) cytokines in patients with WAD and, for reference, patients with ankle sprain and multiple sclerosis and healthy subjects.

Whiplash injury, trauma, ELISPOT cytokines. Lesión por latigazo cervical, trauma, ELISPOT, citocinas.

Changes in muscle damage, inflammation, and fatigue-related parameters in young elite soccer players after a match.

Professional soccer players are subjected to substantial physical loads during competitive seasons. We aimed to explore the changes induced by a soccer match on muscle damage and inflammation biomarkers, and their relationship with fatigue parameters.

Muscle damage, inflammation, fatigue, young elite soccer players. Daño muscular, inflamación, fatiga, jóvenes futbolistas de élite.

β-Hydroxy β-methylbutyrate free acid alters cortisol responses, but not myofibrillar proteolysis, during a 24-h fast.

This study was a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over trial examining the effects of β-hydroxy β-methylbutyrate free acid (HMB-FA) supplementation on muscle protein breakdown, cortisol, testosterone and resting energy expenditure (REE) during acute fasting.

β-Hydroxy β-methylbutyrate; 3MH:CR 3-methylhistidine:creatinine ratio; CAR cortisol awakening response; FA free acid; HMB β-hydroxy β-methylbutyrate; IF intermittent fasting; PL placebo; REE resting energy expenditure; T:C testosterone:cortisol ratio; Fasting; Intermittent fasting. β-hidroxi β-metilbutirato; 3MH: CR 3-metilhistidina: relación de creatinina; Respuesta de despertar del cortisol CAR; Ácido libre FA; Β-hidroxi β-metilbutirato de HMB; SI ayuno intermitente; PL placebo; REE gasto energético en reposo; Relación T: C testosterona: cortisol; Rápido; Ayuno intermitente.

A systematic review on sports hernia.

Objective: To summarise the present data regarding anatomy, biomechanics, clinical presentation, differential diagnosis, conservative treatment, preoperative and post-operative rehabilitation of sports hernia. Findings: Sports Hernia is commonly seen in sports that requires athletes to perform repetitive kicking, cutting, pivoting and sharp turns such as soccer, cricket, rugby, ice hockey etc

Hernia, laparoscopic surgery, rehabilitation, snapping Hip. Hernia, cirugía laparoscópica, rehabilitación, chasquido de cadera.

An integrated perspective on diabetic, alcoholic, and drug-induced neuropathy, etiology, and treatment in the US.

Neuropathic pain (NeuP) is a syndrome that results from damaged nerves and/or aberrant regeneration. Common etiologies of neuropathy include chronic illnesses and medication use. Chronic disorders, such as diabetes and alcoholism, can cause neuronal injury and consequently NeuP. Certain medications with antineoplastic effects also carry an exquisitely high risk for neuropathy.

Alcohol use disorder; chemotherapy; diabetes mellitus; opioid receptors; pain; small-fiber neuropathy. Trastorno por consumo de alcohol; quimioterapia; diabetes mellitus; receptores de opioides; dolor; neuropatía de fibras pequeñas.

Chapter 3 - Neuroendocrine Abnormalities in Major Depression: An Insight Into Glucocorticoids, Cytokines, and the Kynurenine Pathway.

Major depressive disorder is the most common mental illness with a complex multifactorial etiology. Abnormalities in the neuroendocrine system are frequently associated with the pathophysiology of this disorder, and among these, alterations in hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity and altered levels of cortisol in the context of glucocorticoid resistance are widely observed.

HPA axis, Glucocorticoid receptor, Cortisol, Cytokines, Neuroinflammation, Kynurenine, Neurotoxicity, Neurodegeneration. Depresión mayor, Neuroendocrino, Eje HPA, Receptor de glucocorticoides, Cortisol, Citoquinas, Neuroinflamación, Quinurenina Neurotoxicidad, Neurodegeneración.

Efecto analgésico de las vitaminas del complejo B, a 50 años de la primera combinación fija de tiamina, piridoxina y cianocobalamina.

Las vitaminas del complejo B, específicamente tiamina o vitamina B, piridoxina o vitamina B6 y cobalamina o vitamina B12, se han utilizado solas o en combinación como complementos alimenticios en casos de deficiencia sérica. Estas vitaminas tienen efectos farmacológicos, como la analgesia, que aunque poco difundido se ha probado de manera experimental y clínica. En este artículo se revisan las bases fisiopatológicas de las neuropatías asociadas con la deficiencia de vitaminas B, específicamente en diabetes mellitus y en alcoholismo crónico, así como los estudios clínicos que han probado su eficacia y tolerabilidad.

Neuropathic pain, thiamine, pyridoxine, cobalamine, analgesic effect. Neuropathic pain, thiamine, pyridoxine, cobalamine, analgesic effect.

Dietary Inflammatory Index and Risk of Epithelial Ovarian Cancer in African American Women.

Chronic inflammation has been implicated in the development of epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC); yet, the contribution of inflammatory foods and nutrients to EOC risk has been understudied. We investigated the association between the dietary inflammatory index (DII), a novel literature-derived tool to assess the inflammatory potential of one’s diet, and EOC risk in African American (AA) women in the African American Cancer Epidemiology Study (AACES), the largest population-based case-control study of EOC in AA women to date.

Peroneal nerve, Ankle dorsiflexors, Foot drop, Sciatic nerve injury. Nervio peroneo, dorsiflexores del tobillo, pie caído, lesión del nervio ciático.

Rabdomiólisis secundaria a ejercicio físico en un gimnasio.

La rabdomiólisis es un síndrome caracterizado por la destrucción del músculo esquelético, liberándose mioglobina, electrolitos y enzimas musculares al torrente circulatorio. Las causas son muy variadas, siendo las más frecuentes el esfuerzo importante durante el ejercicio físico, los traumatismos y el consumo de alcohol.

Creatincinasa, Rabdomiólisis, Mioglobinuria. Creatine phosphokinase, Rhabdomyolysis, Myoglobinuria.

Are nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories effective in the treatment of delayed onset muscle soreness?.

Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are wellknown and used in modern medicine. In physical activity, they are used for their antiinflammatory and analgesic actions. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of NSAIDs in the treatment of delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS).

Aspirin; ibuprofen; naproxen; prostaglandins; eccentric actions. Aspirina; ibuprofeno; naproxeno; prostaglandinas; acciones excéntricas.

Oral Ibuprofen Interferes with Cellular Healing Responses in a Murine Model of Achilles Tendinopathy.

The attempted healing of tendon after acute injury (overloading, partial tear or complete rupture) proceeds via the normal wound healing cascade involving hemostasis, inflammation, matrix synthesis and matrix remodeling. Depending on the degree of trauma and the nature of the post-injury milieu, a variable degree of healing and recovery of function occurs. Post-injury analgesia is often achieved with NSAIDs such as Ibuprofen, however there is increasing evidence that NSAID usage may interfere with the healing process.

Tendinopathy, NSAID, Inflammation, Wound healing, Hyaluronan, Angiogenesis, Biomechanical properties. Tendinopatía, AINE, Inflamación, Cicatrización de heridas, Hialuronano, Angiogénesis, Propiedades biomecánicas.

Tendon involvement in patients with gout: an ultrasound study of prevalence.

The objective of the present study is to evaluate, by ultrasonography (US), the prevalence in the quadriceps, patellar, and Achilles tendon involvement of gout compared to that of patients with osteoarthritis and asymptomatic marathon runners. This is a multicenter, multinational, transverse cross-sectional, and comparative study comprising 80 patients with the diagnosis of gout according to the American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria, compared with two control groups: 35 patients with generalized osteoarthritis according to the ACR criteria and 35 subjects who were healthy marathon runners.

Gout; Tendinopathy; Ultrasound. Gota; Tendinopatía; Ultrasonido.

Immunobiological factors aggravating the fatty infiltration on tendons and muscles in rotator cuff lesions.

Rotator cuff lesions (RCLs) are a common cause of shoulder pain and dysfunction. The rotator cuff tendons can degenerate and/or tear from the greater tuberosity of the humerus, which is associated with several anatomical, physiological, biochemical, and molecular changes in tendon and muscle. In this article, these pathways are critically reviewed and discussed with various management strategies of RCLs.

Cell-based therapies; Enthesis; Fatty infiltration; Rotator cuff injury; Rotator cuff lesions; Tenocytes. Terapias basadas en células; Entesis; Infiltración grasa; Lesión del manguito rotador; Lesiones del manguito rotador; Tenocitos.

Decreased Knee Joint Loading Associated With Early Knee Osteoarthritis After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury.

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury predisposes individuals to early-onset knee joint osteoarthritis (OA). Abnormal joint loading is apparent after ACL injury and reconstruction. The relationship between altered joint biomechanics and the development of knee OA is unknown.

Anterior cruciate ligament; contact force; knee moment; loading; osteoarthritis. Ligamento cruzado anterior; fuerza de contacto; momento de la rodilla; cargando; osteoartritis.

Fisiopatología y tratamiento del dolor neuropático: avances más recientes.

The underlying pathogenesis of neuropathic pain very complex and despite the current pharmacological and non-pharmacological advances of recent years continues to be an important reason for suffering patients with chronic pain. Its complexity, variation presentation and the lack of specific diagnostic tools may result in poor management of these patien Although some patients experience improvement their symptoms with the current available treatments is a fact that a vast majority remains disabled and suffe of depression requiring a multidisciplinary approach.

Neurophatic pain, mustidisciplinary blockades, anticonvulsivants, antidepressants, opioids. Dolor neuropático, mustidisciplinariedad, bloqueos, anticonvulsivantes, antidepresivos, opioides.

Stem Cell Therapeutics of Acute Liver Diseases, Transplantation, andRegeneration.

Liver is an important visceral organ that possesses remarkablecapacity to regenerate than any organ in the body. Healthy liver caneasily replace damaged cells, but severely damaged lost its viability, andstop functioning properly.

Irreversible liver injury; Cirrhosis; Acute liver damage;Hepatocyte; Growth factors; Mitogens; Stem cells; Livertransplantation; Regenerative medicine. Lesión hepática irreversible; Cirrosis; Daño hepático agudo; Hepatocito; Factores de crecimiento; Mitógenos; Células madre; Trasplante de hígado; Medicina regenerativa


Phosphate is an abundant mineral found in the body. The body store of phosphate is 500 to 800 g, with 85% of the total body phosphate present in crystals of hydroxyapatite in the bone — about 10% found in muscles and bones in association with proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. The rest gets distributed in various compounds in the extracellular fluid (ECF) and intracellular fluid (ICF). Phosphate is predominantly an intracellular anion.

Phosphate, Kidney, renal cell, Sodium-dependent Pi co-transporters, Parathyroid hormone (PTH). Fosfato, Riñón, Célula renal, Co-transportadores de Pi dependientes de sodio, Hormona paratiroidea (PTH).

Fructose alters hundreds of brain genes, which can lead to a wide range of diseases.

A range of diseases -- from diabetes to cardiovascular disease, and from Alzheimer's disease to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder -- are linked to changes to genes in the brain. A new study by UCLA life scientists has found that hundreds of those genes can be damaged by fructose, a sugar that's common in the Western diet, in a way that could lead to those diseases.

Brain Tumor, Genes, Nutrition, Brain Injury, Intelligence, Brain-Computer Interfaces, Food and Agriculture, Genetics, Food. Tumor cerebral, genes, nutrición, lesión cerebral, inteligencia, interfaces cerebro-computadora, alimentación y agricultura, genética, alimentación.

Nutritional research may be useful in treating tendon injuries.

Tendon injures cause a great deal of disability and pain, and increase medical costs. However, relatively little is known about tendon biology and healing. Many tendon-related surgical procedures are not very successful and leave the patient with essentially a chronic injury. New therapeutic approaches for tendon injury are needed.

Achilles tendon; Amino acids; Copper; Manganese; Phytochemicals; Rotator cuff; Tendon; Tenocytes; Vitamin C; Zinc. Tendón de Aquiles; Aminoácidos; Cobre; Manganeso; Fitoquímicos; Manguito rotador; Tendón; Tenocitos; Vitamina C; Zinc.

Helicobacter pylori, úlcera péptica y cáncer gástrico.

Por lo general, se ha descrito que la localización duodenal de la úlcera es más frecuente que la localización gástrica; sin embargo, en áreas con alta incidencia de cáncer gástrico la úlcera péptica parece tener una distribución anatómica distinta, existiendo predominio de la localización gástrica.

Úlcera péptica; Úlcera gástrica; Úlcera duodenal; Cáncer de estómago (DeCS). Peptic Ulcer; Gastric Ulcer; Duodenal Ulcer; Stomach Cancer (MeSH).

Thyroid disorders in polycystic ovary syndrome.

Thyroid disorders, especially Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT), are observed significantly more often in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) than in the general population – approximately 27% and 8%, respectively. This is extremely important in young women, because both disorders are connected with fertility problems. As HT and PCOS occur together, fertility problems may become a serious clinical issue in these patients.

Thyroid disorders, polycystic ovary syndrome. Trastornos de la tiroides, SOP, síndrome de ovario poliquístico.

Effects of estradiol, estrogen receptor subtype-selective agonists and genistein on glucose metabolism in leptin resistant female Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats.

The leptin resistant Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) rats are hyperphagic and become obese, but whereas the males develop type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), the females remain euglycaemic. As estrogen deficiency is known to increase the risk of developing T2DM, we evaluated the role of ER subtypes alpha and beta in the development of glucose tolerance in leptin resistant ovariectomized (OVX) ZDF rats.

Estrogen receptor subtype-selective agonists, Obesity, ZDF rats, Leptin, Glucose metabolism, Genistein. Agonistas selectivos del subtipo de receptor de estrógeno, Obesidad, Ratas ZDF, Leptina Metabolismo de la glucosa, Genistein.

Gluten Psychosis: Confirmation of a New Clinical Entity.

Non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS) is a syndrome diagnosed in patients with symptoms that respond to removal of gluten from the diet, after celiac disease and wheat allergy have been excluded. NCGS has been related to neuro-psychiatric disorders, such as autism, schizophrenia and depression. A singular report of NCGS presenting with hallucinations has been described in an adult patient.

Gluten; hallucinations; non celiac gluten sensitivity; psycosis. Gluten; alucinaciones sensibilidad al gluten no celíaca; psicosis.

Wheat gluten intake increases the severity of experimental colitis and bacterial translocation by weakening of the proteins of the junctional complex.

Gluten is only partially digested by intestinal enzymes and can generate peptides that can alter intestinal permeability, facilitating bacterial translocation, thus affecting the immune system. Few studies addressed the role of diet with gluten in the development of colitis. Therefore, we investigate the effects of wheat gluten-containing diet on the evolution of sodium dextran sulphate (DSS)-induced colitis.

99mTc 99mtechnetium; ATI amylase–trypsin inhibitor; C control; Col + G colitis + gluten; Col colitis; DSS sodium dextran sulphate; IBD inflammatory bowel disease; TEM transmission electron microscopy; UC ulcerative colitis; Bacterial translocation; Experimental colitis; Gluten; Intestinal permeability. 99mTc 99mtecnecio; Inhibidor de tripsina-amilasa ATI; Control de C; Colitis Col + G + gluten; Colitis por colitis; Dextrano sulfato de sodio DSS; Enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal IBD; Microscopía electrónica de transmisión TEM; Colitis ulcerosa UC; Translocación bacteriana; Colitis experimental; Gluten; Permeabilidad intestinal.

Zonulin, a regulator of epithelial and endothelial barrier functions, and its involvement in chronic inflammatory diseases .

Beside digesting nutrients and absorbing solutes and electrolytes, the intestinal epithelium with its barrier function is in charge of a tightly controlled antigen trafficking from the intestinal lumen to the submucosa. This trafficking dictates the delicate balance between tolerance and immune response causing inflammation.

Autoimmune disease; barrier function; intestinal permeability; tight junctions; zonulin. Enfermedad autoinmune; función de barrera; permeabilidad intestinal; juntas apretadas; zonulina.

Gluconeogenesis during endurance exercise in cyclists habituated to a long-term low carbohydrate high-fat diet .

Blood glucose is an important fuel for endurance exercise. It can be derived from ingested carbohydrate, stored liver glycogen and newly synthesized glucose (gluconeogenesis). We hypothesized that athletes habitually following a low carbohydrate high fat (LCHF) diet would have higher rates of gluconeogenesis during exercise compared to those who follow a mixed macronutrient diet.

Gluconeogenesis, endurance exercise, cyclists, long-term low carbohydrate high-fat diet. Gluconeogénesis, ejercicio de resistencia, ciclistas, dieta baja en carbohidratos alta en grasas a largo plazo.

Impact of fat mass distribution body shapes on muscles strength and the joints pain.

Our study focuses on fat mass distribution body shapes type as measured to determine their effect on skeletal muscle strengthening lumbar extensors (upper and lower limbs) where our background confirms that every girl has a natural body type of rectangle, apple, pear, or hourglass. It is good for her to know which type of body shape she is, so she can learn what exercises to do, whereas similar studies suggest that it is much better to challenge weight problems with exercise and dietary measures before resorting to figure shaping. For this purpose,

Body shapes, joints pain, muscles strength, students in physical education and sports. Formas corporales, dolores articulares, fuerza muscular, estudiantes de educación física y deportes.

Curcumin as a potent and selective inhibitor of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1: improving lipid profiles in high-fat-diet-treated rats.

11β-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase 1 (11β-HSD1) activates glucocorticoid locally in liver and fat tissues to aggravate metabolic syndrome. 11β-HSD1 selective inhibitor can be used to treat metabolic syndrome. Curcumin and its derivatives as selective inhibitors of 11β-HSD1 have not been reported.

11-beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1, Type 2, antagonists; inhibitors, curcumin. Antagonistas de la 11-beta-hidroxiesteroide deshidrogenasa de tipo 1, tipo 2; inhibidores, curcumina.

Diet and the role of 11beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-1 on obesity.

11beta-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase-1 (11beta-HSD-1) is a key regulatory enzyme in glucocorticoid metabolism, specifically in regulating intracellular concentrations of cortisol, the primary glucocorticoid. While the excessive level of circulating cortisol in Cushing's disease is of adrenal origin, it is the intracellular and not the systemic level of cortisol that is elevated in obesity.

11-beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1, Glucocorticoids. 11-beta-hidroxiesteroide deshidrogenasa tipo 1, glucocorticoides.

Exploring the relationship between disease-related knowledge and health risk behaviours in young people with congenital heart disease.

In order to prevent cardiac complications, young people with congenital heart disease (CHD) should conduct heart-healthy behaviours. Therefore, they are assumed to have a good understanding of their disease. However, empirical data on the relationship between disease-related knowledge and health behaviours in this population is lacking.

Heart defects, congenital; adolescent; attitudes; health behaviour; health knowledge; practice. Defectos cardíacos congénitos; adolescente; actitudes; comportamiento de salud; conocimiento de la salud; práctica.

Bone, inflammation, and inflammatory bowel disease.

Osteoporosis is a leading cause of morbidity in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Bone loss is an early systemic process and occurs even before clinical disease manifests. Bone disease is attributed to vitamin D deficiency, steroid use, and/or systemic inflammation.

Inflammatory bowel diseases, osteoblast cytology, vitamin D deficiency, osteoporosis, intestine. Enfermedades inflamatorias del intestino, citología de osteoblastos, deficiencia de vitamina D, osteoporosis, intestino.

Corn Silk (Stigma Maydis) in Healthcare: A Phytochemical and Pharmacological Review.

Corn silk (Stigma maydis) is an important herb used traditionally by the Chinese, and Native Americans to treat many diseases. It is also used as traditional medicine in many parts of the world such as Turkey, United States and France. Its potential antioxidant and healthcare applications as diuretic agent, in hyperglycemia reduction, as anti-depressant and anti-fatigue use have been claimed in several reports.

Corn silk, antioxidant, healthcare, pharmacology, phytochemical. Estigma de maíz, antioxidante, salud, farmacología, fitoquímico.

Inflammation, fracture and bone repair.

The reconstitution of lost bone is a subject that is germane to many orthopedic conditions including fractures and non-unions, infection, inflammatory arthritis, osteoporosis, osteonecrosis, metabolic bone disease, tumors, and periprosthetic particle-associated osteolysis. In this regard, the processes of acute and chronic inflammation play an integral role.

Bone repair; Fracture healing; Inflammation; Tissue engineering. Reparación ósea; Curación de fracturas; Inflamación; Ingeniería de tejidos.

Relationship among diet habit and lower urinary tract symptoms and sexual function in outpatient-based males with LUTS/BPH: a multiregional and cross-sectional study in China.

This study assessed the effect of diet habits on lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) and sexual function in Chinese men with LUTS/benign prostatic hypertrophy (LUTS/BPH).

China; diet habit; lower urinary tract symptoms; prostate volume; sexual function. Porcelana; hábito de dieta; síntomas del tracto urinario inferior; volumen de la próstata; función sexual.

Milk disrupts p53 and DNMT1, the guardians of the genome: implications for acne vulgaris and prostate cancer.

There is accumulating evidence that milk shapes the postnatal metabolic environment of the newborn infant. Based on translational research, this perspective article provides a novel mechanistic link between milk intake and milk miRNA-regulated gene expression of the transcription factor p53 and DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1), two guardians of the human genome, that control transcriptional activity, cell survival, and apoptosis.

Acne vulgaris, Cancer, Chromatin, DNA methyltransferase 1, Exosome, Gene expression, Milk miRNAs p53 Prostate cancer. Acne vulgaris, Cancer, Chromatin, DNA methyltransferase 1, Exosome, Gene expression, Milk miRNAs p53, Prostate cancer.

Does milk intake promote prostate cancer initiation or progression via effects on insulin-like growth factors (IGFs)? A systematic review and meta-analysis.

To establish whether the association between milk intake and prostate cancer operates via the insulin-like growth factor (IGF) pathway (including IGF-I, IGF-II, IGFBP-1, IGFBP-2, and IGFBP-3).

Prostate cancer, Insulin-like growth factors, Milk, Mechanistic pathway, Systematic review, Meta-analysis. Cáncer de próstata, Factores de crecimiento insulínicos, Leche, Vía mecanicista, Revisión sistemática, Metanálisis.

Association between dietary inflammatory index and prostate cancer among Italian men.

Previous studies have shown that various dietary components may be implicated in the aetiology of prostate cancer, although the results remain equivocal. The possible relationship of inflammation derived from dietary exposures with prostate cancer risk has not been investigated.

Case–control studies; Diet; Dietary inflammatory index; Inflammation; Italy; Prostate cancer. Estudios de casos y controles; Dieta; Índice inflamatorio dietético; Inflamación; Italia; Cancer de prostata.

Low-grade chronic inflammation perpetuated by modern diet as a promoter of obesity and osteoporosis.

Some of the universal characteristics of pre-agricultural hominin diets are strikingly different from the modern human diet. Hominin dietary choices were limited to wild plant and wild animal foods, while the modern diet includes more than 70 % of energy consumed from refined sugars, refined vegetable oils, and highly processed cereals and dairy products.

Diet, fatty acids, Omega-3, Omega-6, mesenchymal stem cells. Dieta, ácidos grasos, Omega-3, Omega-6, células madre mesenquimales.

Effect of Boswellia Serrata Extract on Acute Inflammatory Parameters and Tumor Necrosis Factor-α in Complete Freund's Adjuvant-Induced Animal Model of Rheumatoid Arthritis.

The worldwide prevalence of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is about 1%, whereas in India, it is approximately 0.75%. The current therapy for RA includes nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs corticosteroids, disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs and some recently developed biologic agents, but all of these are associated with adverse effects.

Boswellia serrata extract, complete Freund's adjuvant, rheumatoid arthritis. Extracto de Boswellia serrata, adyuvante completo de Freund, artritis reumatoide.

Curcumin ameliorates alveolar bone destruction of experimental periodontitis by modulating osteoclast differentiation, activation and function.

This study evaluated as to whether curcumin (CCM) could ameliorate alveolar bone destruction in vivo and dissect its mechanism in vitro. The tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) activity, TRAP staining, quantitative RT-PCR, gelatin zymography, actin-ring formation, and pits formation assay were used to analyse the effect of CCM on receptor activator of nuclear factor κB ligand (RANKL)-induced osteoclast differentiation, activation, and function.

Curcumin, osteoclastogenesis, bone resorption, periodontal disease. Curcumina, cúrcuma, osteoclastogénesis, reabsorción ósea, enfermedad periodontal.

A review of the impact of preparation and cooking on the nutritional quality of vegetables and legumes.

Vegetables and legumes represent one of the most important components of the human diet. Being informed about their characteristics can improve the health benefits, helping to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, type II diabetes and some cancers. Recent studies have demonstrated that the method of preparation and cooking can improve the nutrition quality of food.

Vegetables, Legumes, Preparation, Cooking methods, Nutritional quality. Verduras, Legumbres, Preparación, Métodos de cocina, Calidad nutricional.

Nutritional and antinutritional composition of fava bean (Vicia faba L., var. minor) cultivars.

A dietary shift from resource-demanding animal protein to sustainable food sources, such as protein-rich beans, lowers the climate footprint of food production. In this study, we examined the nutrients and antinutrients in 15 fava bean varieties cultivated in Sweden to select varieties with high nutritional value.

Diet, Nutrients, Antinut ients, Fava bean, Grain legumes, Sustainable protein, Bioavailability of iron. Dieta, Nutrientes Antinutrientes, Haba Legumbres de grano, Proteína sostenible, Biodisponibilidad del hierro.

Advances in therapeutic strategies for the treatment of pruritus.

Chronic pruritus is a common symptom that arises from both dermatologic and non-dermatologic conditions including chronic kidney disease, cholestasis, lymphoma and neuropathy. Over the past decade, research has elucidated many of the receptors, neuropeptides and cytokines involved in itch sensation and transmission.

Atopic dermatitis; IL-31; antipruritics; autotaxin; biologics; chronic pruritus; nerve growth factor; neural hypersensitization; neuropeptides; nonhistaminergic itch; psoriasis. Dermatitis atópica; IL-31; antipruriginosos; autotaxina; biológicos; prurito crónico; factor de crecimiento nervioso; hipersensibilización neural; neuropéptidos; picazón no histaminérgica; soriasis.

Correlation of prolonged fasting and gall bladder sludge formation after emergency G. I. surgery.

After emergency laparotomy due to some intestinal pathology patient are kept fasting to rest the bowel so that repaired pathology could get the proper time for healing. And during this period body’s nutritional requirement are replenished either by total parenteral nutrition or other intravenous fluids containing glucose and electrolytes. The major complication of TPN is liver disease that most commonly include steatosis, cholestasis, Cholelithiasis.

Emergency laparotomy, Fasting, Gallbladder sludge, TPN. Laparotomía de emergencia, Ayuno, Lodos de vesícula biliar, TPN.

Long-term High Fat Ketogenic Diet Promotes Renal Tumor Growth in a Rat Model of Tuberous Sclerosis.

Nutritional imbalance underlies many disease processes but can be very beneficial in certain cases; for instance, the antiepileptic action of a high fat and low carbohydrate ketogenic diet. Besides this therapeutic feature it is not clear how this abundant fat supply may affect homeostasis, leading to side effects. A ketogenic diet is used as anti-seizure therapy i.a. in tuberous sclerosis patients, but its impact on concomitant tumor growth is not known.

Carcinoma, Renal Cell, blood, Diet, High-Fat, Ketogenic, Insulin, Kidney, enzymology, Neoplasms, Oleic Acid, TOR Serine-Threonine Kinases metabolism, Tuberous Sclerosis, Tumor. Carcinoma, Célula Renal, Sangre, Dieta, Alto en Grasa, Cetogénico, Insulina, Riñón, Enzimología, Neoplasias, Ácido Oleico, TOR Metabolismo de Serina-Treonina Quinasas, Esclerosis Tuberosa, Tumor.

A review of the growing risk of vitamin D toxicity from inappropriate practice.

Vitamin D is a particularly important sterol hormone, with evidence emerging of its beneficial effects well beyond bone. In consequence of this and increased global recognition of vitamin D deficiency in the general population, there has been a resurgence in treatment with vitamin D preparations.

Hypervitaminosis D; iatrogenic; toxic; toxicity; vitamin D. Hipervitaminosis D; iatrogénico; tóxico; toxicidad; vitamina D.

A novel thyroid hormone receptor alpha gene mutation, clinic characteristics, and follow-up findings in a patient with thyroid hormone resistance.

Thyroid hormone receptor alpha (THRA) gene mutation is a thyroid hormone resistance syndrome characterized by near-normal thyroid function tests and tissue-specific hypothyroidism. In this case study, we report a novel de novo p.G291S heterozygous mutation in the THRA gene was detected at mutation analysis. A 4-year-old male patient was admitted due to short stature, motor-mental retardation, and constipation.

Hypothyroid; Resistance to thyroid hormone; Thyroid hormone receptor alpha. Hipotiroideo; Resistencia a la hormona tiroidea; Receptor alfa de la hormona tiroidea.

Glutamine Metabolism Drives Growth in Advanced Hormone Receptor Positive Breast Cancer.

Dependence on the glutamine pathway is increased in advanced breast cancer cell models and tumors regardless of hormone receptor status or function. While 70% of breast cancers are estrogen receptor positive (ER+) and depend on estrogen signaling for growth, advanced ER+ breast cancers grow independent of estrogen.

CB-839; breast cancer; endocrine resistance; everolimus; glutamine metabolism; mTOR. CB-839; cáncer de mama; resistencia endocrina; everolimus; metabolismo de la glutamina; mTOR.

Selective glutamine metabolism inhibition in tumor cells improves antitumor T lymphocyte activity in triple-negative breast cancer.

Rapidly proliferating tumor and immune cells need metabolic programs that support energy and biomass production. The amino acid glutamine is consumed by effector T cells and glutamine-addicted triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) cells, suggesting that a metabolic competition for glutamine may exist within the tumor microenvironment, potentially serving as a therapeutic intervention strategy.

Amino acid metabolism; Breast cancer; Cancer immunotherapy; Oncology. Metabolismo de los aminoácidos; Cáncer de mama; Inmunoterapia contra el cáncer; Oncología.

Blood fatty acids reveal your child's diet.

Eating lots of sugary candy may strain the liver, alter the body’s fatty acid metabolism and increase the risk of cardiometabolic diseases already in childhood. Children’s blood fatty acid composition reflects their diet – but luckily this composition can be influenced by lifestyle interventions, say researchers.

Dietary Supplements and Minerals; Cholesterol; Obesity; Nutrition; Diet and Weight Loss; Triglycerides; Children's Health; Alternative Medicine. Suplementos dietéticos y minerales; Colesterol; Obesidad; Nutrición; Dieta y pérdida de peso; Triglicéridos; Salud infantil; Medicina alternativa.

Nutrition for the Prevention and Treatment of Injuries in Track and Field Athletes.

In athletics, the epidemiology of injuries occurring before or during an international elite competition has been extensively described (Edouard et al., 2015, 2016; Feddermann-Demont et al., 2014). Unfortunately, there is less accurate information available when it comes to injuries occurring during training (out of competition) periods and/or in subelite or recreational athletes.

Athletics, collagen, epidemiology, protein. Atletismo, colágeno, epidemiología, proteína.

Variables affecting the potential efficacy of PRP in providing chronic pain relief.

Although chronic pain affects about 1% of the US population, it remains largely resistant to treatment. Despite great variability in pain outcomes, the application of autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) has become increasingly popular in attempts to reduce chronic pain. The variability in PRP efficacy raises the question of whether PRP actually has an analgesic capacity, and if so, can that capacity be made consistent and maximized.

Analgesia, anti-inflammation, chronic pain, cytokines, inflammation, nerve trauma, neuropathic pain, platelet-rich plasma, pro-inflammation. Analgesia, antiinflamatorio, dolor crónico, citocinas, inflamación, trauma nervioso, dolor neuropático, plasma rico en plaquetas, proinflamación.

[Study on the correlation between dietary N-glycolylneuraminic acid intake and chronic inflammation state of body].

Objective: To explore the correlation between dietary N-glycolylneuraminic acid (Neu5Gc) intake and chronic inflammation state of body. Methods: A total of 306 samples of 102 types of food were purchased from a supermarket in Xiamen in September 2019, including grains, meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, beans, dairy products, vegetables and fruits. The content of Neu5Gc in food was determined by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.

Cross-sectional studies; Diet; Inflammation; Sialic acids. Estudios transversales; Dieta; Inflamación; Ácidos siálicos.

Resistencia a la Insulina y la prediabetes.

¿Qué es la insulina?
La insulina es una hormona producida por el páncreas que ayuda a que la glucosa en la sangre entre a las células de los músculos, grasa e hígado, donde se usa para obtener energía. La glucosa proviene de los alimentos que una persona consume.

Resistencia a la insulina, prediabetes, diabetes tipo 2, insulina. Insulin resistance, prediabetes, type 2 diabetes, insulin.

Influence of icing on muscle regeneration after crush injury to skeletal muscles in rats.

The influence of icing on muscle regeneration after crush injury was examined in the rat extensor digitorum longus. After the injury, animals were randomly divided into nonicing and icing groups. In the latter, ice packs were applied for 20 min. Due to the icing, degeneration of the necrotic muscle fibers and differentiation of satellite cells at early stages of regeneration were retarded by ∼1 day.

Muscle degeneration, collagen fibers, macrophages, insulin-like growth factor-I transforming growth factor-β1. Degeneración muscular, fibras de colágeno, macrófagos, factor de crecimiento similar a la insulina-I factor de crecimiento transformante-β1.

Undigested Food and Gut Microbiota May Cooperate in the Pathogenesis of Neuroinflammatory Diseases: A Matter of Barriers and a Proposal on the Origin of Organ Specificity.

As food is an active subject and may have anti-inflammatory or pro-inflammatory effects, dietary habits may modulate the low-grade neuroinflammation associated with chronic neurodegenerative diseases. Food is living matter different from us, but made of our own nature. Therefore, it is at the same time foreign to us (non-self), if not yet digested, and like us (self), after its complete digestion.

Diet, gut microbiota, inflammation, intestinal barrier, blood-brain barrier, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, autism spectrum disorders, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Dieta, microbiota intestinal, inflamación, barrera intestinal, barrera hematoencefálica, enfermedad de Alzheimer, enfermedad de Parkinson, esclerosis múltiple, trastornos del espectro autista, esclerosis lateral amiotrófica.

Consumption of milk and dairy products and risk of osteoporosis and hip fracture: a systematic review and Meta-analysis.

Although some studies have reported the beneficial effects of milk and dairy product consumption on osteoporosis and risk of fracture, the findings are conflicting.Purpose: We summarized earlier data on the association between milk and dairy intake and risk of osteoporosis and hip fracture through a meta-analysis.

Milk; dairy; hip fracture; meta-analysis; osteoporosis. Leche; lácteos; fractura de cadera; metaanálisis; osteoporosis.

The Relationship between Uterine Endometrial Neovascularization and Pelvic Pain Intensity.

Pelvic pain is one of the most important symptoms of endometriosis. There is evidence that high blood flow to endometrioma is associated with more pelvic pain, but this has not been completely proven. Therefore, the present study was conducted to evaluate the relationship between uterine endometrial neovascularization and pelvic pain intensity.

Ovary, Endometriosis, Pelvic pain, Doppler ultrasound. Ovario, Endometriosis, Dolor pélvico, Ecografía Doppler.

Kynurenines: Tryptophan’s metabolites in exercise, inflammation, and mental health.

From stomach ache to depression
Our gut hurts and we feel miserable. Such disparate phenomena are mechanistically connected, but how? Cervenka et al. review the many pathways taken by dietary tryptophan as it is metabolized into kynurenines. These metabolites distribute into homeostatic networks that integrate diverse aspects of mammalian physiology.

Kynurenine, tryptophan, exercise, inflammation, mental health. Quinurenina, triptófano, ejercicio, inflamación, salud mental.

Tryptophan-kynurenine metabolism: a link between the gut and brain for depression in inflammatory bowel disease.

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which mainly includes ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease (CD), is a group of chronic bowel diseases that are characterized by abdominal pain, diarrhea, and bloody stools. IBD is strongly associated with depression, and its patients have a higher incidence of depression than the general population.

Inflammatory bowel disease, Depression, Tryptophan-kynurenine metabolic pathway, IDO, The brain-gut axis. Enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, depresión, vía metabólica triptófano-quinurenina, IDO, eje cerebro-intestino.

Association study of single nucleotide polymorphism in tryptophan hydroxylase 1 gene with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis.

Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis is a common spinal deformity among children and adolescents worldwide with its etiology uncertain. Over a decade, a single nucleotide polymorphism rs10488682 in tryptophan hydroxylase 1 (TPH1) gene has been investigated in several association studies. We perform this study to summarize the current evidence of TPH1 rs10488682 polymorphisms and adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS).

Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, genetic association study, meta-analysis, single nucleotide polymorphism, TPH1. Escoliosis idiopática adolescente, estudio de asociación genética, metaanálisis, polimorfismo de un solo nucleótido, TPH1.

NRF2 regulates the glutamine transporter Slc38a3 (SNAT3) in kidney in response to metabolic acidosis.

Expression of the glutamine transporter SNAT3 increases in kidney during metabolic acidosis, suggesting a role during ammoniagenesis. Microarray analysis of Nrf2 knock-out (KO) mouse kidney identified Snat3 as the most significantly down-regulated transcript compared to wild-type (WT).

Glutamine, SNAT3, kidney, metabolic acidosis, ammoniagenesis, Nrf2. Glutamina, SNAT3, riñón, acidosis metabólica, amoniagénesis Nrf2

Dietary plant and animal protein intake and decline in estimated glomerular filtration rate among elderly women: a 10-year longitudinal cohort study.

Many older women demonstrate an age-related accelerating rate of renal decline that is associated with increased rates of bone disease, cardiovascular disease and mortality. Population-based protein restriction has been studied principally in patients with reduced renal function. In this investigation, we examined the hypothesis of a differential effect of plant-derived protein compared with animal-derived protein on renal function in older women.

Animal protein; chronic renal insufficiency; cohort study; glomerular filtration rate; nutrition; plant protein; protein intake. Proteína animal; insuficiencia renal cronica; estudio de cohorte; tasa de filtración glomerular; nutrición; proteína vegetal; ingesta de proteínas.

High-protein diet with renal hyperfiltration is associated with rapid decline rate of renal function: a community-based prospective cohort study.

The effect of a high-protein diet with renal hyperfiltration (RHF) on decline of kidney function has rarely been explored. We investigated the association between a high-protein diet, RHF and declining kidney function.

Estimated glomerular filtration rate, kidney function, protein intake, rapid decline, renal hyperfiltration. Tasa de filtración glomerular estimada, Función del riñón, ingesta de proteínas, rápido declive, hiperfiltración renal.

Glutamine for Amelioration of Radiation and Chemotherapy Associated Mucositis during Cancer Therapy.

Glutamine is a major dietary amino acid that is both a fuel and nitrogen donor for healing tissues damaged by chemotherapy and radiation. Evidence supports the benefit of oral (enteral) glutamine to reduce symptoms and improve and/or maintain quality of life of cancer patients. Benefits include not only better nutrition, but also decreased mucosal damage (mucositis, stomatitis, pharyngitis, esophagitis, and enteritis).

Glutamine, trehalose, mucositis, radiation injury, chemotherapy associated malnutrition, glutathione, amino acid supplementation in cancer. Glutamina, trehalosa, mucositis, lesión por radiación, desnutrición asociada a quimioterapia, glutatión, suplementación de aminoácidos en el cáncer.

Molecular targets of dietary agents for prevention and therapy of cancer.

While fruits and vegetables are recommended for prevention of cancer and other diseases, their active ingredients (at the molecular level) and their mechanisms of action less well understood. Extensive research during the last half century has identified various molecular targets that can potentially be used not only for the prevention of cancer but also for treatment.

NF-κB, AP-1, MAP kinases, Apoptosis, Cell cycle, Cancer, Dietary agents. NF-κB, AP-1, MAP quinasas, Apoptosis Ciclo celular, Cáncer, Agentes dietéticos.

Investigating the therapeutic potential and mechanism of curcumin in breast cancer based on RNA sequencing and bioinformatics analysis.

Breast cancer is a prevalent cancer in female. This study aims to investigate the therapeutic potential and mechanism of curcumin in breast cancer.

Breast cancer, Differentially expressed genes, Disease association analysis, Protein–protein interaction network, RNA sequencing. Cáncer de mama, Genes expresados diferencialmente, Análisis de asociación de enfermedades, Red de interacción proteína-proteína, Secuenciación de ARN.

Effects of sucralose on insulin and glucagon-like peptide-1 secretion in healthy subjects: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.

- A 4-week consumption of sucralose was found to decrease insulin sensitivities in healthy volunteers.An acute insulin response (AIR) was also reduced after sucralose consumption.
- A glucose-stimulated glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) secretion was enhanced after chronic sucralose exposure.
- Although sucralose is not metabolically inactive, it has an effect on insulin and GLP-1 responses.

Artificial sweeteners, Dextrose, Diabetes mellitus, Glucagon peptide 1, Insulin, Sucralose. Edulcorantes artificiales, Dextrosa, Diabetes mellitus, Glucagón péptido 1, Insulina, Sucralosa.

Insuficiencia corticosuprarrenal primaria. Enfermedad de Addison.

La enfermedad de Addison se caracteriza por una oferta insuficiente de hormonas corticosuprarrenales para mantener las demandas periféricas y cursa como un síndrome constitucional con melanodermia e hipotensión. Su etiología ha variado drásticamente en el último siglo, siendo a comienzos de 1900 de origen casi exclusivamente tuberculoso y en la actualidad mayoritariamente autoinmune.

Insuficiencia suprarrenal. Enfermedad de Addison. Etiología. Diagnóstico. Tratamiento. Síndromes poliglandulares autoinmunes. Adrenal insufficiency. Addison disease. Etiology. Diagnosis. Therapy. Polyglandular tuoinmune syndrome.

Genetic Risk Factors for Statin-Associated Muscle Symptoms (SAMS).

Statin-associated muscle symptoms (SAMS) are a major cause of statin discontinuation. This chapter reviews the genomic basis of SAMS. Multiple genomic studies have identified various loci that seem to be associated with an increased risk of SAMS, but the statin-specific and phenotype-dependent association of simvastatin with SLCO1B1∗5 remains the most clinically relevant relationship.

Muscle symptoms (SAMS), statin discontinuation, muscle pain, muscle fatigue. Síntomas musculares (SAMS), suspensión de estatinas, dolor muscular, fatiga muscular.

Endothelial Senescence and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, a COVID-19 Based Hypothesis.

Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome is a serious illness of unknown etiology, characterized by debilitating exhaustion, memory impairment, pain and sleep abnormalities. Viral infections are believed to initiate the pathogenesis of this syndrome although the definite proof remains elusive.

Endothelial cells, cellular senescence, gut microbial community, endotoxin tolerance, microbial translocation. Células endoteliales, senescencia celular, comunidad microbiana intestinal, tolerancia a endotoxinas, translocación microbiana.

The Benefits of Vitamin D Supplementation for Athletes: Better Performance and Reduced Risk of COVID-19.

The COVID-19 pandemic is having major economic and personal consequences for collegiate and professional sports. Sporting events have been canceled or postponed, and even when baseball and basketball seasons resumed in the United States recently, no fans were in attendance. As play resumed, several players developed COVID-19, disrupting some of the schedules.

Athletic performance, COVID-19, acute respiratory tract infections, immunity, team sports, vitamin D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Rendimiento atlético, COVID-19, infecciones respiratorias agudas, inmunidad, deportes de equipo, vitamina D, 25-hidroxivitamina D.

Detection of human papillomavirus genotypes, herpes simplex, varicella zoster and cytomegalovirus in breast cancer patients.

The role of viruses as a cause of breast cancer (BC) has been significantly investigated in recent years. Human papillomavirus (HPV) has been detected in invasive breast carcinomas, while most studies have only focused on the detection of viral DNA, we aimed to examine the prevalence and genotypes of HPV among Iranian BC patients.

Human papillomavirus, HPV, Breast cancer, Genotype, Herpes virus, PCR. Humano virus del papiloma, VPH, cáncer mama, Genotipo, Herpesvirus, PCR.

Intake of animal versus vegetable food and cardiovascular risk.

Cardiovascular mortality has been associated with changes in lifestyle and food habits. The occidental diet has been characterized by high intake of animal fat and meat, and it is associated whit increased risk of type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure, an increase in levels of markers of endothelial dysfunction, and presence ofpro-thrombotic risk factors.

Animal foods; vegetable foods; high blood pressure; DM2; cardiovascular mortality. Alimentos para animales; alimentos vegetales; Alta presión sanguínea; DM2; mortalidad cardiovascular.

Can COVID-19 cause myalgia with a completely different mechanism? A hypothesis.

Myalgia is a common symptom in patients with viral infections such as novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and influenza. Myalgia reflects generalized inflammation and cytokine response and can be the onset symptom of 36% of patients with COVID-19.

Myalgia, coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), fatigue. Mialgia, enfermedad por coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), fatiga.

Nutrition and Athlete Immune Health: New Perspectives on an Old Paradigm.

Respiratory and gastrointestinal infections limit an athlete’s availability to train and compete. To better understand how sick an athlete will become when they have an infection, a paradigm recently adopted from ecological immunology is presented that includes the concepts of immune resistance (the ability to destroy microbes) and immune tolerance (the ability to dampen defence yet control infection at a non-damaging level).

Pathogen, immunodeficiency, infection, allergy. homeostasis, microbes, TGF-β transforming growth factor-beta, Th T-helper lymphocyte, Treg regulatory T cells. Patógeno, inmunodeficiencia, infección, alergia. homeostasis, microbios, factor de crecimiento transformante beta TGF-β, linfocitos Th T-helper, células T reguladoras Treg.

Detection of human papillomavirus genotypes in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and invasive cancer patients: Sharkia Governorate, Egypt.

Cervical cancer (CCA) is the 2nd most common cancer among women worldwide. For approximately 2 years now, CCA has been converted from an oncological disease to an infectious disease, almost certainly caused by Human papillomavirus (HPV). Development of effective vaccines against the virus has created considerable issue world-wide and has major implications for both primary and secondary prevention strategies.

Human papillomavirus genotypes, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia, invasive cancer patients. Genotipos del virus del papiloma humano, neoplasia intraepitelial cervical, pacientes con cáncer invasivo.

Autophagy and coronavirus infection – a Trojan horse or Achilles heel?.

The year 2020 introduced far-reaching changes into the world’s daily routine after the emergence of a coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), which quickly spread to cause a global pandemic, infecting almost 70 million people and claiming more than 1.5 million lives around the globe as of early December 2020. Huge efforts are currently being undertaken by science, industry and governments together to identify drugs, vaccines and transmission prevention strategies in order to keep the spread of the virus under control and manage health, economic and social damage.

Chloroquine, lysosomes, autophagy, SARS-CoV-2, Covid-19, hydroxychloroquine. Cloroquina, lisosomas, autofagia, SARS-CoV-2, Covid-19, hidroxicloroquina.

Propolis, Bee Honey, and Their Components Protect against Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): A Review of In Silico, In Vitro, and Clinical Studies.

Despite the virulence and high fatality of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), no specific antiviral treatment exists until the current moment. Natural agents with immune-promoting potentials such as bee products are being explored as possible treatments. Bee honey and propolis are rich in bioactive compounds that express strong antimicrobial, bactericidal, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, and antioxidant activities.

ACE-II; COVID -19; SARS-CoV-2; bee honey; bee products; coronavirus disease 2019; coronaviruses; cytokine storm; flavonoids; in silico; in vitro; main protease; molecular docking/biochemical modeling; non-structural proteins; propolis; randomized clinical trials; severe acute respiratory syndrome; spike glycoprotein. ACE-II; COVID-19; SARS-CoV-2; miel de abeja; productos de abejas; enfermedad del coronavirus 2019; coronavirus; tormenta de citoquinas; flavonoides; en silicio; in vitro; proteasa principal; acoplamiento molecular/modelado bioquímico; proteínas no estructurales; propóleos; ensayos clínicos aleatorizados; Síndrome respiratorio agudo severo; glicoproteína espiga.

Nutrition Interventions in Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Potential Use of Plant-Based Diets. A Review.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease, affects roughly 1% of the world's population. RA pathogenesis remains unclear, but genetic factors account for 50-60% of the risk while the remainder might be linked to modifiable factors, such as infectious diseases, tobacco smoking, gut bacteria, and nutrition.

Autoimmune, diet, inflammation, plant-based, rheumatoid arthritis, vegan, vegetarian. Autoinmune, dieta, inflamación, a base de plantas, artritis reumatoide, vegano, vegetariano.

Standardized Extract of Asparagus officinalis Stem Attenuates SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein-Induced IL-6 and IL-1β Production by Suppressing p44/42 MAPK and Akt Phosphorylation in Murine Primary Macrophages.

Excessive host inflammation following infection with severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is associated with severity and mortality in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). We recently reported that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein S1 subunit (S1) induces pro-inflammatory responses by activating toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) signaling in macrophages.

Asparagus officinalis L.; SARS-CoV-2; cell signaling; inflammation; macrophage; spike protein. Espárragos officinalis L.; SARS-CoV-2; señal telefónica; inflamación; macrófago; proteína espiga.

β-Carotene Status Is Associated with Inflammation and Two Components of Metabolic Syndrome in Patients with and without Osteoarthritis.

This study was conducted to investigate the β-carotene status in osteoarthritis (OA) patients and examine its relationships with the risk of inflammation and metabolic syndrome. OA patients were stratified by obesity based on body fat percentage (obese OA, n = 44; non-obese OA, n = 56), and sixty-nine subjects without OA or obesity were assigned as a non-obese control group.

Inflammation; metabolic syndrome; obesity; osteoarthritis; β-carotene. Inflamación; síndrome metabólico; obesidad; osteoartritis; β-caroteno.

Chronic Diarrhea: Diagnosis and Management.

Chronic diarrhea is a common problem affecting up to 5% of the population at a given time. Patients vary in their definition of diarrhea, citing loose stool consistency, increased frequency, urgency of bowel movements, or incontinence as key symptoms.

Classification, Definitions, Diagnostic Testing, Diarrhea, Diet, Therapy. Clasificación, definiciones, Pruebas de Diagnóstico, Diarrea, Dieta, Terapia.

Necesidades proteicas de los deportistas y pautas diétetico-nutricionales para la ganancia de masa muscular.

Uno de los efectos más importantes del entrenamiento de la fuerza es el aumento de la hipertrofia muscular. Para compensar sus limitaciones genéticas, los deportistas deben tratar de optimizar los recursos dietético-nutricionales. El objetivo de la presente revisión es analizar la evidencia científica del aporte proteico del deportista según las diferentes modalidades deportivas.

Músculos, Hipertrofia, Proteínas, Deportes, Ejercicio, Suplemento dietético deporte, Requerimientos nutricionales. Muscles, Hypertrophy, Proteins, Sports, Exercise, Dietary supplement sport, Nutritional requirements

A systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression of the effect of protein supplementation on resistance training-induced gains in muscle mass and strength in healthy adults.

We performed a systematic review, meta-analysis and meta-regression to determine if dietary protein supplementation augments resistance exercise training (RET)-induced gains in muscle mass and strength.

Growth; hypertrophy; performance. leucine; supplement; whey. Crecimiento; hipertrofia; rendimiento. leucina; suplemento; suero.

Cytokines in milk and the role of TGF-beta.

Cytokines are required for normal growth and development of the mammary gland and TGF-β prominently represents an established effector of apoptosis, e.g., during involution of the mammary gland. By the control of intracellular signaling pathways, including JAK/STAT, MAPK, PI-3K, and NF-κB, cytokines efficiently regulate cell proliferation and inflammation in the breast.

Breast milk, cytokines, TGF-β, immune system, mammary gland, dairy products. La leche materna, citocinas, TGF-β sistema inmunitario, glándula mamaria, productos lácteos.

Achilles Tendinopathy: Pathophysiology, Epidemiology, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, and Screening.

Achilles tendinopathy (AT) is a clinical term describing a nonrupture injury of the Achilles tendon where the patient presents with pain, swelling, and reduced performance and symptoms exacerbated by physical activity. About 52% of runners experience AT in their lifetime and in the United States military the rate of clinically diagnosed AT cases was 5/1000 person-yr in 2015.

Achilles Tendon, Tendinopathy. Tendón de Aquiles, Tendinopatía.

Osteitis pubis: A rare cause of suprapubic pain.

Osteitis pubis is a noninfectious inflammatory condition affecting the pubic symphysis. First described in a series of patients undergoing urologic procedures, it is an uncommon cause of lower abdominal and suprapubic pain. However, this condition can cause significant morbidity in patients affected, often requiring lengthy recovery periods.

Osteitis pubis; Postoperative pain; Suprapubic pain. osteítis del pubis; dolor postoperatorio; Dolor suprapúbico.

Back/joint pain, illness perceptions and coping are important predictors of quality of life and work productivity in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: a 12-month longitudinal study.

Back and joint pain are the most common extraintestinal symptoms reported by patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). We assessed the impact of back/joint pain, illness perceptions, and coping on quality of life (QOL) and work productivity in patients with IBD.

Arthralgia; Common Sense Model; coping; illness perceptions; inflammatory bowel disease; quality of life; work productivity. Artralgia; modelo de sentido común; albardilla; percepciones de enfermedad; Enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal; calidad de vida; productividad del trabajo.

Are IL1B, IL6 and IL6R Gene Variants Associated with Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture Susceptibility?.

Cytokines, such as interleukins, are crucial in regulating critical cell signaling pathways as well as being major contributors to inflammatory response and are upregulated during ligament and tendon injuries. The genes encoding key interleukins, such as IL1B and IL6 as well as interleukin receptor IL6R, were chosen as candidate genes for association with soft tissue injuries.

Soft tissue injuries, ACL rupture, IL1B, IL6, IL6R. Lesiones de partes blandas, rotura de LCA, IL1B, IL6, IL6R.

Hyperuricemia in Tendons.

Hyperuricemia, particularly gout, and the immune inflammatory response are highly integrated. Both, long standing hyperuricemia and monosodium urate (MSU) crystal deposition can challenge tendon homeostasis because of their potential to cause inflammation to the host.

Hyperuricemia, Tendinopathy, Tendons, Uric Acid. hiperuricemia, tendinopatía, tendones, Ácido úrico.

Therapeutic use of hormones on tendinopathies: a narrative review.

Hormones can modify tendon homeostasis, some of them leading to tendon damage, while others are essentials for healing. This narrative review summarizes the current knowledge on the topic, focusing on the hormones normally secreted by endocrine glands.

Estrogens, growth hormone, parathormon, steroids, thyroid, tendinopathy. Estrógenos, hormona de crecimiento, parathormona, esteroides, tiroides, tendinopatía.

The Prevalence, Incidence, and Progression of Hand Osteoarthritis in Relation to Body Mass Index, Smoking, and Alcohol Consumption.

Participants from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (n = 1232) were included, of whom 994 had 4-year followup data. In analyses on incident hand OA, only persons without hand OA at baseline were included (n = 406). Our exposure variables were overweight/obesity [body mass index (BMI), waist circumference], smoking (current/former, smoking pack-yrs), and alcohol consumption (drinks/week).

Epidemiology, and, obesity osteoarthritis, risk factors. Epidemiología, obesidad y artrosis, factores de riesgo.

Physiologic and pathologic effects of dietary free fatty acids on cells of the joint.

Fatty acids (FAs) are potent organic compounds that not only can be used as an energy source during nutrient deprivation but are also involved in several essential signaling cascades in cells. Therefore, a balanced intake of different dietary FAs is critical for the maintenance of cellular functions and tissue homeostasis.

Arthritis, bone, cartilage, diabetes, obesity synovium. Artritis, hueso, cartílago, diabetes, obesidad sinovial.

A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial on the role of preemptive analgesia with acetaminophen [paracetamol] in reducing headache following electroconvulsive therapy [ECT].

Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is a safe and efficient treatment for several severe psychiatric disorders, but its use is limited by side effects. Post-ECT headache is one of the commonest side effects. Preemptive analgesia is effective in post-surgical pain management. The most commonly used analgesic is acetaminophen (paracetamol).

Acetaminophen; Electro convulsive therapy; Headache; Predictors; Preemptive analgesia; Preventive analgesia. Paracetamol; Terapia electroconvulsiva; Dolor de cabeza; predictores; analgesia preventiva; Analgesia preventiva.

Tendinopathy: Pathophysiology, Therapeutic Options, and Role of Nutraceutics. A Narrative Literature Review.

Tendinopathies are very common in general population and a huge number of tendon-related procedures take place annually worldwide, with significant socio-economic repercussions. Numerous treatment options are commonly used for tendon disorders.

Tendinopathies, microscopic anatomy of tendons, pharmacological therapies, physical therapies, nutraceutical products. Tendinopatías, anatomía microscópica de tendones, terapias farmacológicas, fisioterapias, productos nutracéuticos.

Diet and Chronic Kidney Disease.

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) affects almost 15% of the US population or 30 million US adults (1). Of these, approximately 661,000 individuals have suffered kidney failure requiring dialysis or transplantation.

Chronic kidney disease, plant protein, animal protein, acidosis, kidney, protein, nutrition, obesity, Western diet. Enfermedad renal crónica, proteína vegetal, proteína animal, acidosis, riñón, proteína, nutrición, obesidad, dieta occidental.

The impact of excessive salt intake on human health.

Intake of salt is a biological imperative, inextricably woven into physiological systems, human societies and global culture. However, excessive salt intake is associated with high blood pressure. As this effect likely drives cardiovascular morbidity and mortality, excessive salt intake is estimated to cause ~5 million deaths per annum worldwide.

Hypertension, Risk factors. Hipertensión, Factores de riesgo.

Return to Sport After Pediatric Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction and Its Effect on Subsequent Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury.

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) graft failure and contralateral ACL tears are more frequent in children and adolescents than adults. The reasons for higher subsequent injury rates in this population are incompletely understood.

Anterior cruciate ligament. Ligamento cruzado anterior.

Infección por Helicobacter pylori.

La infección con Helicobacter pylori es frecuente, habitualmente de por vida y se encuentra en todo el mundo. Estudios sugieren que las tasas de infección varían según la zona geográfica, pero la cantidad de personas infectadas persiste o incluso ha aumentado durante las últimas tres décadas debido al crecimiento de la población y a la reinfección y el recrudecimiento causado por el fracaso de su erradicación.

Helicobacter pylori.

Tenosynovitis of the flexor tendons of the hand detected by MRI: an early indicator of rheumatoid arthritis.

To evaluate the potential of MRI of finger and wrist joints for diagnosing early RA. MRI was evaluated as a stand-alone tool and in combination with ACR criteria and serum markers such as RF.

Arthritis Rheumatoid, Finger Joint, Hand, Tendons, Tenosynovitis, Wrist Joint. artritis reumatoide Articulación del dedo, tendones de la mano, tenosinovitis, Articulación de la muñeca.

Is Soda Bad For Your Brain?.

Americans love sugar. Together we consumed nearly 11 million metric tons of it in 2016, according to the US Department of Agriculture, much of it in the form of sugar-sweetened beverages like sports drinks and soda.Now, new research suggests that excess sugar — especially the fructose in sugary drinks–might damage your brain. Researchers using data from the Framingham Heart Study (FHS) found that people who drink sugary beverages frequently are more likely to have poorer memory, smaller overall brain volume, and a significantly smaller hippocampus — an area of the brain important for learning and memory.

Brain aging, diet soda, fructose, Memory, neurobiology, neurodegenerative diseases, Neurology, Neuroscience, stroke. Envejecimiento cerebral, refresco dietético, fructosa, Memoria, neurobiología, enfermedades neurodegenerativas, Neurología, Neurociencia, ictus.

Men and Women Differ in the Biochemical Composition of Platelet-Rich Plasma.

Autologous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is widely used for a variety of clinical applications. However, clinical outcome studies have not consistently shown positive effects. The composition of PRP differs based on many factors. An improved understanding of factors influencing the composition of PRP is important for the optimization of PRP use.

Cytokines, growth factors, platelet-rich plasma, sex differences. Citoquinas, factores de crecimiento, plasma rico en plaquetas, diferencias de sexo.

Cartilage quantification using contrast-enhanced MRI in the wrist of rheumatoid arthritis: cartilage loss is associated with bone marrow edema.

To quantify wrist cartilage using contrast MRI and compare with the extent of adjacent synovitis and bone marrow edema (BME) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

Arthritis Rheumatoid, Bone Marrow, Cartilage, Edema, Wrist Joint. Artritis Reumatoide, Médula Ósea, Cartílago, Edema, Articulación de la muñeca.

Abnormal perfusion in patellofemoral subchondral bone marrow in the rat anterior cruciate ligament transection model of post-traumatic osteoarthritis: a dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging study.

Although anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury is a well-recognized risk factor for developing knee post-traumatic osteoarthritis (PTOA), the process in the patellofemoral (PF) joint after ACL injury is still under-researched. Our aim was to investigate the perfusion changes in PF subchondral bone marrow in the rat ACL transection (ACLX) model of PTOA using dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI).

Anterior cruciate ligament; DCE-MRI; Patellofemoral joint; Perfusion; Post-traumatic osteoarthritis; Subchondral bone marrow. Ligamento cruzado anterior; DCE-RM; articulación femororrotuliana; Perfusión; artrosis postraumática; Médula ósea subcondral.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging Findings and Their Association with Electroencephalogram Data in Children with Partial Epilepsy.

Background It is important to identify the neuroimaging features that are associated with partial epilepsy in children. Advances in technology have recently been made to localize focal epileptogenic lesions, especially high-resolution structural imaging with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The recommendation that electroencephalography (EEG) should be the gold standard and that MRI should be optional has been questioned.

Electroencephalography (eeg); magnetic resonance imaging (mri); partial epilepsy. Electroencefalografía (EEG); formación de imágenes por resonancia magnética (mri); epilepsia parcial.

Prevalence of lactose intolerance and malabsorption among children of two ethnic groups from the urban areas of Malaysia and its relation to calcium intake and bone health status.

Lactase insufficiency could develop into lactose intolerance (LI) and disrupt the intake of calcium, which is a core nutrient for bone development in children. However, data regarding the prevalence of LI and bone health status (BHS) among Malaysian children are scarcely reported.

Bone density; Calcium consumption; Lactose intolerance; Lactose malabsorption; Primary school children. Densidad osea; consumo de calcio; Intolerancia a la lactosa; malabsorción de lactosa; Niños de primaria.


Gallstones grow inside the gallbladder or biliary tract. These stones can be asymptomatic or symptomatic; only gallstones with symptoms or complications are defined as gallstone disease. Based on their composition, gallstones are classified into cholesterol gallstones, which represent the predominant entity, and bilirubin (‘pigment’) stones. Black pigment stones can be caused by chronic haemolysis; brown pigment stones typically develop in obstructed and infected bile ducts.

Bariatric surgery, Cholecystitis, Cholelithiasis, Metabolic syndrome. Cirugía bariátrica, Colecistitis, Colelitiasis, Síndrome metabólico.

Skipping Breakfast Everyday Keeps Well-Being Away.

Breakfast, the first meal of the day, is considered the most important meal throughout the day. As nutritionist Adelle Davis famously put it back in the 1960s: “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper”. Breakfast is most commonly skipped meal more than lunch and dinner specifically in the young adult in the university study period and those who wake up late. Lack of time is the main reason behind skipping meals, in general, lack of appetite, inability to cook, fasting/religion, and not being hungry.

Breakfast; Meal; Appetite; Omission; Energy; Metabolism; Time; Fasting; Skipping meal. Desayuno; Comida; Apetito; Omisión; Energía; Metabolismo; Tiempo; Rápido; Saltarse la comida.

Skipping breakfast is associated with overweight and obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

In recent years, many original studies have shown that skipping breakfast has been associated with overweight and obesity; however, the results of different studies are inconsistent. Therefore, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies to synthesize the associations between skipping breakfast and the risk of overweight/ obesity.

Meta-analysis; Obesity; Overweight; Skipping breakfast. Metanálisis; Obesidad; Exceso de peso; Saltarse el desayuno.

Copper IUD increases virulence of non- albicans Candida species isolated from women with vulvovaginal candidiasis.

The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of copper-bearing intrauterine device (IUD) use on the virulence of Candida species causing vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC). The in vitro ability of Candida species to produce proteinase and phospholipase enzymes was studied, together with their antifungal susceptibility.

Intrauterine device; non-albicans Candida; phospholipase; proteinase; vulvovaginal candidiasis. Dispositivo intrauterino; Candida no albicans; fosfolipasa; proteinasa; candidiasis vulvovaginal.

Effects of Diet, Lifestyle, Chrononutrition and Alternative Dietary Interventions on Postprandial Glycemia and Insulin Resistance.

As years progress, we are found more often in a postprandial than a postabsorptive state. Chrononutrition is an integral part of metabolism, pancreatic function, and hormone secretion. Eating most calories and carbohydrates at lunch time and early afternoon, avoiding late evening dinner, and keeping consistent number of daily meals and relative times of eating occasions seem to play a pivotal role for postprandial glycemia and insulin sensitivity.

Chrononutrition; dietary interventions; exercise; insulin resistance; insulin secretion; postprandial hyperglycemia. Crononutrición; intervenciones dietéticas; ejercicio; resistencia a la insulina; secreción de insulina; hiperglucemia posprandial.

Gluten sensitivity: from gut to brain.

Gluten sensitivity is a systemic autoimmune disease with diverse manifestations. This disorder is characterised by abnormal immunological responsiveness to ingested gluten in genetically susceptible individuals.

Brain Diseases, diet therapy, Celiac Disease, Diet, Gluten-Free, Gastrointestinal Diseases, Nervous System Diseases. Enfermedades Cerebrales, Dietoterapia, Enfermedad Celíaca, Dieta, Sin Gluten, Enfermedades Gastrointestinales, Enfermedades del Sistema Nervioso.

Nutrition intervention for migraine: a randomized crossover trial.

Limited evidence suggests that dietary interventions may offer a promising approach for migraine. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a low-fat plant-based diet intervention on migraine severity and frequency.

Diet, Fat-Restricted, Vegetarian, Double-Blind Method, Migraine Disorders. Dieta restringida en grasas, Vegetariano, método de doble ciego, Trastornos de la migraña.

Does milk increase mucus production? .

Excessive milk consumption has a long association with increased respiratory tract mucus production and asthma. Such an association cannot be explained using a conventional allergic paradigm and there is limited medical evidence showing causality. In the human colon, beta-casomorphin-7 (beta-CM-7), an exorphin derived from the breakdown of A1 milk, stimulates mucus production from gut MUC5AC glands.

Asthma, Endorphins, Gastrointestinal Tract, Goblet Cells, Milk, adverse effects, Mucus, Peptide Fragments, RNA, Messenger, Respiratory System, Respiratory Tract Diseases, Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction. Asma, endorfinas, tracto gastrointestinal, células caliciformes, leche, efectos adversos, moco, fragmentos de péptidos, ARN, mensajero, sistema respiratorio, enfermedades del tracto respiratorio, reacción en cadena de la polimerasa con transcriptasa inversa.

BPC 157 and Standard Angiogenic Growth Factors. Gastrointestinal Tract Healing, Lessons from Tendon, Ligament, Muscle and Bone Healing.

Commonly, the angiogenic growth factors signify healing. However, gastrointestinal ulceration is still poorly understood particularly with respect to a general pharmacological/pathophysiological role of various angiogenic growth factors implemented in growth factors wound healing concept.

Angiogenic growth factors; VEGF; gastrointestinal healing; ligament and bone healing; pentadecapeptide BPC 157; tendon. factores de crecimiento angiogénicos; VEGF; curación gastrointestinal; cicatrización de ligamentos y huesos; pentadecapéptido BPC 157; tendón.

The Impact of Dairy Elimination on Pediatric Atopic Dermatitis.

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a relatively common, inflammatory skin condition of variable severity. Known food allergens such as dairy may play a role in the exacerbation of this T-cell mediated autoimmune condition. A four-year-old patient with severe, non-resolving AD was placed on a dairy-free elimination diet.

Atopic dermatitis, Dairy, Cow's milk, IgG. Dermatitis atópica, Lácteos, Leche de vaca, IgG.

Ethanol Metabolism in the Liver, the Induction of Oxidant Stress, and the Antioxidant Defense System.

The liver metabolizes ethanol through three enzymatic pathways: alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), cytochrome p450 (also called MEOS), and catalase. Alcohol dehydrogenase class I (ADH1) is considered the most important enzyme for the metabolism of ethanol, MEOS and catalase (CAT) are considered minor alternative pathways.

Alcohol dehydrogenase; catalase; microsomal ethanol oxidation system; oxidant stress; alimentary status; alcohol liver disease. alcohol deshidrogenasa; catalasa; sistema de oxidación de etanol microsomal; estrés oxidativo; estado alimentario; enfermedad hepática alcohólica.

Functional polymorphisms within the inflammatory pathway regulate expression of extracellular matrix components in a genetic risk dependent model for anterior cruciate ligament injuries.

To investigate the functional effect of genetic polymorphisms of the inflammatory pathway on structural extracellular matrix components (ECM) and the susceptibility to an anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury.

Anterior cruciate ligament injury, Extracellular matrix, Genetics, Polymorphisms, Personalized medicine. Lesión del ligamento cruzado anterior, La matriz extracelular, Genética, polimorfismos, Medicina personalizada.

Interleukin-6 is higher in naturally menstruating women compared with oral contraceptive pill users during the low-hormone phase.

Endogenous sex hormone concentrations vary between healthy naturally menstruating (non-OCP) and oral contraceptive pill-using (OCP) women, as well as across cycles. The aim of this study was to investigate potential differences in concentrations of inflammatory cytokine interleukin-6 (IL-6) and vasoconstrictive substance endothelin-1 (ET-1) and measures of vascular function among relatively lower- and higher-hormone phases of non-OCP and OCP women.

Estrogen, flow-mediated, dilation, inflammation, perimenopause, progesterone. vascular function. Estrógeno, mediado por flujo, dilatación, inflamación, perimenopausia, progesterona. función vascular.

Circadian clocks in the digestive system.

Many molecular, physiological and behavioural processes display distinct 24-hour rhythms that are directed by the circadian system. The master clock, located in the suprachiasmatic nucleus region of the hypothalamus, is synchronized or entrained by the light–dark cycle and, in turn, synchronizes clocks present in peripheral tissues and organs.

Gastrointestinal hormones, Gastrointestinal system. Hormonas gastrointestinales, Sistema gastrointestinal.

Calorie Restriction as a New Treatment of Inflammatory Diseases.

Immoderate calorie intake coupled with a sedentary lifestyle are major determinants of health issues and inflammatory diseases in modern society. The balance between energy consumption and energy expenditure is critical for longevity. Excessive energy intake and adiposity cause systemic inflammation, whereas calorie restriction (CR) without malnutrition, exerts a potent anti-inflammatory effect.

Inflammatory disease, fasting, caloric restriction, gut microbiota, endoplasmic reticulum stress, autophagy, metabolic switch. Enfermedad inflamatoria, ayuno, restricción calórica, microbiota intestinal, estrés del retículo endoplásmico, autofagia, cambio metabólico.

Associations of short sleep duration with appetite-regulating hormones and adipokines: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

In the current study, a systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted to summarize and assess whether short sleep duration is associated with appetite-regulating hormones and adipokine levels. Reference databases were searched for studies related to sleep and appetite-regulating hormones and adipokines.

Adiponectin, biomarkers, ghrelin, leptin, obesity, sleep deprivation. Adiponectina, biomarcadores, grelina, leptina, obesidad, privación de sueño.

Effects of Time-Restricted Eating on Weight Loss and Other Metabolic Parameters in Women and Men With Overweight and Obesity.

The prevalence of overweight (body mass index [BMI, calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared], 25 to 30) and obesity (BMI greater than 30) has increased dramatically recently and is associated with increased risk for chronic diseases.

Time-restricted eating, weight loss, metabolic health, overweight, obesity. Alimentación restringida en el tiempo, pérdida de peso, salud metabólica, sobrepeso, obesidad.

Timing of Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. Effects on Obesity and Metabolic Risk.

Eating is fundamental to survival. Animals choose when to eat depending on food availability. The timing of eating can synchronize different organs and tissues that are related to food digestion, absorption, or metabolism, such as the stomach, gut, liver, pancreas, or adipose tissue. Studies performed in experimental animal models suggest that food intake is a major external synchronizer of peripheral clocks.

Circadian rhythms, food timing, melatonin, nutrigenetic, obesity, weight loss. Ritmos circadianos, horario de comidas, melatonina, nutrigenética, obesidad, pérdida de peso.

The Effects of Red Meat Intake on Inflammation Biomarkers in Humans: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials.

Red meat is currently implicated to promote inflammation and compromise immune function. However, the consistency of the effects of red meat on these indices requires systematic assessment. Therefore, we conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis to assess the effects of higher versus lower red meat intakes on inflammation and immune biomarkers in humans.

Red Meat, Inflammation Biomarkers. Carne roja, Biomarcadores de inflamación.

Genetic Variants and Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture: A Systematic Review.

Studies have shown a familial predisposition for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) rupture and have been followed by genetic-association studies on polymorphisms in candidate genes in recent years. To date, no systematic review with a best-evidence synthesis has evaluated the influence of genetics on this devastating knee injury.

Anterior Cruciate Ligament, Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury, Insufficient Evidence, Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture, Unclear Risk. Ligamento cruzado anterior, Lesión del ligamento cruzado anterior, Evidencia insuficiente Rotura del ligamento cruzado anterior, Riesgo poco claro

Structure-function and application of plant lectins in disease biology and immunity.

Lectins are proteins with a high degree of stereospecificity to recognize various sugar structures and form reversible linkages upon interaction with glyco-conjugate complexes. These are abundantly found in plants, animals and many other species and are known to agglutinate various blood groups of erythrocytes.

Lectins, Microbes, Antimicrobial action, Immune responses. lectinas, microbios, Acción antimicrobiana Respuestas inmunes.

Oral contraceptive pill use is associated with localized decreases in cortical thickness.

Oral contraceptive pills (OCs), which are used to prevent pregnancy by the majority of women in the United States, contain steroid hormones that may affect the brain's structure and function. In this investigation, we tested the hypothesis that OC use is associated with differences in brain structure using a hypothesis-driven, surface-based approach.

Cortical thickness; hormonal contraception; morphometric analysis; neuroendocrinology. Grosor cortical; anticoncepción hormonal; análisis morfométrico; neuroendocrinología.

Brain-Gut-Microbiome Interactions and Intermittent Fasting in Obesity.

The obesity epidemic and its metabolic consequences are a major public health problem both in the USA and globally. While the underlying causes are multifactorial, dysregulations within the brain-gut-microbiome (BGM) system play a central role. Normal eating behavior is coordinated by the tightly regulated balance between intestinal, extraintestinal and central homeostatic and hedonic mechanisms, resulting in stable body weight.

Diurnal rhythm; food addiction; gut microbiome; ingestive behavior; weight loss. Ritmo diurno; adicción a la comida; microbioma intestinal; comportamiento ingestivo; pérdida de peso.

Foods and Arthritis: An Overview.

Arthritis is a disease of joint pain along with inflammation, and one of the leading causes of disability. It is made worse by foods such as red meat, sugar, fats, salt, caffeine, and nightshade plants (e.g., tomatoes, eggplant); when this food consumption is reduced, the symptoms of arthritis are mitigated.

Arthritis, Vegetables, Grains, Spices, Fruits, Drinks. Artritis, Verduras, Granos, Especias, Frutas, Bebidas.

Intravitreal Anti-VEGF Drugs and Signals of Dementia and Parkinson-Like Events: Analysis of the VigiBase Database of Spontaneous Reports.

Since vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) regulates several aspects of the central nervous system, particularly in dopaminergic neurons, VEGF inhibitors may be linked to Parkinson-like events and dementia, or variants of these diseases. Two recent case reports have found a potential link between intravitreal anti-VEGF use and Parkinson’s disease (PD) and dementia.

Pharmacovigilance, VigiBase, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’ disease, dementia, neurodegeneration, antivascular endothelial growth factor drugs, intravitreal. Farmacovigilancia, VigiBase, enfermedad de Alzheimer, enfermedad de Parkinson, demencia, neurodegeneración, fármacos antifactor de crecimiento endotelial vascular, intravítreo.

Maca Root ( Lepidium meyenii) Extract Increases the Expression of MMP-1 and Stimulates Migration of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells.

Maca root (Lepidium meyenii) extract is a worldwide consumed food supplement for sexual dysfunctions, increasing sperm production and its motility, and alleviating menopausal symptoms. Once maca root has a role in cell proliferation and motility, and its consumption may increase along with age, mainly in menopausal women, we aimed to investigate the plant effects on triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) cell lines.

Lepidium, maca, plant Extracts, Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cells. Lepidium, maca, extractos de plantas, Triple negativo Células de cáncer de mama.

Effect of Vitamin C on Tendinopathy Recovery: A Scoping Review.

Tendinopathies represent 30–50% of all sports injuries. The tendon response is influenced by the load (volume, intensity, and frequency) that the tendon support, resulting in irritability and pain, among others. The main molecular component of tendons is collagen I (60–85%). The rest consist of glycosaminoglycans-proteoglycans, glycoproteins, and other collagen subtypes.

Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, tendinopathy, collagen, oxidative stress. Vitamina C, ácido ascórbico, tendinopatía, colágeno, estrés oxidativo.

Use of dopamine agonists to target angiogenesis in women with endometriosis.

Endometriosis requires medical management during a woman's reproductive years. Most treatments aim to create a hypoestrogenic milieu, but for patients wishing to conceive, drugs that allow normal ovarian function are needed. Targeting angiogenesis, a hallmark of the disease, using dopamine agonists (DAs) is a promising strategy for endometriosis treatment.

Dopamine, dopamine agonists, endometriosis, inflammation, neoangiogenesis, vascularization. Dopamina, agonistas dopaminérgicos, endometriosis, inflamación, neoangiogénesis, vascularización.

A review of microscopy-based evidence for the association of Propionibacterium acnes biofilms in degenerative disc disease and other diseased human tissue.

Recent research shows an increasing recognition that organisms not traditionally considered infectious in nature contribute to disease processes. Propionibacterium acnes (P. acnes) is a gram-positive, aerotolerant anaerobe prevalent in the sebaceous gland-rich areas of the human skin.

Acne vulgaris; Arthroscopy; Atherosclerosis; Biofilm; Cutibacterium acnes; Degenerative disc disease; FISH-CLSM; Propionibacterium acnes; Prostate cancer. Acné común; artroscopia; aterosclerosis; biopelícula; Cutibacterium acnes; Enfermedad degenerativa del disco; PESCADO-CLSM; Propionibacterium acnes; Cancer de prostata.

Long-Chain Fatty Acids and Inflammatory Markers Coaccumulate in the Skeletal Muscle of Sarcopenic Old Rats.

Obesity and inflammation are reportedly associated with the pathogenesis of sarcopenia, which is characterized by age-related loss of skeletal muscle mass. Intramuscular fat deposits have been found to compromise muscle integrity; however, the relevant fat compounds and their roles as mediators of muscular inflammation are not known.

Long-Chain Fatty Acids, Inflammatory Markers, Skeletal Muscle of Sarcopenic Old Rats. Ácidos grasos de cadena larga, marcadores inflamatorios, músculo esquelético de ratas viejas sarcopénicas.

Managing Rheumatoid Arthritis with Dietary Interventions.

Self-help by means of dietary interventions can help in management of various disorders including rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a debilitating autoimmune disease. Dietary interventions necessitate a widespread appeal for both patients as well as clinicians due to factors including affordability, accessibility, and presence of scientific evidences that demonstrate substantial benefits in reducing disease symptoms such as pain, joint stiffness, swelling, tenderness and associated disability with disease progression.

Rheumatoid arthritis, diets, foods, essential fatty acids, synbiotics. Artritis reumatoide, dietas, alimentos, ácidos grasos esenciales, simbióticos.

Ganoderma lucidum mycelia enhance innate immunity by activating NF-kappaB.

Ganoderma lucidum is a popular medicinal mushroom in China and Japan for its immunomodulatory and antitumor effects. The goal of this research is to investigate the effect of dried mycelia of Ganoderma lucidum produced by submerged cultivation on the enhancement of innate immune response. We found that Ganoderma lucidum mycelia (0.2-1.6 mg/ml) stimulated TNF-alpha and IL-6 production after 8h treatment in human whole blood.

Blood, immunology, Cells, Cultured, Cytokines, Enzyme Activation, Macrophages, NF-kappa B, Nitric Oxide, Reishi. Sangre, inmunología, Células cultivadas, citocinas, Activación de enzimas, macrófagos,NF-kappa B, Óxido nítrico, Reishi.

Alternate Day Fasting Improves Physiological and Molecular Markers of Aging in Healthy, Non-obese Humans.

Caloric restriction and intermittent fasting are known to prolong life- and healthspan in model organisms, while their effects on humans are less well studied. In a randomized controlled trial study ( identifier: NCT02673515), we show that 4 weeks of strict alternate day fasting (ADF) improved markers of general health in healthy, middle-aged humans while causing a 37% calorie reduction on average. No adverse effects occurred even after >6 months.

Fasting, aging, clinical trial, intermittent fasting, caloric restriction, cardiovascular disease risk, body shape, fat distribution, triiodothyronine,RCT. Ayuno, envejecimiento, ensayo clínico, ayuno intermitente, restricción calórica, riesgo de enfermedad cardiovascular, forma corporal, distribución de grasa, triyodotironina,RCT.

Early Endometriosis in Females Is Directed by Immune-Mediated Estrogen Receptor α and IL-6 Cross-Talk.

Endometriosis is a gynecological disease that negatively affects the health of 1 in 10 women. Although more information is known about late stage disease, the early initiation of endometriosis and lesion development is poorly understood. Herein, we use a uterine tissue transfer mouse model of endometriosis to examine early disease development and its dependence on estradiol (E2) and estrogen receptor (ER) α within 72 hours of disease initiation.

Ascitic Fluid, Biomarkers, Disease Progression, Endometriosis, Estrogen, Receptor alpha, Estrogen, Gene Expression Regulation, Immunity, Innate Interleukin-6, Killer Cells, Inbred C57BL.

Altered Gut Microbiota Composition Is Associated With Back Pain in Overweight and Obese Individuals.

Back pain is the leading cause of disability worldwide and is associated with obesity and chronic low-grade inflammation. Alterations in intestinal microbiota may contribute to the pathogenesis of back pain through metabolites affecting immune and inflammatory responses.

Gut microbiota, back pain, Adlercreutzia, obesity, inflammation. Microbiota intestinal, dolor de espalda, Adlercreutzia, obesidad, inflamación.

Low-grade metabolic acidosis as a driver of chronic disease: a 21st century public health crisis.

Metabolic acidosis is a chronic condition that many people in the Western world have but do not realise it. It occurs when there is retention of acid in the body, which leads to a depletion in the bicarbonate stores of the body. The term metabolic acidosis is typically used when referring to low blood pH or acidemia due to a metabolic abnormality.

Coronary vessels, myocardial infarction, vascular malformations. Vasos coronarios, infarto de miocardio, malformaciones vasculares.

Anatomy, Bony Pelvis and Lower Limb, Psoas Major.

The psoas muscle is among the most significant muscles that overlie the vertebral column. It is a long fusiform muscle on either side of the vertebral column and the brim of the lesser pelvis. At its distal end, it combines with the iliacus muscle to form the iliopsoas muscle. The psoas muscle has traditionally described having a deep and superficial segment.

Psoas muscle, vertebral column, lesser pelvis, iliacus muscle, iliopsoas muscle, low back pain, myofascial pain. Músculo psoas, columna vertebral, pelvis menor, músculo ilíaco, músculo iliopsoas, lumbalgia, dolor miofascial.

Comparison of the human gastric microbiota in hypochlorhydric states arising as a result of Helicobacter pylori-induced atrophic gastritis, autoimmune atrophic gastritis and proton pump inhibitor use.

Several conditions associated with reduced gastric acid secretion confer an altered risk of developing a gastric malignancy. Helicobacter pylori-induced atrophic gastritis predisposes to gastric adenocarcinoma, autoimmune atrophic gastritis is a precursor of type I gastric neuroendocrine tumours, whereas proton pump inhibitor (PPI) use does not affect stomach cancer risk.

Gastritis, helicobacter pylori, stomach, gastric cancer, gut bacteria, gastrin, streptococcus, atrophy. Gastritis, helicobacter pylori, estómago, cáncer gástrico, bacterias intestinales, gastrina, estreptococo, atrofia.

The Role of Exposomes in the Pathophysiology of Autoimmune Diseases I: Toxic Chemicals and Food.

Autoimmune diseases affect 5–9% of the world’s population. It is now known that genetics play a relatively small part in the pathophysiology of autoimmune disorders in general, and that environmental factors have a greater role. In this review, we examine the role of the exposome, an individual’s lifetime exposure to external and internal factors, in the pathophysiology of autoimmune diseases.

Exposome; autoimmune disease; environmental factors; toxic chemicals; food; molecular mimicry. Exposoma; enfermedad autoinmune; factores medioambientales; químicos tóxicos; alimento; mimetismo molecular.

Inhibitory effects of quail egg on mast cells degranulation by suppressing PAR2-mediated MAPK and NF-kB activation.

Quail egg (QE) has been reported to possess an anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory activity. We have demonstrated that whole QE was able to attenuate the allergic symptoms in food allergy-induced EoE murine model, but whether QE albumen or QE yolk plays a more important role still remains unclear.

PAR-2, activation anti-allergic, degranulation mast cells, quail egg. PAR-2, activación antialérgica, desgranulación de mastocitos, huevo de codorniz.

The impact of the female genital tract microbiome in women health and reproduction: a review.

The aim of this review is to gather the available research focusing on female genital tract (FGT) microbiome. Research question focuses in decipher which is the role of FGT microbiota in eubiosis, assisted reproduction techniques (ARTs), and gynaecological disorders, and how microbiome could be utilised to improve reproduction outcomes and to treat fertility issues.

Endometrial Microbiome; Gynaecological disorders; Human-assisted reproduction; Infertility; Next-generation sequencing; Vaginal microbiome. microbioma endometrial; Trastornos ginecológicos; reproducción asistida por humanos; Esterilidad; Secuenciación de próxima generación; Microbioma vaginal.

Dietary cholesterol does not break your heart but kills your liver.

It is increasingly accepted that dietary cholesterol has a much lower impact on the progression of cardiovascular disease than previously assumed. However, both animal experiments and human studies seem to support the view that dietary cholesterol may contribute to the transition from benign steatosis to the potentially fatal non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, poly-unsaturated fatty acids, Western-type diet. Hígado graso no alcohólico, esteatohepatitis no alcohólica, hígado graso no alcohólico, esteatohepatitis no alcohólica, ácidos grasos poliinsaturados, dieta tipo occidental.

Egg Consumption and Stroke Risk: A Systematic Review and Dose-Response Meta-Analysis of Prospective Studies.

The present study was performed to systematically quantify the association between egg consumption and stroke risk as inconsistent results have been produced.

Egg consumption, stroke risk, systematic review, meta-analysis, dose-response. Consumo de huevos, riesgo de accidente cerebrovascular, revisión sistemática, metanálisis, dosis-respuesta.

Circadian Rhythm Disruption Influenced Hepatic Lipid Metabolism, Gut Microbiota and Promoted Cholesterol Gallstone Formation in Mice.

Hepatic lipid metabolism regulates biliary composition and influences the formation of cholesterol gallstones. The genes Hmgcr and Cyp7a1, which encode key liver enzymes, are regulated by circadian rhythm-related transcription factors. We aimed to investigate the effect of circadian rhythm disruption on hepatic cholesterol and bile acid metabolism and the incidence of cholesterol stone formation.

Circadian rhythm, gallstone, cholesterol, bile acid, gut microbiota. Ritmo circadiano, cálculos biliares, colesterol, ácidos biliares, microbiota intestinal.

Functional Dyspepsia: A Narrative Review With a Focus on Sex-Gender Differences.

Functional dyspepsia (FD) is among the most common gastrointestinal disorders affecting quality of life (QoL). As it frequently occurs in women than in men the comparison of various aspects including prevalence, clinical manifestations, and QoL in FD between women and men is very important for understanding the disease distribution and burden, evaluating treatment options, developing new drugs, and allocating medical resources.

Dyspepsia, Gender, Sex. Dispepsia, Género, Sexo.

Dietary Patterns, Bone Mineral Density, and Risk of Fractures: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

The aim of this systematic review was to assess the evidence on the relation between dietary patterns, bone mineral density (BMD), and risk of fracture in different age groups. Medline and Embase were searched for articles that identified dietary patterns and related these to BMD or risk of fracture through May 2018.

Dietary patterns, bone mineral density, fracture risk, systematic review, meta-analysis, children and adolescent, young adults, adults and elderly. Patrones dietéticos, densidad mineral ósea, riesgo de fractura, revisión sistemática, metanálisis, niños y adolescentes, adultos jóvenes, adultos y ancianos.

Long-Term Health Impact of Early Nutrition: The Power of Programming.

The Power of Programming conference 2016 at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich brought together about 600 researchers and other stakeholders from around the world who reviewed the recent evidence on the lasting health impact of environment and nutrition during early life, from pre-pregnancy to early childhood.

Early nutrition, pregnancy, infant nutrition, metabolic programming, developmental origins of health and disease, obesity, adiposity. Nutrición temprana, embarazo, nutrición infantil, programación metabólica, orígenes del desarrollo de la salud y la enfermedad, obesidad, adiposidad.

β-Hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate Suppresses NF-ĸB Activation and IL-6 Production in TE-1 Cancer Cells.

Stress reactions, especially those related to surgery, cause poor convalescence of cancer patients. β-Hydroxyβ-methylbutyrate (HMB) is known to regulate excessive inflammation in the body. The objective of this work was to investigate the capacity of HMB to suppress activation of nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-ĸB) and production of interleukin-6 (IL-6) in a human esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cell line (TE-1).

NF-ĸB; TE-1 cells; β-Hydroxy-β-Methylbutyrate (HMB). NF-ĸB; células TE-1; β-hidroxi-β-metilbutirato (HMB).

Long-Term, Supplemental, One-Carbon Metabolism-Related Vitamin B Use in Relation to Lung Cancer Risk in the Vitamins and Lifestyle (VITAL) Cohort.

Purpose Inconsistent findings have been reported of a link between the use of one-carbon metabolism-related B vitamins and lung cancer risk. Because of the high prevalence of supplemental vitamin B use, any possible increased association warrants further investigation. We examined the association between long-term use of supplemental B vitamins on the one-carbon metabolism pathway and lung cancer risk in the Vitamins and Lifestyle (VITAL) cohort, which was designed specifically to look at supplement use relative to cancer risk.

Aged, dietary Supplements, folic acid, lung neoplasms, Vitamin B 12, Vitamin B 6, Vitamin B Complex. Añejos, Complementos dietéticos, Ácido fólico, neoplasias pulmonares, vitamina B 12, vitamina B 6, Complejo de vitamina B.

The Effects of Early Nutritional Interventions on the Development of Atopic Disease in Infants and Children: The Role of Maternal Dietary Restriction, Breastfeeding, Hydrolyzed Formulas, and Timing of Introduction of Allergenic Complementary Foods.

This clinical report updates and replaces a 2008 clinical report from the American Academy of Pediatrics, which addressed the roles of maternal and early infant diet on the prevention of atopic disease, including atopic dermatitis, asthma, and food allergy. As with the previous report, the available data still limit the ability to draw firm conclusions about various aspects of atopy prevention through early dietary interventions.

Asthma, atopy, breast feeding, diet, eczema, food allergy, hypersensitivity, egg hypersensitivity, supplementary feeding, food. Asma, atopia, lactancia materna, dieta, eccema, alergia alimentaria, hipersensibilidad, hipersensibilidad al huevo, alimentación complementaria, alimentación.

The Stress Hormone Cortisol Enhances Interferon-υ-Mediated Proinflammatory Responses of Human Immune Cells.

Cortisol is a prototypical human stress hormone essential for life, yet the precise role of cortisol in the human stress response to injury or infection is still uncertain. Glucocorticoids (GCs) such as cortisol are widely understood to suppress inflammation and immunity. However, recent research shows that GCs also induce delayed immune effects manifesting as immune stimulation.

Glucocorticoids, IFNG protein, IL6 protein, Interleukin-6, Lipopolysacchardes, Interferon-gamma, Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor, Hydrocortisone. glucocorticoides, proteína IFNG, proteína IL6, interleucina-6, Lipopolisacáridos, interferón-gamma, factor estimulante de colonias de granulocitos y macrófagos, hidrocortisona.

Probiotic Administration in Infants With Gastroschisis: A Pilot Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trial.

Infants with gastroschisis often require long periods of gastric suctioning and hospitalization. The impact of these interventions on the intestinal microbiota and attempts to alter the microbial community have not been studied.

Bifidobacterium, dysbiosis, dysmotility, gastroschisis, intestinal microbiota, length of hospitalization, probiotic. bifidobacteria, disbiosis, dismotilidad, gastrosquisis, microbiota intestinal, duración de la hospitalización, probiótico.

Acetate-producing bifidobacteria protect the host from enteropathogenic infection via carbohydrate transporters.

The human gut harbors a large and diverse community of commensal bacteria. Among them, Bifidobacterium is known to exhibit various probiotic effects including protection of hosts from infectious diseases.

Bifidobacteria, probiotics, acetate, omics, carbohydrate transporter, genome, EHEC, gnotobiotic mouse, metabolome, gut microbiome. bifidobacterias, probióticos, acetato, ómica, transportador de carbohidratos, genoma, ECEH, ratón gnotobiótico, metaboloma, microbioma intestinal.

Ramadan Fasting and Changes in Thyroid Function in Hypothyroidism: Identifying Patients at Risk.

Ramadan fasting (RF) is associated with major changes in meal times. This can affect thyroxine absorption and thyroid function (TF) in patients with hypothyroidism. We aimed to examine the short- and long-term impact of RF on TF in patients with primary hypothyroidism on levothyroxine.

Ramadan, hypothyroidism, levothyroxine. Ramadán, hipotiroidismo, levotiroxina.

Protective Effect of Omega-3 Fatty Acids in Fish Consumption Against Breast Cancer in Asian Patients: A Meta-Analysis.

This systematic review and meta-analysis was performed to determine the protective effect of omega-3 fatty acids in fish consumption against breast cancer in Asian patients.

Breast neoplasms, fatty acids, omega-3, fish consumption. Neoplasias mamarias, ácidos grasos, omega-3, consumo de pescado.

The association between circulating docosahexaenoic acid and lung cancer: A Mendelian randomization study.

Lung cancer is a malignant tumor with a high incidence, it is vital to identify modifiable and avoidable risk factors for primary prevention, which can significantly lower the risk of cancer by preventing exposure to hazards and altering risky behavior.

Docosahexaenoic acid, Lung cancer, Mendelian randomization. Ácido docosahexaenoico, Cáncer de pulmón, Aleatorización mendeliana.

Effects of different doses of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids on gut microbiota and immunity.

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) play beneficial roles in metabolism and health. Little is known about the effects of different doses of omega-3 PUFAs on gut microbiota.

Ceftriaxone sodium; dose; immunity; microbiota; omega-3 PUFAs. ceftriaxona sódica; dosis; inmunidad; microbiota; AGPI omega-3.

Milk Intolerance, Beta-Casein and Lactose.

True lactose intolerance (symptoms stemming from lactose malabsorption) is less common than is widely perceived, and should be viewed as just one potential cause of cows' milk intolerance. There is increasing evidence that A1 beta-casein, a protein produced by a major proportion of European-origin cattle but not purebred Asian or African cattle, is also associated with cows' milk intolerance.

Beta-casein, lactose, lactose intolerance, milk consumption. Beta-caseína, lactosa, intolerancia a la lactosa, consumo de leche.

The Effects of Different Quantities and Qualities of Protein Intake in People with Diabetes Mellitus.

The recommended amount and quality of protein in diets of diabetic patients are highly controversial. In order to provide evidence-based information, the Diabetes Nutrition Study Group (DNSG) used a grading procedure used for quality of evidence and strength of recommendations (GRADE).

Protein intake, type 2 diabetes, hypocaloric diet, weight loss, animal protein, plant protein. Ingesta de proteínas, diabetes tipo 2, dieta hipocalórica, pérdida de peso, proteína animal, proteína vegetal.

Association between habitual coffee consumption and multiple disease outcomes: A Mendelian randomisation phenome-wide association study in the UK Biobank.

Coffee is the most commonly consumed beverage in the world after water, however the debate as to whether coffee consumption is beneficial or detrimental to health continues. Current evidence of the link between coffee and health outcomes is predominately observational, thus subject to methodological issues such a confounding and reverse causation.

Coffee consumption, PheWAS, Mendelian randomisation, UK Biobank. consumo de café, PheWAS, aleatorización mendeliana, UK Biobank.

Long-term Paleolithic diet is associated with lower resistant starch intake, different gut microbiota composition and increased serum TMAO concentrations.

The Paleolithic diet is promoted worldwide for improved gut health. However, there is little evidence available to support these claims, with existing literature examining anthropometric and cardiometabolic outcomes.

Gut health; Paleolithic diet; Resistant starch; TMAO; Whole grains. salud intestinal; dieta paleolítica; Almidón resistente; TMAO; cereales integrales.

The effects of nutrients on symptoms in women with endometriosis: a systematic review.

The success rate of medical and surgical treatment for endometriosis is limited. Empowering patients suffering from endometriosis by giving them opportunities to positively influence their symptoms could result in increased quality of life.

Diet, Endometriosis, Inflammation, Nutrition, Pain, Self-management. Dieta, Endometriosis, Inflamación, Nutrición, Dolor, Autocuidado.

Prolonged Nightly Fasting and Breast Cancer Prognosis.

Rodent studies demonstrate that prolonged fasting during the sleep phase positively influences carcinogenesis and metabolic processes that are putatively associated with risk and prognosis of breast cancer. To our knowledge, no studies in humans have examined nightly fasting duration and cancer outcomes.

Breast neoplasms, fasting, neoplasm recurrence, local, time factors, glucose metabolism, malignant neoplasm of breast, cancer prevention, cancer death rate, night time, breast cancer prognostic factor, breast cancer risk factor, obesity, sleep, diet, chronic inflammation. Neoplasias de mama, ayuno, recurrencia de neoplasias, locales, factores de tiempo, metabolismo de la glucosa, neoplasia maligna de mama, prevención de cáncer, tasa de mortalidad por cáncer, horario nocturno, factor pronóstico de cáncer de mama, factor de riesgo de cáncer de mama, obesidad, sueño, dieta, inflamación crónica.

Association Between Folate Metabolites and the Development of Food Allergy in Children.

Studies on the association between folate/folic acid exposure and the development of allergic disease have yielded inconsistent results, which may be due, in part, to lack of data distinguishing folate from folic acid exposure.

5-Methyltetrahydrofolate; Folate; Folic acid; Food allergy; Unmetabolized folic acid. 5-metiltetrahidrofolato; folato; Ácido fólico; Alergia a la comida; Ácido fólico no metabolizado.

Shark derivatives (Alkylglycerols, Squalene, Cartilage) as putative nutraceuticals in oncology.

The capability of sharks to resist infection and the low incidence of tumors found in different species of sharks (e.g. spiny dogfish shark, tiger shark) suggested the presence into their tissues of active compounds, provided of anticancer activities, such as Alkylglycerols (from the shark liver), Squalene (from the shark mesenchyme and skin), and Cartilage (from the shark skeleton).

Alkylglycerols, shark liver oil, squalene, shark cartilage, urea, anti-squalene antibodies, cancer, lipids, anti-tumoral activity, oncology. Alquilgliceroles, aceite de hígado de tiburón, escualeno, cartílago de tiburón, urea, anticuerpos anti-escualeno, cáncer, lípidos, actividad antitumoral, oncología.

Potentiation of 17β-estradiol synthesis in the brain and elongation of seizure latency through dietary supplementation with docosahexaenoic acid.

Several studies have shown that docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) attenuates epileptic seizures; however, the molecular mechanism by which it achieves this effect is still largely unknown. DHA stimulates the retinoid X receptor, which reportedly regulates the expression of cytochrome P450 aromatase (P450arom).

Diet as a Modulator of Intestinal Microbiota in Rheumatoid Arthritis.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic immune-driven inflammatory disease characterised by synovial inflammation, leading to progressive cartilage and bone destruction, impacting patients’ functional capacity and quality of life. Patients with RA have significant differences in gut microbiota composition when compared to controls.

Rheumatoid arthritis, gut microbiota, Mediterranean diet, probiotics. Artritis reumatoide, microbiota intestinal, dieta mediterránea, probióticos.

Elucidation of Dietary Risk Factors in Osteoarthritis Knee—A Case-Control Study.

Background and objective: Nutritional imbalance, combined with endocrine abnormalities, may be involved in the pathogenesis of osteoarthritis (OA). This study was conducted to determine the association of OA with dietary factors, such as quantity and quality of nutrient intake.

Diet, knee, nutrients, nutritional status, osteoarthritis. Dieta, rodilla, nutrientes, estado nutricional, artrosis.

Physiological low-dose oestrogen promotes the development of experimental autoimmune thyroiditis through the up-regulation of Th1/Th17 responses.

Previous studies have reported a preponderance of autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT) in females, but the detailed mechanisms have not been elucidated. In this study, we explored the effects of oestrogen on experimental AIT (EAT) and its potential mechanisms in an ovariectomised mouse model through the supplementation of high (equivalent to the level during pregnancy) or low (equivalent to the level at the oestrus stage) doses of oestradiol (E2).

Autoimmunity, Thyroiditis, Oestradiol, Th1, Th17. Autoinmunidad, tiroiditis, estradiol, Th1, Th17.

The Concentration of Acrylamide in Different Food Products: A Global Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and Meta-Regression.

The current study was devoted to evaluate the concentration of acrylamide among different food products based on subgroups such as type of product, country, and analytical methods with the aid of a meta-analysis. Additionally, the impacts of the human development index (HDI) and gross domestic product (GDP) on acrylamide concentration were discussed using a meta-regression analysis.

Acrylamide, food products food safety, meta-analysis, meta-regression, contamination. Acrilamida, seguridad alimentaria de productos alimenticios, metanálisis, metarregresión, contaminación.

Glycated proteins in infant formula may cause inflammation that could disturb tolerance induction and lead to autoimmune disease.

The quality of the food introduced during weaning is important, since this is when the infant develops immunology and tolerance. The general recommendations from leading organisations are to breastfeed for 6 months.

Autoimmune diseases, immune tolerance, inflammation, lactose, milk proteins, weaning. Enfermedades autoinmunes, inmunotolerancia, inflamación, lactosa, proteínas de la leche, destete.

Diseases of Civilization – Cancer, Diabetes, Obesity and Acne – the Implication of Milk, IGF-1 and mTORC1.

Nutrition and food are one of the most complex aspects of human lives, being influenced by biochemical, psychological, social and cultural factors. The Western diet is the prototype of modern dietary pattern and is mainly characterized by the intake of large amounts of red meat, dairy products, refined grains and sugar.

Cancer, diabetes, obesity, acne, milk, IGF-1, mTORC1. Cáncer, diabetes, obesidad, acné, leche, IGF-1, mTORC1.

A Global Bibliometric Analysis on Antibiotic-Resistant Active Pulmonary Tuberculosis over the Last 25 Years (1996–2020).

Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is still a leading global cause of mortality and an increasingly crucial problem in fighting TB is antibiotic resistance. We aimed to conduct a bibliometric analysis on the articles of the past 25 years on antibiotic-resistant active pulmonary TB.

Tuberculosis, antibiotic, drug, resistance, bibliometrics. Tuberculosis, antibiótico, fármaco, resistencia, bibliometría.

Side Effects of Amino Acid Supplements.

The aim of the article is to examine side effects of increased dietary intake of amino acids, which are commonly used as a dietary supplement. In addition to toxicity, mutagenicity and carcinogenicity, attention is focused on renal and gastrointestinal tract functions, ammonia production, and consequences of a competition with other amino acids for a carrier at the cell membranes and enzymes responsible for their degradation.

Arginine, Branched-chain amino acids, Carnosine, Citrulline, Creatine, Glutamine, Histidine, Tryptophan. Arginina, Aminoácidos ramificados, Carnosina, Citrulina, Creatina, Glutamina, Histidina, Triptófano.

Dietary zinc intake and incident chronic kidney disease.

Previous studies have shown that dietary zinc intake is closely related to cardiovascular complications and metabolic derangements. However, the effect of dietary zinc intake on renal function is not fully elucidated.

Chronic kidney disease, Diet, Glomerular filtration rate, Kidney function, Zinc deficiency. Enfermedad renal crónica, Dieta, Tasa de filtración glomerular, Función renal, Deficiencia de zinc.

Exertional rhabdomyolysis: physiological response or manifestation of an underlying myopathy?.

Exertional rhabdomyolysis is characterised by muscle breakdown associated with strenuous exercise or normal exercise under extreme circumstances. Key features are severe muscle pain and sudden transient elevation of serum creatine kinase (CK) levels with or without associated myoglobinuria.

Muscle damage/injuries, Exercise, Training, Neuromuscular. Daño/lesiones musculares, Ejercicio, Entrenamiento, Neuromuscular.

Habitually Skipping Breakfast Is Associated with the Risk of Gastrointestinal Cancers: Evidence from the Kailuan Cohort Study.

Habitually skipping breakfast may promote the initiation and progression of gastrointestinal (GI) cancers, which have never been systematically explored in large-scale prospective studies.

Breakfast, Frequency, gastrointestinal cancer, Prospective. Desayuno, Frecuencia, cáncer gastrointestinal, prospectivo.

Menstrual Irregularity, Hormonal Contraceptive Use, and Bone Stress Injuries in Collegiate Female Athletes in the United States.

Menstrual irregularity (MI) is common in female athletes and is a component of the Female Athlete Triad (Triad). Many athletes with the Triad are started on hormonal contraceptives (HC) for MI, but this interferes with the ability to monitor menstrual cycle regularity and can mask other causes of MI.

Adolescent, Athletes, Athletic Injuries, Contraceptive Agents, Cross-Sectional Studies, Female Athlete Triad Syndrome, Menstruation Disturbances. Adolescente, atletas, lesiones deportivas, agentes anticonceptivos, estudios transversales, síndrome de la tríada de la mujer atleta, trastornos de la menstruación.

Can Circadian Eating Pattern Adjustments Reduce Risk or Prevent Development of T2D?.

Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is a chronic condition that occurs in insulin-resistant people with reduced glucose uptake. It is contributed to and exacerbated by a poor diet that results in accumulation of adipose tissue, high blood sugar, and other metabolic issues. Because humans have undergone food scarcity throughout history, our species has adapted a fat reserve genotype.

Eating patterns, type 2 diabetes, microbiome, intermittent fasting, long-term fasting, time-restricted eating, alternate-day fasting, 5:2 fasting, circadian rhythm, metabolic hormones. Patrones de alimentación, diabetes tipo 2, microbioma, ayuno intermitente, ayuno prolongado, alimentación restringida en el tiempo, ayuno en días alternos, ayuno 5:2, ritmo circadiano, hormonas metabólicas.

Copper IUD and Levonorgestrel Implant Increase Genital Inflammation in the ECHO Trial

The Evidence for Contraceptive Options and HIV Outcomes (ECHO) trial found no substantial difference in HIV acquisition risk between women randomised to injectable depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA- IM), copper intrauterine device (IUD) or the levonorgestrel (LNG) implant.

Bacteria, Anaerobic, Contraceptive Agents, Female, Intrauterine Devices, Copper, Lactobacillus, Medroxyprogesterone Acetate. Bacterias Anaeróbicas, Agentes Anticonceptivos Femeninos, Dispositivos Intrauterinos, Lactobacillus, Acetato de Medroxiprogesterona.

Food-Derived Opioid Peptides in Human Health: A Review.

World Health Organization data suggest that stress, depression, and anxiety have a noticeable prevalence and are becoming some of the most common causes of disability in the Western world. Stress-related disorders are considered to be a challenge for the healthcare system with their great economic and social impact.

Bioactive peptides, endogenous and exogenous opioid peptides, stress, human health. Péptidos bioactivos, péptidos opioides endógenos y exógenos, estrés, salud humana.

Healthy Dietary Pattern Reduces Risk of Gallstones: Results of a Case-Control Study in Iran.

Nutrition-related factors have been of great interest as one of risk factors of biliary stones. This study evaluated the association of dietary patterns with biliary stone among Iranians.

Cholecystectomy, dietary, gallbladder diseases, gallstones, Iran, patterns. Colecistectomía, dieta, enfermedades de la vesícula biliar, cálculos biliares, Irán, patrones.

Efficacy of Elimination Diets in Eosinophilic Esophagitis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) can be treated by proton pump inhibitors, topical corticosteroids, or dietary measures. This study systematically assessed the efficacy of 4 major dietary treatment regimens in EoE, updating the evidence presented in a meta-analysis from 2014.

Dietary Treatment, Eosinophilic Esophagitis, Histological Remission, Meta-Analysis, Pediatric. Tratamiento dietético, Esofagitis eosinofílica, Remisión histológica, Metanálisis, Pediatría.

Prenatal Hyperandrogenization Induces Metabolic and Endocrine Alterations Which Depend on the Levels of Testosterone Exposure.

Prenatal hyperandrogenism is able to induce polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) in rats. The aim of the present study was to establish if the levels of prenatal testosterone may determine the extent of metabolic and endocrine alterations during the adult life.

Testosterone,Polycystic ovary syndrome,Ovaries,Estrous cycle,Protein expression,Androgens,Glucose,Progesterone. Testosterona, Síndrome de ovario poliquístico, Ovarios, Ciclo estral, Expresión de proteínas, Andrógenos, Glucosa, Progesterona.

The Window Matters: A Systematic Review of Time Restricted Eating Strategies in Relation to Cortisol and Melatonin Secretion.

Time-Restricted Eating is an eating pattern based on the circadian rhythm which limits daily food intake (usually to ≤12 h/day), unique in that no overt restriction is imposed on the quality, nor quantity, of food intake. This paper aimed to examine the effects of two patterns of TRE, traditional TRE, and Ramadan fasting, on two markers of circadian rhythm, cortisol and melatonin.

Ramadan, chrono-nutrition, circadian rhythm, cortisol, intermittent fasting, melatonin, time restricted eating, time restricted feeding. Ramadán, crononutrición, ritmo circadiano, cortisol, ayuno intermitente, melatonina, alimentación con restricción de tiempo, alimentación con restricción de tiempo.

Fasting versus postprandial state: Impact on thyroid function testing.

Thyroid dysfunctions are common health problems worldwide. Thyroid function tests (TFTs) are the mainstay of diagnosis. A common question by labs and clinicians is whether food intake makes a clinically significant difference for TFTs.

Fasting, postprandial period, thyroid function tests, thyrotropin. Ayuno, periodo posprandial, pruebas de función tiroidea, tirotropina.

Proinflammatory Dietary Intake Relates to Pain Sensitivity in Chronic Nonspecific Low Back Pain: A Case-Control Study.

Nonspecific chronic low back pain (nCLBP) has been associated with nutrition. Yet, it is not clear how nutritional factors and nCLBP relate to one another. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to investigate differences in diet quality and dietary intake levels between nCLBP patients and healthy controls (HCs) and explore the association between nutritional factors and pain sensitivity in nCLBP.

Chronic low back pain, diet, diet quality, inflammation, pain sensitivity. Dolor lumbar crónico, dieta, calidad de la dieta, inflamación, sensibilidad al dolor.

Relación de eosinofilia con parasitosis y alergias en niños.

Los eosinófilos pueden regular las reacciones de hipersensibilidad mediante la neutralización de la histamina por la histaminasa y a su vez producir un factor inhibidor derivado de los eosinófilos para inhibir la desgranulación de las células cebadas o de los basófilos, que contienen sustancias vasoactivas.

Eosinofilia, parasitosis, niños. Eosinophilia, parasitosis, children.

The links between the gut microbiome and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

NAFLD is currently the main cause of chronic liver disease in developed countries, and the number of NAFLD patients is growing worldwide. NAFLD often has similar symptoms to other metabolic disorders, including type 2 diabetes and obesity. Recently, the role of the gut microbiota in the pathophysiology of many diseases has been revealed.

Gut microbiota, Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, Germ-free animals, Dysbiosis, Metabolic syndrome, Bile acids, Intestinal permeability, Antibiotics, Probiotics, Prebiotics. Microbiota intestinal, Hígado graso no alcohólico, Animales libres de gérmenes, Disbiosis, Síndrome metabólico, Ácidos biliares, Permeabilidad intestinal, Antibióticos, Probióticos, Prebióticos.

Dietary Acid Load Correlates with Serum Amino Acid Concentrations after a Four-Week Intervention with Vegan vs. Meat-Rich Diets: A Secondary Data Analysis.

Chronic low-grade metabolic acidosis is now a common phenomenon in the Western world. The high dietary intake of sulfur-containing amino acids in the form of processed meats results in an excessive release of acid in the form of protons and non-metabolizable acidic anions. The kidneys produce increasing amounts of ammonia to excrete this acid.

Potential renal acid load, dietary acid load, vegan, plant-based diet, amino acids, protein, glutamine, glycine, lysine. Carga potencial de ácido renal, carga de ácido dietético, vegano, dieta basada en plantas, aminoácidos, proteínas, glutamina, glicina, lisina.

The emerging role of propionibacteria in human health and disease.

This chapter summarizes current knowledge on propionibacteria with special emphasis on Propionibacterium acnes. It discusses aspects of it's phylogenetic diversity, host-interacting properties, host immune responses and evidence for its association with human pathologies.

Bacteriophages, chronic disease, host immune responses, human pathologies, multi-locus-sequence typing, Propionibacterium acnes, skin microbiota.

The association between the lack of safe drinking water and sanitation facilities with intestinal Entamoeba spp infection risk: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Intestinal protozoa infections are responsible for considerable morbidity and mortality, especially where the exposed population suffers from a lack of drinking water and sanitation facilities. In this study, the association between the lack of safe drinking water and sanitation (toilet) facilities with intestinal Entamoeba spp infection in the children (5-11 years), adult (18-55 years), and all age (5-55 years) were assessed.

Drinking Water, parasitology, entamoebiasis, epidemiology, Intestinal diseases. Agua potable, parasitología, entamoebiasis, epidemiología, enfermedades intestinales.

Manifestaciones hepatobiliares en la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal.

Es frecuente que en los pacientes con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII) se observen cambios analíticos o clínicos que indican la existencia de una enfermedad hepatobiliar. La frecuencia de estos hallazgos oscila entre el 11 y 49% en la colitis ulcerosa (CU) y entre el 15 y el 30% en la enfermedad de Crohn (EC) (1-4)

Enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal, manifestaciones hepatobiliares, manifestaciones extraintestinales, colangitis esclerosante primaria, hepatotoxicidad, hepatitis B, hepatitis C. Inflammatory bowel disease, hepatobiliary manifestations, extraintestinal manifestations, primary sclerosing cholangitis, hepatotoxicity, hepatitis B, hepatitis C.

Gut microbiota and their metabolites in the progression of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most prevalent liver disorder worldwide. It comprises a spectrum of conditions that range from steatosis to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, with progression to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Currently, there is no FDA-approved pharmacological treatment for NAFLD.

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, gut microbiome, gut microbiota metabolites. Enfermedad del hígado graso no alcohólico, microbioma intestinal, metabolitos de la microbiota intestinal.

Effects of vitamin B6 on premenstrualsyndrome: A systematic review and meta-Analysis.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) refers to a range of physical and psychological symptoms which regularly occur during the luteal phase of a menstrual cycle and disappear short after menstruation starts. Considering the negative effects of PMS on women’s daily life, various treatments have been developed to alleviate its symptoms. Vitamin B6 is one of the complementary therapies used to treat PMS.

Premenstrual syndrome,physical symptoms, psychological symptoms, vitamin B6, female. Síndrome premenstrual, síntomas físicos, síntomas psicológicos, vitamina B6, femenino.

8-hour time-restricted eating linked to a 91% higher risk of cardiovascular death.

An analysis of over 20,000 U.S. adults found that people who limited their eating across less than 8 hours per day, a time-restricted eating plan, were more likely to die from cardiovascular disease compared to people who ate across 12-16 hours per day, according to preliminary research presented at the American Heart Association’s Epidemiology and Prevention│Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Scientific Sessions 2024, March 18- 21, in Chicago.

Intermittent fasting, time-restricted eating, cardiovascular death, diet, food. Ayuno intermitente, alimentación con restricción de tiempo, muerte cardiovascular, dieta, alimentación.

Diurnal variations in muscle and liver glycogen differ depending on the timing of exercise.

It has been suggested that glycogen functions not only in carbohydrate energy storage, but also as molecular sensors capable of activating lipolysis. This study aimed to compare the variation in liver and muscle glycogen during the day due to different timing of exercise.

Liver, muscle, glycogen, post-absorptive exercise, post-prandial exercise. Hígado, músculo, glucógeno, ejercicio post-absorción, ejercicio postprandial.

Influence of the Menstrual Cycle and Training on the Performance of a Perturbed Single-Leg Squatting Task in Female Collegiate Athletes.

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries often occur when an athlete experiences an unexpected disruption, or perturbation, during sports. ACL injury rates may also be influenced by the menstrual cycle.

Athlete, knee, menstrual cycle, motor control, perturbation, soleus. Atleta, rodilla, ciclo menstrual, control motor, perturbación, sóleo.

The Specificities of Elite Female Athletes: A Multidisciplinary Approach.

Female athletes have garnered considerable attention in the last few years as more and more women participate in sports events. However, despite the well-known repercussions of female sex hormones, few studies have investigated the specificities of elite female athletes. In this review, we present the current but still limited data on how normal menstrual phases, altered menstrual phases, and hormonal contraception affect both physical and cognitive performances in these elite athletes.

Menstrual phase, amenorrhea, hormonal contraception, performance, health, Athlete Biological Passport. Fase menstrual, amenorrea, anticoncepción hormonal, rendimiento, salud, Pasaporte Biológico de la Deportista.